外语测试:目标、内容与方法 韩宝成 北京外国语大学外国语言研究所 中国外语教育研究中心 中国外语测评中心.


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Presentation transcript:

外语测试:目标、内容与方法 韩宝成 北京外国语大学外国语言研究所 中国外语教育研究中心 中国外语测评中心

Qualities of a test (Lado, 1961) Bachman, IAKELE Conference 7/6/2018 Qualities of a test (Lado, 1961) Validity as relevance Reliability (stability) Bachman, IAKELE Conference, Seoul, August 2005 2

Qualities of a test (Bachman & Palmer, 1996) Bachman, IAKELE Conference 7/6/2018 Qualities of a test (Bachman & Palmer, 1996) Reliability Construct validity (interpretation) Authenticity Interactiveness Impact Practicality Bachman, IAKELE Conference, Seoul, August 2005 3

Nowadays Consequences Ethics Fairness Bachman, IAKELE Conference 7/6/2018 Nowadays Consequences Ethics Fairness Bachman, IAKELE Conference, Seoul, August 2005 4

Consequences Evaluation (Decisions) ?

Types of decisions for which language assessments are used Bachman, IAKELE Conference 7/6/2018 Types of decisions for which language assessments are used Entrance, readiness Placement Changes in instruction Changes in approaches to or strategies of learning Achievement/progress/grading Certification Selection Bachman, IAKELE Conference, Seoul, August 2005 6

Many of these decisions are “high stakes”.


We need to JUSTIFY the uses of language assessments are to help us make DECISIONS that will ideally lead to BENEFICIAL CONSEQUENCES for stakeholders. (Bachman & Palmer 2010, p. 22)

Assessment Use Argument Claims, Data, Warrants, Backing




ELT in China 中小学英语 大学英语 英语专业 课程 专业

ELT Tests in China NMET CET TEM

ELT Tests in China 语言考试? 课程考试? 专业考试?


课程目标 与 测试目标


NMET(高考英语) CET(大学英语考试) TEM(英语专业考试)

测试构念 与 测试目标

What is language ability?




self is friend second a

A friend is a second self. A friend is a second self.

语言是思想, 是智慧, 是生活, 是人, 是一切, 覆盖一切, 穿透一切。语言教育是全人教育。 语言是思想, 是智慧, 是生活, 是人, 是一切, 覆盖一切, 穿透一切。语言教育是全人教育。

Content and Assessment Objectives

Everything in a textbook is CONTENT.

CONTENT is all around us.

HOT ARTICHOKE DIP (Serves 10 to 14) 2 14-oz cans artichoke hearts 16 oz. mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) 1 c. grated Parmesan cheese Garlic salt (optional) ==================================== Drain artichoke hearts. Mash artichokes with fork. Mix with mayonnaise, cheese, and garlic salt. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve with crackers (饼干) or party rye (裸麦威士忌酒). Recipes have two parts, a top part and a bottom part. The top part includes the ingredients. The bottom part describes what the cook is supposed to do with the ingredients. In the terminology of the revised Taxonomy, the top part contains the basis for Factual Knowledge (the details) while the bottom part contains the basis for Procedural Knowledge (the steps to follow). More advanced cooks may bring Conceptual Knowledge to the recipe; others may involve Metacognitive Knowledge in the preparation of the Hot Artichoke Dip. 38

This recipe is CONTENT.

When examining content from an educational perspective, a major question is “What do we intend students to learn from the content?”

When applied to the recipe, the question becomes: “What should students learn from the recipe?”

Do we intend students to: REMEMBER the recipe, both the ingredients and directions? UNDERSTAND what each ingredient is in case there is a need to make a substitution? APPLY the recipe to make the dip? ANALYZE the recipe in terms of the relationships among the ingredients? EVALUATE the recipe (keep or throw away)? CREATE their own recipe based on the original recipe?

Please note The answer to the question of what we intend students to learn from the content is our objective, The same content can lead to a variety of quite different objectives.

Framework of educational objectives

Bloom Revised Bloom Create Evaluation Evaluate Synthesis Analyze Analysis Application Apply Understand Comprehension Knowledge Remember 45

Revised Bloom’s Framework Create HOTS Evaluate Analyze Apply LOTS Understand Remember 46

A student understands something if he/she can interpret it, exemplify it, classify it, summarize it, make inferences, make comparisons (compare), and give explanations (explain).

All which the school can or need do for pupils, so far as their minds are concerned … is to develop their ability to think. John Dewey (1859-1952)

All lessons are lessons in thinking. Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976)

“中小学十几年,大部分时间用来学习百十篇从几十字到几百字的对话或课文,操练一些四会五会的技术,束缚了孩子们的智育发展,忽视了心智健全成长,我们对不起他们。” —许国璋

Bachman (1990: 70): the content of language tests can be based on either a theory of language proficiency or a specific domain of content, generally as provided in a course syllabus.


1 G

Certificates of Proficiency in English



2 G

Test of English as a Foreign Language

3 G

General Training Reading General Training Writing IELTS Listening 30 minutes, 4 sections, 40 items General Training Reading 60 minutes, 3 sections, 40 items Academic Reading General Training Writing 60 minutes, 2 tasks Academic Writing Speaking 11 - 14 minutes, 3 parts


英国高考语文试题 (A level)

小 结 外语教育的目标 外语考试的目标、内容与方法 基本知识和技能 语言体系, decontextulized 交流和沟通 学文化、启心智、爱生命 语言、内容、思维的结合, integrated

Content-based thinking assessment

What we assess is what we value.

Thanks baocheng_han@163.com