新聞英文 大面授老師:彭馨霈.


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Presentation transcript:

新聞英文 大面授老師:彭馨霈

TIME 時代經典用字 TIME Classic Words 政治篇

Party Politics 政黨政治 caucus [ˋkɔkəs] 黨團會議 a group of people in ... Although backed by major rights groups, Payton, who is black, was opposed by many members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

coalition [͵koəˋlɪʃən]  聯合 最常見的聯合是 聯合政府(coalition government)和 聯合內閣(coalition cabinet) His seven-party coalition has surprised many by conquering two of the unscalable peaks in Japanese politics: opening the rice market and passing laws to reform the electoral system.

grass-roots [ˋgræsˋruts] 草根式的 原指一般民眾的。美國政治圈開始用它來表示「深入鄉間的、最能代表基層民意的」。 His organization, however, must work harder to transform itself from a liberation movement with a history of violence into a modern, functioning, grass-roots political party.

Left and Right 左派、右派 發源於英國國會。簡單區分方式:左派追求平等,右派追求自由。 Buthelezi is the only significant political figure in South Africa, right or left, who has refused to take part in this month’s elections.

libertarian [lɪbɚˋtɛrɪən] 古典自由派 為美國政治的極右派,強調個人自由,反對政府干預。 O’Rourke, an unabashed conservative with libertarian leanings, tells you why government is a flop in a way no civic textbook ever could. “I’m not sure I learned anything,” he writes, “except that giving money and power to government is like giving whisky and car keys to teenage boys.”

neo-conservatism  [nio kənˋsɝvə͵tɪzəm] 新保守主義 新保守主義反對國家干預,但較溫和。 He describes himself not as a neoconservatism but as a “classical liberal focusing on freedom and the power of the individual.”

populist [ˋpɑpjəlɪst] 人民黨、以人民為 美國政黨,為美國西部農民爭取權益,曾造成極大的聲勢。 號召的、民粹主義者 美國政黨,為美國西部農民爭取權益,曾造成極大的聲勢。 Clinton could strike a populist chord by helping business lower costs, by providing Americans with cradle-to-grave coverage and by standing up to such special interests as doctors, drug companies and insurance firms.

Radical  [ˋrædɪk!]  激進派 相反詞是 moderate 溫和派。 Radical changes in art come less often than we like to think, but some have been utterly fundamental. One of these was the arrival of iron as a material of sculpture.

Election 選舉 absentee ballot [͵æbsnˋti ˋbælət] 不在場投票 選民不必到投票所,而以其他方式投票。 Last month Yeltsin cast an absentee ballot for Bush. He released information from the flight recorder of KAL 007, the Korean airliner that a Soviet interceptor shot down off Siberia in 1983.

advance   [ədˋvæns]   先遣的公關人員 像是支持部隊,又稱 advance man; 到對手鬧場的是black advance。 Decision making has ceased. Top-level meetings took hours and accomplished nothing. Second guessing and finger pointing were rampant. Advance men were refusing to journey to sites of future Bush events out of fear that they would be canceled en route.

arena    [əˋrinə]    競技場,競爭場合 可為公共事務場合(in the public arena)或政治鬥爭場合(in the political arena) As a collective challenge, the cases seek to remove gar rights from the political arena and force a judicial review by the Supreme Court.

Why is everyone suddenly jumping on the antismoking bandwagon? bandwagon [ˋbænd͵wægən] 勝算大的一方     Why is everyone suddenly jumping on the antismoking bandwagon? * hop on the bandwagon/ jump on the bandwagon 1.受到某候選人陣營吸引 2.認為該候選人勝算大 3.(接受徵召)正式加入該候選人支持者陣營

blackball [ˋblæk͵bɔl]  投反對票 白球為贊成;黑球為反對 Vidal was a precocious success, but when he published The City and the Pillar, which had an openly homosexual theme, he found himself blackballed by the mainstream press.

census   [ˋsɛnsəs]   人口普查 A new study of tiger-population dynamics led by biologist John Kenney of the University of Minnesota suggests that even moderate poaching makes extinction a virtual certainty once a tiger census drops below 120.

coattail   [ˋkotel]   衣尾效應(燕尾) 外套的下襬,表示拉抬候選人聲勢。 In November 1964, Foley was one of 67 new Democratic Congressmen who rode to Washington on Lyndon Johnson’s substantial coattails, ousting a Republican who had served in the House for 22 years.

electoral college    選舉團 美國總統大選,實質上是直接選舉,形式上卻是由選舉人團間接選舉。 No wonder that if there were a global electoral college, a sitting President would be virtually guaranteed re-election.

favorite son 最獲支持的(在地人)候選人 不能是空降部隊,必須是家鄉父老鼎力支持的對象。 That apparent rejection of the favorite son has much to do with Chretien’s role as an enthusiastic spear carrier for federalism and his rejection of any special status for his native province.

gerrymander  [ˋdʒɛrɪ͵mændɚ] 不公平的選區規劃 為執政黨常用的手法,把反對黨支持者眾多的地區集中規劃在少數的兩、三個選區之內,以獲得大多數地區的支持。 In the judges’ view the resulting district, which zigzags in a thin line for 600 miles along the state’s northern and eastern borders, was the product of impermissible racial gerrymandering.

keynote 決定基調的,主要的(原則、政策) 借音樂的用字,主音,引申為基本政策等。 Bill Clinton understood the nation’s mood and ran as a middle-of-the –road “New Democrat.” That is why for keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention, he chose not Jesse Jackson but moderates like Bill Bradley and Barbara Jordan.

kick off 開始(選戰)  原本只開球的踢球,用在競選術語為正式開始競選活動。 George Bush plans to attend the conference for one day, give an opening speech, then depart on other business – political business in Houston, where he will kick off his re-election campaign.

landslide  [ˋlænd͵slaɪd]  滑坡,壓倒性勝利  某位候選人或某項議題贏得絕大多數選票而大獲全勝。 The market is concerned that Clinton landslide would give the Democrats too much of a license to tax and spend. Such a mandate could send stocks into a downward tailspin.

majority and plurality   過半數與相對多數 Clinton’s plurality in the popular vote, 43% -- vs. 38% for George Bush and 19% for Ross Perot – was solid rather than spectacular. But his victory nonetheless was sweeping.

negative campaigning  攻擊性的選戰 No one relished the cut and thrust of negative campaigning more than the late Lee Atwater, who applied to politics the ancient military maxim: Know yourself, and know your enemy.

politically correct 政治立場正確 In the old days they were known as Communists, but the party that won Poland’s parliamentary elections with more than 20% of the vote now goes by the more politically correct label “Democratic Left Alliance.”

primary [ˋpraɪ͵mɛrɪ] 黨內初選 Democratic leaders deserve some of the blame for artificially stacking too many primaries around Super Tuesday to create an early consensus.