Database system (資料庫) Instructor: Lee, Wei-Hsun Ph.D Spring 2017 Database system (資料庫) Instructor: Lee, Wei-Hsun Ph.D
Course Description Introduce the fundamental concepts of database management system (DBMS). DBMS, a study of entity relationship data model (ER-model), data description languages, structural query language (SQL), data normalization, transactions and their properties, data organization indexing, security issues database system administration issues. It also looks at the new trends in databases. The knowledge of the above topics will be applied in the design and implementation of a database application. Each student will be asked to experience how to build a database application.
課程目標 general understanding of principles, concept and architectures of ER-Model and DBMS skills to understand the principles and practice of database systems development skills to analyze data model, design database schema, schema normalization and integrity constraints
課程大綱 AN INTRODUCTION TO RELATIONAL DATABASE DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Comparison of a data-centred approach with file-based approach. Data integrity and quality control. Transaction processing. Logical and physical data independence how it is achieved. DATA ANALYSIS AND DATA MODELLING Entity relationship diagrams and conceptual modelling. Relationship constraints and translation to relational model. THE RELATIONAL MODEL AND RELATIONAL LANGUAGES Functional Dependency theory and Normalization. Relational modelling. Simple relational algebra programs. Features of relational algebra in SQL. Structural Query Language (SQL) Standards and basic structure of SQL for data definition, views, updates, insertion and referential integrity constraints. Data definition and data manipulation DISTRIBUTED AND MULTI-USER DATABASE SYSTEMS Concurrency, recovery and database integrity. Client-server model as distributed database architecture.
評量方式 Class Participation and Discussions 10% Homework Assignments and Quiz 40% Term Project 20% Final Exam 30%
課程要求 學生證嗶卡點名,5分鐘以上算遲到
教材 教科書 Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems [electronic resource] Author: S. Sumathi, S. Esakkirajan. Publisher Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. 參考書 “資料庫系統理論與設計實務”,第四版, 作者: 陳會安, 出版商: 旗標出版公司
Instructor Profile LAB 網站 姓名:李威勳 副教授 學歷 經歷 研究方向 興趣 潛水、羽球、中醫 交通大學資工系博士 2009 成功大學資工系碩士 1993 經歷 1993~1996 交通部電信研究所 助理研究員 1996~2010 中華電信研究所 研究員 研究方向 車聯網、車輛資通訊系統、智慧型運輸系統、近場通訊技術、 先進交通管理系統 興趣 潛水、羽球、中醫 LAB 網站
助教(TA) 范雲瀚( Phone: 06-2757575 ext.53271-1070