APJ EG 销售学院 HP 3PAR StoreServ 第 1 部分 概述


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APJ EG 销售学院 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 - 第 1 部分 概述 2012 年 10 月 The objective of this webinar is to describe for the HP and partner sales audiences all that HP is announcing on Dec 4th related to 3PAR and to review why this matters to customers. As you know, its been about two years since HP acquired 3PAR. We said back then that we were going to invest in this platform because it’s rich architecture and design offered much opportunity for our customers then and into the future. Now that we are two years into it, HP is still going strong with that investment. You’ll remember that in late 2011, we introduced the HP 3PAR 10000 model as the gold standard for Tier 1, enterprise storage for the ITaaS. Earlier this year, we introduced an all SSD version of that enterprise product. All building on the simple, efficient and agile foundation that is HP 3PAR Storage. Now today, we are discussing continued investments in this platform that is so strategic to HP Storage and HP overall. We’ll talk about how we are delivering on these investments today and why HP 3PAR is the last storage platform you’ll ever need. And sure, we have an exciting new HW platform that we want you to embrace and sell, sell, sell, but its also important for you to understand now to position this new platform with HP 3PAR overall and in our HP Storage Portfolio and why the introduction of this new hw model is bigger than just a new box. Top level messaging – 1-2 slides for each One stack File/Block/Object – today and in 2013 SSD optimization – review July announcement, applicability to Eos and plans for Acoustic and Fender in 2013 StoreServ 7000 drill down High level product specs, including the gateway Target markets Pricing, licensing, product structure Competitive compares Positioning EVA LeftHand V400 Specific sales plays File/Block – large 7400 config w/ minimal software and either gateway; smaller configs or more SW titles will cause pricing problems Others? StoreServ 10000 drill down New 3.1.2 features and why they matter Cappella

议程 HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage 战略与愿景 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 硬件概述 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10000/F 系列/T 系列更新

HP 3PAR StorServ Storage - 全新命名 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 Storage HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 Storage HP 3PAR StoreServ 10000 Storage(原 HP 3PAR P10000) HP 3PAR StoreServ 10400 Storage(原 HP 3PAR V400) HP 3PAR StoreServ 10800 Storage(原 HP 3PAR V800) HP 3PAR 软件(非 StoreServ)- 示例 HP 3PAR Management Console 软件(原 InForm Management Console) HP 3PAR Operating System 软件(原 InForm OS) HP 3PAR 7000 Replication 软件套件 HP 3PAR Recovery Manager 软件 主存储系统 3PAR StoreServ

HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage 战略与愿景

HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage 存储体系结构的不二选择 世界 一流 性能 为虚拟化和云计算设计 增强型 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10800 增强型 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10400 高效 采购和运营成本降低高达 50% 自主 存储管理效率提高了 10 倍 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 最新 推出 多租户 支持不可预测的新应用程序和云环境 一种从中端转向高端的技术 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 最新 推出 联合 不中断地迁移数据实现负载均衡和设备更新 Enterprises with large data volumes need an efficient storage infrastructure; they will be looking to reduce hardware and associated costs substantially to keep their offering competitive. A key issue has been over-provisioning, with many sites exhibiting up to 75% unused capacity. They also need to get operations and administrative costs under control; in many cases existing teams are being stretched massively as their data farms grow. It is crucial that the data for multiple organizations can be managed securely and independently within the storage infrastructure – known as multi-tenancy. 3PAR meets all these requirements – and as we will see, this is a major understatement… They are Multi-Tenant, able to securely support huge numbers of applications and customers, concurrently. This is crucial for Service Providers, and of course is essential for enterprise applications, particularly in a highly virtualized environment. They are Efficient: case studies show reductions in acquisition and operational costs by up to 50%. 3PAR Thin Provisioning capabilities actually turn the rules of capacity allocation upside down! It allows users to safely allocate more storage capacity to host applications than actually purchased! 3PAR users can postpone physical disk purchases indefinitely, until the true capacity is actually required. They are Autonomic: let’s clarify what we means by Autonomic. A definition helps: autonomic is an adjective, derived from the Greek ‘auto’ = self, and ‘nomos’ = law. Hence Autonomic means self-regulating. Autonomic Storage is like breathing—you don’t even have to think about it. 3PAR simplifies, automates, and expedites storage management by handling storage provisioning, tiering, and change management autonomically—intelligently, at a sub-system level, without administrator intervention. It is this autonomic management of storage capacity that makes 3PAR so easy to manage at the human level. Customer case studies and analyst reports show increased storage management efficiency of up to 10x, or up to 90% saving in administrator costs.

HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage 存储体系结构的不二选择 一个系列 从中小企业到大型企业。 全部联合在一起 文件/块/对象 可存储任何应用程序和 所有数据类型 优化的 SSD/闪存 未来的基石 Next 3 slides describe compelling business value for each of the elements of the overall 3PAR story Explain using these three concepts why 3PAR is the last storage architecture that you’ll ever need

HP 3PAR One Family 投资保护 业内第一个覆盖中小企业到大型企业的平台 功能与硬件的代数无关 - 3PAR OS 向后兼容性 3PAR OS 3.1.2 给当前的 F/T/V 级系统带来相同的新功能 3PAR 联合 - 迁移简单,应用程序无需停机 通过 3PAR Peer Motion,可以按自己的节奏将数据移动到新硬件,且应用程序无需停机 一个系列,一个操作系统 - 选择规模时不必再瞻前顾后 无论是新机型还是旧机型,也无论是中端机型还是高端机型,3PAR OS 都可运行 使用 Remote Copy,可在该系列中的各个机型之间复制和移动数据(使用 Peer Motion) 单一平台管理 - 简单、高效 使用单一界面管理所有机型和各代硬件

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage 毫不费力:以中等价位获得独一无二的灵活 第一层存储 高效 容量节约 50%;VM/服务器密度提高 2 倍;性能提高 3 倍 自主 虚拟环境和混合负载的管理工作量减少了 90% 弹性、灵活 第一个四控制器中端平台;第一层的功能可满足不可预测的虚拟化需求 唯一专为虚拟化和云环境设计的存储体系结构,起售价为 $25,000 Effortless manageability speeds response time by 10X in virtual environments (discuss provisioning and change mgmt benefits of Autonomic Groups, Rapid Provisioning, etc) Do more, buy less with 3X the performance and 2X the VMs/server while eliminating half the capacity needed (3x IOPS of VNX, Mesh Active powered VMs, Silicon-enabled Thin Technologies and Hypervisor integration) Resilience and agility to handle the constantly changing demands of virtualization and ITaaS (AO, Peer Motion, Mixed WL, Mesh Active Cluster, etc) Not on the slide but worth highlighting: For the Installed Base: EVA DNA (EVA-like wizards, Online Import from EVA to 3PAR) For Partners: a midrange ‘commercial’ class product with all the innovative features of 3PAR --Partners can confidently move customers to platforms that will meet customer needs well into the future. --Learn a common set of tools and technologies to reduce learning curves and maximize the value of training investments. --Drive marketing and demand programs that cover storage deployment needs across the full landscape of customer needs. No boundaries – midrange to enterprise, replicate between systems, options for optimized performance with flash, common UI across the board No compromise – all enterprise features that have defined 3PAR for years are available on this platform, leading performance and resilency This is what it means to REDEFINE midrange storage…And we are delivering this platform so that it offers simplicity, efficiency and agility to customers… describe business value in each box. Answer the SO WHAT on this slide, need to add quants here for agile in particular. Takes 3 VNXs to get the same performance as 1 EOS (with SSDs). How does that translate into savings for the customer. Jim C working on this compare.

融合协议存储 依托 HP 已有的成熟技术 领先的中高端模块化阵列解决方案 一流的虚拟化和云环境解决方案 目前 公用可寻址存储池 在与块服务的相同机架中提供文件服务 中期 提供可同时管理块、 文件和对象服务的单一管理界面 长期 “完全”融合的块/ 文件/对象服务 优化文件、块和对象 堆栈,以便在 3PAR 控制器中实现本地运行

未来的基石 - 固态优化 SSD 作为一个存储层 固态技术优化阵列 高速缓存 多种容量,最大数量 多种技术:SLC、MLC 全 SSD 层 LUN 和子 LUN 分层技术 固态技术优化阵列 优化闪存 - 性能、密度、延迟、软件 不让控制器成为瓶颈 高速缓存 基于主机的高速缓存与 HP SmartCache 实现集成 未来将支持基于存储的高速缓存以及协作式主机/存储高速缓存 层 0 (SSD) 层 1 (FC) 层 2(近线)

