Creative Thinking Process Toward Success


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Presentation transcript:

Creative Thinking Process Toward Success 薛智文 助理教授 台大資訊&網媒所 “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” - Robert H. Goddard 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Outline Information Overflow Why this seminar? 教育的未來 Why this seminar? Basic Elements of Successful R&D Positioning your research Developing a R&D road map Getting Your Ideas across Creative Thinking Process Workshop Conclusion Q&A 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

工欲善其事、必先利其器 To excel in research, we must sharpen our skills in positioning R&D strategically identifying and formulating high impact problems communicating ideas and results effectively The entrance to graduate school marks a critical phase of transition for most graduate students from absorbing knowledge to creating knowledge… - Prof. Lui Sha, UIUC Positioning R&D: Some prefer Research, and some prefer Development. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Why this seminar? Why you listen to anything? Why you write your report that way? 老生常談 ?到 ?道 Instruct, Invite, Inspire Enable, Empower, Energize 劉炯朗, 我愛談天你愛笑 Accept, Achieve, Accomplish 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

數中有詩 詩中有數 軟中帶硬 以硬引軟 黑不明白 路可知道 先軟後硬 軟硬兼施 尊軟貶硬 微軟太硬 崇硬抑軟 死硬不軟 … 黑白不明 可知道路 黑,不明白; 路,可知道。 抹黑不明漂白; 小路可知大道。 黑髮不明白頭; 過路可知得道? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale) After two weeks, we tend to remember: Passive learning: 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see (pictures) 50% of what we hear and see Active learning: 70% of what we say 90% of what we say and do  So we want you to say and do in this workshop The more energy that you put into a subject, the more you can remember. - Prof. Lui Sha, UIUC 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Level of Educational Objectives (B. S. Bloom) Level 1: Knowledge: List, and recite Level 2: Comprehension: Explain, and paraphrase Level 3: Application: Calculate, solve, determine, and apply Level 4: Analysis: Classify, categorize, derive, and model Level 5: Synthesis: create, predict, construct, design, imagine, improve, and propose Level 6: Evaluation: judge, critique, verify, and debate 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

R. Keith Sawyer Innovation requires no special thought processes, says an expert. Creative people just work harder at it. Ideas don’t magically appear in a genius’ head from nowhere. They always build on what came before. And collaboration is key. Creative people have tons of ideas, many of them bad. The trick is to evaluate them and mercilessly purge the bad ones. But even bad ideas can be useful. from “The Hidden Secrets of the Creative Mind” Time Magazine, Jan. 16, 2006 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Why You Should Learn Creative Thinking Process ?! You don’t want to be the lower part of M-Society. (下流社會 -- 中產階級蒸發了), Mar 15, 2006 It’s your responsibility and duty as a person living in Taiwan. Recognize yourself. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

M形社會 世界的共同危機--美、日、英中產階級蒸發 美國,向來強調努力就有希望,但是最近調查卻發現,年收入兩萬五千到七萬五千美元的中等收入人口逐年減少,但兩萬五千美元以下,和七萬五千美元以上的兩個族群都在增加 日本認為自己在社會上居於中間階層的人,十年來掉了近十個百分點;而認為自己屬於下層階級的,卻增加一三.三%。 英國則出現「IPOD世代」,年輕一代承受 沒安全感(insecure)、壓力大(pressured)、過重的稅負(overtaxed)及高築的債務(debt-ridden) 對人生喪失熱情 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

What’s Next about Taiwan and You? The World is FLAT. Are we still in East Asian Four Tigers? How could we compete with BRICs? What is the role of Taiwan in the world? Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) Intellectual Property Creator (IPC) What are you going to do after graduation? Be an engineer or a scientist? Be a professor? Be an enterpriser? Any else, for example… ? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

