LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)


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Presentation transcript:

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 義守大學土木系 林國良

全球環境變遷的整體趨勢 溫室氣體累積結果 全面暖化 物種滅絕 入不敷出 溫度上升 全球暖化 氣候變遷 IPCC報告 旱澇交錯 物種滅絕 2010 溫室氣體累積結果 大氣CO2濃度 ═ 290 → 390 ppm 地表均溫 ═ 上升攝氏0.8度 溫度上升 氣候變遷衍生效應、水資源分佈不均、  生物多樣性損失、災害頻率與尺度擴大 IPCC報告 地表均溫上昇幅度超過攝氏2度,引發一系列不可逆正回饋效應 碳足跡(carbon footprint) 〔由來〕生態足跡(ecological footprint) 用來代表自己生活的排碳量〔養活一個人需要的土地面積〕 超支地球 ═ 1988年每人生態足跡超過可分配的地球表面積 入不敷出 ═ 1.25個地球才能養活所有人地球 美國 9.7 世界自然基金會統計:2003平均每人生態足跡(英畝) 歐盟 4.7 日本 4.8 大陸 1.6 印度 0.8

水文變化趨勢 氣候異常徵兆 台灣1970-2000年降雨統計趨勢分析圖 異常大雨 ═ 平均發生6次/年颱風 (90、92、93發生9次颱風) 嚴重乾旱 ═ 91因春雨短少發生嚴重乾旱缺水現象,50年來最熱夏季 旱澇交替:愈來愈明顯,週期愈來愈短 台灣1970-2000年降雨統計趨勢分析圖

颱風降雨變化 歷年颱風最大總降雨排序 災害主因  颱風伴隨強烈降雨 氣候變遷造成的問題 生態、環境與社會經濟問題 1 2009 莫拉克 年份 颱風名稱 測站 最大總 雨量 (mm) 1 2009 莫拉克 阿里山 2,855 2 1996 賀伯 1,987 3 1987 琳恩 竹子湖 1,941 4 2008 辛樂克 雪嶺 1,617 5 1978 婀拉 1,434 6 2001 納莉 1,315 7 2005 海棠 1,215 8 2004 敏督利 1,181 9 1973 娜拉 新竹 1,073 10 1974 貝絲 1,044 歷年颱風最大總降雨排序 災害主因  颱風伴隨強烈降雨 氣候變遷造成的問題 近50年熱浪頻率及持續天數↑ 中、南部、台東乾旱嚴重趨勢 單日強降雨量↑ 2000 年來平均7個/年颱風 長期平均3.5 個/年 海平面平均上升2.51 mm/年 全球的1.4倍 西南部地層下陷7.89 mm/年 生態、環境與社會經濟問題 糧食生產能力↓ 依靠進口糧食↑ 植物分佈界線向上遷徙 西太平洋漁場移動 (聖嬰及反聖嬰) 棲息地面積↓及向高海拔推移 慢性病、傳染性疾病、食物中毒

建築物 建造與運作建築物消耗大量的自然資源與能源, 同時產生影響環境的廢物與污染物,這些都會 對將來居住或使用者造成潛在的健康危害,甚 至影響其工作生產力 台灣住家與商用建築物所使用的電力,約佔總 耗電的三成。依據2003年全國能源的統計,電 力消費統計共計1,959億度電,住宅部門電力消 費391億度電佔全部的19.98%;商業部門電力 消費208億度電為全部的10.64%,兩者用電合 計佔全部的30.6%,且住宅用電每年平均以 4~5%的速度成長

通常愈是開發的國家,相對越是都市化, 所以其建築部門耗能量愈高,依據國際能 源局的估計,已開發國家的住宅與商業建 築約消耗主要能源的36%。 根據2003年世界經濟合作與發展組織 (OECD)的「永續環境建築:挑戰與政策」 報告,指出全球建築物消耗掉32%的資源, 12%的水、以及40%能源,除此之外,40 %的掩埋垃圾也來自建築物

發展綠建築的目的 希望建築物設計、建造與運作的過程中能對 環境、經濟、健康與生產力提供顯著改善

綠建築認證系統 臺灣在1999 年推動EEWH,是繼英國 BREEAM、美國LEED 與加拿大GBTOOL 後第四個綠建築評估制度,截至目前為止 世界已經有將近20 個綠建築評估系統


