The History and Future of Service Quality Assessment: Connecting customer needs and expectations to business processes Grapentine, T., Marketing Research,


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Presentation transcript:

The History and Future of Service Quality Assessment: Connecting customer needs and expectations to business processes Grapentine, T., Marketing Research, 11:4, p. 5~20, Spring 1999 報告人 : 蔡慶慧 (0553201)

自我介紹 蔡慶慧 新竹人 求學經歷: 畢業於成大交通管理科學系 目前為交大運管所碩士一年級 指導老師- 姚銘忠 教授 興趣:吃美食、散步

作者介紹 - Terry Grapentine 學歷: Degree: Post Grad Field of Study: Statistics University of Oklahoma Degree: MS Field of Study: Economics 經歷: Principal at Grapentine Company LLC Lecturer Marketing at Iowa State University 研究領域: 37 years' in marketing research industry together with having taught marketing research at the graduate level. client and supplier, B2B and B2C, leadership development, and analytical and statistical expertise. 本篇作者是Terry grapentine,他先於奧克拉荷馬大學取得經濟碩士,而後再取得統計專業的深造文憑,而他的經歷包括擔任Grapentine Company LLC 的主席,以及於Iowa State University教授行銷學,而作者在行銷學領域上的經歷很豐富不管讚實務或學術上,都有長達37年的經驗,那他主要研究的主題包括

Outline SERVQUAL’s history Teas, A chink in the SERVQUAL armour Vagueness and Ambiguity Associated with the "Service Quality" Concept Rust, Cudgel thy brains no more on it Grapentine, personal observation 以下是此次報告的大綱

The Birth of SERVQUAL (1983-1985) SERVQUAL’s history The Birth of SERVQUAL (1983-1985) 首先要介紹服務品質發展的歷史

Parasuraman, Berry, Zeithaml → five service quality gaps : SERVQUAL 方法是1985 年由Parasuraman , Berry& Zeithmal 此三位學者所提出,並在服務品質模式中舉出五個服務品質缺口,所謂的缺口(Gap)是指期望的服務品質與實際認知的服務品質間之差距。而顧客會因口碑傳遞、個人需求、過去經驗、以及管理者和顧客的外部溝通,產生期望服務。服務提供者,管理者對顧客期望的認知,接著將認知轉為服務品質規格,然後進行服務傳遞,使顧客產生知覺服務。而在期望和認知服務的產生過程中,會產生5個服務品質缺口。  首先,模型說明瞭服務質量是如何形成的。模型的上半部涉及與顧客有關的現象。期望的服務是顧客的實際經歷、個人需求以及口碑溝通的函數。另外,也受到企業營銷溝通活動的影響。   實際經歷的服務,在模型中稱為感知的服務,它是一系列內部決策和內部活動的結果。在服務交易發生時,管理者對顧客期望的認識,對確定組織所遵循的服務質量標準起到指導作用。   當然,顧客親身經歷的服務交易和生產過程是作為一個與服務生產過程有關的質量因素,生產過程實施的技術措施是一個與服務生產的產出有關的質量因素。   分析和設計服務質量時,這個基本框架說明瞭必須考慮哪些步驟,然後查出問題的根源。要素之間有五種差異,也就是所謂的質量差距。質量差距是由質量管理前後不一致造成的。最主要的差距是期望服務和感知(實際經歷)服務差距(差距5),

five service quality gaps : Difference between Gap 1 consumer expectation and management perceptions of consumer expectation Gap 2 management perceptions of consumer expectations and service quality specifications Gap 3 service quality specifications and the service actually delivered Gap 4 service delivery and what is communicated about the service to consumers Gap 5 consumer expectations and perceptions (一)缺口一:「消費者期望」與「管理者認知」的缺口。 (二)缺口二:「管理者認知」與「服務品質規格」的缺口。 (三)缺口三:「服務品質規格」與「服務傳遞過程」的缺口。 (四)缺口四:「服務傳遞過程」與「外部溝通」的缺口。 (五)缺口五:「期望服務」與「知覺服務」的缺口。 Gap 1 :difference between consumer expectation and management perceptions of consumer expectation Gap 2 :difference between management perceptions of consumer expectations and service quality specifications Gap 3 :difference between service quality specifications and the service actually delivered Gap 4 : difference between service delivery and what is communicated about the service to consumers Gap 5 : difference between consumer expectations and perceptions  首先,模型說明瞭服務質量是如何形成的。模型的上半部涉及與顧客有關的現象。期望的服務是顧客的實際經歷、個人需求以及口碑溝通的函數。另外,也受到企業營銷溝通活動的影響。   實際經歷的服務,在模型中稱為感知的服務,它是一系列內部決策和內部活動的結果。在服務交易發生時,管理者對顧客期望的認識,對確定組織所遵循的服務質量標準起到指導作用。   當然,顧客親身經歷的服務交易和生產過程是作為一個與服務生產過程有關的質量因素,生產過程實施的技術措施是一個與服務生產的產出有關的質量因素。   分析和設計服務質量時,這個基本框架說明瞭必須考慮哪些步驟,然後查出問題的根源。要素之間有五種差異,也就是所謂的質量差距。質量差距是由質量管理前後不一致造成的。最主要的差距是期望服務和感知(實際經歷)服務差距(差距5),

