自卸车 Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Mobil DTE 20s, Delvac 1310 Mobilube HDs,GXs Mobilgrease XHP 222 Mobilgrease CM-L, CM-P Mobil Antifreeze, Coolant Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Nuto H Esso Gear Oil GX Esso Ronex Extra Dury Moly 1,2 andEsso MP Esso ASC Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX 15w-40 Delvac Super 1300 Delvac 1330/40
柴油发动机油 美孚产品系列 美孚多威力1号全合成机油 美孚超级黑霸王 美孚黑霸王 埃索产品系列 Essolube XT 4
美孚多威力1号全合成机油 粘度SAE 5W/40,符合API CH4/CG4/ CF-4/CF/SJ , ACEA E5/E4-99规范及主要设备制造商要求如MB228.5 ,Mark EO-M Plus, Cummins CES 20077/76/72/71, MAN M3277,MTU Type 3,MTU/DDC Category 2,RVI RXD, Volvo VDS 2 可改善燃油经济效益达3%以上 可有较长的换油周期 较好的磨损保护,延长发动机及其他的零部件寿命 机油消耗减少 为市面上最好机油
美孚超级黑霸王 API CH4, CG-4, CF-4, CF, SJ ACEA B3-96, B3-96, E2-96 粘度15W/40 通过了美国、欧洲的行业协会和众多的设备制造商 的标准 API CH4, CG-4, CF-4, CF, SJ ACEA B3-96, B3-96, E2-96 Mercedes Benz Sheet 228.1/229.1 MAN 271 Mack EO-M Plus Volvo VDS VW501.01/505.00 Allison C-4 Cummins CES 20071/20076 U.S. Military MIL-L-2104F
美孚黑霸王 粘度SAE 15W-40 ,API CF-4/CF/SG, 耐高温、抗氧化、充分清洁发动机 具优良流动性、低温启动容易 适用于所有公路、矿山、农业、工地及起动频 繁的城市车辆,尤其是配备涡轮增压器的发动 机
美孚多威力1300系列 粘度等级 10W, 20, 30, 40, 50 API CF/SF ACEA-96 E1-96 (30&40) MB 227.0 Allison C-4(10W&30) 27
Essolube Performance PRODUCT SAE API ACEA O E M APPROVALS Essolube XT 4 15W-40 CG-4/CF-4/ E3/B3 MB 228.3, MAN M 3275 CF/SG Volvo VDS 2, Allison C-4 Perkins (Preferred) RVI E3-R (D5-R) Essolube XT 3 15W-40 CG-4/CF/SH E2/B2/A2 MB 228.1, MAN 271 Volvo VDS, Allison C-4 MTU-1, Perkins (Acceptable) RVI E2-R (D4-R) VW 501/505 Essolube XT 2 15W-40 CF-4/CF/SF Essolube XT 1D 15w-40 CD 10W-30 CD/CF PRODUCT SAE API ACEA O E M APPROVALS
齿轮油 美孚产品系列 美孚1号全合成齿轮油 75W/90 美孚齿轮油HD 80W/90 美孚齿轮油HD 85W/140 美孚齿轮油GX 90,140 埃索产品系列 Gear Oils GX 80W/90 Gear Oils GX 85W/140 Gear Oils 90,140
液压油 美孚产品系列 美孚DTE 20 系列 美孚液压油 AW 系列 美孚DTE 10M 系列 美孚多威力1310 埃索产品系列 Esso Nuto H 32,46,68 Esso Hydraulic AW 系列
美孚DTE 20 系列 简介 美孚DTE 20 系列是高级工业用抗磨损液压油,能够使液压系统保持高度清洁,有极高的抗乳化及过滤性能,并且有更持久的薄膜防锈力 优点 ◆ 减少液压系统故障,减少保养及修理费用,延长机器寿命。 ◆ 延长液压油使用寿命,减少换油及因换油而导致的停机,减 少液压 油采购费用。 ◆ 使阀门更清洁,减少粘结之机会 ◆ 减低操作成本而又能提高生产力 Key message is that US and European formulations are being combined to create a new global flagship paper machine oil. As both formulations meet the same performance specification, neither need to be reformulated. For your information, there are slight differences in the formulation of the two products, but this is a function of local availability of basestocks.