Worldwide Green Building Rating Systems South Korea: /Greening Building System Japan: CASBEE Australia: Nabers / Green Star Brazil: AQUA / LEED Brasil Canada: LEED Canada/ Green Globes/ the NEXT Building Standard China: GB Evaluation standard for green building Finland: PromisE France: Care & Bio, Chantier Carbone and HQE Germany: DGNB Hong Kong: HKBEAM India: GRIHA (national green rating) and LEED India

Israel: SI-5281 Italy: Protocollo Itaca Mexico: Consejo Mexicano de Edificación Sustentable Netherlands: BREEAM Netherlands New Zealand: Green Star NZ Portugal: LiderA Singapore: Green Mark and Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS â) South Africa: Green Star SA Spain: VERDE Switzerland: Minergie United Arab Emirates: Pearls Rating System United States: LEED/Green Globes United Kingdom: BREEAM Taiwan: EEWH

History LEED began in 1993 by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) scientist Robert K. Watson, Founding Chairman of LEED Steering Committee (until 2006), led to a general agreement that the Committee consists of non-profit organizations, government agencies, architects, engineers, developers, builders, product manufacturers and other industry leaders.

The Technical Committee members in 1996 includes USGBC co-founder Mike Italiano, Architect Bill Reed and Sandy Mendler, Builder Gerard Heiber and Myron Kibbe, Engineer Richard Bourne, Tom Paladino and Lynn Barker. LEED has grown from one committee (6 volunteers) to 20 committees (200 volunteers).

LEED LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)「能源與環境先導 設計」是美國綠建築協會(U.S. Green Building Council, USGBC)所制訂之高效 能綠建築之市場導向式評估系統,用以鼓 勵永續性建築的發展與實行,並提供業界 作為設計更健康、更環保與更有利潤的建 築物之準則 LEED於1994年開始制定,1999年正式公佈 第一版本並接受評估申請

LEED NCv1.0 pilot program released in 1998 LEED NCv2.0 released in March 2000 LEED NCv2.2 released in 2005 LEED v3 (LEED 2009) released in April 2009 Today, LEED consists of a suite of nine rating systems for the design, construction and operation of building, homes and neighborhoods. Green Building Design & Construction • LEED for New Construction & Major Renovation • LEED for Code & Shell Development • LEED for Schools • LEED for Retail New Construction (planned 2010)

Green Interior Design & Construction • LEED for Commercial Interiors • LEED for Retail Interiors (planned 2010) Green Building Operations & Maintenance • LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Green Neighborhood Development • LEED for Neighborhood Development Green Home Design & Construction • LEED for Homes

九個各自獨立之LEED版本 LEED-NC:LEED for New Construction 新建築版 : 新建築物或大範圍增改建 案之認證申請。 LEED-EB:Existing Building 既有建築版:既有建築或既有建築局部改善之認 證申請。 LEED-CI:Commercial Interiors 商業內裝版:新建或既有辦公建築內之承租戶 室內裝修改善認證申請。 LEED-CS:Core & Shell Development 結構體版: 供僅負責及擁有建築物結構 體,但不負責承租戶室內裝修設計之業主或開發商申請認證。 LEED-School: School學校版。 LEED-Retail: Retail商店設計。 LEED-Healthcare: 醫療設施。 LEED-H:Homes 住宅版 : 單一基地上,三層樓以下之獨棟或雙拼住宅之認 證申請。 LEED-ND:Neighborhood Development 鄰域開發版: 新建集合住宅、商業或 混合開發案之認證申請,評估範圍包括街廓鄰里,生活機能、公共設施等, 但不包括建築物。

LEED NCv2.2 LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations version 2.2 contained the same credits as the new NC v2009, but had fewer points. There are 69 possible points and buildings can qualify for four levels of certification: Certified - 26-32 points Silver - 33-38 points Gold - 39-51 points Platinum - 52 points and above,

USGBC launched in 2009 LEED v3 having 100 base points +6 points for innovation and 4 for regional priority (LEED 2009) which consists of a new continuous development process, a new version of LEED online, a revised third-party certification program and a new suite of rating systems. Buildings can qualify for four levels of certification: Certified - 40 - 49 points Silver - 50 - 59 points Gold - 60 - 79 points Platinum - 80 points and above

