凌華科技 93年度第三季法人座談會 2004/11/03.


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Presentation transcript:

凌華科技 93年度第三季法人座談會 2004/11/03

Agenda 財務報告 財務經理 陳淑芬 公司簡報 總經理 史庭瑞 Q & A


Safe Harbor Statement These presentations and discussions contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the results of operation, financial condition and current expectation about future events. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The actual result could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward looking statements.

3Q04 Income Statement --QoQ Comparison 註:3Q/2004 EPS係以截至九月底股數63,335,707股計算

3Q04 Income Statement-- YoY Comparison 註:3Q/2004 EPS係以截至九月底股數63,335,707股計算

1-3Q 04 Income Statement-- YoY Comparison

1-3Q 04 Achievement of Financial Projection

3Q 04Balance Sheet & Key Ratios--QoQ Comparison

1-3Q 04Balance Sheet & Key Ratios--YoY Comparison

Sales Breakdown by product NT$Million

Sales Breakdown by Product--YoY comparison

Sales Breakdown by Geography NT$Million

Top 10 Customers 註:1~3Q/2004子公司佔銷售額34.10%

2004 Financial Forecast by Quarter 註:EPS係以截至九月底股數63,335,707股計算


凌華成為台灣唯一以及亞洲第一家PXISA協會董事會企業成員暨最高等級會員 賀

2004年中國PICMG技術年會 日期: 2004/10/27-28 會場: 北京國際飯店 來賓: 超過八百人出席

凌華領先全球同業研發64位元高效能 Advanced TCA產品 ATCA-6890高效能刀片伺服器 ATCA high performance SBC -one or two next-gen Xeon processors -up to 3.2,3.46,3.5,3.67 GHz -Intel E7520 chipset -DDRII-400 up to 16GB ATCA-8014 10U ATCA Shelf 機箱 -enables 4 shelves per telecom frame -14 ATCA front boards(12 nodes+2 fabric) -200W power dissipation per slot ATCA-3100 交換刀片 ATCA Base/Fabric Interface Switch -Base Interface :1000BaseT Gigabit Ethernet -Layer 3 switching -Support for 14 node slots

ITU亞洲電信展 與Intel合作展出Advanced TCA系列新品

凌華價值工程- 五年成長動能 Co-operated Value-Added Trusted Milestones: -2004年6月通過設立台灣營運總部及研發中心 -2004年11月8日在台灣轉上市 Alliance - Marketing Sales/Service Ecosystem 300M+ Business Alliance Co-operated Professional Service - Customization Service Integration Service Solutions Consulting 100M-300M Value-Added Industry Application Platform Services Support Service - Customer Feedback System On-Time Delivery(OTD) End of Life Management Revision Control Management 50M-100M Trusted Industry Automation Building Blocks Innovation - aTCA CPCI (IXP, X86) PXI (3U/6U) SSC-NET Quality - 6-Sigma TL-9000 ISO9001/14001 DVT Price/ Performance - TWN-based Manufacturing

Thank You


2004年前三季應收帳款(AR) 單位:百萬元

2004年1-10月份存貨(庫存) 單位:百萬元