英詩鑑賞By Annie Hsu Reading Perrine’s Sound and Sense.


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Presentation transcript:

英詩鑑賞By Annie Hsu Reading Perrine’s Sound and Sense

讀詩要讀出聲音來,自然地、 清楚地、 帶有感情地、 一而再再而三品味,才能得讀詩的樂趣。

注意: 是什麼人,在什麼地方,什麼時間,對什麼人,做什麼事。

What are the forms of poetry?詩的外在形式

1.Rhyme韻腳 I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

2. Alliteration頭韻 A fair field full of folks

3.Assonance半諧音 The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the land

4.Free verse 自由韻 “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman I am the poet of the body and I am the poet of the Soul,…….. I am the poet of the woman the same as the man, ……….

5. Rhythm規律韻 by Emily Dickinson A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day.

6. meter 音步: accented 重音 unaccented非重音 “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost ………………………………….. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.

詩的語言是:比喻性的 On little cat feet. It sits looking “Fog” by American poet, Carl Sandburg The fog comes On little cat feet. It sits looking Over harbor and city On silent haunches And then moves on. 將霧比喻為在陽台上的貓輕巧空靈

詩如何挾帶Theme主題 (=message訊息)? 用以下幾種方法:

1. Personification擬人化: Scholars 學習者 By Walter de la Mare (1873-1956 ) Logic does well at school; And Reason answers every question right; Poll-parrot Memory unwinds her spool; And Copy-cat keeps Teacher well in sight: The Heart’s a truant; nothing does by rule; Safe in its wisdom, is taken for a fool; Nods through the morning on the dunce’s stool; And wakes to dream all night. 主旨: 幽默描述學生在教室學習的情景

2.Symbol :象徵(物和其意涵) With what attentive courtesy he bent The Guitarist Tunes Up By Frances Cornford (1886-1960) With what attentive courtesy he bent Over his instrument; Not as a lordly conqueror who could Command both wire and wood, But as a man with a loved woman might, Inquiring with delight What slight essential things she had to say Before they started, he and she, to play. 主旨: 巧妙將吉他和情人結合, 生動描述吉他手的技巧. Simile明喻; guitarist 吉他手. conqueror統治者 & a man 男人. Symbol象徵; “tune up” 調音又可當調情

3. Apostrophe:呼喚語 Western wind, when wilt thou blow, Western Wind By Anonymous (c. 1500) Western wind, when wilt thou blow, That the small rain down can rain? Christ! If my love were in my arms, And I in my bed again! 主旨說出詩人對情人捉摸不定的痛苦呼救 西風啊 “Western Wind”是呼喚語. 雨滴 raindrop 象徵情人

4. Metaphors:暗喻 .A Valediction告別辭: Forbidding Mourning By John Donne (1572-1631) ………………………………………….. Such wilt thou be to me, who must Like th’ other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end, where I begun. 比喻和情人的關係如同圓規

練習一:押韻 1. 找出頭韻 “ In the summer season when soft was the sun.” “He went on a one-way ticket west.”

2. 找出韻腳 (有那一個是不同韻腳) book folk cook look gold go old told hear here there dear new shoe she you

3. 找出押韻 Afternoon on a Hill by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. I will look at cliffs and clouds With quiet eyes. Watch the wind blow down the grass, And the grass rise. And when lights begin to show Up from the town, I will mark which must be mine, And then start down!

練習二:找出隱喻 rain the moon flowers

練習三:寫出押韻 Riding in a car. 例如 I like to go far 1. When is the show? I’d like to ______________. 2. I like your song, But it is too _____________. 3. If I may, I would like to _____________. 4. I have a good book, Would you like to have a __________.

5. Let’s go to the park. No, it’s too __________________. 6. Have you ever seen a cat Who likes to wear a ________________? 7. Are you really sick, Or is this just a ________________? 8. After she ate, She had to ______________. 9. Around and around and around she goes, And where she stops, nobody __________.

練習四:解讀這首詩 To See a World in a Grain of Sand by William Blake To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour.

練習五:來寫首詩吧!! 利用下面字組各寫兩行押韻詩 例: door, for , four , more, poor, store, tore, wore 1. one, two, three, four That’s all, no more. 2. Did you see what he wore When he went out the door? 3. He was too poor, To go to the store

練習六:換你來寫兩行押韻詩! 利用下面字組各寫兩行押韻詩 1. at, bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat that 2. day, lay, may, pay, play, say, stay, tray, way 3. be, he, key, knee, Li, me, see, she, ski, tea, three, tree, we 4. bit, fit, hit, lit, sit 5. get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet

練習七:精益求精吧! 6. back, Jack, pack, sack 7. book, cook, look, shook, took 8. do, knew, new, Sue, too, to , two, who, Wu, you, zoo 9. go, Joe, low, no, know, row, so , toe 10. by, die, guy, hi, lie, my, pie, sky, tie, try, why.

英詩鑑賞 Good bye