Selecting Human Resources


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Presentation transcript:

Selecting Human Resources Chapter Seven Selecting Human Resources

甄選(selection) 從眾多應徵者中,選出最合適的人員去擔任某項工作的過程.

Selection Errors

Responsibilities for Selection Responsibilities are shared by HR managers and operating managers. HR managers design the selection system. The HR department may screen out individuals who do not meet the criteria for the job opening. Operating managers make subjective assessments about applicants’ qualifications. Operating employees and potential colleagues may play a role.

Basic Selection Criteria Education The formal classroom training an individual has received in public or private schools and in a college, university, and/or technical school Experience The amount of time the individual has spent working, either in a general capacity or in a particular field of study

Basic Selection Criteria (cont’d) Skills and abilities The specific qualifications and capabilities of an individual to perform a specific job

Basic Selection Criteria (cont’d) Personal characteristics Big five personality traits More behavioral than cognitive or emotional Likely to be more important for job performance than are more traditional personality traits Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness

Basic Selection Criteria (cont’d) Hiring for “fit” Rather than hiring someone who is a good fit for a specific job, an organization might hire someone who is a good fit for the larger organization Skills and abilities can be taught on the job; hiring someone based on personal characteristics, values, etc., may be more important

A Sample Selection System

初步篩選 目的:剔除不合格的應徵者 合格候選人多寡顯示招募績效 工具:應徵函、申請表 Employment application Asks individuals for various bits of information pertaining to their personal background Questions must relate to an individual’s ability to do the job Weighted application blank Biodata application blank

測試 專業知識測驗 心理測驗 Psychomotor ability tests(操作與體能測驗) 工作抽樣與模擬 管理評鑑中心 -Cognitive ability tests -Personality tests -Integrity tests Psychomotor ability tests(操作與體能測驗) 工作抽樣與模擬 管理評鑑中心

測試的基本概念 信度(reliability) 效度(validuty)

專業知識測驗 證照查核 專業知識筆試 實際操作測試

心理測驗 性向測驗(Aptitude tests) 智力測驗 (intelligence tests) 一般能力測驗 興趣測驗 (interest tests) 人格測驗 (personality tests)


工作抽樣與模擬 設計一種迷你型的工作樣本,讓應徵者實際操作,通常選用該職務例行性、重要的工作。

面談的安排 面談的規劃與準備 開始面談 進行面談 結束面談 評估面談結果

面試的目的:雙向溝通 評估應試者的工作能力 評估應試者是否適合擔任這個工作 實事求是地預先介紹工作情況 回答應徵者的問題 宣傳工作 完成對應試者的剖析

結構化與非結構化面談 非結構化(unstructured)或非引導式(nondirective)面談中,你可隨興詢問問題。 在結構化(structured)或引導式面談(directive interview)中,問題與可接受的答案都已事先規定,而且依回答內容的適切性來評分

執行面談的指導原則 將面談加以結構化 1. 以工作分析為基礎的面談問題(哪些問題不該多問?) 雙向溝通 建立和諧關係 提出問題 結束面談 2. 利用客觀、具體及行為導向的問題與準則,作為評估應徵者回答的標準。 3. 訓練面談人員 4. 詢問所有應徵者相同的問題 5. 使用評分尺度來評量應徵者的答案 6.使用多位面談者或小組面談 7.詢問較佳的問題 雙向溝通 建立和諧關係 提出問題 結束面談

哪些因素有損面談的效果 太早下判斷 強調負面資料 對工作瞭解不足 僱用的壓力 應徵者順序(對比)的誤差 非口語行為的影響 選擇性注意 暗示 刻板印象 說話太多/太少

不利衝擊(Adverse Impact) 在任何甄選過程中,如果對婦女或少數族群的錄取率低於該族群在相關勞動市場的佔有率的的八成,就稱為不利衝擊(adverse impact),為美國法律所不許。

查核 Reference check 證件查核

Physical Examinations Few organizations require physical exams of all applicants; they may ask only those finalists who are most likely to receive a job offer A related type of physical examination is drug testing

Selection Decision 如何取捨? Banding Creating clusters of job applicants who do not differ substantially from one another Allows an organization to select an applicant from an underrepresented group in the organization while still ensuring high performance standards

配置(Staffing) 報到引介 Orientation training 適用考核 勞基法對試用期的規範 試用期的目的 試用期員工所享有的權利

Evaluating Selection Activities Utility analysis An attempt to determine the extent to which a selection system provides real benefit to the organization An organization must consider the cost of the selection system and the cost of a selection error