SERVQUAL Instrumentation (1985-1988) Famous equation: Q = P (perceived service) – E (expected service) E : 消費者期望的服務。 缺口五:「期望服務」與「知覺服務」的缺口。服務品質=知覺-期望(Q=P-E) P : 消費者認知的服務。

SERVQUAL Instrumentation (1985-1988) Five dimension: Tangibles (有形) Physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel Reliability (可靠) Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Responsiveness(回應) Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service Assurance (保證) Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence Empathy (同理心) Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers 得到服務品質後,我們可用以下五項構面來衡量服務品質: 一、有形性 (tangibles):包括實體設備、設施和人員的外觀等。 二、可靠度(reliability):可靠準確提供所承諾的服務。 三、反應性 (responsiveness):協助顧客提供迅(及時)速服務的意願。 四、保證性 (assurance):員工的知識、禮貌及引發顧客信任和信心的感覺。 五、關懷 (empathy):關心與提供顧供個人化服務。

The Extended Gaps Model (1988-1990) 服務品質延伸模式服務品質延伸模式(1988-1990) 到1988年Zeithaml、Berry與Parasuraman提出服務品質延伸模式(extended model quality service),更合理地解釋影響服務提供者產生的四個服務缺口之內在因素。

The Extended Gaps Model (1988-1990) Gap 1: Difference Between Consumer Expectations and Management Perceptions of Consumer Expectations marketing research upward communication management levels Gap 2: Management Perception - Service Quality Specification Gap management commitment goal setting task standardization perception of feasibility 服務品質延伸模式(1988-1990) 到1988年Zeithaml、Berry與Parasuraman提出服務品質延伸模式(extended model quality service),更合理地解釋影響服務提供者產生的四個服務缺口之內在因素。 影響缺口一的因素,缺口一:「消費者期望」與「管理者認知」的缺口。管理者需仰賴市場調查,蒐集有關消費者的訊息,因此好的市場調查,可縮小缺口一。管理者與服務人員溝通的品質及效果有關,組織內部的溝通管道越暢通,溝通越容易,管理者就越能由服務人員獲得有關消費者的訊息,缺口一就愈小。組織內管理階層數目也與缺口一的大小有關,管理階層越多,管理者與服務人員之間的溝通越困難,管理者越難由服務人員獲得有關消費者的期望之訊息,則缺口一就越大。 影響缺口二的因素 (缺口二:「管理者認知」與「服務品質規格」的缺口。) 缺口二與服務業者對服務品質的承諾有關,承諾越高,投入的資源越多,缺口二也越小。 目標設定,增加對組織全面的控制,將服務品質定義和傳遞方式標準化。 (任務標準化)工作任務是例行性的,標準作業程序能夠有效的訂定與實施,則缺口二會比較小;若工作任務是顧客化的,則標準作業程序難以建立,缺口二也會比較大。另外,服務組織對自己能否達成顧客期望之可行性的評估,如果評估認為達成的可行性越高,缺口二會越小。

The Extended Gaps Model (1988-1990) Gap 3: Service Quality Specification -Service Delivery Gap Teamwork Employee-job fit Technology-job fit Gap 4: Difference Between Service Delivery and External Communications - Piecrust Promises Horizontal communication Overpromise Not easily made, but easily broken Perceived control Supervisory control systems Role ambiguity 影響缺口三的因素 (「管理者認知」與「服務品質規格」的缺口) 影響缺口四的因素 (「服務傳遞過程」與「外部溝通」的缺口) 水平溝通-組織部門內和部門間的溝通 過度承諾-和顧客進行外部溝通時,承諾自己可達到的服務,但實際服務傳遞時根本做不到。過度承諾,致使民眾對你的服務品質大打折扣。 Piecrust Promises-向派皮般的承諾,承諾不意建立,卻易被打破。來形容缺口四德因素 piecrust不意製作,卻很容易就破碎

Nature and Determinants of Service Expectations (1990-1993) ,發現在服務品質評價中存 在 兩 種 顧 客 期 望,理 想 期 望 (desiredexpectation, DE)和 恰 當 期 望(adequateexpectation,AE).其 中, 理想期望被定義為一位顧客希望接受到的服務,是 顧客相信服務“可以”和“應該”達到的水準;恰當期 望是顧客認為可以接受的服務水準.兩種期望之間 的範圍定義為容忍區間(zoneoftolerance,ZOT)[3] .