世界是平的(2005/11) 大國崛起(2006/11) 推平柏林圍牆 (1989/11/9) 世界是平的(2005/11) 大國崛起(2006/11) 推平柏林圍牆 (1989/11/9) netscape IPO (1995/8/9) workflow, 服務業標準化 open source, 知識分享 out source, 策略聯盟 岸外生產, 國際合作 supply chain, 全球運籌 in source, UPS 企業內化 search engine, 資訊平等 輕科技類固醇, 加強推力 葡萄牙 西班牙 荷蘭 英國 法國 德國 日本 俄羅斯 美國 中國 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Basic Elements of Successful R&D Active learning and thinking at higher levels How to transit from lower levels of learning to higher levels of learning: a shift from a focus on recites, apply, and solve to a focus on categorize, critique, and create. What are the habits that you plan to Overcome? Cultivate? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Basic Elements of Successful R&D 1. Positioning your research What is gift and what is your gift? To what degree it overlaps with your interests? “May the force be with you”: what are forces in R&D that can help you? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Research Focus Research Focus The path to success consists of three simple elements. Find what interests you1 that you can do well2, and is needed by the people3. - Prof. Lui Sha, UIUC Gifts Interests Societal Needs Research Focus 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Being Wisdom - Understanding Yourself Understand others is intelligence. Understand yourself is wisdom. - Lao Tze 知 人 者 智 , 自 知 者 明 - 老子 What is easier for you? Writing a complex software program? Proving a difficult theorem? What excites the community at large and what excites you? Does it play into your strength? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Basic Elements of Successful R&D 2. Developing a R&D road map What is the role of concrete application scenarios in research? How do you spot opportunities that could create new trends of R&D? What is the key factor that makes a result significant? What are the categories of research and their Risks Impacts Application scenarios: research motivation 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Creating an Exciting Application Scenario Exciting application scenarios will motivate you, expose the limitations of existing solutions, and help you to focus your efforts. “As a mathematical discipline travels far from its empirical source, or still more, if it is a second and third generation only indirectly inspired by the ideas coming from ‘reality,’ it is beset with very grave dangers. … that the stream, so far from its source, will separate into a multitude of insignificant branches, and that the discipline will become a disorganized mass of details and complexities.” - John Von Neumann, “The Mathematician,” 1957 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Thinking Out-of-Box Great advancements in science and engineering often are the repudiation (rejection) of generally accepted beliefs. - Anonymous Most researchers/engineers are constrained by models and generally accepted assumptions of the real world. But our knowledge of the nature is never perfect, and the underlining technologies are rapidly changing. Velocity of light is constant – embrace it as a low of physics and we have the theory of relativity. Clients request and server computes… -- Why not send some of the code to client instead? E.g., Is TCP appropriate for wireless communication? Is fairness a good metric for real-time computing? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Pick the Right Problems to Work on What is the difference between a theorem and a homework problem to be proven by students? Both were proven to be correct. In fact, some homework problems are harder than some of the theorems. E.g., stack scheduling protocol and priority ceiling protocol are easy but useful. Therefore… Theorem: more important and more general to adopt to most situation If we decide to spend time on a problem, shouldn’t we work on a problem with greater potential impacts? Of course, you should persuade your advisor if you find a great impact topic. ^^ 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Know What has been Done and Estimate the Impacts New directions Challenging long-held beliefs and pioneering a new path Broad applicability For the further development of the theory For solving practical problems Unification / Integration Proving a unifying structure or theory and give deeper understanding to seemingly diversified approaches Advancement along an established line of inquires You need to significantly improve performance, reliability, or scale. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Basic Elements of Successful R&D 3. Getting Your Ideas across How can we help audience understand your points? What should be made concise and what should be elaborated? How can we make our presentations? Application scenarios: research motivation ‧More informative ‧More interesting ‧More insightful - Prof. Lui Sha, UIUC 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Impart an Understanding Understanding is an act that builds a bridge between what your audience already know to what they need to know. Focus on key ideas and key results, go from specific to general and from concrete to abstract. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Managing Human “cache memory” Human short term memory can only hold about 5 unfamiliar items Don’t load it up with unimportant details. Suppose you need to present an OS overhead formula unfamiliar to your audience, (2S + …). Don’t say we now add “two S” to …. This forces others to remember what S means. Poor use of human short term memory. Say we add “round trip context switching time to…” Think carefully about the new ideas you want your audience to absorb. Keep them in the “cache” by periodic refreshing during your talk, until your audience “write the new ideas” into their long term memory. Take Human “cache memory” as DRAM 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Techniques that help get ideas across Techniques that reduce “unfamiliarity” and help “write through”: ‧Read out the physical meaning of the terms. ‧Use analogy familiar to your audience. An ideal presentation is one that is: ‧Informative ‧Interesting ‧Insightful Take Human “cache memory” as DRAM 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Inform: give new knowledge… Being Informative Inform: give new knowledge… “New” is relative to your audience. What they already know? What they should know after your presentation? What are the steps in-between? For example: Managers: the key ideas, expected impacts, and costs. Experts: new challenges and new insights/results 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Interesting: unexpected, counter intuitive, difficult to believe Being Interesting Interesting: unexpected, counter intuitive, difficult to believe Seemingly unimportant fact that actually holds the key Seemingly true but it is in fact false A “difficult” problem is solved with ease and elegance. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Insight: impart a deeper understanding Being Insightful Insight: impart a deeper understanding Explain a seemingly complex and confusing problem in a way that is easy to understand. Unearth hidden/unstated assumptions. And quickly put an argument to rest. Show things in new angles, new lights and new forms and gain new understandings. Demonstrate subtle but important connections/inter-dependencies between seemingly unrelated subjects. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Syllabus Meeting 0: Introduction Meeting 1: Creative thinking process, case study, and team formation Meeting 2: Presentation – each team should propose two potential research topics. Meeting 3: Discussion and refinement Meeting 4: Presentation (discussion, and refinement) – each team should further elaborate one research topic. Meeting 5: Final presentation 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Assignment Each one has to prepare a five-minute presentation, which should introduce: The global trends that you think Your interests Your gifts/strengths The trends related to your interests or strengths 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