现有客户目前还无法 迁移到 3PAR StoreServ HP Storage 中端存储系统组合 融合存储 现有平台 3PAR StoreServ 7000 中端产品的首选 StoreVirtual 4000 iSCSI 环境 客户端虚拟化 从 VSA 迁移至 机架或 BladeSystem EVA P6000 现有客户目前还无法 迁移到 3PAR StoreServ

需要基于软件的存储 (VSA) 或 BladeSystem 存储 HPSD 中端存储系统指南 3PAR 7000 将是最佳选择,除非... 3PAR SPOCK 暂不支持 处于客户端 虚拟化环境 首选 iSCSI 系统 需要包含所有软件功能 需要基于软件的存储 (VSA) 或 BladeSystem 存储 EVA HP StoreVirtual

HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage 升级风险最低的中端产品演变 HP EVA 可靠 - 在全球安装了 100,000 个阵列 公认的简单性 领先的硬件效率 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 以中等价位获得独一无二的 敏捷核心存储平台 依托两项领先的存储技术 共享的 DNA 虚拟化和宽条带化 节约容量的快照 管理简便 超低的 TCO Online Import HP 3PAR F系列 核心存储架构和功能 可扩展群集式控制器体系结构 行业领先的高效技术 用于混合工作负载的多租户技术 Peer Motion

3PAR & EVA - 结合了两项领先技术的优势 HP EVA 可靠 - 在全球安装了 100,000 个阵列 全球最简便的中端系统 领先的硬件效率 HP EVA/P6000 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 领先的存储技术 存储联合:从 EVA 到 3PAR Peer Motion 通用 虚拟化和宽条带化 节约容量的快照 管理简便 超低的 TCO HP 3PAR F 级 HP 3PAR T/V 级 HP 3PAR 云服务提供商领导者 群集式控制器体系结构 行业领先的高效技术 用于混合工作负载的多租户技术 先进的应用程序集成 适用于任何规模的技术

保护您的 EVA 投资 持续投资,装运设备超过 10 万台 用于提升应用整合的新功能/支持 一旦就绪即可无缝迁移到新一代体系结构 新驱动器提升整合 VAAI 增强提高 Vmware 集成 对新操作系统和基础结构的持续认证 一旦就绪即可无缝迁移到新一代体系结构 使用新增的 HP 3PAR Online Import 功能将 EVA 数据迁移到 HP 3PAR StoreServ 所有操作均可从您熟悉的 Command View EVA 界面执行 EVA P6000 Storage

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 和 3PAR StoreServ 10400 产品线定位 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 和 3PAR StoreServ 10400 客户为何选择 10400(原 V400)而非 7400 4N? 需要使用 HDD 更快速地随机读取 IOP(7400 的读取速度为 96K; 10400 的读取速度为 180K) 需要较高的持续性能 (20%) 需要 480-960 个驱动器 可灵活地扩展到多达 96 个 FC 主机端口 通用标准认证 对于更高的需求,建议购买 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10800(原 V800) 7400 4N is less expensive than 10400 10400 scales to 800TB and 7400 4N = 864TB Max performance (with SSD’s) is higher with 7400 * 性能值均为暂定值

