技术创新满足民用航空发展需求 庞巴迪公司引领 Benjamin Boehm 本杰明·勃姆 副总裁 – 商用飞机项目 庞巴迪商用飞机


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Presentation transcript:

技术创新满足民用航空发展需求 庞巴迪公司引领 Benjamin Boehm 本杰明·勃姆 副总裁 – 商用飞机项目 庞巴迪商用飞机 中国民航发展论坛 2010年5月12-13日 中国,北京

前言 The following presentations include forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “foresee,” “believe” or “continue” or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. By their nature, forward-looking statements require Bombardier Inc. (the “Corporation”) to make assumptions and are subject to important known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause the Corporation’s actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. While the Corporation considers its assumptions to be reasonable and appropriate based on current information available, there is a risk that they may not be accurate. For additional information with respect to the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made in these presentations, please refer to the respective Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) sections of the Corporation’s aerospace segment and the Corporation’s transportation segment in the Corporation’s most recent annual report. Certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements include risks associated with general economic conditions, risks associated with the Corporation’s business environment (such as the financial condition of the airline industry), operational risks (such as risks associated with doing business with partners, risks involved in developing new products and services, product performance warranty, casualty claim losses, risks from regulatory and legal proceedings, environmental risks, risks relating to the Corporation’s dependence on certain key customers and key suppliers, human resource risks and risks resulting from fixed-term commitments), financing risks (such as risks resulting from reliance on government support, risks relating to financing support provided on behalf of certain customers, risks relating to liquidity and access to capital markets, risks relating to the terms of certain restrictive debt covenants) and market risks (including foreign currency fluctuations, changing interest rate and commodity pricing risk). For more details, see the Risks and Uncertainties section of the MD&A of the Corporation’s most recent annual report. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future growth, results and performance is not exhaustive and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements set forth in the following presentations reflect the Corporation’s expectations as at the date of the presentation and are subject to change after such date. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, the Corporation expressly disclaims any intention, and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. * Bombardier, Q-Series, Q400, CRJ Series, CRJ700, CRJ900, CRJ1000, CRJ, NextGen, CSeries, CS100 and CS300 are registered Trademarks or Trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

庞巴迪与中航工业、沈阳市政府、中国民航局 中国与庞巴迪:真正的双赢合作伙伴 自1970年代延续至今的友谊 C系列飞机 – 采用21世纪先进材料 进入150以下座级 单通道客机市场 庞巴迪与中航工业、沈阳市政府、中国民航局 密切协作 中国+庞巴迪 = 长期合作伙伴 关键工作包 在中国完成设计和制造 加强与政府和局方的联系

中国新市场机会 — 仅C系列可以承担 — 最有效率的100-149座级飞机 现有航线 新枢纽直飞航线 新开枢纽-轮辐航线 新点对点航线

中国航空公司网络增长模式将与加拿大有相似之处 >130座级 大机型联结大枢纽 100-149座级执行点对点航线 90-130座级 小飞机在边远地区发挥重要作用 <90座级

发展中的市场需要更有效率的合适座级的飞机 新机场需要更小且更高效的飞机 航空公司网络需要提供通达性,并创造新的运营模式 现有机场 新机场 Background China has set an ambitious goal of having 82% of population within 100 km from an airport As such, majority of the airports are going to be small regional airports US$ 65.8 billion has been set to fund the new airport development, of which US$29.2 billion to be invested in 2009; US$36.6 billion to be invested in 2010 在北美,过去的30年中150座级以下飞机执行的运输量4倍于大型飞机 中国也将有类似的趋势

采用新的高效率飞机如C系列,将有非常多的新航线可执行 中国:约19%航线每日频率大于5班 美国:约31%航线每日频率大于5班 Input from Qin (Angela) He on 03-May-2010 based on O&D data. CHINA : 187 out of 960 with frequency > or = to 5 => ~19% USA : 898 out of 2,909 with frequency > or = to 5 => ~31% 现有航线 新枢纽直飞航线 新开枢纽-轮辐航线 新点对点航线

CS100 为拉萨机场而专门设计 C系列飞机可实现更有效率,更多频率的飞行以服务拉萨及其它西部机场 拉萨 (LXA) 成都 (CTU) CTU-LXA-CTU往返 在拉萨不加油 机场温度: ISA+25 航路温度: ISA 喀什 和田 阿里 成都 (CTU) 拉萨 (LXA) C系列飞机可实现更有效率,更多频率的飞行以服务拉萨及其它西部机场 性能假设基于中国民航局要求,每位旅客加行李225磅,客户化运营空重 CS100 防冰关闭 需要飞行测试和高高原运营验证

