Letters of Offer.


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Presentation transcript:

Letters of Offer

Objectives 通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握: 1. 报价与报盘的含义 2. 报盘的种类及其各自的含义 3. 报盘和报价信的撰写 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Objectives 通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握: 1. 报价与报盘的含义 2. 报盘的种类及其各自的含义 3. 报盘和报价信的撰写  

Introduction Definition of an offer : Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Introduction Definition of an offer : An offer is a formal presentation of the goods to be supplied on the terms specified therein for the buyer’s acceptance. 

Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Introduction In the international business, offers can be divided into two kinds: A firm offer (实盘)— A firm offer is a definite promise to sell goods at the stated prices, usually within a stated period of time. The terms stated in a firm offer is binding on the sellers if they are accepted by the buyers within its validity. In a firm offer, an exact description of the goods, the time of shipment and the mode of payment should be included. A non-firm offer (虚盘)— Unlike a firm offer, a non-firm offer is not binding upon the sellers. In other words, a non-firm offer can be withdrawn or changed by the sellers.

Introduction The difference between an offer and a quotation: Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Introduction The difference between an offer and a quotation: A quotation is not an “offer” in the legal sense. It is just an indication of price without contractual obligation and subject to change without previous notice.

Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Introduction A satisfactory letter concerning an offer or quotation can be written in the following way: 1. Open the letter by expressing thanks for the inquiry, if any. 2. Explain the details of business conditions, such as name of commodities, quality, quantity, specifications, unit price, type of currency, packing condition, date of delivery, terms of payment, discount, ect.. 3. End the letter in the way that encourages the inquirers to place an order or give an early reply.

New Words & Expressions Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) New Words & Expressions 1. offer offer n. 报盘,报价 make (or: give, send) sb. an offer for(or: on) sth. 报给某人某种商品 We are making you an offer for (or: on) 300 gross “Chunghua” Brand Pencils at Stg.3.1 per gross CIF London. 现报三百罗“中华”牌铅笔,每罗成本加运费、保险费到 伦敦价三点一英镑。

New Words & Expressions Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) New Words & Expressions We are pleased to have received your offer for men’s shirts. 我方很高兴收到你方男式衬衫的报盘。 offer v. 报盘,报价,给予,提供 offer sb. sth. 报给某人某种商品 We will advise you once we are in a position to offer. 一俟我们能报盘,当即告知你方。 For quantity of 5,000 dozen, we can offer a discount of 5%. 数量达到5000打,我方给5%折扣。

New Words & Expressions Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) New Words & Expressions 2. inform inform v. 通知,告知 inform sb. of sth. or inform sb. that … keep sb. informed (advised/posted) of sth. 随时告之某人某事

New Words & Expressions Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) New Words & Expressions Please keep us informed of the supply position in your market. 请随时告知你处市场的供应情况。 We shall inform you of the date of sailing. 我方将通知你方开航日期。 To our regret, we are informed that our prices can’t match the market level. 遗憾的是,我方被告之价格与市场不符。

3. Cover 包括;购进;负担支付(开支等);弥补(损失等) Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) 3. Cover 包括;购进;负担支付(开支等);弥补(损失等) Reference is made to the goods covered by your Order No. 256. 兹谈及你方256号订单项下的货物。 A check for US$185,000 is enclosed to cover 100m/ts of SWC Sugar. 随附一张十八万五千美元的支票,用以支付100公吨的高级 白砂糖货款。 To cover your loss caused by our oversight, we agree to give you a 5% discount off the price. 为弥补因我方的疏忽而给你方造成的损失,我方同意在价格上给予你方百分之五的折扣。

New Words & Expressions Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) New Words & Expressions covering adj. 有关的;关于 Please see to it that the covering L/C is opened without delay. 务请尽快开立有关信用证。 We are in receipt of your E-mail dated August 28 covering light industrial products. 我方收到你方8月28日关于轻工产品的E-mail.

supply n. 供应,供给;(pl.)供应物,供给物 supply exceeds demand 供过于求 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) supply n. 供应,供给;(pl.)供应物,供给物 supply exceeds demand 供过于求 Owning to the shortage of row materials, the goods are out of supply at present. 由于原料短缺,此货目前已脱销。 New supplies of alarm clock will arrive next month. 闹钟的新货下周可到。 supply vt. 供给,供应 supply sb. with sth; supply sth. to sb. 向某人供应某物

如能在一周内提供这种产品,请即传真告知。 supplier n. 供应商,供货商 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) We are pleased to say that we can supply you with all the goods listed in your letter of April 7. 欣然告知你方四月七日来函中所列的各种商品,我方均可供应。 If you can supply us with the products within one week, please fax us immediately. 如能在一周内提供这种产品,请即传真告知。 supplier n. 供应商,供货商 Supplier and purchaser are the two counter parts in a transaction. 供货方与购货方是一笔交易中两个不同的当事人。

