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Student Exchange Programme HaSS & Business School Student Exchange Programme

Magnificent Glasgow

Beautiful Campus with a Long History

“a place of useful learning.” In 1796, the University of Strathclyde was founded by Professor John Anderson who left instructions in his will for “a place of useful learning.”

University of Strathclyde has been voted “The UK University of the Year 2012/2013”! We are the best university in the UK in 2013!

Entrepreneurial University Of the year 2013

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (HaSS) HaSS is a leading institution in the UK for studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. The School of Law is ranked 10th in the UK in 2013 ( The School of Education is one of the largest in the UK and is ranked 10th in 2013 in the UK.

Strathclyde Business School Strathclyde Business School is one of the best in the world. Its Accounting & Finance is ranked 2nd by the Times and Sunday Times in the UK in 2013, ahead of LSE and only behind Bath! Its Marketing is ranked 1st by the Times and Sunday Times in the UK in 2013! Its Economics is ranked 16th by the Times and Sunday Times in the UK in 2013; Its Business Studies is ranked 12th by the Times and Sunday Times in the UK in 2013.

Strathclyde Business School Strathclyde Business School holds “triple accreditation”, only less than 1% of business schools in the world achieved that. Currently, only 25 business schools out of around 3500 worldwide have been fully accredited.

HaSS Graduate School

HaSS Graduate School HaSS: Graduate School

Strathclyde Business School’s Indian Campus in Noida, near Delhi

Strathclyde Business School’s Dubai and Abu Dhabi campuses have been most successful in the past 18 years!

我们的优势 斯克莱德大学商学院名列英国前五名,是世界一流的商学院,和伦敦商学院、伦敦政经学院齐名; 格拉斯哥是英国第三、苏格兰最大的城市,商业系统发达。我们采取请进来、送出去的办法为每个商学院的学生提供良好的实习机会(internship),包括课程内(参加Business Clinic 学习对企业的咨询),和课程外的实习; 每个商学院的学生(包括经济系)都有去其他国家著名商学院交流学习的机会,几周至一学期不等;我们也在设计学生参加商学院在迪拜(Dubai)、阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)、印度分校的游学。

HaSS & Business School See you in Glasgow !