采矿工程英语 English for Mining Engineering


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Presentation transcript:

采矿工程英语 English for Mining Engineering 李 明 2008/8/7

Lesson 1 Blasting in Development Workings 开拓巷道爆破 Many patterns of hole rounds for blasting are round in practice. The nature of the ground to be blasted, the function of each hole, the kind of explosives used, the way in which the holes are loaded and fired, their number, diameter, depth, and spacing are to be considered for any particular round. Round炮眼组/循环/扩槽;spacing 间距/间隔;burden抵抗线;explosive炸药;be proportional to 与…….成比例。 在实践中,炮眼组爆破的许多形式是环形的用于扩槽。每一个炮眼组要爆破岩层的性质,每个炮孔的作用,应用的炸药种类,炮孔装药及点火方式,炮眼数量,直径,深度,间距都要被考虑到。

However, the following principles are of general application: the Strength of the explosive should be proportional to the strength of the rock; the burden should be proportional to the strength of the explosive. 然而,以下规则普遍应用:炸药的强度应与岩石的硬度成比例(相称),抵抗线应该与炸药的强度成比例(相称)。

Drift, crosscut, adit, shaft or raise present a similar problem in breaking that only one free face is attached. To have more than one free face, most rounds initiate the break by a pyramid or diamond cut , V-cut and burn cut, then other holes are fired in succession. 平巷、石门、平硐、井筒或天井在爆破过程中都存在一个相同问题,即只有一个自由面。为了形成多个自由面,许多炮眼组开始利用锥形或菱形掏槽,V形掏槽及一字形(直线)掏槽爆破,然后依次起爆周围(其它)炮孔。

The V-cut is generally located at the center of the face The V-cut is generally located at the center of the face. One of explosives most widely used for blasting in underground work is ammon-dynamite. Locate 位于;ammon-dynamite硝铵炸药;emulsion explosive乳化炸药; V形掏槽一般位于工作面中心。地下矿山爆破工作中应用最广泛的炸药之一是硝铵炸药。 Modern mining practice indicates the short delay blasting is more and more widely used for breaking rocks. Indicate指出/预示/暗示/象征; the short delay blasting 毫秒延期爆破; 现代采矿实践中毫秒延期(微差)爆破越来越广泛地应用于爆破岩石。

Apart from the initial fracturing of the rock by the explosive, the fragmentation in delay blasting is further influenced by the time interval between the shots. An instantaneous blast caused all rock to move together. The difference between these two types of blasts is a delay period which results in a better fragmentation. Apart from除….以外; initial最初的; fragmentation爆炸/碎裂;fracture破裂/断面; instantaneous瞬时的/立即的;apparently显然/俨然; 除了炸药爆炸所造成的最初的破裂外,借助于炮眼间时间间隔形成的延期爆炸所引起地破碎进一步加强了,瞬时爆破导致所有的岩石一起抛掷,这两种爆破的区别是延迟时间,其能导致较好的破碎。

显然,延期时间取决于三个因素:岩石类型,炮眼的最小抵抗线,炮眼间距,最佳延期时间主要受岩石类型影响。 This delay period will apparently depend on three factors: the type of rock, the burden of the shot hole, the shot hole spacing. The optimum delay period is mainly influenced by the type of rock。 Optimum最佳条件/最适度;shot 爆破/炮眼;shot hole炮眼; 显然,延期时间取决于三个因素:岩石类型,炮眼的最小抵抗线,炮眼间距,最佳延期时间主要受岩石类型影响。

It is a common impression that the 15-to-25 millisecond delay at present available with short delay detonation is a suitable delay interval. Millisecond毫秒;available可用的/合用的/通用的; impression印象/认为; detonation雷管; 通常认为目前,15-25 毫秒的延期时间是合适的间隔时间,其与微差电雷管通用。

Reading material: Drilling and Blasting 钻眼爆破 There are two-approaches to this phase of shaft sinking. One consists of drilling and blasting the complete shaft bottom in one operation and is termed full-bottom. The second known as the benching method involves drilling and blasting one-half the shaft at a time. Approach途径/方法/接近;phase阶段/局面/状态;bench 把…分成台阶形;shaft sinking井筒掘进;shaft bottom井底。 井筒掘进有两种方法,一种方法是由一次钻眼爆破整个井底叫做全井底方法(可译为:一种方法是井筒全断面一次爆破),第二种方法被称作台阶法,一次钻眼爆破井筒断面的一半。

