六、台灣環境問題 Thank you Chairman. It is indeed my honor to present our study entitled “Regional Sustainable Development in Practice: Incubation of a Community-based.


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Presentation transcript:

六、台灣環境問題 Thank you Chairman. It is indeed my honor to present our study entitled “Regional Sustainable Development in Practice: Incubation of a Community-based Constructed Wetland for the Restoration of Natural Purification ”. Our research team includes Prof. Wu, and Prof. Lee with Kun Shan University, and Dr. Lee with Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan County, Taiwan,

近日環境問題 5/8 中國時報: 國光石化環評: 環評卡四年 國光石化民股 揚言不玩了 、 縣府:意外 環團:最好 、 環署:國光石化補件慢 國光石化彰化大城海埔地開發計畫分為「工業區」與「工業港」兩案,各為八千一百九十四及七百卅三公頃,開發面積相當龐大; 去年六月初進行第一次環評初審會,就被做成進入二階環評的建議。今年四月十三、十四日進行二階環評初審 ; 二階環評第一次專案審察會議,環保人士一下子開出三、四百項議題,要求國光石化提出解決方案,這讓參與國光石化投資案的石化業心灰意冷。 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

近日環境問題 5/8 中國時報: 國三七堵段崩塌事件: 邊坡滑動釀災 「滲水」是主因: 國三七堵段崩塌邊坡的張力裂縫有滲水,地下水進到砂岩互層滑動,走山事故,「滲水」是主要因素之一。 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島 Environment and pollution With its high population density and many factories, some areas in Taiwan suffer from heavy pollution. Most notable are the southern suburbs of Taipei and the western stretch from Tainan to Lin Yuan, south of Kaohsiung. In the past, Taipei suffered from extensive vehicle and factory air pollution, but with mandatory use of unleaded gasoline and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, the air quality of Taiwan has improved dramatically. Motor scooters, especially older or cheaper two-stroke versions, which are ubiquitous in Taiwan, also contribute disproportionately to urban air pollution. The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島 福爾摩沙、美麗之島,面積36,000km2; 最高點玉山海拔3952 m; 富庶豐饒的土地資源; 重要的戰略位置; The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島 米倉、東方糖庫、水果之鄉、森林之海、東南鹽庫、蘭花王國、蝴蝶王國、珊瑚王國、魚倉; 森林:零碎化、高山地區農業化; 河川:興建攔砂壩及水庫,失去生物多樣性;沉積物減少而海岸線退縮; The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—人口高密度、社會高齡化 臺灣人口共23,124,514人(2010年1月),人口密度每平方公里638人 佔全球第十位,千萬人口國家佔第二位 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—人口高密度、社會高齡化 年齡結構:(2009年7月) 0-14歲:16.62% 15-64歲:72.85% 65歲以上:10.53% 高齡化社會: 1993:7% 2004:9.4% 2009:10.53% 2021:14% The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—人口高密度、社會高齡化 平均壽命: 總計:78.38歲 男性:75.46歲 女性:82.72歲(2008年統計) 醫療成本攀升、年輕人扶養負擔加重 30%居住於台北基隆都會區; 都市化程度79% The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—超負荷的生態足跡 1997: 4.67 ha/c (全球平均值2倍); 2003: 4.96 ha/c 生態承載量:2 ha/c The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—多雨但缺水的水資源危機 多雨: 年降雨量2510 mm為全球平均值3.4倍,降雨豐沛地區; 缺水: 可用水量:4595 m3/c/y 僅為全球平均值1/6,缺水國家排行榜第18名; 缺水危機 水庫淤積嚴重 88水災後:南部各主要水庫淤積總量將近1億1500萬立方公尺,遠遠超出往年總淤積量的13倍; 南區水資源局統計,曾文、南化、烏山頭主要水庫,蓄水量大約比去年同期少了3億噸。 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—居高不下的二氧化碳排放量 2005排碳總量:25億5980頓,佔全球1%,排名第22名; 人均排量:11.9 t/c/y 僅次於美國19.9、澳洲19.4;全球平均:3.9; 固定污染源佔80%,其中能源部門52%(燃煤火力42%、石油天然氣10%)、工業部門28%; 移動污染源佔15%,其中汽車12%、機車3%; 住商及其他:5% The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—高度依賴進口的能源結構 自產能源:1.76% (水力、天然氣); 進口能源:98.24%(石油、煤); 潔淨/自主能源發展有其迫切性 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—M型社會 所得前5%(金字塔頂端)與後5%倍數:1998年32倍、2003年51倍、2007年62倍; 2007七年位於金字塔頂端最高五%的平均所得為四二八萬元,位於最底層五%平均只有六萬九千元 最主要是富人的所得成長很快,而窮人的所得卻成長緩慢,長年下來擴大了貧富的差距 The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

台灣島—起薪倒退 大學畢業生起薪:1998年27,400元、2006年26,700元; The content of my presentation includes the following five parts: •a brief Introduction including objectives of this study •Problem statement of our case study: Jiang-Jiun creek •The implementation of community education •The performance of community participation •Finally, several brief conclusions. The study area is a small creek on the south of Taiwan.

被莫拉克颱風攪碎 蘭嶼珊瑚只剩18% 2009/11/2 聯合報 被莫拉克颱風攪碎 蘭嶼珊瑚只剩18% 2009/11/2 聯合報 蘭嶼,珊瑚礁覆蓋率從五年前的六成八,驟減為只剩18%。 莫拉克颱風後蘭嶼、小琉球附近珊瑚礁受創最嚴重,有不少斷枝和重達數噸的大型微孔珊瑚屍體。蘭嶼珊瑚覆蓋率平均只剩百分之十七點八,小琉球也只有兩成。 颱風對珊瑚礁的傷害有三種,ㄧ是颱風攪動海水,造成的浪在海中淘翻力量強,有時把珊瑚連根拔起;二是流入海中、重達數噸的漂流木「槌擊」,台東杉原一帶最嚴重;三是從山上瞬間沖刷下的洪水飽含泥沙,也讓珊瑚礁奄奄一息。 國際間對珊瑚健康狀況的評比,將覆蓋率百分之卅七點五訂為及格線