戰爭與和平 (2) War and Peace (2)
神所赐的全副军装 (The Armor of God) (弗Ephesians 6:11-18) 11要穿戴 神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。 12 因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的 、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。 13 所以,要拿起 神所赐的全副军装,好在磨难的日子抵挡仇 敌,并且成就了一切,还能站立得住。 14 所以要站稳了,用真理当作带子束腰,用公义当作护心镜遮 胸, 15 又用平安的福音当作预备走路的鞋穿在脚上。 16 此外,又拿着信德当作藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭。 17 并戴上救恩的头盔,拿着圣灵的宝剑,就是 神的道。 18 靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求,并要在此警醒不倦,为众圣 徒祈求,
真理當作帶子束腰 (the belt of truth) 公義當作護心鏡遮胸 (the breastplate of righteousness) 平安的福音當作預備走路的鞋 (the gospel of peace) 拿著信德當作籐牌 (the shield of faith) 戴上救恩的頭盔 (the helmet of salvation) 拿著聖靈的寶劍 (the sword of Spirit) 靠著聖靈 隨時多方禱告祈求 (pray in the Spirit on all occasions)
神 所 賜 的 全 副 軍 裝 (The full Armor of God) 真理當作帶子束腰 (the belt of truth) 真理增加屬靈力量 (truth increases our spiritual strength) 真理約束放縱私慾的心(truth girding up the loins of your mind) 公義當作護心鏡遮胸 (the breastplate of righteousness) 沒有護心鏡保護,屬靈爭戰中脆弱的心很容易受傷害 (righteousness can protect our heart in spiritual warfare) 公義與信和愛有關 (righteousness is related to love and faith)
C. 平安 福音 的鞋 (With Your Feet fitted with the gospel of peace) 什麼是福音 (What is the gospel) (可 Mark 1:1) 神的兒子,耶稣基督福音的起头 福音就是一切有關耶稣基督的好消息 (It is the good news about Jesus Christ) (罗 Romans1∶16)福音是神的大能,要救一切相信的人。 (It is the power of God for the salvation for everyone who believes ) (罗马 Romans 10:15) 若沒有奉差遣,怎能傳道呢?如經上所記:「報福音傳喜信的人,他們的腳蹤何等佳美! 仇敵主動攻擊 (Devil is looking for someone to devour) (彼得前 1 Peter 5:8) 8 務 要 謹 守 , 儆 醒 。 因 為 你 們 的 仇 敵 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 獅 子 , 遍 地 遊 行 , 尋 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 。 。 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
2. 福音與平安的關 係(What’s the gospel of peace) 基督的福音就是平安的福音 (The gospel of Christ is the gospel of peace) (弗Ephesians 2:16-17) 既在十字架上滅了冤仇,便藉這十字架,使兩下歸為一體,與神和好了。並且來傳和平的福音給你們遠處的人,也給那近處的人。He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 相信接受這福音的人就得平安 (Peace to those on whom God’s favor rests) (路 Luke 2:13-14) 忽然有一大隊天兵,同那天使讚美神說:在至高之處榮耀歸於神!在地上平安歸於他所喜悅的人! Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."
3. 什么样的鞋子就留下什么样的脚印 (The shoes you wear determines footprints you leave)
脚印是我們生活的见证 (Footprints is the testimony of our life) 平安福音的鞋留下的是佳美的脚印 (The gospel of peace leaves beautiful footprints) (罗马 Romans 10:15) 若沒有奉差遣,怎能傳道呢?如經上所記:「報福音傳喜信的人,他們的腳蹤何等佳美! 」
4. 為什麼需要以平安福音作鞋 (Why we need to have our feet fitted with the gospel of peace?) 聖經教導女人後裔的腳會被攻擊 (The Serpent will strike our feet) (創 Genesis 3:15) 女人的後裔要傷你的頭 、你要傷他的腳 跟 。 女人的後裔指基督 (the offspring of the woman is Jesus Christ) (賽 Isaiah 9 &10) 基督是教會的頭, 教會是基督的身體 (Christ is the head of church, we are his body) (弗 Ephesians 5:23) 傳福音使我們成為基督的腳在世上行走, 成為撒旦攻擊的對象 (As the body of Christ preaching gospel in the world, Satan will strike our feet)
腳直接與世界接觸, 必然沾染世上的塵土(扭曲的價值) 平安福音的鞋保護我們的腳, 隔開塵土 (羅馬 Romans16:20) 賜平安的神,快要將撒旦踐踏在你們腳下 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