LEED-NC 3.0 LEED-NC 3.0 規定Prerequisites 項目全數通 過且在Credit項目滿分110分中得到40分以 上就算是LEED認證合格,再依得分高低分 下列四種等級: 合格認證(Certified) 40~49分 銀級認證(Silver) 50~59分 金級認證(Gold) 60~79分 白金級認證(Platinum) 80~110分

1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., located in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Built in 1968, with a $32 million renovation in 2009 by current owner Brookfield Properties, 1225 Connecticut Avenue is the "second redeveloped building in the United States and the first within the major business districts of the East Coast to achieve LEED Platinum status." Tenants include Citibank, Global Justice, and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (June 21, 2010). 1225 Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C., is the first redeveloped office building on the East Coast to receive LEED Platinum status.

Carbon Trading Potential LEED-NC 3.0 will include a requirement for a carbon footprint (carbon building print) and a significant reduction of green-house gasses (carbon dioxide, methane CH4, nitrous oxide N2O, sulphur hexafluoride SF6 ) beyond a baseline level. The reduction in carbon dioxide must be measured based on the direct and indirect carbon dioxide and equivalent reductions.

The efforts to quantify emission and reductions in emissions will be in an effort to monetize the climate change externality(外在 性) in the same way that a Kyoto Clean Development Project (carbon project) does. The Kyoto Protocol, adopted on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at fighting global warming. As of November 2009, 187 states have signed and ratified (使正式生 效) the protocol.

Participation in the Kyoto Protocol, as of June 2009, where dark green indicates the countries that have signed and ratified the treaty, grey is not yet decided and red is no intention to ratify.

Kyoto is intended to cut global emissions of greenhouse gases.

General Analysis Since 2000, over 5 billion square feet of commercial building space is involved with LEED green building certification system. Construction yields an annual output of U.S. $4.6 trillion, contributing to 8-10% of the global GDP encompassing a workforce of 120 million people and billions of transactions each day.

Buildings represent 38.9% of US primary energy use. Building are one of the heaviest consumers of natural resources and account for a significant portion of the greenhouse gas emissions that effect climate change. In the US, buildings account for 38% of all CO2 emissions. Buildings represent 72% of US consumption. Building use 13.6% of all potable water, or 15 trillion gallons per year. Buildings use 40% of raw materials globally (3 billion tons annually).

LEED評估項目 評估項目被分為七大構面,而項目中有8項是必 要的強制項目(Prerequisites),其他則為得分 (Credits)項目,得分項目目前均不是強制要求, 滿分有110分 永續性基地開發(Sustainable Site) 26分 用水效率(Water Efficiency) 10分 能源與大氣(Energy & Atmosphere) 35分 材料與資源(Materials & Resources) 14分 室內環境品質(Indoor Environmental Quality) 15分 創新與設計過程(Innovation & Design Process) 6分 區域性特色(Regional Priority Credits) 4分

永續性基地開發(Sustainable Site) 必要條件 1:施工活動污染防制 (Construction Activity Pollution Prevention)  Credit 1:基地選擇(Site Selection)  Credit 2:開發密度與社區連結性 (Development Density & Community Connectivity) Credit 3:受污染基地再開發(Brownfield Redevelopment)

 Credit 4.1:替代性交通方案—大眾運輸的便利性 (Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation)  Credit 4.2:替代性交通方案—腳踏車停放區 (Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms)  Credit 4.3:替代性交通方案—低污染高效率之交通 工具 (Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles)  Credit 4.4:替代性交通方案—停車場的設置與容量 (Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity)

 Credit 5.1:基地開發—保護或重建生物棲 息地 (Site Development: Protect or Restore Habitat) Credit 5.2:基地開發—開放空間最大化 (Site Development, Maximize Open Space)  Credit 6.1:暴雨逕流控制設計—量的控制 (Stormwater Design: Quantity Control)

Credit 6.2:暴雨逕流控制設計—質的控制 (Stormwater Design: Quality Control)  Credit 7.1:降低熱島效應—非屋頂區域 (Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof)  Credit 7.2:降低熱島效應—屋頂區域(Heat Island Effect: Roof)  Credit 8:降低光害(Light Pollution Reduction)

用水效率(Water Efficiency) 必要條件1: 降低使用自來水量20% (Water Efficient Reduction: 20% Reduction)(3.0 新規定) Credit 1:植栽灌溉用水效率 (Water Efficient Landscaping) Credit 2:創新廢水處理技術(Innovative Wastewater Technologies) Credit 3:降低日常用量水 (Water Use Reduction)

