Chp9 Recruitment and Employment


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Presentation transcript:

Chp9 Recruitment and Employment 第九章 招聘录用 Chp9 Recruitment and Employment

Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process The recruitment and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job.

Recruitment 招聘 Locate applicants 寻找申请人 Attract applicants 吸引申请人

Recruiting Program Goals 招聘计划目标 Achieve cost efficiency 实现成本效率 Attract highly qualified candidates 吸引高度符合标准的候选人 Help ensure employee retention 帮助保证员工留置率 Comply with nondiscrimination laws 遵守无歧视法律 Create a more diverse workforce产生更多的多样劳动力

Achieve Cost Efficiency 实现成本效率 Limit recruitment costs without lowering productivity 在不降低生产力的同时限制招聘成本

Recruitment Costs 招聘成本 + advertising 广告 + recruiter travel 招聘者旅行 + candidate travel 候选人旅行 + sign-on bonuses 获聘推荐奖 + agency/search firm fees 职业介绍/协助寻员公司费用 + recruiters’ salaries and benefits 招聘者工资和红利 + managers’ time 管理者的时间 = typically 1/3 of new hire’s annual salary 新进员工年收入的1/3

Attract Highly Qualified Applicants 吸引高度符合标准的候选人 Capture candidates’ attention. 抓住候选人的注意力 Stimulate candidates’ interest. 刺激候选人的兴趣

Factors Influencing Applicant Decisions影响候选人决策的因素 Alternative Job Opportunities 可替代的工作机会 Recruitment Activities 招聘活动 Attractiveness of Company 公司的可替代性 Attractiveness of the Job 工作的吸引性

Help Ensure Retention帮助保证留置 Realistic Job Preview 对实际工作预览 Positive Aspects of Job 工作的正面方向 Negative Aspects of Job 工作的负面方向 + -

Realistic Job Preview 对实际工作预览 Include descriptive and judgmental information. 包括描述性的和判断性的信息 Limit discussion of negatives to issues that have caused turnover in the past. 减少过去引起离职的负面内容的讨论 Reflect the actual balance of positive and negative factors. 考虑正面因素和负面因素的实际平衡

When to Use Realistic Job Previews 什么时候使用对实际工作预览 Turnover and associated costs are high. 离职和联合成本高 There are negative factors unknown to the job applicants that may affect their subsequent intentions to quit. 有一些工作申请者未知的负面因素,它会影响他们后来的辞职打算 Qualified applicants are plentiful. 合格的申请者过多

Achieve Legal Compliance 达到法律规定的标准 Recruit underutilized groups. 招聘低度聘用的群组

Create a More Culturally Diverse Workforce 建立一个更加文化多元化的劳动力 Extend recruitment efforts to disadvantaged groups. 将招聘努力扩大到没有 优势的群组中 Older workers 老工人 Qualified workers with disabilities 有残疾的合格工人

Recruitment Planning Steps 招聘计划步骤 1. Identify the job opening. 确定工作空岗 2. Decide how to fill the job opening. 决定如何填补空岗 3. Identify the target population. 确定目标人群 4. Notify the target population. 通知目标人群 5. Meet with the candidates. 会见候选人

Step 1: Identify the Job Opening 步骤1:确定工作空岗 Are any new budgeted positions opening soon? 最近有新预算中规划的空岗吗? Is a contract under negotiation that may result in the need for additional hires? 经过协商的合同会导致需要额外聘用人员吗? What is the amount of expected turnover in the next several months? 在未来的几个月中预计有多少人离职?

Step 2: Decide How to Fill the Job Opening 步骤2:确定如何填补空缺 Core vs. contingency personnel? 核心人员与临时人员的对比 Internal vs. external recruiting? 内部招聘与外部招聘的对比

Core vs. Contingent Personnel 核心人员与临时人员的对比

Advantages of Using Contingent Personnel 使用临时人员的优势 Flexibility to control fixed employee costs 提供控制固定员工成本的灵活性 Relieves company of many of its HRM burdens 减轻公司在人力资源管理上的负担 Cost savings 节约成本 “Job tryout” for permanent positions 长久职位的“试工”

Disadvantages of Using Contingent Personnel 使用临时人员的劣势 Contingent personnel may need considerable orientation and training on company procedures. 临时人员在公司程序方面需要相当的引导和培训 Contingent employees may be less committed to “host organization.” 临时人员对“原聘任公司”的忠诚度较低

When to Use Contingent Personnel 什么时候使用临时人员 When hard-to-find expertise required 难于找到所需的专门技术时 When staffing new offices in geographic areas far from main headquarters 为在地理上远离总部的新办公室配备人员时 When projects have high risk factors 计划有强烈危险因素时