“The Creative Thinking Process” Workshop Meeting 1 Creativity is a mechanical and learnable process. - Prof. Lui Sha, UIUC 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Creative Thinking Process Identify potential research topics in the context of people’s gifts and interests. Position the research focus on the intersection of your gifts, your interests, and societal needs. Examine the Trends How the idea relates to the research trends? What are the key related works? How to spot opportunities that could create new trends? Look deeper into the Challenges What can be solved by current technology? What needs to be invented? What is the estimated effort? What is the key factor that makes a result significant? examine 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Creative Thinking Process (Cont.) Estimate the Impacts What are the categories of research and their risks/impacts? new directions, unification/integration, broad applicability, incremental improvements. Look ahead into the Future What else will the future technology enable? What are the new and exciting application scenarios that established technologies stop working? What is truly hard and what can be removed from your design? understand the true nature of constraints and separate the hard constraints from the soft ones. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Creative Thinking Process (Cont) Expand to a Device Family A group of devices where each member is complemented and reinforced with each other . What are their intrinsic characteristics? What are their strength and limitations? Layout an Elegant Architecture Optimally use the advantages of each member. Build Low Level Details Publish papers and file patent. Create new architectures, protocols,… Prototype demonstration and identify industrial partners. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

End Products From incremental improvements to existing architectures & product lines To the creation of a new product line architecturally different from the existing products new form of information sharing and exchanging enabled by emerging technologies 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

The Process to Find the Next-Wave Technology A New Product Line Research focus & next-wave technology 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Creative Thinking Process - Summary How the idea relates to research trends? Identify Potential Research Topics Trends Key related works Estimated efforts What needs to be invented? Challenges Look Deeper What can be solved by current technology? What are the key factor/cores? Expected impacts Impacts New directions Creative Process Mechanical Learnable Nature of impacts Broad applicability Unification/integration Look Further Incremental What else will the future technology enable? Intrinsic characteristics Extend to Device Family Role Setting for Each Member Strength and limitations Optimally use the advantages Elegant Architecture Build Low-Level Details 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Successful Stories Apple Computer Company E-Ink Corporation Discussion 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Case 1 The Apple Computer Company Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs had been friends in high school. They had both been interested in electronics, and both had been perceived as outsiders. They kept in touch after graduation, and both ended up dropping out of school and getting jobs working for companies in Silicon Valley. (Steven Wozniak for Hewlett-Packard, Steve Jobs for Atari) Apple Computer was born on April 1, 1976. At that time Jobs was 21 and Wozniak was 26. 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Product History (1/2) 1976 Apple I 1977 Apple II 1983 Lisa / Lisa 2 / Mac XL 1984 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Macintosh Macintosh II Macintosh Portable Power Book 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Product History (2/2) 1993 Newton Message Pad Macintosh Color Classic II Power Macintosh iMac iBook iPod Mini 2007 iPod touch 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Steve Jobs He is the CEO of Apple Computer and the Chairman and CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He was stripped his duties in 1985. After that, he founded NeXT Computer. In 1986, Steve Jobs bought Lucasfilm's computer graphics division from George Lucas for $10 million and named the new computer animation studio Pixar. In 1996, Apple bought NeXT for $402 million, bringing Jobs back to the company he founded. Stay hungry, stay foolish – 2007 Stanford 畢業典禮 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Case 2 The E-Ink Corporation Electronic Ink is a display technology designed to mimic the appearance of regular ink on paper. Unlike a conventional flat panel display, which uses a backlight to illuminate its pixels, electronic paper reflects light like ordinary paper and is capable of holding text and images indefinitely without drawing electricity or using processor power; as these resources are only required to change or erase the image. Sony Librie EBR-1000EP, 2004 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Technology Review Developed in 1997 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Product Lines High Resolution Displays Segmented Displays 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