The advantages of the benching method are: 台阶法的优点: 1、A constant large capacity sump is provided which is of considerable benefit when sinking a wet shaft. Sump水仓/水窝;constant经常的/不断的/经久的;benefit利益/好处;wet湿的; 当掘进有涌水的井筒时,提供一个大容量的永久水仓是有利的。

2、The time required to clean bottom after mucking is minimized; the remaining rock being blown into the sump. Mucking装岩/抓岩;minimize减少到最低限度;blow放炮/爆破/(风)吹/喷水/喷气; ; 装岩后需要清理井底的时间减少到最低值,剩余的岩石可被清理(吹)到水窝里去。 3、Fly rock up the shaft is minimized, As the shot rock is thrown against the opposite side of the shaft, Therefore, it is not normally necessary to move the stage before blasting. stage阶段/吊盘;shot rock爆落岩石; 向上的飞石减到了最少,因为爆落的岩石被抛向井筒对面,因此爆破前通常不必移动吊盘。

When using a full-bottom round, extreme care must be taken to minimize the amount of powder per delay in the cut, This is done to avoid damage to the stage. The stage is usually withdrawn a minimum of 150 feet from the bottom for blasting. This can involve a delay of 30 minutes or more because, as a safety precaution, the stage is not moved with men on the bottom.

Extreme 极度的/极端的/非常的;withdraw撤离/缩回;precaution 警惕/预防措施; 当采用全断面爆破时,必须非常小心地把掏槽眼的每段装药量减到最低。这样做为了避免破坏吊盘,吊盘通常撤离到距井底最少150英尺以躲避爆破,这可以包括在30分钟甚至更多的延期里,因为作为一项安全预防措施,人员在井底时,吊盘不能移动。

Lesson 2 Support of Mine Workings 矿山巷道的支护 Prior to mining operations, Strata are subject to a vertical compressive force due to the weight of the overlying beds. In addition, the rocks are subject to a lateral or sideways force, due to the fact that they are externally constrained and are thus unable to expand sideways, These vertical and lateral forces are in equilibrium or in other words they balance each other and the strata remain at rest in their natural position.

采矿作业之前,由于上覆岩层的重力作用,地层受到垂直压力。另外,岩层还受到水平(横向)的或侧向力。由于这个缘故,岩层表面上被抑制,不能侧向扩张(膨胀),这些垂直的和横向的压力保持平衡,换句话说,它们相互平衡,地层在原位置静止不动。 prior to在….之前;sideways 横的(地)/斜的; excavation挖掘/采掘/巷道; Full-face~全断面掘进;shaft and drift~井巷掘进;winning~采掘空间/工作;

excavator挖掘机/电铲;single-bucket~单斗挖掘机;walking~迈步式挖掘机;dragline~索斗挖掘机;bucket-wheel~轮斗挖掘机;clamp~抓斗挖掘机; externally外面/表面上;compressive有压力的/压缩的;lateral侧面的/旁边的/横向的;constrain强迫/抑制/阻止;sink挖掘/沉降;roadway巷道/路;subject to 遭受/受到/根据;overlying beds上覆岩层;in addition另外/还有; equilibrium平衡;be in equilibrium 保持平衡;

at rest静止/安静;a volcano at rest 静止的火山;set a question at rest把问题解决;operation 操作/工作运转;expand使膨胀/使扩张;

Once we make an excavation, however, as in sinking a shaft or driving a roadway, We disturb this state of equilibrium or balance and the vertical and lateral force are redistributed, so that new forces are induced which operate in a manner to restore equilibrium. 我们掘进一条巷道,如掘进一条井筒或开掘一条平巷,我们打破 (破坏)了这种平衡状态,,垂直的和横向的压力重新分布,以致诱发了新的压力,其以某种方式起作用,促使恢复新的平衡。

This redistribution of the forces tends to cause the strata to move into the excavation. The greater the depth of the excavation the greater is the pressure upon the surrounding strata, If the rock are strong, and the excavation narrow, the movement will be slight and the excavation may remain open. 压力的重新分布往往导致地层向巷道内移动,巷道所处深度越大,围岩的压力就越大,如果围岩稳固且巷道断面跨度小,围岩的移动是轻微的,巷道可不用支护(保持敞空)。