美孚抗磨液压油 AW系列 简介 用途 美孚液压油AW 系列包括四个黏度等级 达到DIN 51524-2 液压油规格中之HLP要求 这个产品系列亦能达到各主要液压泵及元件制造厂的要 求,包括:Vickers 104 C(ASTM D2882) 及Vickers 35VQ25 叶片泵测试,更有Denison HF-O 的认可。 用途 用于装设有齿轮泵/叶片泵/轴向、径向柱塞泵而需具备抗磨 液压油的液压系统 此系列液压油能够在系统操作、磨损保护及经济效益方面 作出优良表现 The primary benefactor of this global initiative will be multi-national paper companies. If you are discussing this with a multi-national or a company that operates in multiple countries, the promise of consistent PMO performance and naming is a big benefit. This also could be spun as a benefit associated with making is easier to do business with the Mobil brand. The product name should be easier to understand for the reasons outlined above. It is also consistent with the naming scheme for Mobil SHC PM oils.
美孚抗磨液压油AW系列 优点 美孚抗磨液压油AW系列得到各主要液压油泵制造厂的规格认可,具有以下优点及效益: ◆ 卓越的抗磨表现 ◆ 卓越的防锈及防腐蚀性能 ◆ 卓越的抗乳化性能 ◆ 提供广泛的适合液压系统使用的黏度选择 ◆ 选用正确的黏度级数,可润滑低负荷的齿轮 The primary benefactor of this global initiative will be multi-national paper companies. If you are discussing this with a multi-national or a company that operates in multiple countries, the promise of consistent PMO performance and naming is a big benefit. This also could be spun as a benefit associated with making is easier to do business with the Mobil brand. The product name should be easier to understand for the reasons outlined above. It is also consistent with the naming scheme for Mobil SHC PM oils.
美孚DTE 10M 系列 简介 美孚DTE 10M 系列是高黏度指数的液压油,有调节性的高温及低温流动性能。用于在低温下或气温经常变化下操作的液压系统,效率极高。 性质 低温流动性极好且有突出的黏温特性 负荷能力及抗磨性能均非常好 抗氧化及热性能特别好,减少淤渣及化积物形成 防锈性能特别良好,形成薄油膜能对间歇性浸入润滑油中之机件,给予充分的防锈保护 抗乳化及防泡沫性能特别良好 可与一般采用的密封物质相容 The primary benefactor of this global initiative will be multi-national paper companies. If you are discussing this with a multi-national or a company that operates in multiple countries, the promise of consistent PMO performance and naming is a big benefit. This also could be spun as a benefit associated with making is easier to do business with the Mobil brand. The product name should be easier to understand for the reasons outlined above. It is also consistent with the naming scheme for Mobil SHC PM oils.
美孚DTE 10M 系列 用途 Mobil DTE 11M -38- 54 适用于各类型的液压系统。各种在低温下或在气温迅速变化下操作的工业、船舶或可移动性机械液压系统,均可采用。但不可用于有银质或镀银机件的泵及马达。 根据叶片泵试验资料,本液压油系列应用温度范围如下: 等级 摄氏温度 Mobil DTE 11M -38- 54 Mobil DTE 13M -32-67 Mobil DTE 15M -26-79 Mobil DTE 16M -20-89 Mobil DTE 18M -13-105 Mobil DTE 19M -1-110 The primary benefactor of this global initiative will be multi-national paper companies. If you are discussing this with a multi-national or a company that operates in multiple countries, the promise of consistent PMO performance and naming is a big benefit. This also could be spun as a benefit associated with making is easier to do business with the Mobil brand. The product name should be easier to understand for the reasons outlined above. It is also consistent with the naming scheme for Mobil SHC PM oils.
