Communications and Networks


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Presentation transcript:

Communications and Networks Chapter 8

人类历史上的技术革命与工业革命 以机械为主导的技术革命,引发第一次工业革命: 以电力为主导的技术革命,引发第二次工业革命: 以蒸汽机的普及为标志(蒸汽机时代) 以电力为主导的技术革命,引发第二次工业革命: 以电气化的普及为标志(电气时代) 以信息为主导的技术革命,引发第三次工业革命: 以计算机和因特网的普及为标志(信息时代) 第一台计算机诞生于1946年2月,第一个计算机网络诞生于1969年12月,从此开启信息时代

信息时代和通信 信息技术对人类社会的贡献: 21世纪最重要的概念: 21世纪信息领域的重要技术革命: 信息技术的应用加速了人类知识的传播和积累,形成“知识爆炸”,使得工业化进程和科学技术均呈现加速发展的态势 21世纪最重要的概念: 连通:人和资源通过网络连接在一起的状态 21世纪信息领域的重要技术革命: 无线革命:无线通信技术使得“无所不在的网络”、“随时随地的通信”成为可能 Applications that depend on communication systems E-mail Texting Internet telephone Electronic commerce

连通:万物互连的时代 人与人相连:人与人通过网络随时随地通信 人与物相连:人通过网络远程操控汽车、家电等物体 物与物相连:如汽车与其它汽车及交通设施通信完成自动驾驶

无线革命(Wireless Revolution) 无线技术最早用于话音通信,第3代移动通信技术使得移动设备也能接入因特网 在没有通信基础设施的环境中(如战场、野外),无线设备也能够相互联通,实现组网通信 无线通信曾经意味着低速,但是4G网络已达到100Mbps,5G网络将达到10Gbps 5G使得自动驾驶汽车、自主无人机、虚拟现实、增强现实等应用得以实现

1. 通信系统(Communication Systems) 通信系统: 将数据从一个地方传输到另一个地方的电子系统 通信系统包含四个基本的组成部分: 收/发设备:计算机或其它终端,数据传输的起点和终点 连接设备:将收/发设备连接到通信信道上 通信信道:承载数据的传输媒体,如电缆、光纤、无线信道等 数据传输规范:设备之间通信遵循的规则 Communication systems (key term) are electronic systems that transmit data from one location to another Communication systems can be wired or wireless Basic elements Sending and receiving devices – computer or a specialized communication device Communication channel (key term) – carries the message. Can be physical wire or wireless Connection devices – act as an interface between sending and receiving devices; convert outgoing messages into packets (key term) that can travel across the communication channel Data transmission specifications – rules and procedures that coordinate the sending and receiving devices

(1)通信信道 通信信道: 有线媒体: 无线媒体: 双绞线: 电话线,网线 两条绝缘的铜导线: 有线媒体、无线媒体两类 信号沿固体媒体传播 主要包括双绞线、同轴电缆、光纤三类 无线媒体: 信号在空间自由传播,主要为电磁波 双绞线: 两条绝缘的铜导线: 3类线: 10 Mbps 5类线: 100Mbps~1Gbps 6类线:10Gbps 电话线,网线 Introduction

通信信道:有线媒体 光纤: 同轴电缆: 能引导光脉冲的玻璃纤维 两根同心的绝缘铜导体 传输速率: 有线电视电缆 几十 ~ 几百Gbps 低误码率,长距离传输,抗电磁干扰 同轴电缆: 两根同心的绝缘铜导体 有线电视电缆 Introduction

通信信道:无线媒体 蓝牙:10米左右 陆地微波:长距离 Wifi:几十米 卫星:长距离,大范围 红外:室内短距离 可见光:正在研究中 Introduction

可见光通信 可见光通信: 可见光通信原理: 优点: 利用可见光波段的光作为信息载体,在空气中直接传输光信号(无需光纤) 通过给普通的LED灯加装微芯片,使LED灯以极快的速度闪烁,发送数据 优点: 数据传输速率高,已经能达到50Gbps! 不会产生电磁干扰,可用于飞机上、矿井下 绿色低碳、可实现近乎零耗能通信

信号类型 模拟信号: 数字信号 连续的电磁波 传输模拟信号的信道是模拟信道 电话线上传输的是模拟信号 二进制脉冲信号 计算机使用数字信号 能传输数字信号的信道是数字信道 数字信号不能直接在模拟信道上传输,反之亦然 Signals Sent analog (key term) – telephone signals; continuous electronic wave Sent digital (key term) – computer signals; presence or absence of an electronic pulse; on/off

