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中国数字集群系统频率管理政策及型号核准技术要求 Digital Trunked Radio System Spectrum Administration Policy & Technical Requirement for Type Approval of China.

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1 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策及型号核准技术要求 Digital Trunked Radio System Spectrum Administration Policy & Technical Requirement for Type Approval of China 阚润田 国家无线电监测中心设备检测处 处长 Mr. Kan Runtian Director of SRMC ETD SRMC ETD: Equipment Testing Division of State Radio Monitoring Center

2 内容(Agenda) 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China) 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China) 2

3 内容(Agenda) 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China) 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China) 3

4 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
The State Council of China SRMC Office of State Radio Regulatory SRSMC Radio regulatory policy, Law execution Technical Support, Such as Radio Monitoring, (HF,VHF,UHF,Satellite) Equipments testing (TA), Etc. Technical Support, such as Spectrum planning analysis, spectrum allocation analysis, space orbit allocation analysis SRRC 组织结构 (Organization structure) 1 Before 1998 SRRC-国家无线电管理委员会 (State Radio Regulatory Committee) OSRR-国家无线电管理办公室 (Office of State Radio Regulatory) SRMC-国家无线电监测中心 (State Radio Monitoring Center) SRSMC-国家无线电频谱管理中心 (State Radio Spectrum Management Center) 4

5 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
Policy, Law execution 组织结构 (Organization structure) 2 The State Council of China MII SRMC (Combined by former SRMC & SRSMC) Department of Radio Regulatory (Developed from OSRR) After 1998 Technical Support MII-信息产业部 (Ministry of Information Industry) SRMC-国家无线电监测中心 (State Radio Monitoring Center) SRSMC-国家无线电频谱管理中心 (State Radio Spectrum Management Center) 5

6 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
ETD SED RMD S&NMD GO HRD STD IMD RMS MII, P.R.C. SRMC 组织结构 (Organization structure) 3 I am the director of this division 6

7 内容(Agenda) 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China) 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China) 7

8 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
型号核准的意义及重要性1 (Significance of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 无线电频谱资源是宝贵的、有限的自然资源; Radio spectrum is valuable and limited resource; 无线电频谱资源有易污染(干扰)的特性; Radio spectrum is easy to polluted; 无线电频谱资源的管理十分复杂,是一个系统工程; Management of Radio spectrum is a complex and systemic project; 对无线电设备的管理是整个无线电频谱管理的重要组成部分; Management of radio equipment is key component of the whole project; 8

9 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
型号核准的意义及重要性2 (Significance of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 对无线电发射设备进行型号核准,是无线电设备管理的重要手段。可以从源头上减少干扰源,最大限度保证无线电设备对频谱资源的科学、有效利用; Implementation of type approval is very important measure in radio spectrum management. It can decrease the possibility of interference at the beginning; 所以,无线电发射设备型号核准对整个无线电频谱资源管理意义重大! Type approval of radio transmission equipment is very significant for radio spectrum management! 9

10 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
型号核准主管部门 (Regulatory authority of type approval in China) 信息产业部无线电管理局 Department of Radio Regulatory, MII 10

11 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
无线电发射设备型号核准设备类别 1 (Product category of type approval) 移动通信设备,GSM,CDMA基站/终端/直放站等; Mobile communication equipment: GSM/CDMA base station, mobile station, repeater and so on; 专业通信设备,调频,调幅收发信机基站/移动台/直放站,模拟集群,数字集群基站/移动台/直放站,数传电台固定台/移动台,微波链路设备,卫星地球站设备,无绳电话设备,PHS/DECT无线接入设备基站/移动台,蓝牙设备,海事卫星设备,无线寻呼发射机等; PMR equipment: FM/AM transceiver , trunked radio equipment, Fixed point-to- point equipment, point-to-multiple point equipment, satellite earth station, cordless equipment, PHS/DECT equipment, Bluetooth equipment and so on; 无线接入设备:2.4GHz/3.5GHz/5.8GHz/26.5GHz无线接入设备等; Wireless access qeuipment:2.4GHz/3.5GHz/5.8GHz/26.5GHz wireless access equipment; 11

12 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
无线电发射设备型号核准设备类别 2 (Product category of type approval) 雷达导航设备:气象雷达,导航雷达,测速雷达,航空导航设备等; Radar and navigation equipment; 广播电视设备:调频/调幅广播发射机设备,电视发射机设备; TV and broadcast equipment; 短距离微功率设备:遥控/遥感设备,数据传送设备,公众对讲,无线话筒等; SRD equipment; 其它各种含有无线电发射装置的系统 Other equipment or system with intentional radio transmission; 12