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 硬件概述

3PAR StoreServ 存储:从中端到高端统一操作系统 HP Enterprise Business Technology and Infrastructure Fundamentals — Day 3 3PAR StoreServ 存储:从中端到高端统一操作系统 7200 F200 F400 7400 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10400 HP 3PAR StoreServ 10800 控制器节点数 2 2 – 4 2, 4, 6, 8 光纤通道主机端口数 可选 iSCSI 主机端口数 内置远程复制端口数 4 – 12 0 – 4 (10Gb) 0 – 12 0 – 8 (1Gb) 0 – 24 0 – 16 (1Gb) 4 – 24 0 – 8 (10Gb) 0 – 96 0 – 16 0 – 192 0 – 32 控制缓存 (GB) 16 8 8 – 16 16 – 32 32 – 64 64 – 256 数据缓存 (GB) 12 12 – 24 64 – 128 128 – 512 磁盘驱动器数 6 – 144 16 – 192 16 – 384 6 – 480 16 - 960 16 – 1,920 驱动器类型 SSD、SAS、NL SSD、FC、NL、SAS SSD、FC、 NL、SAS 最大容量 250TB 128TB 384TB 864TB 800TB 1.6PB SPC-1 基准结果 93,050 SPC-1 IOPS 产品发布后提供 450,212 SPCI-1 IOPS Marketing .. Why do we have different iSCSI ports. Please define 10 Gig v 1gig 1. Define drive type and connectivity type HP 3PAR Storage Servers The 3PAR portfolio consists of the F-Class and the T-Class. The F-Class storage servers are mid-range storage servers with two- and four-controller architectures that offers superior scalability and availability. This class was specifically designed to address the complex needs of virtualized environments and to dramatically increase virtual data center ROI. The T-Class storage servers are the fastest and most efficient single-system arrays on the market. They are sold as the T400 and T800 Storage Servers. The T400 has a four-node capable backplane and the T800 has an eight-node capable backplane. The F-Class is a lower cost HP 3PAR storage server intended to complement the T-Class storage servers in smaller deployments. The F-Class is 100% software compatible with the T-Class and leverages the same InSpire Architecture for a single, load balanced system image. They also use the same management console, same remote replication software, and so on. As you can see, there are various types of nodes, connectivity, drives, and capacity in this portfolio. The point of all this is not for you to win on outstanding specs, but to provide a highly available and highly scalable single system that your customers can grow into, not out of. These products can be widely shared by many different applications. INSTRUCTOR NOTES This slide takes a closer look at the 3PAR portfolio, which is made up of the F-Class and the T-Class. HP Restricted

2U,带有 24 个 SFF 驱动器插槽(对于 4 节点 7400,则在此基础上乘以 2) 8 April 2017 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 可满足目前虚拟化计算环境需求的现代体系结构 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 业内 独一无二 Gen 4 ASIC Gen 4 ASIC 控制器节点数 2 2 / 4 最大 SFF 驱动器数 144 240/480 最大 LFF 驱动器数 120 216/432 缓存 24 GB 32/64 GB 最大 8GB/s FC 端口数 12 = 4(内置)+ 8(可选) 24 = 4/8(内置)+ 8/16(可选) 最大 10GB/s iSCSI/FCOE* 数 4(可选) 4/8(可选) 内置 IP 远程复制端口数 (也可使用 FC 端口) 2/4 控制器机箱 2U,带有 24 个 SFF 驱动器插槽(对于 4 节点 7400,则在此基础上乘以 2) 磁盘机箱 (可混合安装在一个控制器对后面) SFF 驱动器机箱:2U,24 个插槽 LFF 驱动器机箱:4U,24 个插槽 Critical Notes Only mid-tier storage that scales to 4 Controllers Higher performance and higher availability than traditional mid-tier storage. ASIC is the glue that allows mixed workloads and higher scalability Encourage customer to pick 7400 for resiliency and scalability, but fall back to 7200 when under pricing pressure in smaller deals Max total drives (equals max SFF drives) 7200 = 144 drives 7400 (2/4 nodes) = 240/480 drives Max LFF drives:* 7200 = 120 drives 7400 (2/4 nodes) = 216/432 drives *Note that the controller chassis will always come with 24 SFF slots and you will need a min number of SFF in it to run the system. Hence the reduced LFF drive count. Max SSDs: 7200 = 32 SSDs 7400 (2/4 nodes)= 32/64 SSDs Max raw capacity: 7200 = 250TB 7400 (2/4 nodes) = 432/864 TB Drives planned for launch: SFF: 300GB 15k SAS, 450 GB 10k SAS, 900GB 10k SAS, 100GB SSD, 200GB SSD LFF: 2TB 7.2k NL SAS, 3TB 7.2k NL SAS * Post GA HP Confidential