 四大气候保护支柱* 可持续发展与环境保护 Responsibility 庞巴迪帮助客户应对环保和可持续发展的问题 技术进步 改善空域使用 具有改变游戏规则意义的 技术  最新的导航技术 减少环境足迹=经济性优势 最优化的飞机解决方案 Responsibility Sustainability Environment Protection 技术进步 在飞机和发动机技术方面创新 改善空域使用 运营测算 更有效率的 飞机尺寸 经济性测算 全球排放交易 Recent news related to environment: 23-Feb-10 : Bombardier Earns Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association Accreditation Bombardier and the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA) announced on February 23 that Bombardier’s aircraft dismantling operations have earned AFRA accreditation. AFRA is recognized worldwide for its leadership in promoting best practices for salvaging and recycling components from aging aircraft during disassembly. Bombardier is the first original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to earn the accreditation. 四大气候保护支柱* * 概念来自《责任、环保和汉莎航空》(汉莎航空画册2009年9月)和国际航协

庞巴迪 — 与中国航空工业合作不断深入 冲8/Q系列项目 (机身和舱门) 沈飞在C系列机身和尾锥 方面的合作 沈阳商用飞机公司 (SACC) 冲8/Q系列项目 (机身和舱门) 沈飞在C系列机身和尾锥 方面的合作 新的长期战略合作备忘录于2007年6月签署 沈阳 中国民用航空局 — C系列取证计划 北京 成飞商用飞机公司 (CCAC) 沈飞转包C系列飞机前机身目前在讨论中 成都

SAC Ground Breaking (CSeries facility) 庞巴迪宇航在中国的设施 庞巴迪公司 北京代表处 CRJ200 模拟机 沈飞商用飞机公司 (SACC) 沈阳 北京 中国市场销售办公室 青岛 Q400机身 (SACC厂房) 庞巴迪宇航北京航材备件库 上海 庞巴迪区域支持与客户支持办公室 冲8 Q100/200/300 舱门 Q400 机身 C系列机身和舱门 SAC Ground Breaking (CSeries facility)

沈飞团队在中国的C系列飞机设计工作包与庞巴迪在加拿大的团队直接整合 无缝设计流程 实时数据共享 领先的技术设施 C系列整合化产品研发环境 实时 庞巴迪亚洲枢纽 设计师虚拟同地办公 培训整合 沈飞通过使用升级的IT设施,无缝的设计和高效资源共享机制 享有设计权威

沈飞是21世纪最先进单通道客机的关键合作伙伴 自动舱门开启系统 前机身 先进铝锂合金材料 旅客舱门 舱门 翼上紧急出口 货舱门 中段机身 复合材料 服务舱门 尾锥 中央翼盒 后机身 桁条 机翼与机身相连处整流罩 沈飞是C系列项目最大的合作伙伴之一 沈飞拥有包含下一代技术内容的关键工作包

C系列飞机预先测试进行中 沈飞生产的中段机身筒重要里程碑 在沈阳设计制造 测试件以高质量标准 按时制造完成 测试件于2009年9月抵达 加拿大蒙特利尔 比计划提前2周 测试件已于2010年4月完成60,000循环(首个寿命周期)测试

C系列飞机在中国的型号取证 庞巴迪将第一时间向中国民航局递交在中国的型号取证申请以支持中国用户的C系列飞机交付计划 庞巴迪过去取得过许多中国民航局颁发的型号认可证(如挑战者,CRJ等) 基于过去的成功和与局方的良好合作关系,庞巴迪有信心及时取得中国民航局的认证 这是庞巴迪宇航、中国民航局、加拿大运输部未来紧密合作的重要步骤

庞巴迪正与中国航空工业发展更深的合作以创造最大化的协同效应以及未来的双赢机会 中国与庞巴迪:真正的双赢合作伙伴 庞巴迪正与中国航空工业发展更深的合作以创造最大化的协同效应以及未来的双赢机会 强有力的合作将有助于各方迈向新台阶 整体大于局部!

技术创新满足民用航空发展需求 庞巴迪公司引领 Benjamin Boehm 本杰明·勃姆 副总裁 – 商用飞机项目 庞巴迪商用飞机 中国民航发展论坛 2010年5月12-13日 中国,北京

Many Solutions, One Source. Information contained in this document is proprietary to Bombardier Inc., Bombardier Aerospace, Commercial Aircraft (“Bombardier”). This document must not be reproduced or shared with, or distributed to, any third party in whole or in part without Bombardier’s prior written consent. This document is submitted for informational purposes only; is not part of any proposal; and creates no contractual commitment. Bombardier provides the information contained in this document on an ‘as is, where is’ basis and makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding the applicability or reliability of any of such information with respect to any use whatsoever to be made of it by the recipient. Any information of a technical nature contained in this document may contain inaccuracies and is subject to change and should never be relied upon for operational use. Many Solutions, One Source. Report Number: CAAC Summit May 2010 Date: May 03rd, 2010 Prepared By: PPD&CR, China Marketing Team & CSeries IPDT Contact: sam.cherry@aero.bombardier.com Program Planning Development & Customers Requirements BOMBARDIER COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT