近期申请问题及相关案例 Justin 22/12/14.


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Presentation transcript:

近期申请问题及相关案例 Justin 22/12/14

课程名称 申请途径 申请表格填写 推荐信 申请费 真实声明 简历 申请 & 材料

课程名称 MSc Management (Finance) vs. MSc Finance MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering vs. MSc Mechanical Engineering MSc/Meng MA Teaching Chinese Foreign Language vs. MA TESOL ○Re:

案例分享 就读院校:华东理工 (37“211”) 就读专业:会计 GPA:3.47 IETLS:6.5 Edinburgh: MSc A&F R Bath: MSc A&F R Manchester: MSc A&F R Durham: MSc A&F O C: 85% 就读院校:上海财经 (47“211”) 就读专业:计量经济学 GPA:81% IELTS:7.5 (7.5/7.5) Bath: MSc Finance R MSc Finance & Economics R Durham: MSc Finance R Warwick: MSc Finance R York: MSc Finance R St. Andrews: MSc Finance O C: 82%

就读院校:南京审计 (315) 就读专业:会计 GPA: 84. 7% IELTS: 6 就读院校:南京审计 (315) 就读专业:会计 GPA: 84.7% IELTS: 6.5 Exeter: MSc A&F R York: MSc Acc & Fincl Mgnt R Bham: MSc Int’l A&F R SOTON: MSc A&F O C: 80%+6.5/6.5w/6.0o 就读院校:南京审计 (315) 就读专业:审计学 (ACCA方向) GPA: 90% IELTS: 7.0 MAN: MSc A&F O NCL: MSc Banking & Finance O Edinburgh: MSc A&F O C (Man): 80%+7.0/6.5r&w/6.0o C (Edin): 80%

就读院校:四川大学 (12“211”/“985”) 就读专业:经济学 GPA:3. 39 IELTS:6 就读院校:四川大学 (12“211”/“985”) 就读专业:经济学 GPA:3.39 IELTS:6.5 MAN: MSc A&F R Durham: MSc Int’l Money, Finance&Mgnt O C: 85% 就读院校:华东师范大学 (27“211”/“985”) 就读专业:德语 GPA:80 IELTS:n/A Durham: MSc Mgnt (HRM) R Edinburgh: MSc HRM R Nottingham: MSc Mgnt Psychology O C: 80%+6.5/6.0

Imperial College (ICBS)

MSc Management 1.非商科专业 or 管理背景,相似课程不超过1/4 We will not accept candidates whose degrees are in business or management. If your degree contains modules similar to more than one quarter of the MSc Management programme you will not be eligible for a place. A First or Upper Second Class honours degree (or international equivalent) from a recognised university in a subject other than business or management. 2.应届生要求 MSc Management is designed for recent graduates 两年内毕业生 3. 要求面试 All suitable applicants will be interviewed prior to being made an offer. 4.无需GMAT & GRE We do not require a GMAT or GRE score for the MSc Management programme.


MSc Finance 1. 要求数学/理工背景 A First or Upper Second Class honours degree (or international equivalent), from a recognised university, in a highly quantitative discipline such as mathematics, engineering, science or economics. 2. 如没有数学背景,需提供GRE or GMAT,GRE数学部分155(旧GRE700), GMAT数学部分45 Excellent quantitative skills are essential for success on the MSc Finance programme. If your undergraduate degree is not in a highly mathematical discipline you will need to demonstrate your suitability with excellent results in your quantitative modules and ideally a strong GMAT or GRE result. A score of at least 45/60 in the quantitative section of GMAT, or at least 155/170(旧GRE 700/800) in the quantitative section of GRE will add weight to your application.

Dept. of Electrical Engineering (IC) 学术要求: Chinese universities that are either C9 or Project 985 We would be looking for an expected final mark of 85%+. If you are not studying at one of these universities we cannot consider your application. 中国C9或985大学毕业生成绩要求 85%,除此之外不做考虑

LSE 学术要求: Top 30 universities in China we require a GPA of 3.5 (on a 4 point scale) or marks of 85% 前30名大学,85分 not in the top 30 in China we require a GPA of 3.6 (on a 4 point scale) or marks of 90% 211其他大学,90分 Many of our quantitative programmes also require that a GRE or GMAT score is submitted. 部分专业需要提供GRE,GMAT成绩

MSc Finance


UCL MSc Management Bachelor's degree with a minimum overall average mark of 85%. Please note that a number of programmes / departments will require higher marks A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, in any subject. GMAT or GRE. Applicants must submit a GMAT or GRE score with their application. For GMAT we generally require a minimum score of 600, or for GRE a minimum score of 310. Scores should not be more than five years old. Applications will not be considered without a GMAT or GRE score

MSc Financial Risk Management A minimum of an upper second class UK Bachelor's degree, in a relevant discipline, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, with a strong quantitative component evidenced by good performance (>60%) in relevant mathematics, statistics or computation options. Bachelor's degree with a minimum overall average mark of 85%. Please note that a number of programmes / departments will require higher marks.

就读院校:西南财大 (71/“211”) 就读专业:金融 GPA:3. 6 IELTS:7 就读院校:西南财大 (71/“211”) 就读专业:金融 GPA:3.6 IELTS:7.0 GMA:710 UCL: MSc Mgmt R (Maths: 74/Advanced Maths: 76) 就读院校:苏州大学 (54/“211”) 就读专业:法语 GPA:3.7 IELTS:7.0 GMAT/GRE:n/A UCL: MSc Mgmt R UCL: MSc Construction Economics and Mgmt O C: 85%