In most cases, however, especially in wide excavations, the strata break and supports have to be used, In such cases, If the supports are set early enough and are strong enough, they may prevent the strata from breaking, or If fracture has occurred, they will prevent the broken rocks from falling where the strata break。 然而,在多数情况下,尤其是巷道断面跨度大,地层破碎必须应用支护,在这种情况下,如果支护安装的及时且强度足够大,支护可以防止岩层破碎或者出现破裂(断面)。或在地层断裂处,可防止破碎岩石冒落。

it is impossible to prevent them from subsiding so that the real problem of support is one of roof control. The term roof control not only covers the actual setting of supports, but includes a study of the forces acting in the strata. 阻止岩层下沉是不可能的,如此支护的真正问题是顶板管理之一,顶板管理这个术语不但包括了实际的安装支护,而且包括了作用在地层中压力的研究。

and the application of supports suitable for the particular conditions existing in the mine, These conditions vary widely with the nature of the rocks and the system of working employed. 以及矿山中适合于特殊条件的支护的应用,这些情况(条件)随着岩石性质及 使用的工作系统的变动很大。

The bed forming the roof of any narrow excavation may be regarded as a very large slab of stone resting upon the roadside pillars and carrying the weight of the overlying rocks. The forces acting on and in this slab will be mostly compressive downward forces but other types of force also arise in the rocks around the roadway. 形成任何小断面巷道顶板的地层,可看作是一块很大的石板被支撑在路旁矿柱上,承载/托着上覆岩层的重量.作用在平板上面的和内部的压力,多数是向下的压力,但是巷道围岩中也产生了其它类型的压力。

The section of the roof bed immediately above the seam may be regarded as a beam fixed at both ends having a span equal to the width of the roadway. The weight of this beam and any pressure exerted upon it from above will cause it to bend, which tend to break it, The forces acting , even in the vicinity of a narrow roadway, are complex in character. 直接位于矿体上方的顶板岩层看作是两边固定的梁,其与巷道宽具有相同跨度,梁的重力及从上方作用于它的任何压力将导致它弯曲,使它断裂,即使在小断面巷道附近作用的压力性质也是复杂的。

In general, if the width of the excavation is increased so that the span of the “beam” is increased, the beam is more likely to break, although it is sometimes found in deep workings that roof conditions are better when the width of the roadway is increased within certain limit. Beam梁/横杆;span 跨度;fix使固定/安装;vicinity附近/接近;in the vicinity of 在…..附近; 一般地,如果巷道的宽度增加了,相应使梁的跨度 增加,梁更可能会断裂,虽然有时在深部巷道中,在一定限度内增加巷道宽度顶板情况较好。

Lesson three Permanent Roadway Supports 巷道永久支护 The amount of support required in permanent positions such as main roadways ,engine-houses, pump houses, etc. depends upon the character of the strata. Permanent永久的; engine-houses机车硐室; 永久位置(服务年限长的位置)所需的大量支护,例如,主要运输巷道,机车硐室,泵房等等,取决于地/岩层的性质。

In some places, the ground may be so strong that roadways will stand almost indefinitely without artificial support, These underground roadways are unlined, sometimes even in broken ground, the roof breaks in such a manner as to form a natural arch. In such cases, however, great care is necessary to avoid accidents due to falling of detached pieces of rock. 在某些位置,岩层可能很坚固(稳固),巷道不需要人工支护而维持很长一段时间,这种巷道不需支护,有时即使在破碎地段/带,顶板破碎到一定程度,以致形成自然平衡拱,在这种情况下,需非常/特别小心,以避免分离岩块的冒落所造成的事故。

Brickwork and girders in combination with each other are often used for the support of shaft sidings, main roads and engine houses and afford a substantial and effective form of support for such situations. 砌旋和钢梁相互配合常用于支护井底岔道,主要巷道,机车硐室,为这些位置/地点提供了非常坚固有效的支护形式。 Brickwork砖墙/砖砌体;girder大梁/钢梁;siding(铁路的)侧线/岔线;side track旁轨;shaft-siding井底岔道/井底车场巷道;railroad siding 铁路岔线;

pit bottom sidings井底车场;shaft bottom 井底/井底车场;loop shaft bottom 或者 loop-type pit bottom环形井底车场;straight-line-type~直线型井底车场;Zigzag-type pit bottom折返式井底车场; shaft立井;access/drawing/haulage~提升井;air~风井;blind/interior~盲井;cage ~罐笼井;skip~箕斗井;skip-cage combination~混合井;central~中央立井;bricked ~砖砌井;concrete-lined ~混凝土壁立井;discharge air /upcast~回风井;

downcast ~进风井;drainage/pump~排水井;flooded~淹没矿井;footwall/underlay~在下盘中的斜井(沿矿脉倾斜开凿);inclined~斜井;internal inclined~井下斜井/暗斜井;joint hoisting~提升通风两用井;joint ventilation~ 同时进风和回风的立井(用垂直隔墙隔开);main ~主井;main winding~主提升井;main working~主生产井;subsidiary~副井;shaft sinking and drifting 井巷工程;shaft sunk by freezing冻结法凿井;simultaneous shaft-sinking一次成井

A common form of such support consists of brick side walls supporting steel girders, the girders should not be placed directly upon the brickwork, as this gives rise to local fracture, due to concentration of pressure at the points where the girders rest on the side walls. This is avoided by inserting wooden wall plates or beams on top of the brickwork and setting the girders on the wall plates.