(2)连接设备 若计算机之间通过模拟信道相连,需使用调制解调器进行信号转换 调制解调器(Modem): 调制:将数字信号转换成适合在信道上传输的模拟信号 解调:调制的逆过程 不同的传输线路,需使用不同的调制解调器: 电话线、有线电视电缆、无线信道等 Modem (key term) short for modulator-demodulator Modulation (key term) – convert from digital to analog Demodulation (key term) - convert from analog to digital Transfer rate (key term) – rate in Mbps data transmits Types of modems Telephone (key term) DSL (digital subscriber line) (key term) – uses standard phone lines to create a high speed connect. ASDL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) (key term) is one of the most widely used types of DSL Cable (key term) - uses same coaxial cable as television Wireless (key term) – also known as WWAN modem 12

连接服务 租用专线: 企业用户通常从通信公司租用专线,很昂贵 目前多租用光纤线路 数字用户线(ADSL) 电信公司利用电话线路,向家庭用户提供连接服务 卫星连接服务 卫星通信公司利用卫星提供无线连接 有线电视 有线电视公司利用电视电缆,向家庭用户提供连接服务 移动通信服务: 移动通信公司利用蜂窝网络提供无线连接服务 3G、4G、5G T1, T2, T3, and T4 leased lines – do not require conventional modems and provide very high capacity and is expensive—mainly used by corporations not typical end user; T1 (key term) lines provide a speed of 1.5 mbps (mega bits per second)(key term) which is over 26 times as fast as a conventional modem T3 or DS3 lines are T1 copper lines combined to form higher-capacity, but have been replaced by optical carrier (key term) lines. DSL (key term) – uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections; uses DSL modems, ADSL – asymmetric digital subscriber line. Replaced dial-up services (key term) Cable (key term) – Cable connections reach 90% of homes in America Satellite/air connection services (key term) – two-way satellites capable of handling both uploading and downloading; available almost anywhere but slower than DSL Cellular services (key term) – option for mobile devices and laptops using 3G and 4G cellular networks (key term) 1G (key term) started in the 1980s using analog radio signals and 2G (key term) started in the 1990s using digital radio signals

(3)数据传输 带宽是衡量通信信道传输能力的指标: 常见术语的含义: 数据传输速率: bps = bit/s Kbps=103 bps 含义一:信道的频率宽度,单位Hz(本义) 含义二:信道的数据传输速率,单位bps(常用) 常见术语的含义: 窄带线路:低速线路 宽带:高速线路 数据传输速率: bps = bit/s Kbps=103 bps Mbps=106 bps Gbps=109 bps Several technical matters affect how data is transmitted. These factors include bandwidth and protocols. Bandwidth ((key term) – measurement of the width or capacity of the communication channel. It means how much information can move across the communication channel in a given amount of time. Four Types Voiceband (key term) – also known as low bandwidth (key term); standard phone line; too slow for many types of transmissions – especially high-quality video; typical speeds are 56 to 96 kbps Medium band (key term) – with special leased lines to connect minicomputers and mainframes as well as to transmit data over long distances (for larger computer systems); not typically used by individuals Broadband (key term) – used for high-capacity transmissions (DSL, cable, satellite connections); specialized high-speed devices; effectively transmits high-quality video and other communication needs; typically 1.5 mbps; higher speeds possible Baseband (key term) – widely used to connect individual computers that are located close to one another

2. 网络(Networks) 计算机网络: 可以根据用户的需要组建相应的网络,包括: 连接了多台计算机的通信系统,允许这些计算机交换数据和共享资源 可以根据用户的需要组建相应的网络,包括: 网络的类型、拓扑结构、布局、安全措施等 A computer network (key term) is a communication system that connects two or more computers so that they can exchange information and share resources Nodes (key term) any device connected to a network Client (key term) a node that requests and uses resources from other nodes Server (key term) a node that share resources with other nodes Directory server (key term) – specialized server that manages resources Host (key term) computer system that can be accessed over a network Router (key term) node that forwards or routes data packets Switch (key term) central node that coordinates the flow of data. These tasks used to be performed by a hub (key term) Network interface cards (NIC) (key term) expansion card that connects a computer to a network Network operating system (NOS) (key term) control activities of all computers on the network Network administrator (key term) computer specialists responsible for network operations

一些术语 节点(node): 主机(host): 交换设备: 网络适配器卡(NIC): 主机按照功能角色又分为: 服务器: 客户机: 连接到网络上的任何设备 主机(host): 各种终端设备,包括计算机、智能手机等 交换设备: 交换机、路由器等组网设备 网络适配器卡(NIC): 位于主机内部、将主机连接到网络的扩展卡 主机按照功能角色又分为: 服务器: 专门提供资源或服务的主机,通常具有较高的配置,如web服务器、文件服务器、DNS服务器等 客户机: 从服务器请求资源或服务的主机,通常是用户的个人计算机