Advantages of Internal Recruitment 内部招聘的优势 Qualifications of internal candidates well known 内部候选人的条件是众所周知的 Less expensive 费用少 Job openings can be filled more quickly 空岗可以很快被填补 Less orientation and training required 引导和所需培训少

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment 内部招聘的劣势 Rejected candidates may become resentful. 受到拒绝的候选人会变得怨恨 Supervisory promotions may cause problems when friends become subordinates. 当朋友变成下属时,监督提升会产生问题

When to Use External Recruitment 什么时候使用外部招聘 Need an outsider with new ideas and innovations 需要带有新观念和创新的外来者 No qualified internal applicants 内部没有合格的申请人 Need to increase representation of underutilized groups 需要增加特定低度聘用群组的员工比例

Step 3: Identify the Target Population 步骤3:确定目标人群 Specify worker requirements. 列举工人必备条件 Decide whether to target certain segments of the applicant population. 决定是否要锁定申请人群中的特定部分

Specifying Worker Requirements 列举员工必备条件 Job duties 工作责任 Reporting relationships 报告关系 Salary range 薪资范围 Needed competencies 所需资格 education 教育 experience 经验 knowledge 知识 skills 技巧 abilities 能力

Step 4: Notify the Target Population 步骤4:通知目标人群 Limit the applicant pool to a manageable size. 将申请者的数量控制在一个容易处理的大小 Discourage unqualified applicants from applying. 不鼓励不合格的申请人申请 Clearly state the job qualifications in the vacancy notification. 在通告的空白处清晰地声明工作资格

Step 5: Meet with the Candidates 会见候选人 Provide applicants with information about the job and the company. 向申请人提供关于公司和工作的信息 Provide specific rather than general information. 提供具体的而不是一般的信息

Methods of Internal Recruitment 内部招聘的方法 Supervisor recommendations 监督者推荐 Job posting 工作公报 Career development systems 职业生涯发展系统

Job posting and bidding is an internal method of recruitment in which notices of available jobs are posted in central locations throughout the organization and employees are given a specified length of time to apply for the available jobs. 工作职位与申请公告是一种内部招募方法,它把关于工作空缺的通知在组织的中心地点进行公告,并让员工在给定的时间内申请这些工作。

Methods of External Recruitment 外部招聘的方法 On-Line 在线 Public employment agencies 公立职业介绍所 Employee referrals 员工推举 Applicant-initiated recruitment 毛遂自荐者招聘 Private employment agencies 私立职业介绍所 Organization 公司 Help-wanted advertisements 征人广告 Executive search firms 猎头公司 Campus recruiting 校园征才

Employee Referrals 员工推荐 Strengths 优势 Employees make good recruiters 员工是很好的招聘者 Applicants tend to perform better and stay longer 申请人倾向于表现更好停留更长 Weaknesses 劣势 May serve as barrier to equal employment opportunity 会成为公平就业机会的壁垒

Applicant-Initiated Recruitment 毛遂自荐者招聘 Strengths Efficient 效率高 Low cost 成本低 Highly motivated applicants 大大激励申请者 Weaknesses 劣势 Timing- may get applicants when jobs are not available 时间问题-没有合适工作时得到申请者

Help-Wanted Advertisements 征人广告 Strengths 优势 Reach a large audience in a relatively short period of time 在相当短的时间内获得广泛的读者 Helps ensure equal opportunity 帮助保证平等机会 Weaknesses 劣势 Not as effective as other methods 不如其他方式有效 May produce too many applicants 会产生过多的申请人

Public Employment Agencies 公立职业介绍所 Strengths优势 Good for clerical and blue collar jobs 适于文书和蓝领工作 Low cost 低成本 Can fill jobs quickly 可以迅速填补 工作 Weaknesses 劣势 Motivational level of applicants may be low 申请人的激励水平可能会低

Private Employment Agencies 私立职业介绍所 Strengths 优势 Provide applicants for a wide variety of jobs 为申请者提供广泛不同的工作 Applicants may be more motivated than those from public employment agency 申请者会比公立职业介绍所的更有激励 Useful when many applicants to screen 常用于筛选很多的申请者 Weaknesses 劣势 Hiring company usually pays fee 雇佣公司通常要交费 Company relies upon agency for quality and legal compliance 公司在质量和法律服从上依赖机构

Executive Search Firms 猎头公司 Strengths 优势 Specialize in mid-and senior-level managers 专攻中层和高层管理者 Can locate applicants not actively seeking jobs 可以使申请人不用主动寻找工作 Weaknesses 劣势 Expensive 昂贵 About half of searches don’t result in candidates with desired qualifications 大约半数的猎头不能找到理想资格的申请者

Campus Recruiting 校园征才 Weaknesses 劣势 Costly 昂贵 Time consuming 浪费时间 Strengths 优势 Useful for filling specialized entry-level jobs 对填补特定的初级工作有用