这种支护的普遍形式是由砖侧墙支撑着钢梁组成的,钢梁不应该直接 接触砖墙,因为容易引起局部破裂,这由于钢梁抵在侧墙上造成接触处压力集中而形成的. 这种现象可以通过在砖墙上插入木垫板或木垫梁及在承梁板上安装钢梁避免。

A further precaution against crushing of the brickwork is to insert one or more crushing pieces or layers of timber in the brickwork. The space between the girders and the roof should be well-lagged, and struts should be placed between the webs of adjacent girders to obviate any tendency for the girders to reel over. 进一步预防砖墙压坏的措施是在砌体中插入一层或多层碎木片或木块,钢梁和顶板间的空间应该安设背板,支柱(支撑)应安设在紧邻着钢梁的腹板间,以避免钢梁滚动/晃动。

Lag安设背板/板桩/滞后;lag on 插背板;explosion~ 爆炸延滞期;support~支护滞后;lagged有背板的; strut支柱/支撑;cross/lateral~横撑;inclined~斜撑;timber~木支撑;steel~钢支撑;web 腹板/连接板; Adjacent临近的/接近的;obviate排除/消除/避免;reel over滚动/摇晃;crush压碎/压坏/破碎/支架毁裂;crushing压碎/破碎/压缩;coarse~粗碎;fine ~细碎;~of lead cylinder铅柱压缩;precaution against预防方法/措施

Pit-bottom siding and important main roads, especially in weak ground, are frequently lined with brickwork in the form of arching. Though costly to insert brick arching suitably designed and properly constructed, provides a strong and durable form of support. It should, however, only be employed in situations where the ground has settled, as it is liable to crack and collapse if used in ground subject to movement.

Arching 拱;durable耐久的/耐用的;liable易…. 的;be ~ to 易于……的/有… Arching 拱;durable耐久的/耐用的;liable易….的;be ~ to 易于……的/有…..倾向的;without careful investigation, you’re ~to come to wrong conclusions; 不仔细调查研究,你就会得出错误结论。 suitably合适地/适当的;properly适当地/完全地/彻底地;costly昂贵的/代价高的;collapse倒塌/坍塌;crack裂开;settle变稳定。 井底车场和主要运输巷道,尤其位于松软的地层中,通常利用拱形形式的砖墙支护,虽然插入缓冲层费用高,但是砖拱合适地设计与适当地建造,可形成一种坚固耐用的支护形式,然而它只应用在地层稳定的地点,因为如果应用在遭受运动的地层中,砖拱就易于裂开和塌落。

Lesson four Material for the Support of Mine Workings 巷道支护材料 In firm and coherent rocks the mine workings need not be supported, and they will remain for centuries, especially narrow drifts, workings, shafts and similar excavations. But also larger workings remain in some rocks for a long time, arched chambers in particular stand up and last for an almost unlimited period of time.

In most rocks, however, it is necessary to support the mine workings. Coherent凝聚性的/有凝聚力的;unlimited无限的; chamber矿房/硐室;blasting~二次破碎室;caved~崩落的矿房/塌落的硐室;crusher~(地下)破碎机房;drill~钻眼硐室;dust~集尘室;fan ~扇风机房;mine-fills~充填砂仓(水砂充填);pump~泵房;undercutting~拉底矿房;water~水仓;winder~绞车房; timber木材;firm坚硬的/牢固的;stand up 坚持, 经得起;last for 持续/维持; excavate挖掘/开凿; excavator 挖掘机; excavation巷道/采掘/挖掘/土方工程;

development~掘进巷道;full-face~全断面掘进;mining ~s 矿山巷道;open~露天开采;primary~初次回采;shaft and drift~ 井巷掘进;underground ~s地下巷道;winning ~s采掘工作;working~工作巷道; workings矿内巷道/矿内工作区/开采;bench ~台阶式开采;stage ~阶梯式开采(金);inverted steps ~倒台阶开采;open ~露天开采;blind ~s独头巷道;cross-measure ~s 穿层巷道/石门;deep mine working深井开采;level/horizontal ~s平巷;panel ~盘区开采;multi-seam~多层开采;rise ~上向开采/逆倾斜掘进;double~双翼开采;unidirectional~单翼开采;~home后退式开采;~out前进式开采;