(1)网络的类型(按照规模划分) 局域网 (LAN) 城域网(MAN) 广域网(WAN) 覆盖范围几公里之内,为某个机构或个人所有 目前主流的局域网技术:以太网,无线局域网 城域网(MAN) 覆盖一个城市(几十公里),提供数据、电话、电视等公共服务 广域网(WAN) 覆盖一个国家或更大范围 Communications networks differ in geographical size. Three important types are: LANs (key term) Computers and devices linked in distances of less than a mile Linked by cable. Benefits are for economy and flexibility With network gateways (key term) , LANs can be connected to other LANs or any other type of network. Ethernet (key term) is one standard for connecting network nodes together. Home Networks (key term) – LANs are now being commonly used by individuals in home/apartments; allow different computers to share resources including a common Internet connection; can be connected by various means including a wireless LAN (WLAN) Wireless LAN (key term) – wireless local area network All communications pass through the network’s centrally located wireless access point (key term) or base station (key term) Hotspot (key term) is a wireless access point that is open to the public Personal Area networks (key term) – works within a very small area Connects cell phones to headsets, PDAs to other PDAs, keyboards to cell phones, etc. MANs (metropolitan area network) (key term) –span distances up to 100 miles Network linking nodes and resources within the geographical bounds of a city WANs (wide area networks) (key term) Countrywide and worldwide networks Use microwave relays and satellites to reach users Internet is the widest WAN

主流的局域网技术:以太网 使用以太网交换机连接计算机,交换机可以级联

特殊的局域网:家庭网络 Introduction

特殊的局域网:无线局域网(WLAN) 有基础设施的WLAN: 无线自组织网络: 终端通过基站接入网络 基站通常位于有线网络上 终端之间直接通信,不经过(或没有)基站 终端同时承担路由器的功能 Introduction

特殊的局域网:个人区域网(PAN) 使用蓝牙技术将近距离的个人设备连接在一起

城域网:综合业务数字网 提供数字、电话、电视等综合服务

(2)基本的网络拓扑 网络拓扑:使用传输媒体连接计算机的方式

(3)网络应用架构 网络应用架构: 客户/服务器架构 规定在终端上组织应用程序的方法 有一个总是在线的服务器,专门提供资源和服务 其它一些主机(客户)总是向服务器请求资源,自己的资源从不共享 通信总是发生在客户和服务器之间 传统的网络应用采用这种架构 缺点:服务器负载过重,网络负载不均衡

网络应用架构 对等(P2P)架构 每个终端既可以提供资源(服务器),也可以请求资源(客户) 所有节点地位均等(对等方),节点之间直接通信 优点:缓解集中式结构的问题,充分利用终端的丰富资源 应用:文件共享(讯雷)、网络电话(skype)、流媒体直播与点播(PPTV)、分布式科学计算等

(4)机构网络的组织 内联网(Intranet) 外联网(Extranet) 采用因特网技术(TCP/IP协议)建立的机构内部专用网络,不与因特网相连 外联网(Extranet) 基于因特网或其它公用网络建立的、用于连接几个机构的专用网络 对不同机构之间的网络访问有严格的安全控制 Intranet (key term) private network within an organization Extranet (key term) private network that connects more than one organization

网络安全 防火墙(Firewall) 入侵检测系统(IDS) 部署在内网和外网之间的设备(硬件或软件) 根据预先设定的访问规则过滤进出内网的流量 入侵检测系统(IDS) 部署在内网中,根据对网络流量的深入分析检测可能存在的安全威胁,检测能力比防火墙强 Firewalls (key term) – Organizational firewalls include a proxy server (key term) that is a gatekeeper; all communications between the outside world and an organization must pass through the proxy server where the source and content of each communication is evaluated; end users have many of the same concerns regarding security as organizations and can use firewalls as well. Intrusion detection systems (NIDS) (keyword) Uses advanced pattern matching and heuristics Can recognize signs of a network attack and disable access before an intruder can do damage Virtual private network (VPN) Creates a secure private connection between a remote user and an organizations’ internal network Creates the equivalent of a dedicated line between a user’s home or laptop computer and a company server

网络安全:虚拟专用网(VPN) 在公用网络上,提供主机与机构网络、或两个机构网络之间的安全专用连接,数据在安全连接上加密传输


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