Immaterials: Light painting WiFi


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Presentation transcript:

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi 台大+北藝-網路藝術課程 Summarizer 陳逸雅 Keyword 陳厚任 Background 朱唯辰 Connector 曾筱筠

Summarizer 陳逸雅 Explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city. 探索城市中那看不見的地形圖,由之前探測RFID作品做延伸發想而來 RSSI 訊號接收強度

Material qualities of WiFi Show how the network’s behavior depends on where it is located and how the city around it is built. 顯示網路是如何隨著城市建造 左邊:越邊闢的沒建築物的地方就較無訊號 右邊:學校旁訊號超強

Investigating WiFi Lights respond to the Received Signal Strength (RSSI) of a particular WiFi network. 燈會不停地閃爍,這會產生半透明的虛線,而不是實線 他希望這道牆是可以與實體物件結合,而不是覆蓋它

WiFi measuring rod Arduino Mega Roving Network’s RN-131C WiFly module 80 LEDs along a wooden rod

Keywords 陳厚任

NFC Long-exposure photographs Light painting

N F C Near Field Communication Created in 2004 by Nokia, Philips and Sony Based on existing RFID standards

Commerce Contactless payment E.g. Google Wallet Google Wallet:可以把一些使用者信用卡資訊存在手持裝置中,MasterCard PayPass 日本很流行。很多智慧型手機都有支援。 iPhone不能用 Commerce Contactless payment E.g. Google Wallet

Bluetooth/ Wi-Fi connections 用過的都知道,建立連線很快,就碰一下, 藍芽耳機設定麻煩,NFC碰一下就可解決 Bluetooth/ Wi-Fi connections Enabling, pairing and establishing a Bluetooth/ Wi-Fi connection Pairing Bluetooth headsets, media players, and speakers

Information sharing Sharing contacts, photos, videos or files 用過的都知道,建立連線很快,就碰一下, 藍芽耳機設定麻煩,NFC碰一下就可解決 Information sharing Sharing contacts, photos, videos or files Entering multiplayer mobile games.

Long-exposure photographs

Using a long-duration shutter speed 長時間快門 快門時間不同、結果不同 每張都是獨一無二 Using a long-duration shutter speed

Sharply capture the stationary elements 靜態的會 Sharply capture the stationary elements

Blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements 動態變模糊。 一般物體在短時間之內沒辦法累積夠多的光線, 強光才能夠留下軌跡 大部分都在晚上進行 很多人喜歡拍星星圖 需要三腳架

Clearly visible paths of moving light sources 動態變模糊。 一般物體在短時間之內沒辦法累積夠多的光線, 強光才能夠留下軌跡 大部分都在晚上進行 很多人喜歡拍星星圖 需要三腳架


工廠工人、文書工作者 Invented in 1914 by Frank Gilbreth with his wife Lillian Moller Gilbreth targeting at manufacturing and clerical workers.

Moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera 可以依照自己的意志畫圖 Moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera

Popular sources of light includes candles, matches, fireworks, lighter flints, glowsticks, and Poi. LED閃爍配合POI POI:大學玩的火球,只是是分開的

"Picasso draws a centaur in the air” by Pablo Picasso in 1950s 畢卡索受 "Picasso draws a centaur in the air” by Pablo Picasso in 1950s

Background 朱唯辰

A research project investigating NFC Developing mobile interactive applications and services Inter-disciplinary team Based in the Institute of Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design Funded by the Norwegian Research Council 社會文化,互動設計工業設計,軟體,測試方面人才 奧斯陸建築設計學校

Oslo School of Architecture and Design The school currently has about 600 students and about 100 employees. awarding the titles of PhD, Master of architecture, Master of industrial design and Master of landscape architecture

Wireless in the world As users we experience two objects communicating through the ‘magic’ of radio waves Making invisible wireless technologies visible Sensitise people to the spatial and embodied properties of electromagnetic waves 2009,An ongoing Touch theme探討making invisible wireless technologies visible

NFC phones and contactless cards

Wifi and bluetooth

Oyster card reader and cards

Immaterials:the ghost in the field It features Timo Arnall of the Touch project and Jack Schulze of BERG

Immaterials:the ghost in the field

What it would be like to apply the light painting process to larger-scale fields? Bluetooth, WiFi, GSM and 3G

Immaterials: light painting WiFi


Timo Arnall

Timo Arnall Leader of ‘Touch’ Creative director at BERG Research fellow at the Oslo School of Architecture & Design Research & Design interests Visual experiments, films, visualisations, speculative products and interfaces. BERG is a design consultancy, working hands-on with companies to research and develop their technologies and strategy, primarily by finding opportunities in networks and physical things. 顧問公司 Our clients include the BBC, Bonnier, Hodder, Absolut, Nokia, Ofsted, Layar, BILD, Dentsu London, Channel 4, and the Guardian. 理論性產品

iPad light painting

Einar Sneve Martinussen & Jørn Knutsen

Work with interaction design, products and research A design-studio Work with interaction design, products and research Produce exhibitions, products and films, alongside talks and research publications since 2006

Einar Sneve Martinussen Designer and researcher working with interactive products, technology and urban studies Research interest mobile technologies, interaction design and product development He holds a Master’s degree in Design from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and has a background from architecture and urbanism 都市規劃 PhD at AHO on design, technology and city life; focusing on unpacking, communicating and discussing the networked city through design 以設計探討都市網路

Jørn Knutsen Interaction designer and researcher Research interest social web and physical things that connects to it

Skål media player designed for the home that lets you interact with digital media using physical objects

Connector 曾筱筠

Constraint city Robert Harrison / 2007-2012 / The pain of everyday life The project “constrain city walks” let you literally, feel this pain, by tightening a worn chest strap which is embedded in an ordinary jacket. The stronger the signal of perceived restriction, the harder your breath! Thus it indicates an invisible form factor of city’s policy and at the same time it unhinges you between the decision of eluding or allowing the pain of information society.

Wi-Fi Detector Shirt Generic Geek / $ 29.99( NT.950 ) /

The ASRD™ sneaker Stefan Dukaczewski & UBIQ Boutique / 2005-2008 / About the ASRD™ Project The idea of footwear was pushed further by converging elements of digital culture with fashion and design into a wearable technology. The end product is a sneaker designed to detect Wi-Fi wireless internet hot-spots wherever the user may roam, with every step.

BLEECKER STREET DOCUMENTS Peter Jellitsch / 2012 / Bleecker Street Documents can be read as a fragmented space description. The project was recorded in an apartment in Manhattan (New York) with a radio wave measuring instrument over a period of 45 days. The installation deals with the attempt to make the invisible coating of a physical real-space through “WLAN-Wireless Local Area Network” visible.

BLEECKER STREET DOCUMENTS Peter Jellitsch / 2012 / Bleecker Street Documents can be read as a fragmented space description. The project was recorded in an apartment in Manhattan (New York) with a radio wave measuring instrument over a period of 45 days. The installation deals with the attempt to make the invisible coating of a physical real-space through “WLAN-Wireless Local Area Network” visible.

Map Aram Bartholl / 2006-2010/

Every Day Of My Life Marcin Ignac / 2010-2012 / Every Day of My Life is a visualization of my computer usage statistics from the last 2.5 years. Each line represents one day and each colorful block is the most foreground app running at the given moment. Black areas are periods when my computer is not turned on. Seeping patterns (or lack of them) and time of holidays and travel (longer gaps) can be therefore easily identified.

Every Day Of My Life Keyboard hits / Mouse clicks

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