Materials for the support used are mainly: 矿山巷道布设在坚韧的岩石里不需要支护,且可以保持几个世纪不破坏,尤其是断面跨度小的平硐、平巷以及相类似的巷道,但也有大断面的巷道在一些岩石中可保持很长时间不破坏,特别是拱形硐室几乎能长久的维持而不破坏,然而在多数岩石里巷道需支护。 Materials for the support used are mainly: 所用的支护材料主要是: 1、pillars of the rock in which the mine is excavated. 矿井开拓时所留设的岩柱。

3、filling with waste material; 废料充填 2、timber;木材 3、filling with waste material; 废料充填 4、masonry of stone or bricks;masonry砌筑/砖工; 砖、石砌筑 5、masonry of concrete and cement blocks; Concrete混凝土; cement水泥; block块料/砌块 混凝土和水泥块料砌筑 6、precast concrete;预制混凝土 7、solid concrete;固体混凝土(素混凝土) 8、reinforced concrete; 钢筋混凝土

9、steel/metal props;金属支柱 Prop支柱;anchor ~锚杆;breaker ~s切顶排柱;friction~摩擦支柱;hydraulic~液压支柱;individual~单体支柱;yielding steel ~可缩性金属支柱;~up支起/支撑; 10、massive broken ore of low grade. Massive块状的/厚重的;broken破碎的/已部分开采的;grade品位/等级 已部分开采的低品位的大块矿石。 11、a combination of the materials and methods listed above. 以上所列的材料和方法的联合使用。

To maintain the mine workings, the selection of a suitable method of working is the most important. 为了维护井巷,选择合适的支护方法是最重要的. Using any type of support have to bear in mind first how large are the cross-sections of the very workings to be supported and how long we shall need them. 不论应用何种类型的支护,首先须考虑要支护巷道的横断面是多大及我们需应用多久(巷道服务年限)。

bear in mind记住/考虑; very恰好的; section剖面/截面/采区;axial ~轴向剖面;center~中心剖面;clear~净断面;rough~毛断面;columnar strata ~s地层柱状图;exploratory line ~勘探线剖面图;formation ~地层断面图;geological (cross)~地质剖面图;profile/lengthwise/longitudinal~纵剖面;cross/bench~横剖面;near-surface~靠近地面的采区;worked-out~采空区;working~采区/工作区;

We support quite differently sections which we shall need permanently during the lifetime of the mines perhaps serve for centuries, and sections which serve only for some years or months, or even for a few weeks or days. In stopes, we support them only for quite a short time, and usually remove the support again when we do not need it any longer, then we speak of a temporary support. 在矿山服务年限中,也许是几个世纪都要长久利用的巷道,支护完全不同于只服务几年或几个月,甚至是几个星期或几天的巷道。在回采工作面中,我们只支护很短时间,并且通常当不再需要支护的时候,就再把支护移走,接下来我们谈谈临时支护的问题。

Permanently永久地;lifetime寿命/使用年限; stope回采工作面/采场/矿房/回采; back~上向回采/倒台阶工作面;bottom ~下向回采/正台阶工作面;blast-hole~深孔崩落回采工作面;finished/drawn/emptied ~采空区;filled/filling~充填回采工作面;open~空场回采工作面; open~ with random pillars留贫矿为矿柱的空场法; open~ with regular pillars留规则矿柱的空场法;shrinkage ~留矿回采工作面;sublevel~分段回采工作面; temporary暂时的/临时的;speak of 谈及/说到;

In choosing the method of support, we pay attention to: 在选择支护方法时我们注意: 1、the safety of miners’ labour and the convenience of ventilation. 工人的劳动安全及通风便利(容易)。 2、the cost of the material to be used for support. 用作支护的材料的费用/成本大小。

3、the time necessary to erect the support, as a support which can be set up quickly is more suitable. Erect安装/树立; 安装支护所需的时间,因为支护安装的越及时就 越合适/好。 4、the possibility ease and cost of repairs, as repairs in the main haulage drives may seriously upset transportation. Possibility可能性;ease小心移置;upset扰乱; 可能的移置及维修费用,因为在主要运输巷道的维修可严重地干扰运输。

5、the strength of the support 6、the life of the support 支护的强度 6、the life of the support 支护的寿命