欢迎大家参加科普讲座 如何爱护眼睛 浙江省眼科医院 杭州院区 主治医师:陈岩
我 们 的 眼 睛 工 作 努 力 享 受 积 极 全 球 有 十 亿 人 需 要 视 力 矫 正 关 心 和 保 健 孩 子 的 视 觉 很 重 要 我 们 有 科 学 办 法 可 以 帮 助 您 您 慢 慢 看 不 用 太 着 急 科 学 技 术 在 不 断 进 步 中 眼 睛 每 天 很 努 力 工 作 社 会 越 来 越 进 步 眼 睛 越 来 越 重 要
人类信息的82% 来自视觉 眼睛还和人的平衡能力等相关
眼 睛 照相机 瞳 孔 光 圈 晶状体 镜 头 视网膜 底 片
眼球太长了,成像在底片前方 Myopia Myopia is the refractive error resulting from lights rays from a distant object being brought to a focus in front of the retina. The greater the refractive error the further in front of the retina this focus is located. This situation means that, regardless of the accommodative state, unaided clear distance vision cannot be achieved. Applying accommodation only makes the situation worse by bringing the focus position further forward thereby increasing the blur perceived. NOTE: In this and subsequent diagrams, a simplistic approach to the optics of each situation is taken. In the interests of clarity, light rays are shown for an unrealistic pupil size. Thus light appears to pass through the iris, an impossibility in the real world. Further, light is shown being refracted by the anterior corneal surface only, rather than being refracted progressively by each surface. In the case of hyperopia, light rays are shown being focused behind the retina, also an impossibility in the real world since light cannot pass through the posterior pole of the eyeball. When illustrating the forms of astigmatism, even the crystalline lens is omitted from the diagrams. 1-P29 1-D28
近视的原因是什么 遗传和环境 近距离用眼时间过长、过多 较少的户外运动 眼球过快的增长
近视的发展 和长时间近距离用眼相关 和生长发育相关
专注看时,常眯眼或用手遮掩 无法清晰稳定地持久阅读
近视的矫正 目前没有公认的治疗近视和控制近视的仪器和药物 定期检查眼睛 需要矫正方法:眼镜、隐形眼镜 18岁以后可以考虑激光手术 多参加户外运动,注意用眼卫生
远视 平行入射光聚焦在视网膜后 Hyperopia In hyperopia, if the light rays could pass through the posterior pole of the eye they would be brought to a focus behind the retina. This means that the light at the retina produces blurred images. Depending on the magnitude of the error and the patient’s age, the application of some accommodation may allow the patient to see clearly at distance and near. Regardless of whether accommodation is applied or not, the absence of a correction means that their near point is further from the eye than it might otherwise be. 1-P39 1-D38
散 光 光线在不同方向上聚焦不一致 主要和角膜的形状有关
注 意 远视需避免弱视 低度不需要配镜,高度需要长戴镜 高度散光也需要避免弱视 散光度数一般变化不大 散光也需要眼镜矫正
爱眼策略 养成良好习惯
购阅读物应避免选择字体太小、 印刷不清的书刊
多参加户外运动、接近自然、 多接触青山绿水并常眺望远方
睡眠要充足、作息要正常 (不要熬夜,早睡早起身体好! ) 睡眠要充足、作息要正常 (不要熬夜,早睡早起身体好! )
学写字坐端正腰打直 大拇哥二姆弟中指来挺笔 离笔尖三公分笔身轻轻靠 两肩平放轻松欢喜来写字 前三指带笔走 后二指要稳定
谢谢! 浙江省唯一的三甲眼科专科医院 浙江省眼科医院 杭州院区 江干区凤起东路618号 http://www.hzeye.cn 江干区凤起东路618号 http://www.hzeye.cn 咨询电话:0571-88193666 88185666