On-Line Recruiting 在线招聘 Strengths 优胜 Fast 快速 Large audience 大量的观众 Weaknesses 劣势 Expensive 昂贵

Factors Affecting the Choice of Recruitment Methods 影响招聘方法选择的因素 Type of job being filled 需填补的工作类别 How quickly the job needs to be filled 需填补的工作的时间需求多快 Geographic region of recruitment 招聘地区 Cost of implementing recruitment method 实施招聘方法的成本

Line Managers and Recruitment 基层管理者和招聘 Identify recruitment needs. 确定招聘需求 Communicate recruitment needs to the HRM department. 就招聘需求同人力资源部进行沟通 Interact with applicants. 同申请者的相互影响

The HRM Department and Recruiting 人力资源部和招聘 Plan the recruitment process. 规划招聘过程 Implement the recruitment process. 实施招聘过程 Evaluate the recruitment process. 评估招聘过程

选拔的含义 The objective of the selection process is to choose the individual who can successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates.

Why Careful Selection is Important The importance of selecting the right employees选拔合适员工的重要性 Organizational performance always depends in part on subordinates having the right skills and attributes.你自己的工作绩效总是部分取决于你下属人员的工作绩效 Recruiting and hiring employees is costly. 招聘和雇佣需要支付较大的成本代价 The legal implications of incompetent hiring 如果雇佣了不合适的人,还可能带来法律问题

Basic Testing Concepts Reliability信度 The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests. 同一个人在反复接受同样的测试或等值测试时所取得分数的一致性。

Basic Testing Concepts2 Test validity效度 The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill. 使用测验、面试等测试方法测量出的应该被反映内容的准确性。 Does the test actually measure what we need for it to measure? 该测试实际测量出我们需要测试的内容了吗

Types of Validity Criterion validity效标效度 A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance (criterion). 效标效度是指证明那些在测试中的表现与实际绩效表现是相关的。

Types of Validity2 Content validity内容效度 A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question 企业证明某种测试的内容效度的方式是说明该测试是由直接反应特定工作内容的工作行为样本构成的 Job Content 工作内容 Selection Program 甄选计划内容

Predictor Scores Criterion Scores 预测得分 标准得分 High High 高 高 Medium Medium 中 中 Low Low 低 低

How to Validate a Test Step 1: Analyze the job分析职位 Step 2: Choose the tests选择要采用的测试 Test battery or single test? Step 3: Administer the test实施测试 Step 4: Relate Test Scores and Criteria 分析测试得分与效标的关系 Step 5: Cross-Validate and Revalidate 交叉验证与重新验证

How to Validate a Test (cont’d) Step 4: Relate Test Scores and Criteria Correlation analysis Actual scores on the test with actual performance Step 5: Cross-Validate and Revalidate Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 with a different sample of employees.

Selection Methods 选拔方式 Tests of cognitive abilities 认知能力测试 Tests of motor and physical abilities 运动和身体能力测试 Personality tests 个性和兴趣测试 Work sampling technique 工作样本 Assessment centers 评估中心

Tests of cognitive abilities Intelligence Tests智力测试 Tests of general intellectual abilities that measure a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability. Specific Cognitive Abilities具体认知能力测试 Tests that measure specific mental abilities, such as inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.

Tests of motor abilities运动能力测试 Tests that measure motor abilities, such as finger dexterity, manual dexterity, and reaction time.手指的灵活性、手工操作灵巧性、反应时间 Tests of physical abilities身体能力测试 Tests that measure static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and stamina.静态力量、动态力量、身体协调、耐力

Projective test投射式测试

Management assessment center管理评价中心 The in-basket 文件筐处理 Leaderless group discussion 无领导小组讨论 Management games 管理竞赛 Individual presentations 个人演讲 Objective tests客观测试

Background Investigations 背景调查

Reference Checks 推荐信查证 Verify information provided by applicants 查证申请人提供的信息 Get additional information about applicants which may be predictive of future job performance 获得可能预测申请人未来工作绩效的额外信息

Basic Features of Interviews An interview面试 A procedure designed to obtain information from a person through oral responses to oral inquiries 一种用于根据求职者的口头回答或者口头询问来预测其未来工作绩效的程序。

Types of interviews Interviews formats Selection interview 选拔面试 Appraisal interview 评价面试 Exit interview 离职面试 Interviews formats Structured Unstructured

Panel interview陪审团面试 Mass interview集体面试 An interview in which a group of interviewers questions the applicant. 多个面试者对一个应聘者进行面试 Mass interview集体面试 A panel interviews several candidates simultaneously. 面试员小组同时面试几个候选人

How to Conduct an Effective Interview Prepare for the interview Establish rapport Ask questions