13 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
通过型号核准的无线电设备数量(1996~2005) Quantity of products passed type approval from 1996 to 2005 1996年到2005年,共9019个型号、31559台设备 9019 models, sets (1996 to 2005) 13

14 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
通过型号核准的数字集群设备数量(1996~2006) Quantity of digital trunked equipment passed type approval from 1996 to 2006 14

15 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
各类数字集群设备比例统计(1996~2006) Percentage summary of various digital trunked equipment passed type approval from 1996 to 2006 15

16 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
型号核准的测试机构 (Testing laboratories authorized by department of radio regulatory, MII) 信息产业部无线电管理局已授权8个测试机构进行型号核准测试; 8 laboratories have gotten the authorization from department of radio regulatory; 国家无线电频监测中心设备检测处为8个测试机构之一,且测试能力最为全面; SRMC ETD with comprehensive testing capability is one of them; 16

17 我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China)
希望我们未来能够为TETRA测试领域贡献我们的力量,如TETRA设备互操作性测试及认证 (TIP-CTC)! We hope we can make our contributions for testing in TETRA industry, such as TETRA TIP-CTC! 17

18 内容(Agenda) 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China) 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China) 18

19 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China)
中国无线电管理部门非常重视数字集群业务的发展 Radio regulatory body of China think much of development of digital trunked radio services in China. 19

20 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China)
信部无[2001]518号《信息产业部关于800MHz集群频率使用管理有关事宜的通知》宣布停止对800MHz模拟集群业务的频率指配,加强对800MHz数字集群频段频率审批的管理。 [2001]518 Bulletin issued by Department of Radio Regulatory announced that frequency assignment of 800MHz band will be stopped in the future. Management to 800MHz band will be strengthened by radio regulatory body. 信无函[2003]112号《关于调整800MHz集群频率使用管理有关问题的通知》决定收回部分已指配的800MHz模拟集群频率,加快了800MHz集群由模拟向数字过渡的进程。 [2003]112 Bulletin decided to recall some 800MHz frequencies assigned to analog trunked networks previously. It speedup the digitalized process of 800MHz band analog trunked radio services. 20

21 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China)
信无函[2001]85号《关于重新调整336~399MHz频段移动通信频率配置及管理办法的通知》将350MHz频段只允许12.5kHz信道间隔调整为12.5kHz/25kHz两种信道间隔方式,为数字集群在350MHz频段的使用提供频率保证; [2001]85 Bulletin issued by Department of Radio Regulatory re-allocated 350MHz band spectrum. Both 25kHz and 12.5kHz channel spacing are allowed in this band. It lays the foundation for digital trunked radio using 350MHz band spectrum. 信无函[2004]54号《关于350~390MHz频段数字集群设备技术指标的通知》正式宣布350MHz频段可以用作数字集群业务,并且公布相应的设备技术指标。 [2004]54 Bulletin announced that digital trunked radio services can be used in 350MHz band. The relevant technical specification was issued simultaneously. 21

22 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China)
数字集群频段 (Spectrum for Digital Trunked Radio services in China) 351 361 358 368 372 379 382 389 806 821 851 866 模拟集群 (Analog trunked radio) TETRA 两种系统共享该频段 Two systems coexistence 模拟集群 (Analog trunked radio) TETRA iDEN 三种系统共享该频段 Three systems coexistence 22

23 内容(Agenda) 中国无线电管理机构简介 (Overview of China Radio Regulatory Body)
我国无线电发射设备型号核准的基本情况 (Overview of radio transmission equipment type approval of China) 中国数字集群系统频率管理政策 (Digital Trunked Radio Spectrum Administration Policy in China) 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China) 23

24 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China)
800MHz频段设备 (800MHz band) 2000年电子推荐行业标准SJ/T 《数字集群移动通信系统体制》 颁布, A体制:TETRA,B体制:iDEN SJ/T ,an recommended industry standard, was issued in 2000 with both TETRA and iDEN system. ETSI EN 350MHz频段设备 (350MHz band) 信无函〔2004〕54号《关于350~390MHz频段数字集群设备技术指标的通知》 [2004]54 Bulletin of technical specification for digital trunked radio equipment operating in 350~390MHz band issued by Department of Radio Regulatory 24

25 数字集群设备型号核准技术要求 (Technical Requirement for Digital Trunked Radio Equipment of type approval in China)
数字集群设备型号核准技术要求基本上参照欧洲ETSI的标准而制订,基本保证了TETRA标准在国内与国际上的统一性。 Technical requirement for digital trunked radio equipment of type approval basically refers to the ETSI standard. This keeps the TETRA standard uniformity in China as well as other regions in the world. 25

26 Thank you! 26

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