StoreServ 7400 相比 F400 有何变化? HP 3PAR F400 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 总线体系结构 PCI-X PCIe CPU 数量 1 x 双核每节点 1 x 6 核每节点 ASIC 每个节点 1 个 控制缓存 8 – 16 GB 16 – 32 GB 数据缓存 12 – 24 GB FC 主机端口数 iSCSI 主机端口数 FCoE 主机端口数 内置远程复制端口数 0 – 24 x 4Gb/s FC 0 – 16 x 1Gb/s iSCSI NA 2 – 4 4 – 24 x 8Gb/s FC 0 – 8 x 10Gb/s iSCSI FCoE 就绪 驱动器机箱 FC(3U,16 个驱动器) SAS SFF(2U,24 个驱动器); SAS LFF(4U,24 个驱动器) 驱动器类型 SSD、FC、SAS(即将推出)、NL (SATA) SSD、SAS、NL (SAS) 驱动器 16 – 384 8 – 480 最大原始容量 (TB) 384 TB 864 TB 机架选件 2M HP 3PAR 机架(36 英寸深) 第三方机架 2M HP G3 机架(42 英寸深) 管理服务器 物理 SP 虚拟 SP(默认)、物理 SP(可选) 客户安装/升级 否/否 是/是(驱动器、驱动器机箱) HP Restricted For HP and Channel Partner internal use

1 x 3PAR ASIC Gen4 每节点,ASIC 与 10000 的相同 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 体系结构 7400 配备 4 个节点 1 x 3PAR ASIC Gen4 每节点,ASIC 与 10000 的相同 最大 10800 配置 配备 8 个节点和 1920 个驱动器 Gen 4 ASIC 7200 配备 2 个节点

双端口 10Gb/s iSCSI/FCoE CNA HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 硬件模块 易于配置。两个型号的模块相同:控制器、机箱、驱动器、适配器 主盘柜 主机适配器 扩展驱动器机箱 驱动器 机架 管理服务器 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 (2 个节点、4 个 FC 端口、 24 个 SFF插槽) HP M6710 2.5 英寸 2U SAS SFF SAS HDD/SSD 4 端口 8Gb/s FC HBA 基于 VM 的 SP(默认) HP G3 机架 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 (2 个节点、4 个 FC 端口、 24 个 SFF 插槽) 双端口 10Gb/s iSCSI/FCoE CNA LFF SAS HDD/SSD HP M6720 3.5 英寸 4U SAS 第三方机架 安装套件 物理 SP(可选) HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 (4 个节点、8 个 FC 端口、 48 个 SFF 插槽) Single foundation across the entire 7K product line. Same disks, same shelves same racks same adapters. EASY to configure.

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 控制器 8 April 2017 驱动器机箱连接为 2 x 4 通道 6Gb/s SAS 2 x 内置 8Gb/s FC 驱动器机箱连接为 2 x 4 通道 6Gb/s SAS 管理端口 内置 1Gb/s 以太网远程复制端口 Built in RC ports and easy replication configure and manage pushes the Disaster Recovery 控制器互连(仅 7400) 可选 HBA(4 x 8Gb/s FC 或 2 x 10Gb/s iSCSI/FCoE) HP Confidential

控制器 PCM(电源冷却模块) 电池嵌入在 PCM 上 764W 电池 当其中一个 PCM 发生故障或从 2 节点配置控制器中移除后, 缓存将变为直写模式。 764W PCM

HP 3PAR 7400 4 节点配置 在 4U 中可非中断性升级到 4 节点 使用电缆进行互连,可轻松 升级到 4 节点 当节点发生故障时,4 节点持续 缓存将重新映射缓存,以防止严重的“直写模式”影响应用系统 仅通过添加控制器就可将性能和 容量提高 1 倍,使您能够轻松激活新应用程序

驱动器机箱选件 灵活的驱动器类型和机箱选件,可满足未来的应用程序需求 价格优惠,磁盘性能优越,可满足您的所有需求 SFF 和 LFF SAS 驱动器支持 24 个 SFF 或 LFF 驱动器

磁盘驱动器 SFF(小尺寸格式) 2.5 英寸磁盘驱动器 SSD 100GB SLC SSD、200GB SLC SSD SAS 300GB 15K RPM、450GB 10K RPM、 900GB 10K RPM LFF(大尺寸格式)  3.5 英寸磁盘驱动器 SSD 100GB SLC SSD、200GB SLC SSD NL 2TB 7200 RPM、3TB 7200 RPM