美孚DTE 10M 系列 优点 ◆适用于严寒天气下在户外操作的液压系统 ◆抗磨损和防腐蚀能力极高,因而减少机械故障 ◆延长液压泵及其它重要机件的寿命 ◆由于适用温度范围广阔,所以可减少液压油品种 The primary benefactor of this global initiative will be multi-national paper companies. If you are discussing this with a multi-national or a company that operates in multiple countries, the promise of consistent PMO performance and naming is a big benefit. This also could be spun as a benefit associated with making is easier to do business with the Mobil brand. The product name should be easier to understand for the reasons outlined above. It is also consistent with the naming scheme for Mobil SHC PM oils.
美孚多威力1310 粘度为10W,低温流动性很好 小松及卡特比勒的工程机械都有推荐把10W的发动机油 当液压油使用,以避免因人为疏忽加错油造成损失
Nuto H 优质抗磨液压油的特点 性能优异 应用广泛 极佳的抗磨损、抗腐蚀及放锈特性 热稳定的锌类抗磨添加剂 良好的氧化/热稳定性 良好的空气释放性 良好之水解稳定性/过滤性 应用广泛 为各大液压系统制造厂商所接受或认可,包括CINCINNATI、DENISON、VICKERS等。 有多种粘度等级供选择 ISO VG 22 ~100
Hydraulic AW 系列抗磨液压油的特点 有效降低磨损 极佳的抗氧化稳定性 良好的分水性 良好的抗泡性 专为一般液压系统设计
滑脂 美孚产品系列 美孚力富 SHC 220 美孚滑脂 XHP 222 美孚滑脂CM-P,CM-L 美孚滑脂Moly 50, 51, 52 埃索产品系列 Esso Ronex MP Esso Ronex Extra Duty 1 Esso Becon EP 1, 2
多用途润滑脂 BEACON 2 & 3 : 多用途润滑脂 - 锂基 - 极佳的抗水性能及防腐蚀性能, 操作温度可达 120 ºC BEACON EP 0,1,2/美孚力士滑脂 EP 0,1,2 - 极压添加剂 BEACON Q2 - 二硫化钼添加剂 美孚滑脂 XHP 特级 - 复合锂基 - 含二硫化钼
美孚滑脂XHP 222,XHP 222特级 由ISO VG 220的基础油,采用高品质的复合锂基结合极具粘性的聚合物制造而成。 工作温度界于-20℃至150℃之间 有超卓的粘附能力,抗抛脱能力和密封特性亦非常优良 具有抗水冲洗和喷淋的能力,非常适用于在公路上及在工地矿山等工作的重型设备的拖车转盘,主销,万向节及斗销等的润滑 XHP 222特级主要推荐用于经常出现滑动和振动的悬挂轴承,或设备制造商指定使用含二硫化钼的润滑脂的场合要有更好泵送性的场合
美孚滑脂CMP,CML/Ronex Extra Duty Moly 复合锂基,矿物基础油,含有3%的二硫化钼,同时配备高温增稠剂 用于严厉条件下的工程机械和矿山车辆的轴承,斗销和铰接润滑,极大限度的延长润滑部件的寿命,同时加脂周期延长 Mobilgrease CMP 是常温下的应用产品 Mobilgrease CML用于冬季较寒冷的工地而需要有更好泵送性的场合
Mobilgrease Moly 50,51,52 复合锂基,矿物基础油,含有5%的二硫化钼 用于严厉条件下的工程机械和矿山车辆的轴承,斗销和铰接润滑,极大限度的延长润滑部件的寿命,同时加脂周期延长 Mobilgrease Moly 52为二号复合锂基脂,用于常温及广泛用途的底盘润滑 Mobilgrease Moly 51为一号复合锂基脂,用于冬季较寒冷的工地而需要有更好泵送性的场合 Mobilgrease Moly 50 为零号复合锂基脂,用于配有中央集中供脂设备的场合
液力传动油 美孚产品系列 Mobiltrans HD 10W,30,50 Mobilfluid 424 埃索产品系列 Esso Torque 56,62
认 可 使 用 的 美 孚 产 品 A 发动机油 Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX Mobil Delvac Super 1300 B 液压油 Mobiltrans HD 10W C 重型合成齿轮油(电动轮齿轮箱) Mobilgear SHC 460 D 含5%二硫化钼的锂基脂 Mobilgrease Moly 51(NLGI 1 号) Mobilgrease Moly 52(NLGI 2号) E 多用途齿轮油 Mobilube HD 80W-90 * 注:小松 Illinois总部从2001年起在全世界范围内要求其用户使用含有5% 二硫化钼的润滑脂润滑各球关节和销,以取代原来的推荐(含3%二硫化钼 的脂,对应的美孚产品为Mobilgrease CMP,CML)
