Blue Ocean and My Career


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Presentation transcript:

Blue Ocean and My Career

Education Successful candidate, the Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) degree, National Taiwan University (2006) Visiting fellow, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University (Jun. 2004~ Jan. 2005) B.A. in Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University (1986~1990)

Work Experience (I) Domestic service Deputy D.G., Southern Taiwan Office On home assignment, The Secretariat (Jul. 2012~present) Assistant director-general, The office of deputy minister (Jun. 2003~Jul. 2006) Section chief, NGOs Committee (Jul. 2002~Jun. 2003) Desk officer, UN section, the Department of International Organization & officer of the Department of General Affairs (1992-94)

Work Experience (II) Overseas posting Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta, Indonesia (Jul. 2009~Aug. 2012) Director & Deputy Director of the political affairs division 1.2012 Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD) 2.100(ROC) + 66(RI) International Symposium on Three principals of the people and the Foundation of Pancasila (2011)

Work Experience (III) Overseas posting (Cont.) Taipei Representative Office in the EU, Belgium, and Luxemburg (Jul. 2006~Jul. 2009) Deputy director-general, Division of European Parliament Senior first secretary, Division of public diplomacy 1.A co-singed letter by 200 MEPs to congratulate President Ma's 1st anniversary in office and Taiwan's participation in international organizations. 2.Branding of Taiwan 50th Anniversary of Treaty of Rome + Taiwan Salute to the EU + Castle concert by HU Nai-yuan, Champion of Queen Elizabeth Competition of Belgium

Work Experience (IV) Overseas posting (Cont.) Taipei Economic and Culture Office in L.A., the U.S. (Oct.1995 ~Jul. 2002) Second and third secretary, Division of general affairs 1.To propose innovative plan and take practical approaches to promote our membership in the consular corps. 2.Make the plan to invite all sister city mayors for a cultural event performed by National Fu-shin Troup.

國際政治敏銳度與判斷力 -- 文字,黑白以外的機智

辛巴威總統在雅加達亞非會議中的妙語演講: Quoting from Asia Africa Conference 2015 Jakarta, "Racism will never end as long as white cars are still using black tyres. 只要白色車還用黑色胎,種族歧視就仍存在 Racism will never end if people still use black to symbolise bad luck and white for peace. 只要人們仍以黑色代表惡運白色代表和平,種族歧視就仍存在 Racism will never end if people still wear white clothes to weddings and black clothes to funerals. 只要人們仍穿白色衣參加婚禮黑色衣參加喪禮,種族歧視就仍存在 (非洲喪禮是白衣) Racism will never end as long as those who don‘t pay their bills are blacklisted not whitelisted. 只要不付帳就列黑名單而非白名單,種族歧視就仍存在 Even when playing snooker. You haven‘t won until you’ve the black ball, and the white ball must remain on the table. 就算是打撞球也是以黑球進袋而白球仍在抬面,種族歧視就仍存在 But I don't care, so long as I'm still using white toilet paper to wipe my black ass, I'm fine!“ 但我無所謂,只要我仍在用白色衛生紙擦我的黑屁股

與 資源運用 多元外交 -- 元素組合的創想

-- 展現小國的利基 觀光及免簽證成果以外

Where are you now ? Who WOULD you be ?

國際化的層次 志向 能力 語言訓練與文化地理的認知 交流與合作 語言訓練與文化地理的認知 交流與合作 (Working Holiday:Youth Ambassadors) 國際事務的直接參與主導 語言訓練與文化地理的認知 交流與合作 (Working Holiday:Youth Ambassadors) 國際事務的直接參與主導 志向 能力

無人文 無以為大 (口試) 志業或職業 入門考 常識 (外交史、 經濟學) 專業知識 (國際關係、 國際公法) 語言能力 (中英文)

培育自己的機會 度假打工 及 青年大使