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage 2 米机柜中的 SFF 最大配置 一个机架中可容纳 480 个磁盘和 30 万 IOPS! SFF 驱动器机箱 M6710 x 9 4 节点扩展 空面板 2U 7400 4 节点 主盘柜 2U x2 7400 2 节点 主盘柜 2U SFF 驱动器机箱 M6710 x 9 SFF 驱动器机箱 M6710 x 9 节点对 驱动器 机箱 480 Disks, > 300K IOPs and 4 controller resiliency in a single rack

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 硬件体系结构 每个 SFF 驱动器机箱可容纳多达 24 个 SFF 驱动器 7200 系列创先将控制器节点包含在主驱动器机箱中 7200 系列包括 2 个控制器节点, 每个节点配备 1 个英特尔 4 核处理器 Marketing … update photos.

HP 3PAR 硬件 - 四个简单模块 F 级 10000 7000 控制器节点 控制器背板 驱动器机箱 管理服务器 性能/连接模块 CPU、缓存与 3PAR ASIC 系统管理 RAID 和 Thin 计算 N/A - 节点通过 电缆连接 控制器背板 高速缓存一致性互连 板上全无源封装 定义可扩展性 驱动器机箱 容量模块 F 系列机箱 3U / 16 个驱动器 T 系列 & 10000 机箱 4U / 40 个驱动器 管理服务器 每个系统 1 个 1U SVP 仅适用于服务和监控 Duane to put cable pics in the PPT. 基于 VM 的 SP(默认) 物理 SP (可选)

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000:客户/渠道服务能力 客户可否安装 客户可否升级 客户可否维修 3PAR StoreServ 7200 存储系统  NA 磁盘驱动器 驱动器机箱 否 控制器节点 主机适配器 3PAR StoreServ 7400 TBC for APJ

通过虚拟管理服务器实现安全远程支持 虚拟管理服务器 用于远程连接的低成本安全网关 毫不费力的一键配置 支持 VMware vSphere(Hyper-V 支持 post-GA) 可实现 远程在线软件升级 主动错误检测 - 通过远程自动通报诊断功能 远程可用性 警告通知 提供可选的硬件管理服务器

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 软件许可

HP 3PAR 7000 软件套件 - 简化软件许可 操作系统 套件 复制 套件 优化 套件 安全 套件 容灾 解决方案 应用程序 套件 8 April 2017 HP 3PAR 7000 软件套件 - 简化软件许可 操作系统 套件 复制 套件 优化 套件 必备 可选 安全 套件 容灾 解决方案 应用程序 套件 应用程序 套件 应用程序 套件 应用程序 套件 HP Confidential

HP 3PAR 7000 软件 VMware 套件 容灾解决方案 复制套件 Oracle 套件 报告套件 MS SQL 套件 数据优化套件 Recovery Manager for vSphere VASA vCenter 插件 vSphere Host Explorer 容灾解决方案 Cluster Extension (CLX) Serviceguard Metrocluster Site Recovery Manager 插件 Peer Persistence(RC 增强功能) 复制套件 Virtual Copy (VC) Remote Copy (RC) Peer Persistence Oracle 套件 Recovery Manager for Oracle 报告套件 System Reporter 3PARinfo MS SQL 套件 Recovery Manager for MS SQL 数据优化套件 Dynamic Optimization Adaptive Optimization Peer Motion 安全套件 Virtual Domains Virtual Lock MS Exchange 套件 Recovery Manager for MS Exchange 3PAR 7000 OS 套件 Administration Tools Rapid Provisioning Autonomic Groups Scheduler LDAP Support Thin Provisioning Thin Copy Reclamation Thin Persistence Thin Conversion Full Copy Access Guard Host Personas Host Explorer MultiPath IO SW Peer Motion 数据迁移许可证(180 天) RAID MP(多重奇偶校验) Persistent Cache System Tuner Autonomic Rebalance Application Suite for VMware also includes: VMware SRM Adapter and VAAI plug-in for VSphere 4 (link to URL for download - no bits on CD) Application Suite for Exchange includes: VSS Provider and SCOM (link to URL for download - no bits on CD) Application Suite for SQL includes: VSS Provider and SCOM (link to URL for download - no bits on CD) Application Suite for Oracle includes: Oracle Space Reclamation (link to URL for download - no bits on CD 35

