南通 Nantong——the First City in Modern China. 南通 Nantong——the First City in Modern China.


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Presentation transcript:

南通 Nantong——the First City in Modern China

The beauty of blue and white

The plum flower and chrysanthemum 梅花菊花

Shrimp and crab 小虾小蟹

Buttery and orchid 蝴蝶兰花


舞 蝶

peony 牡丹花开


Introduction of Blue Calico Printing and Dyeing---1 Traditional Nantong blue calico printing and dyeing has been popular for a long time in almost every county of Nantong City. After the Yuan (1271-1368) and Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), there were female weavers in every house in Nantong, which is famous for weaving and blue calico. Nantong blue calico is spun, woven and dyed all by hand in mainly plant and flower patterns, and is used to make useful things for every day life.

Introduction of Blue Calico Printing and Dyeing---2 A series of complicated processes is needed to produce blue calico, mainly including selecting cotton material, soaking into water, backing up, drawing designs, enchasing, being coated with tung oil, dyeing, cleaning, and sunning. These steps are demanding and all require sophisticated craftsmanship.

Be placed in the shade to dry, dry in the shade 刮浆后要在阴凉处放置七天使其阴干,然后才能染色。

染 色 Dyeing

rinsing 漂洗 将刮白后的蓝印花布放在滚筒机里漂洗数分钟,捞出,再放入清水缸中浸泡多时 ,再捞出,晾晒。 晾干后的蓝印花布,内白外蓝,蓝白相交,所有都 散发出一种蓝与白的艺术魅力。

Introduction of Blue Calico Printing and Dyeing---3 Nantong blue calico printing and dyeing has a high cultural value. However, the number of professional personnel in this field is decreasing. The methods of making blue calico have changed, and some blue calico is even made by machine. This tradition needs protection.


If you love blue calico printing and dyeing , Come to Nantong!