We enclose a copy of our new price list. 随函附寄去我方的新价目表一份。 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) enclose v.t. 把…封入,随函附寄 We enclose a copy of our new price list. 随函附寄去我方的新价目表一份。 Please refer to the pricelist enclosed with our letter of July 8. 请查收附在7月8日信内的价目表。 Enclosed please find some sample cuttings. 随函附寄一些剪样,请查收。 过去分词enclosed可作名词用,前面加定冠词。

We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. 我方相信你方对所附之件会感兴趣。 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. 我方相信你方对所附之件会感兴趣。 enclosure n. 附件(信内有附件时,常用缩写Encl. 或 Enc. 注明于信末左下角)。 We thank you for your letter of April 10 with enclosures. 感谢你方4月10日来信及附件。

We regret that we cannot take advantage of your offer dated July 8. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) take advantage of 利用 We regret that we cannot take advantage of your offer dated July 8. 很遗憾我方无法利用你方7月8日的报盘。 We hope to take advantage of this opportunity to build up more trade channels. 我们希望利用这次机会建立更多的贸易渠道。 

7. anticipate v.t. 盼望,期望,后接名词,动名词 或that引导的从句。 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) 7. anticipate v.t. 盼望,期望,后接名词,动名词 或that引导的从句。 e.g. We anticipate your acceptance. 盼望你方接受。 We anticipate hearing from you again. 我们期待再接到你方的来信。 We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。  

We would like to enter into business relations with you. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) enter into 达成,进入,签订 We would like to enter into business relations with you. 我们愿意与贵公司建立贸易关系。 Through days discussions we have entered into the agreement. 经过数天谈判,终于达成了协议。 

Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书 Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) confirmation n. 确认,证实 Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书 Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 Your early confirmation will benefit both of us. 早日确认将对你我双方都有利。 confirm v.t. 确认,证实,确定 Please write to confirm your reservation. 请来信确认一下您所预订的项目。

Keys to Exercises ExerciseⅠ Exercise Ⅱ Exercise Ⅲ Exercise Ⅳ Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Keys to Exercises ExerciseⅠ Exercise Ⅱ Exercise Ⅲ Exercise Ⅳ

Exercise I Finish the following sentences. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise I Finish the following sentences. 1. Thank you for your letter of October 1 asking us to _______________________________________(你方 报盘500个美的牌电饭锅)for May shipment. 2. For your information, _______________________ ______________________________ (我们的报价中已包含你方百分之五的佣金). offer you 500 “Midea” Brand Electric Cooker your 5% commission is included in our quotation

Exercise I 3. As requested, we are making you an offer as Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise I 3. As requested, we are making you an offer as follows ____________________________ (每箱 84美元CIF新港). 4. The commission on our shoes would be ___________________________________________ (以不少于1000箱的购买量). USD 84 per case CIF Xingang allowed on purchase of not less than 1000 cases

Exercise II Fill in the blanks with propositions. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise II Fill in the blanks with propositions. 1. We shall make a reduction_____ our price if you increase the quantity _____ 1,000 pcs. 2. We refer ______ your offer ______18th May. 3. I’d like to direct your attention ____the quality _____the goods which is superior ____that of other makes. 4. Many of our clients requested us ____approach you _____offers. on to to on to of to to for

for at for in for 5. Thank you ___your quotation _____ September Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) 5. Thank you ___your quotation _____ September 5th _____ 500 pieces _____the captioned goods. 6. We offer you _____200 TV sets __US$…___FOB New York basis ____August shipment. 7. If you could make a reduction ____10%_____ quotation, we have confidence ___securing large orders _____you. for of / on for of for at on for by in in for

Exercise III Translate the following sentences. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise III Translate the following sentences. 1. Thank you for your inquiry of March 8 for our famous-brand athletic shoes of Nike, Adidas 2. At your request, we are offering you 500 famous-brand athletic shoes of Puma at USD 458 per pair CIF New York.

We are sending you our latest quotation and 5 pairs of shoes samples. Offers & Quotations (报盘和报价) The above offer is subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month. We are sending you our latest quotation and 5 pairs of shoes samples. 5. Because of the heavy demand for our goods, we suggest your placing orders without delay.

Finish Ex 1 on P78 Thanks for your inquiry of March 28th and we have pleasure in enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list to give the details you ask for. As you will be able to see from our illustrated catalog all the computers we manufacture are of very high quality. The prices are very competitive. On regular purchase in quantities we would allow you a trade discount of 3%. Looking forward to your first order. Yours truly, Hao Peng Manager of Sales Department

Summary & Assignment Summarize the main contents learnt in this period. Remember all the useful expressions and important words. Preview the letter of order.