The Refined SERVQUAL Instrument (1993-1994) 服務品質方法修訂 介紹如何使用ZOT,包括如何計算得到顧客的ZOT,如何從中找到合適的資訊,來提升服務品質 相減得 zone of tolerance

The Refined SERVQUAL Instrument (1993-1994) Service quality for a computer manufacturer perceived service Zone of tolerance 下限:adequate service expectations 上限:desired service expectations We collected service quality data from a computer manufacturer’s customers (see Figure 2). We measured two levels of expectations: desired service (what the customer believes the service should be and can be) and adequate service (the minimal level of service acceptable to the customer). The top of the tolerance zone represents customers’ average desired service-expectation score, the bottom, their average adequate service-expectation score. Service performance is superior if perception scores exceed the zone of tolerance, acceptable if perceptions are within the zone, and unacceptable if perceptions are below the zone.

Impact of Service Quality on Behavioral Intentions (1994-1996) ,Zeithaml, Berry, and Parsuraman (1996) 探討服務品質 與行為意圖有何關係模式時,將十三個衡量行為意圖的項目透過因素分析法萃取出五個衡量行為意圖的 構面,忠誠度、轉換行為、支付更多、外部反應、內部反應,並認為行為意圖可分為正向的 (faviorable) 與負向的 (unfaviorable) 。 行為意圖 (Behavior Intention, 簡稱 BI) 可以當作企業是不是能順利留住消費者的指標(Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2001) ,行為意圖為消費者於消費後對於產品或是企業所採取之行為傾向;

Impact of Service Quality on Behavioral Intentions (1994-1996) Superior service quality → favorable behavioral intentions Inferior service quality → unfavorable behavioral intentions 5 behavioral intention measures Loyalty Switch Pay more External response Internal response ,Zeithaml, Berry, and Parsuraman (1996) 探討服務品質 與行為意圖有何關係模式時,將十三個衡量行為意圖的項目透過因素分析法萃取出五個衡量行為意圖的 構面,忠誠度、轉換行為、支付更多、外部反應、內部反應,並認為行為意圖可分為正向的 (faviorable) 與負向的 (unfaviorable) 。 ,1.忠 誠度(Loyalty):指顧客願意向他們推薦公 司,並給予公司正面口碑。 2.支付更多錢 (Pay more):指顧客願意支付較高價格以 享受公司所提供服務。 : 1.轉換行爲(Switch):據顧客購 買行爲的改變,包括:(1)在未來幾年內, 減少和這家公司交易次數,(2)向其他提供 較佳的競爭者購買。2.外在反應(Evternal Response):指向公司以外的人或團體抱怨 的行爲,包括:(1)假如不滿意該公司的服 務,會換到其他公司消費,(2)假如不滿意 該公司的服務,會向其他顧客抱怨,(3) 假如不滿意該公司的服務,會向其他機構 抱怨。3.內在反應(Internal Response):指 直接公司進行抱怨行爲。

Impact of Service Quality on Behavioral Intentions (1994-1996) Two hypotheses H1: The service quality-behavioral intentions relationship (a)is positive (negative) for favorable (unfavorable) behavioral inten­tions and (b)has a different slope below and above the zone of tolerance relative to it. H2:Favorable (unfavorable) behavioral intentions are (a)highest (lowest) for cus­tomers experiencing no service problems; (b)next highest (lowest) for customers experiencing service problems that are resolved, and (c) lowest (highest) for cus­tomers experiencing service problems that are not resolved. 應用ZOT的概念,PZB作者提出兩個假設

Impact of Service Quality on Behavioral Intentions (1994-1996)

Multiple-Method Listening: A Service Quality Information System (1996-1997) Transactional surveys Service-quality information system (SQIS) Customer complaint, comment, and inquiry capture Total market surveys 1996-1997 這邊的提出 服務品質系統,服務品質系統就是用多元觀點來衡量服務品質,讓管理者更能了解要如何提升服務品質。有效的服務品質系統,就是要定期調查顧客/競爭者/員工。調查的項目是: 交易調查記錄 客戶抱怨評論諮詢 完整市場 員工調查*除了探討員工提供服務的好壞,還要看員工的工作環境,被提供的服務 Employee surveys Periodically surveys customers, competitors, and employees