美孚齿轮油SHC460 合成齿轮油 应用温度范围极广(-40℃-125℃) 极长使用寿命
Caterpillar 789C 自卸车润滑推荐 *在连续操作工况下,SAE 60 是首选推荐。 发动机油 Caterpillar DEO Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX Mobil Delvac Super 1300 变速箱 Caterpillar TDTO,TO-4 Mobiltrans HD 30 举升/变矩器/刹车系统液压油箱 Mobiltrans HD 10W 差速器,前轮,终传动 Caterpillar TDTO,TO-4,SAE 60 Mobiltrans HD 60 * Mobiltrans HD 50 转向系统 Mobil DTE 25/DTE 15M 多功能二硫化钼锂基脂 Mobilgrease Moly 50,51,52 (NLGI 0,1,2号,含5% MoS2) Mobilgrease CMP (NLGI 2, 3% MoS2) Mobilgrease CML(NLGI 1, 3% MoS2) *在连续操作工况下,SAE 60 是首选推荐。
挖掘机 Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Mobil DTE 20s, Delvac 1310 Mobilube HDs,GXs Mobilgrease XHP 222 Mobilgrease CM-L, CM-P Mobil Antifreeze, Coolant Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Nuto H Esso Gear Oil GX Esso Ronex Extra Dury Moly 1,2 andEsso MP Esso ASC Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX 15w-40 Delvac Super 1300 Delvac 1330/40
推土机 Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Mobil DTE 20s, Delvac 1310 Mobilube HDs,GXs Mobilgrease XHP 222 Mobilgrease CM-L, CM-P Mobil Antifreeze, Coolant Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Nuto H Esso Gear Oil GX Esso Ronex Extra Dury Moly 1,2 andEsso MP Esso ASC Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX 15w-40 Delvac Super 1300 Delvac 1330/40
装载机 Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Mobil DTE 20s, Delvac 1310 Mobilube HDs,GXs Mobilgrease XHP 222 Mobilgrease CM-L, CM-P Mobil Antifreeze, Coolant Mobil Essolube XT4 Essolube XT3 Essolube XT 2,1 Nuto H Esso Gear Oil GX Esso Ronex Extra Dury Moly 1,2 andEsso MP Esso ASC Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX 15w-40 Delvac Super 1300 Delvac 1330/40
洒 水 车
撒水车美孚产品推荐 A 发动机油 Mobil Delvac 1 Mobil Delvac MX Mobil Delvac Super 1300 B 润滑脂 Mobilgrease XHP 222 C 车辆齿轮油 Mobilgear SHC 460 Mobilube HD 80W-90 Mobilube HD 85W-140 D 液力传动油 Mobiltrans HD 10W(液压油箱,悬挂) Mobiltrans HD 30(Allison DP 8963变速箱润滑) E 含二硫化钼的锂基脂 Mobilgrease Moly 50,51,52 (NLGI 0,1,2号,含5% MoS2) Mobilgrease CMP,CML (NLGI 2, 1, 含3% MoS2)