Industrial Applications of eLTE in UK


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Applications of eLTE in UK UK Broadband Limited Feb 28 2014

About UKB Hong Kong UK UK's largest commercial holder of national radio spectrum suitable for 4G mobile services and fixed wireless solutions Switched on the first 4G LTE system for commercial services in the UK in February 2012 in London and now provide 4G LTE services in London, Reading, Swindon and Scunthorpe 4G services: mobile working, digital and social inclusion, re-deployable surveillance, community healthcare and education, as well as city and rural, home and business broadband access Our customers: telecoms industry, service providers, channel partners and the public sector Quick large EFB(Electronic Flight Bag) data update QAR(Quick Access Recorder) data uploading 机场航站楼面积 (多航站楼面积广) 北京首都机场:T1:8万、T2:34万、T3:98万 上海浦东机场:T1:28万、T2:49万 白云机场:T1:30万、二期:三期:40万 昆明小哨机场:50万 成都双流机场:T1:12万、T2:29万 西安咸阳机场:T1:1万、T2:10万、T3:25万 深圳保安机场:A:6万、B:7万、C:42万 停机坪 : 上海虹桥国际机场扩建前占地面积26.4平方千米,停机坪达51万平方米 部门: 航空公司及其代理, 安检部门, 航站楼护卫部门, 飞行护卫部门,机场公安,海关,消防,救援,站坪及飞行区保障单位, 边检,空管及地勤运作公司  设备  特种车辆,提高飞机周转率,释放有限的行李转盘,廊桥, 有限的地勤人员,,

UK Emergency Services Mobile Communications Program (ESMCP) Quick large EFB(Electronic Flight Bag) data update QAR(Quick Access Recorder) data uploading 机场航站楼面积 (多航站楼面积广) 北京首都机场:T1:8万、T2:34万、T3:98万 上海浦东机场:T1:28万、T2:49万 白云机场:T1:30万、二期:三期:40万 昆明小哨机场:50万 成都双流机场:T1:12万、T2:29万 西安咸阳机场:T1:1万、T2:10万、T3:25万 深圳保安机场:A:6万、B:7万、C:42万 停机坪 : 上海虹桥国际机场扩建前占地面积26.4平方千米,停机坪达51万平方米 部门: 航空公司及其代理, 安检部门, 航站楼护卫部门, 飞行护卫部门,机场公安,海关,消防,救援,站坪及飞行区保障单位, 边检,空管及地勤运作公司  设备  特种车辆,提高飞机周转率,释放有限的行李转盘,廊桥, 有限的地勤人员,,

UK ESMCP Timetable Quick large EFB(Electronic Flight Bag) data update QAR(Quick Access Recorder) data uploading 机场航站楼面积 (多航站楼面积广) 北京首都机场:T1:8万、T2:34万、T3:98万 上海浦东机场:T1:28万、T2:49万 白云机场:T1:30万、二期:三期:40万 昆明小哨机场:50万 成都双流机场:T1:12万、T2:29万 西安咸阳机场:T1:1万、T2:10万、T3:25万 深圳保安机场:A:6万、B:7万、C:42万 停机坪 : 上海虹桥国际机场扩建前占地面积26.4平方千米,停机坪达51万平方米 部门: 航空公司及其代理, 安检部门, 航站楼护卫部门, 飞行护卫部门,机场公安,海关,消防,救援,站坪及飞行区保障单位, 边检,空管及地勤运作公司  设备  特种车辆,提高飞机周转率,释放有限的行李转盘,廊桥, 有限的地勤人员,,

Critical Communication Requirements from UK ESMCP Functionality Security Availability Push to talk Emergency call Direct Mobile Mode (DMO) Pre-emption Sensitive data stored in “safe place” Encrypted PTP & PTM Resilient design & solution: robust equipments, fallback High Reliability: redundancy Auxiliary power: battery backup Performance Coverage Fast call setup time: not larger than TETRA or P.25 Large capacity and higher throughput for voice and data National geographical coverage including underground railway