为自己所信的而站立 (stand firm in the faith) 什麼是平安的福音當作預備走路的鞋(What does “with your feet fitted with the gospel of peace” mean?) 不穿平安的福音鞋等於光着脚, 並且這是事先预备隨時穿在脚上鞋 (It is prepared in advance and are put on your feet. You are considered as bare foot without the gospel of peace. ) (弗 Ephesians 6:15) 又用平安的福音当作预备走路的鞋穿在脚上。 With Your Feet fitted with The gospel of peace 为自己所信的而站立 (stand firm in the faith) (哥前 1 Corinthians 16:13)13 你們務要儆醒,在真道上站立得穩,要作大丈夫,要剛強。 13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 亚历山大,拿破仑及其他军事家, 他们总是挑选自己应该站在何处。我们不可让敌人来为我们作决定。马丁路德不因为有十二世纪之久的罗马天主教和各种传统与他敌对而丧志。他说,「这是我站之处!此外我没有别的地方可站。」 我们必须知道自己相信什么;必须果断地决定为自己所信的而站立。
應該穿一雙合腳的鞋 (Make sure with your feet fitted with this “gospel of peace”) (太 Matthews 25:20) 那領五千銀子的又帶著那另外的五千來,說:『主啊,你交給我五千銀子,請看,我又賺了五千。』 時常充實自 己, 增加對福音的知識 (Prepare yourself, increase your knowledge about the gospel) (箴 Proverbs 2:10) 智慧必入你心,你的灵要以知识为美。 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 合腳的鞋也代表傳 福音的 態度 (It is the attitude to preach the gospel) (哥前 1 Corinthians 9:20) 向猶太人,我就做猶太人,為要得猶太人。向律法以下的人,我雖不在律法以下,還是做律法以下的人,為要得律法以下的人。 一旦穿上就不再脫下 (You don’t take off the shoes once it is on your feet) 对不知道的事,就应该保持沉默,或者说我不知道。把争战限定在你自己能力所及的范围内。例如沒有科学训练就不必去辯論进化论或别科学, 不應穿上笨重的大靴子,以致于动弹不得
隨走隨傳, 带给人平安,也带给自己平安 (太 Matthew 10:13) If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 那家若配得平安,你們所求的平安就必臨到那家;若不配得,你們所求的平安仍歸你們。 若不接受, 則已盡責任 ( Matthew 10:14) If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 凡不接待你們、不聽你們話的人,你們離開那家或是那城的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去。
用真理當作帶子束腰 (with the belt of truth buckled around your waist) 用公義當作護心鏡遮胸 (with the breastplate of righteousness in place) 用平安的福音當作預備走路的鞋 (with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace) 拿著信德當作籐牌 (take up the shield of faith) 戴上救恩的頭盔 (take the helmet of salvation) 拿著聖靈的寶劍 (and take the sword of Spirit) 靠著聖靈 隨時多方禱告祈求 (And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests) 注意前三種军装都是「用」,後三件则是「拿」 表示 前三件军装一旦裝備就可以附在身上, 發揮保護力量 頭盔, 藤牌和宝剑則需要拿起, 才有保護功用
D. 信德的藤牌 (The Shield of Faith) 護心鏡和藤牌提供雙重保護 (Two layers of protection) 信德的藤牌是第一層的保護 , 拿在手上遮身 (take up the shield of faith to protect your body) (彼前 1 Peter 5:8-9) 8 務要謹守,儆醒。因為你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同吼叫的獅子,遍地遊行,尋找可吞吃的人。9 你們要用堅固的信心抵擋他,因為知道你們在世上的眾弟兄也是經歷這樣的苦難。 公義的護心鏡是內層的保護, 穿在身上護胸 (with the breastplate in place to protect your heart) (帖前 1 Thessalonians 5:8 ) 但我們既然屬乎白晝,就應當謹守,把信和愛當做護心鏡遮胸,把得救的盼望當做頭盔戴上。
信心 的品質決定盾牌的強度及大小 (Your faith determines the strength and size of the shield)
得救的信心是最起碼的信心 (The minimum faith in order to have the shield of faith) (罗 Romans 10:9-10) 你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫祂从死里复活,就必得救 因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救。 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
II. 因信而行的信心, 是活的信心 (True faith is faith with deeds) (雅各 James 2:17) 這樣,信心若沒有行為就是死的。 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (約壹 1 John 5:4-5)4 因為凡從神生的, 就勝過世界;使我們勝了世界的,就是我們的信心。5 勝過世界的是誰呢?不是那信耶穌是神兒子的麼? For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
屬靈爭戰裹我們需要純淨的信心 (马太 Matthew 18:3) 說:「我實在告訴你們:你們若不回轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國。 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
(耶 Jeremiah 9:8)他們的舌頭是毒箭, 說話詭詐.人與鄰舍口說和平話、 心卻謀害他。 基於真理的信心才是有用的屬靈盾牌 (The faith based on Truth is the shield one can rely on in spiritual warfare) (耶 Jeremiah 9:8)他們的舌頭是毒箭, 說話詭詐.人與鄰舍口說和平話、 心卻謀害他。 Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceitfully. With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors, but in their hearts they set traps for them. (提後 2 Timothy 2:17-18) 他們的話如同毒瘡,越爛越大,其中有許米乃和腓理徒,他們偏離了真道,說復活的事已過,就敗壞好些人的信心。Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 許米乃和腓理徒提出復活的事已經過去了。這令人想起那些“預告”基督要來的時晨的人。有些人今天聲稱第二次來臨已經發生過了。這往往是他們給基督的回來定下日子的結果。這個日子來了又過去了。今天,有人聲稱從某個所謂“末世預言完全實現”的角度看,第二次到來、復活、被提、主的日子和審判日都發生在公元七十年。