Multiple-Method Listening: A Service Quality Information System (1996-1997) Measure service expectations guidelines for developing a system that can ensure an effective SQIS Emphasize information quality Capture customers’ words 確保服務品質資訊系統有效的方法: Emphasize information quality-資訊要是精確/可靠的/可理解/即時的 Capture customers’ words-對於客戶不滿意服務的地方,其實公司不能全面抓取到,因此建議將顧客的評論逐字紀錄下來,避免遺漏重要訊息 Link service performance to business results-瞭解服務品質和獲利的表現,這樣更能知道投入下去的資源值不值得,計畫和預算控制上也比較好掌握 Reach every employee-員工是傳遞服務給顧客的人,所以員工要有相關的資訊知道要如何達到公司訂定的服務標準,同時員工也會從顧客端獲得回饋。 Link service performance to business results Reach every employee

SQIS 的好處,可以請聽顧客,了解顧客的需求,公司可相對應的知道如何投入相對應資源來滿足顧客需求,公司也可長時間追蹤公司自己和競爭者的服務表現,除此之外,(在回饋上)也知道投入資源所提升的服務品質之影響,如果是好的服務要獎賞,不好的服務要修正

Teas, A chink in the SERVQUAL armour Teas, 1993 JM article "Expectations, Performance Evaluation, and Consumer's Perceptions of Quality.” Teas, 1993 JM article “Expectations, Performance Evaluation, and Consumer‘s Perceptions of Quality.”文章中提出對服務品模式的質疑與問題。 首先,就以顧客期望服務品質的調查, 對最終的結果,效度都會有影響

Teas, A chink in the SERVQUAL armour Teas points out that vagueness and ambiguity are different terms Ambiguity means that a term or concept can possess multiple meanings A term or concept is vague to the extent that its meaning is not clearly defined The respondents’ answers to survey questions will contain measurement error 模糊 歧義 測量誤差

Vagueness and Ambiguity Associated with the "Service Quality" Concept • P(1) = 7 and D(1) = 6, therefore, SS(1) = +1 • P(2) = 6 and D(2) = 5, therefore, SS(2) = +1 • SS(1) = SS(2), even though performance P(1) is higher than performance P(2). P:percived service measure (1~7) D:desired service level (1~7) SS:superior service(P-D) Grapentine: If this is aggregate data, doesn't your model suggest that A and B are equal levels of quality? Teas: this is logically inconsistent Parasuraman: Parasuraman: individual perspective scale response biases or tendencies to answer scales that different individuals might have highly unusual unless there are significant changes in the service itself, or in the environment itself a company is providing superior service, according to Parasuraman et al Teas學者一直強調的觀點,理論的內部需具一致性,並和衡量誤差獨立開來 P強調以ZOT觀點來看,就較不會侷限於GAP的問題,而是以全面的觀點來看//衡量分析 Teas: A theory has to be internally consistent, and independent of measurement error. Parasuraman: If you have the zone of tolerances up there, then you're getting a much better picture. Look at the full picture, not just the gaps.

Teas: the reduced slope of the Loyalty function maybe due to how respondents use the scale, not to a true change in the elasticity of loyalty with respect to service quality a company is providing superior service, according to Parasuraman et al Teas' efforts have been channeled toward building upon and improving Parasuraman et al's. conceptual frameworks and operational methods.

Rust, Cudgel thy brains no more on it Rust 9 key personal observations Don’t sweat the small stuff Return on quality Customer delight The bridge to actionability CSM as a management philosophy A new twist on quality Where does market share come from Multicollinearity How are expectations updated

Rust, Cudgel thy brains no more on it 1. Don’t sweat the small stuff: number of scale points type of scale customer satisfaction ↔ service quality 2. Return on quality: business wants to know, "What is the return on quality?" management's need to better utilize research results 3. Customer delight: satisfying customers vs. making them delighted customer satisfaction the same as or different than service quality and vice versa? Linking customer satisfaction to financial performance → decision solve problems adding extras

Rust, Cudgel thy brains no more on it 4. The bridge to actionability: Academics and practitioners focus too much on measuring customer satisfaction or expectations and too little on connecting customer needs to business processes. 5. CSM as a management philosophy: company what the customer wants them to do. A commitment to revenue and growth "quotas" based on satisfying and delighting the customer. suggests a new role for the marketing function 傾聽

Rust, Cudgel thy brains no more on it 6. A new twist on quality: trade-offs between customer satisfaction and productivity 7. Where does market share come from: initial customer choice issues customer retention issues 8. Multicollinearity: coefficients [that are derived by statistical models] are unstable 9. How are expectations updated: what is the process by which consumers revise their expectations of product performance discover what drives each

Grapentine, personal observation k develop and agree upon a formal language system to define its conceptual definitions 雌 to demonstrate to management how to establish service quality measurement systems that improve organizational efficiency Academics translate practitioners can understand theoretical and empirical investigations Academics 合作 Practitioners The field of marketing research needs to develop and agree upon a formal language system to define its conceptual definitions.

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