The Trial Zone

Mission Critical Usage Defined to satisfy the needs of those that work in groups and therefore need to communicate in groups. Mission Critical users Business Critical users

Other Mission Critical Usage Government Airport Railway Port Grid Oil&Gas Working in groups and therefore communicating in groups Mission Critical users: public safety Business Critical users: traffic & transport, utility & natural resource

The Application in Heathrow Airport Work order based Data Dispatching EFB Update QAR Data Uploading Airline Crew Report Fixed Video Surveillance Mobile Video Surveillance Load Sheet Fuelling Report Vehicle Positioning

Airline Report Servers High Bandwidth to Support Electric Cabin Services Dispatching Center Saving time and labor costs Timely & accurate EFB data updates to ensure safe flight Timely & accurate QAR uploading to quickly find out faults Electric reports to improve office efficiency Dispatching System Airline Report Servers EFB/QAR Servers LTE Data QAR Data Uploading Airline Crew Report EFB Update Electric Cabin Data Uploaded to Command Center in 15 Minutes

Paperless Task Assignment & Info Sharing to Increase Efficiency Dispatching Center Decrease energy consumption 20% Dispatching System Load Sheet Server Fuelling Report Server LTE Savings labor cost Data 10% Increase flight punctuality 40% Flight Departure Command Sheet Load Sheet Fuelling Report

Leading eLTE Network for Various Industry Applications Channel Service offers a nimble and creative approach to match flexible business models for Systems Integrators, Value Added Resellers and Strategic Partners. Wholesale focuses on meeting the demands of mobile data and especially video for Mobile Operators, Carriers, ISPs, WISPs and Affiliates. Cover all major UK cities and offer a broad portfolio of wireless solutions for urban and rural data connectivity nationwide. Airport Port

Multi-type 3.5GHz Devices Suit UKB’s Various Scenarios Indoor CPE Outdoor CPE MiFi Handset B222s-42/43 Outdoor CPE B593s-42/43 Indoor CPE with WiFi 4FE+2POTS+2USB E589s-42/43 Mobile WiFi (Single mode) E589u-42/43 (Dual mode) eH900(TBD) 3.5GHz Handset eG681(TBD) 3.5GHz ruggedized handset LTE TDD system WiFi link WiFi User Indoor CPE with WiFi can supply LTE & WiFi services for family & enterprise. Outdoor CPE can supply high gain signal and bring user good experience. 3.5G Handset will give the customer full experience of the 4G high feeling Mobile WiFi Router can attract all WiFi devices and turn them to LTE subscribers. Mobile WiFi Router can attract all WiFi devices and turn them to LTE subscribers.

Reliable Partnership with Huawei in UK ESMCP eLTE solution for UK emergency service E2E 3.5G LTE TDD solution including RAN, Core, Transmission and Devices First 3.5G LTE TDD commercial network, leading in industry more than one year The World’s 1st LTE TDD 3.5G commercial network Huawei 3.5G LTE TDD Leading Solution Router USB Outdoor CPE indoor RRU BBU MME SGW/PGW HSS PCRF Quick large EFB(Electronic Flight Bag) data update QAR(Quick Access Recorder) data uploading 机场航站楼面积 (多航站楼面积广) 北京首都机场:T1:8万、T2:34万、T3:98万 上海浦东机场:T1:28万、T2:49万 白云机场:T1:30万、二期:三期:40万 昆明小哨机场:50万 成都双流机场:T1:12万、T2:29万 西安咸阳机场:T1:1万、T2:10万、T3:25万 深圳保安机场:A:6万、B:7万、C:42万 停机坪 : 上海虹桥国际机场扩建前占地面积26.4平方千米,停机坪达51万平方米 部门: 航空公司及其代理, 安检部门, 航站楼护卫部门, 飞行护卫部门,机场公安,海关,消防,救援,站坪及飞行区保障单位, 边检,空管及地勤运作公司  设备  特种车辆,提高飞机周转率,释放有限的行李转盘,廊桥, 有限的地勤人员,, The UK’s 1st 4G LTE commercial network Devices DBS 3900 EPC

Thank you!