Shenzhen Rail Transit No.6 Line Changzhen Vehicle Base


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Presentation transcript:

Shenzhen Rail Transit No.6 Line Changzhen Vehicle Base Plan & Design And Changzhen Vehicle Depot Overall Property Development and Architectural Design Project Requirements 2015.09.14 September 14th, 2015

1 项目特点 Project Features 开发形式 Development Model Property Development 物业开发 Metro Depot Property 地铁车辆段 Property Property Metro Depot

1 项目特点 Project Features 造成的影响 Project Impact 孤岛形成 Island Formation 2.将城市生活活动场所抬高在一个平台上 2. Elevate urban life activities to a higher level Property Property 1.隔断城市交通组织 1. Segregate urban transportation facilities Property Metro Depot 孤岛形成 Island Formation

1.从路网贯通性、交通出行需求等方面分析考虑十九号路跨越的必要性 亟待解决的要素 Factors Needing Urgent Solution 2 交通的衔接 ——车行交通 Traffic Linkage – Vehicular Traffic 3. Based on integrated design, decide appropriate parking method 1. Analyze necessity to increase Road No.19’s span, based on road network connectivity and travel needs Ground-level Parking Underground Parking Vertical Parking 2.跨越的机动车道可考虑桥梁形式,但要做好与车辆段外的桥梁衔接 3.结合设计地块的特殊性,合理选择停车方式 1.从路网贯通性、交通出行需求等方面分析考虑十九号路跨越的必要性 2. Motorway may be in a bridge form, but should take into account bridge linkage outside the rail yard Residence Residence How to Park Road No.19 Business 如何停车 Metro Metro Depot

2 亟待解决的要素 Factors Needing Urgent Solutions 交通的衔接 ——人行交通 Traffic Linkage – Pedestrian Traffic 2.在内部交通组织方面,应突出项目“轨道物业,风雨无阻”的设计理念,打造舒适、便捷的人居环境。 2. Based on internal thoroughfare system, design should highlight “convenient travel, whether rain or sunshine” concept, and build a comfortable and convenient residential environment . Residence Residence Business Metro Parking Lot 1.Properly organize different types of external transportation lines, and realize “seamless connectivity" and fast transfer between metro stations and bus lines, taxi, and private cars. 1.应对外组织好各类交通流线,实现公交、的士、私家车等与地铁站点之间的“无缝连接”和快捷换乘。 Metro Depot

2 亟待解决的要素 Factors Needing Urgent Solution 生活的衔接 Life Connectivity 1.上盖物业应考虑如何打造自身的公共活动空间,将地面人流由提成至板上。 1. Design should consider how to build internal public space for above-station property, and transfer people on the ground to the platform. Residence Residence Residence Residence Business Metro Business Guangming Green Ring Parking Lot Business Metro Depot Parking Lot Surrounding Residences Guangming Green Ring 基地 Base 地铁 Metro 周边居住 光明绿环 2.同时应考虑基地与周边生活的联系,如何构建连续完整的公共开放空间系统。 2. Taking into account connectivity between base and surrounding residences, and consider how to build a continuous and comprehensive public open space system.

2 亟待解决的要素 Factors Needing Urgent Solution 生态的衔接 Ecology Linkage East Pit Water Residence Residence Residence Residence Stilt Building Metro Business Business Green Ring Parking Lot Metro Depot Parking Lot Public Space Skywalk 车辆段上盖开发模式 Vehicle Depot Overall Property Development Model 生态社区开发模式 Ecological Community Development Model Urban Farm 在车辆段上盖开发模式的引导下,设计中应考虑如何在开发建设中,加强生态环境建设,与光明绿环相结合,促进环境、社会、经济与城市的健康发展,实现城市可持续发展的建设,塑造光明凤凰城的绿色城市名片 Based on the Vehicle Depot Overall Property Development Model, consider how to strengthen construction of ecological environment in development and construction, and promote healthy development of environment, society, economy and city, by integrating with Guangming Green Ring, thereby realizing sustainable development, and building a green city title for Guangming Phoenix Town. 一以基地东面的居住为例 一 Take the residence to the east of base for example