Unit 5 On the beach.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 On the beach

教学目标 1.能听懂、理解故事内容和发展脉络。 2.能在老师的指导下和图片的提示下听懂、读懂小故事,并完成相关任务。 3.能了解掌握新的短语或表达,如 go snorkeling, get my mask and flippers等

Warming up:Enjoy the scenery

They are all marine animals

Revision What’s the weather like…? How’s the weather…? It’s sunny/windy/cold/warm/cloudy/raining

Listen and answer What’s the story about?

Read and answer What do they see? How is the seal?

Listen and answer What happens? How is the seal?

Read and think How do they help the seal? How is the seal?

Read and role-play

Listen and number 1 Emma and Mike go to the beach with their father. A boy is passing by on his jet-ski. The children are going back for help. They are getting closer. Then they find there’s blood in the water. Their father helps get the seal to the beach by boat. The seal is on the rock. It is badly hurt. They are snorkelling in the sea. Then they see a baby seal nearby. 3 6 4 7 5 2

Summary Key words: baby, hurt, blood, close, rock Let’s go snorkeling. I’ll get my mask and flippers.  Let’s swim closer. I think it’s blood. The seal is hunt. Let’s go back. Where can we take it?  He knows a lot about seals.  It’s badly hurt. I’ll take it with me. 

Retell the story in English Homework: Retell the story in English 小男孩 骑海上摩托经过 Emma 和Mike 与爸爸一起去海滩 他们在潜泳时 发现小海豹 他们游近 发现了血 他们的爸爸划船救助 小海豹 孩子们去帮忙 发现小海豹受伤

Thank You!