能源與大氣(Energy & Atmosphere) 必要條件1:基本建築能源系統功能驗證 (Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems) 必要條件2:最低能源效率要求(Minimum Energy Performance) 必要條件3:基本冷媒控管(Fundamental Refrigerant Management)

Credit 1:能源效率最佳化(Optimize Energy Performance) Credit 2:使用現地可再生能源(On-Site Renewable Energy) Credit 3:額外加強建築系統功能驗證 (Enhanced Commissioning) Credit 4:額外加強冷媒控管(Enhanced Refrigerant Management) Credit 5:系統測量與確認(Measurement & Verification) Credit 6:使用綠色電力(Green Power)

材料與資源(Materials & Resources) 必要條件1:回收資源儲存與收集(Storage & Collection of Recyclables) Credit 1.1:舊建築再利用—保留既有建築外殼、 樓版、屋頂(Building Reuse, Maintain Existing Walls, Floors & Roof) Credit 1.2:舊建築再利用—保留50%室內非結 構性材料(Building Reuse, Maintain 50% of Interior Non-Structural Elements) Credit 2:營建廢棄物管理 (Construction Waste Management)

Credit 3:資源再利用(Materials Reuse) Credit 4:使用回收再生材料(Recycled Content) Credit 5:使用當地材料 (Regional Materials) Credit 6:快速可再生材料(Rapidly Renewable Materials) Credit 7:認證木料的使用(Certified Wood)

室內環境品質(Indoor Environmental Quality) 必要條件1:最低室內空氣品質要求 (Minimum IAQ Performance) 必要條件2:環境菸害控制(Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control) Credit 1:室外新鮮空氣量監測(Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring) Credit 2:增加外氣通風量(Increased Ventilation)

Credit 3.1:施工空氣品質管理計劃:施工期間 (Construction IAQ Management Plan: During Construction) Credit 3.2:施工空氣品質管理計劃:施工完成後使用者進駐前 (Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy) Credit 4.1:低逸散性材料:黏著劑&填縫劑(Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants) Credit 4.2:低逸散性材料:塗料與披覆(Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings) Credit 4.3:低逸散性材料:地板(Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems) Credit 4.4:低溢散性材料:膠合木材與植物性纖維產品 (Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products)

Credit 5:室內化學物與污染源控制(Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control) Credit 6.1:個別燈光系統可控制性(Controllability of Systems, Lighting) Credit 6.2:個別舒適熱環境系統可控制性 (Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort) Credit 7.1:設計舒適熱環境(Thermal Comfort, Design) Credit 7.2:驗證舒適熱環境度(Thermal Comfort, Verification) Credit 8.1:自然採光與視野: (Daylight & Views, Daylight) Credit 8.2:自然採光與視野: (Daylight & Views,)

創新與設計過程(Innovation & Design Process) Credit 1.1:創新設計手法:提供細節說明 (Innovation in Design: Specific Title) Credit 1.2:創新設計手法:提供細節說明 (Innovation in Design: Specific Title) Credit 1.3:創新設計手法:提供細節說明 (Innovation in Design: Specific Title) Credit 1.4:創新設計手法:提供細節說明 (Innovation in Design: Specific Title) Credit 1.5:創新設計手法:提供細節說明 (Innovation in Design: Specific Title) Credit 2:LEED認證專業人員(LEEDR Accredited Professional)

區域性特色(Regional Priority Credits) Credit 1.1:區域性特色:提供細節說明 (Regional Priority: Specific Title) Credit 1.2:區域性特色:提供細節說明 (Regional Priority: Specific Title) Credit 1.3:區域性特色:提供細節說明 (Regional Priority: Specific Title) Credit 1.4:區域性特色:提供細節說明 (Regional Priority: Specific Title)

LEED-NC認證之基本流程 註冊: 提供專案聯絡資訊與專案基本資料於LEED Online登錄。 USGBC美國綠建築協會LEED技術審核 行政許可: 核發預期完成、未定和否決得分項目 LEED初步審核 LEED最終審核 LEED認證通知/訴請複審: 如團隊對於所通過的認證等級有異 議,可於30天內對被駁回之項目提出訴請複審 認證頒佈: 由美國綠建築協會授予認證信函、證書與表明等級 之綠建築標章。