III. 芥菜种的信心是成長的信心 (马太 Matthew 17:20) 耶穌說:「是因你們的信心小。我實在告訴你們:你們若有信心像一粒芥菜種,就是對這座山說:『你從這邊挪到那邊!』,它也必挪去;並且你們沒有一件不能做的事了。 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
E. 救恩的頭盔 (Helmet of Salvation) 1. 不戴上救恩的頭盔 是否會失去救恩? (Do we still have salvation if we do not put on the helmet of salvation?) (罗 Romans 10:10) 因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救。 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 2. 神既然賜給我們救恩, 為什麼需要戴在頭上? (Then, why we need to take the helmet of salvation?)
I. 頭盔是屬靈戰場上的識別 (The helmet identifies to whom you belong to) 也是自我心態的調整
II. 最重要的恩典保護最重要的部位 (The most important grace protects the most important parts of the body) 救恩是最重要的恩典 (Salvation is the most important grace from God) (太 Matthews 16:26) 人若賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有什麼益處呢?人還能拿什麼換生命呢? What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 頭是人最重要的部位 (The head is the most important of our body) (罗Romans 12:2) 不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的善良, 純全, 可喜悅的旨意。 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
III. 戴上救恩的頭盔意属灵的意義 Understand the spiritual meaning of the helmet of salvation) 明白神掌管一切, 不再懼怕敵人 (To have courage and not to afraid of the enemy) (太 Matthew10:28) 那殺身體, 不能殺靈魂的, 不要怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裏的,正要怕他。 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (约 John 10:28) 我又赐给他们永生;他们永不灭亡,谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去。 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
明白救恩就有盼望, 利於建立堅強的作戰意志 (The hope of salvation provides courage to establish strong will in spiritual warfare) (帖前 1 Thessalonians 5:8) 但我們既然屬乎白晝,就應當謹守,把信和愛當做護心鏡遮胸,把得救的盼望當做頭盔戴上 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. (罗 Romans 5:3-4) 不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的。因為知道患難生忍耐, 忍耐生老練,老練生盼望, Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
戴上救恩的頭盔提醒我們不要辜負主的救恩 (The helmet reminds us not to fail to live up to the salvation of Christ) (1 Corinthians 6:15)15 豈不知你們的身子是基督的肢體麼?我可以將基督的肢體作為娼妓的肢體麼? 斷乎不可! 一Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! (腓 Philippians 2:13) 13 因為你們立志行事都是神在你們心裡運行,為要成就他的美意。 For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
戴上救恩的頭盔提醒救恩的赦免, 幫助抵擋仇敵的控告 (啟 Revelation 12:10-11)「我聽見在天上有大聲音說:「我 神的救恩、能力、國度,並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了!因為那在我們 神面前晝夜控告我們弟兄的,已經被摔下去了。弟兄勝過牠,是因羔羊的血和自己所見證的道。他們雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。。」 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
(Conclusions and applications) F. 結論及回應 (Conclusions and applications) 這是一場不可避免的戰爭 (None of us can avoid this war) 這是一場防守為主的戰爭 (It is mainly a defensive war) 真理是一切的基礎(The truth can hold everything together) 真理的帶子, 公義的護心鏡及平安的福音一旦裝備就可以長久發揮保護力量 (Once equipped; the belt of truth , the breastplate of righteousness, and the gospel of peace can protect us in spiritual warfare) 信心的籐牌, 戴上救恩的頭盔,和拿起聖靈的宝剑則需要拿起, 才 有保護功用 (we must take up the shield of faith, take the helmet of salvation and take the sword of Spirit to make use of these spiritual warfare equipment) 待續 (To be continued!)