台灣軟體大廠 趨勢 訊連 聯發科 病毒 防火牆 資安保險服務 product bundle service driver IC design EM Service 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Discussion Please give us your opinions. How to keep a company alive? Does every creative product work? 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Reference 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Homework 2 Team formation – 2 to 4 people in a team Select one possible research topic or new product. The slides should includes: The trend related to your topic Your topic or your product Target feature or system architecture Claimed goal (give us the killer application if possible) Key related work such as paper or data sheets The Strength of each member related to your topic Related issues and challenges when marching to the goal (rank the priority of these challenges) List possible future technologies related to your topic in the future if needed Expected Impacts 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

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2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

未來的一軍-商業周刊1006期 全球的時代,『移動力』就是競爭力。 教育體系應加強培養全球水平移動的能力。 美國教改四大加強方向 全球移動人口 1965年78.8M2005年191M。 教育體系應加強培養全球水平移動的能力。 美國教改四大加強方向 認識世界文化與語言的能力 思考的彈性 聰明運用資訊科技的能力 人際關係的能力 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

移動八大能力- 歐盟百大指標企業升遷要件 顯性能力 45% 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

新世紀領導的6大能力- 天下365期 整合性思考 人類學家的文化洞察力 家庭治療師的溝通力 像藝術家的直覺 正向價值觀 傾聽內在的召喚 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

不同時代需要不一樣的人才 - 李開復 做21世紀的人才 不同時代需要不一樣的人才 - 李開復 做21世紀的人才 20 世紀最需要的人才 勤奮好學 專注於創新 專才 IQ 個人能力 選擇熱門的工作 紀律、謹慎 21世紀最需要的人才 融會貫通 創新與實踐相結合 跨領域的綜合性人才 IQ+EQ+SQ 溝通與合作能力 從事熱愛的工作 積極、樂觀 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

成功者必須具備的六種態度 - 李開復 做21世紀的人才 自卑 自省 自傲 自信 懦弱 胸襟 愚勇 勇氣 盲從 同理心 霸道 積極 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

品格是教育的根本 - 李開復 做21世紀的人才 21 世紀需要新態度 新人才標準, 也有不變的成功特質: 誠信的價值觀 多元化的成功 快樂的人生觀 崇高的理想 融會中西文化 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

工作大未來 - 村上龍,商業周刊982期 黃金十年: 全球性趨勢: 十三歲起探索興趣 出社會前就該知道自己想做什麼 英國鼓勵十四歲學技藝 德國近七成國中畢業生選技術教育 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

開放式創新-天下383期 危機是創新的動力 創新不是發明 無政府狀態的創新模式 哪種企業適合 軟體+電子+石油+汽車 – Google 鹽井 油井 創新是什麼? 創造財富或社會福利的新產品、商業流程或組織結構變革 – OECD, 國際經合組織 可以創造價值的新想法 –高盛銀行學習長 無政府狀態的創新模式 哪種企業適合 IBM - Open Source 0.4B USD/y saved 寶鹼- 合作發明實驗室 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

好點子從哪裡來?- 2006 全球CEO意見調查 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Conclusion 台灣製造台灣創造 創意心法 – 工研院 絕不是靠運氣 – Eliyahu M. Goldratt 削弱填鴨式補習文化 重要的不是創新 而是有用的創新 – 李開復 創意心法 – 工研院 neuro-linguistic programming 絕不是靠運氣 – Eliyahu M. Goldratt Innovation = invention + insight 個人成功要件 skills + expertise + intrinsic motivation (passion) 團隊成功要件 people + product + press (氛圍) + platform 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

Q&A How to be an architect? How to think (out-of-box) ? recognize yourself, respect others How to think (out-of-box) ? 思考的技術 – 大前研一 What is the main problem of Taiwan industry? culture What is T S M C? Why is your theses topic? SIG? What is 8 100 13 150 16 400? What is 20 10 30 100 40 1000 50 x ? What to do next? PNP = NPP ? Real-Taiwan OS mu-Department NUWeb … 2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC

2018/9/18 The Creative Thinking Process @CS.NPIC