自动系统均衡 自 3.1.2 发行版开始,捆绑在 3PAR F、T、V (10000) 级和 7000 的 3PAR OS 软件中。 均衡前 均衡后 均衡 自 3.1.2 发行版开始,捆绑在 3PAR F、T、V (10000) 级和 7000 的 3PAR OS 软件中。 不再需要 Dynamic Optimization 许可证。 Autonomic System Rebalance HP 3PAR Dynamic Optimization Software now delivers autonomic system rebalancing to drive large scale performance optimizations with one button after adding new resources to the HP 3PAR Storage System or moving a large number of volumes between tiers. Dynamic Optimization first analyzes how volumes are using physical disk space and which resources were added to the system. It then makes intelligent, autonomic adjustments to ensure optimal volume distribution of storage volumes. Data movement occurs as efficiently as possible by intelligently employing the best-suited data movement layer and applying rebalancing at a fine-grained, sub-volume level as follows, depending on the set of new resources available within the system. Chunklet layer, sub-volume – when drives added Logical disk layer, sub-volume – when drive chassis added Logical disk layer, whole volume – when controller nodes added Autonomic system rebalance is supported both in InForm CLI (with the new tunesys command) and InForm Management Console. Additional Enhancements to Dynamic Optimization “tunesys –cpg” can be used to rebalance the Logical Disks within a Common Provisioning Group (CPG) with a single command. Instead of rebalancing individual volumes one at a time from their original (source) CPG to a new CPG, users now have the flexibility to rebalance all volumes within a CPG with a single command and without requiring that the volumes be moved to a new CPG, in order for the rebalancing to take effect. This approach also enables rebalancing of Virtual Volumes that are under the control of HP 3PAR Adaptive Optimization Software while preserving the service level optimizations achieved by Adaptive Optimization. Rebalancing of Thin Provisioned Virtual Volumes after Controller Nodes are added to the System now reassigns Logical Disk ownership across all nodes in the System, thereby delivering performance optimization while minimizing ongoing remote I/O over the System backplane.   36 36

HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 软件许可 软件套件 许可 驱动器许可证 系统许可证 9 个套件(4 个主要阵列软件套件;4 个应用程序套件; 1 个报告套件) 如果需要,也可提供独立的软件。购买套件可享受价格优惠 3PAR OS 套件包括 Thin Suite、Autonomic Rebalance 以及 180 天 Online Import 许可证 许可 每个型号都有单独的软件 LTU(7200 与 7400) 许可是 3PAR 阵列必须的 驱动器许可证 需要两个授权软件 基本 LTU:每个系统一个 驱动器 LTU:每个驱动器一个,最多不超过系统上限 系统软件上限 7200 为 48 个 LTU 7400 为 168 个 LTU 系统许可证 每个系统一个 LTU HP 3PAR 7000 OS 套件 HP 3PAR 7000 复制套件 HP 3PAR 7000 优化套件 HP 3PAR 7000 安全套件 HP 3PAR 7000 报告套件 HP 3PAR 7000 VMware 套件 HP 3PAR 7000 Exchange 套件 HP 3PAR 7000 SQL 套件 HP 3PAR 7000 Oracle 套件 按驱动器许可 按系统许可

轻松配置 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 的四个步骤 必备 可选 1 选择基本控制器配置 (每个控制器对包括 24 个 SFF 驱动器插槽; 19 英寸机架随附机架安装套件) 1a 添加 HP 机架和 PDU 添加其他主机适配器和电缆 (FC 或 iSCSI/FCOE) 1b 1c 添加管理服务器 (SP) 硬件 添加其他驱动器机箱 (SFF/LFF) (7200 最多 5 个/2 节点型 7400 最多 9 个/ 4 节点型 7400 最多 18 个) 2 选择 SFF 驱动器 (每个节点对和类型的最小值:10K/15K RPM、 SSD 驱动器至少 6 个/7.2K RPM 驱动器至少 12 个) 2a 2b 添加其他驱动器 (SFF/LFF) 3 添加 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 OS 软件套件 3a 添加其他软件 软件 对于基于驱动器的软件,请选择:1 个基准许可证 + 1 个驱动器许可证/驱动器,最多不超过上限 (7200 的上限为 48 个,7400 的上限为 168 个) 4 选择建议的支持服务 (另见单独的服务规则) 4a 添加高级服务、咨询或培训 服务
