Top ten most beautiful lakes in the world世界十大最美麗的湖泊


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Presentation transcript:

Top ten most beautiful lakes in the world世界十大最美麗的湖泊 李常生 Eddie Lee Taipei 3/20/2011

1.加爾達湖 義大利 (Malcesine Lake Garda Italy) 加爾達湖,也叫貝納科湖,是義大利最大最乾淨的湖泊。位於義大利北部,約在威尼斯和米蘭的半途之間,座落于阿爾卑斯山南麓,在上一次冰河時期結束時因為冰川融化而形成。是一個二戰後發展起來的頗受歡迎、吸引人的旅遊勝地。如果義大利的形狀是一雙時尚的靴子的話,加爾達湖就是上面的鞋帶--彎彎曲曲、又細又長的垂到底部。 Malcesine is a small town on the eastern shore of Lake Garda in northern Italy. It's a picturesque tourist resort with cobbled lanes and a castle, crammed between the blue lake waters and the massive mountain ridge behind, Monte Baldo. In the summer months Malcesine is a hive of innocent hedonism, packed with pottering holidaymakers gorging on ice cream and sunseekers draped along the lake shore. It's not all laziness, however, as the town's ferry connections to other lakeside resorts make it a good base for sightseeing and the cable-car running up to Monte Baldo is a magnet for cyclists, walkers and paragliders. Lake Garda is the largest lake in Italy, and Malcesine lies towards the narrow and mountainous northern end, often compared to a fiord. The town is situated at the edge of the Veneto region, in the province of Verona. 'Malcesine' is a good exercise in Italian pronunciation: the name is pronounced approximately MalCHESinay.

2.普利特維採湖 克羅埃西亞Plitvice Lakes National Park 普利特維採湖區是巴爾幹半島的克羅埃西亞最美的也是最有名的國家公園。也是克羅埃西亞最大的國家公園。普利特維採湖是由十六條互相連接的瀑布組成,于1979年被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。當地森林生活著鹿、野豬、熊、狼和一些稀有的鳥類。因其多變深邃的顏色,湖水的顏色從天藍色到綠色,由灰色漸變到藍色。顏色的變換由水中的礦物、有機物的含量以及光的入射角度等共同決定。在克羅埃西亞,普利特維採湖為背包客提供了很多機會,風景也非常美麗,尤其是230英尺高的瀑布。 The Plitvice Lakes (Croatian: Plitvička jezera, pronounced [plitˈvitsɛ]) is a national park in Croatia in the Plitvice Lakes municipality, in the mountainous region of Lika. Plitvice Lakes National Park lies in the Plitvice plateau which is surrounded by three mountains part of the Dinaric Alps: Plješevica mountain (Gornja Plješevica peak 1,640 m), Mala Kapela mountain (Seliški Vrh peak at 1,280 m), and Medveđak (884 m).[2] The national Park is underlain by karstic rock, mainly dolomite and limestone with associated lakes and caves, this has given rise to the most distinctive feature of the lakes.

3.布萊德湖 斯洛維尼亞 lake bled Slovenia 布萊德湖位於斯洛維尼亞西北部的阿爾卑斯山南麓,“三頭山”頂部積雪的融水不斷注入湖中,故有“冰湖”之稱。斯洛維尼亞布萊德湖最美的風景是從坐落在460英尺高的懸崖上的城堡欣賞。布萊德島是一個森林環繞的小島,這裡有17世紀的教堂。 The lake is 2,120 m long and 1,380 m wide, with a maximum depth of 30.6 metres. The lake is situated in a picturesque environment, surrounded by mountains and forests. A medieval castle stands above the lake on the north shore. The lake surrounds Bled Island (Sln. Blejski otok), the only natural island in Slovenia. The island has several buildings, the main one being the Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of Mary (Slovenian: Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja), built in the 15th century, where weddings are held regularly. The church has a 52-metre tower and there is a stairway with 99 steps leading up to the building. The lake is also well known among rowers because it has very good conditions for the sport. It hosted the World Rowing Championships in 1966, 1979, and 1989. It will host the World Rowing Championship again in 2011. The lake is 35 kilometers from the Ljubljana International Airport and 55 km from the capital city Ljubljana.

4.納庫魯湖 肯亞 Lake Nakuru National Park 納庫魯湖有約200多萬隻火烈鳥,佔世界火烈鳥總數的三分之一,被譽為“觀鳥天堂”。世界著名的納庫魯湖是為保護禽類鳥建立的公園, 海拔1753~2073米,佔地面積188平方公里。納庫魯湖處於火山帶,湖水鹽鹼度較高,適宜作為火烈鳥主食的浮游生物生長。 Lake Nakuru is one of the Rift Valley soda lakes. It lies to the south of Nakuru, in central Kenya and is protected by a small Lake Nakuru National Park. The lake's abundance of algae attracts the vast quantity of flamingos that famously line the shore. Other birds also flourish in the area, as do warthogs, baboons and other large mammals. Black and white rhinos have also been introduced. The lake's level dropped dramatically in the early 1990s but has since largely recovered. Nakuru means "Dust or Dusty Place" in the Maasai language. Lake Nakuru National Park, close to Nakuru town, was established in 1961. It started off small, only encompassing the famous lake and the surrounding mountainous vicinity, but has since been extended to include a large part of the savannahs. Lake Nakuru is protected under the Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

5.羅蒙湖 蘇格蘭 Loch Lomond Scotland 羅蒙湖是英國蘇格蘭最大的湖泊。位於蘇格蘭高地南部,南端距格拉斯哥27公里。四週被山地環繞,南部略成三角形。長39公里,最寬8公里,面積63.7平方公里。湖面海拔僅約0.7米。湖深190米。湖中有島嶼30個。湖水南流注入克萊德河。該湖與格拉斯哥、克萊德賽德等城市聯繫密切。湖濱建有別墅,旅遊業興盛。有巴勒赫、阿德盧伊等湖濱遊覽地。西北部的因威格拉斯建有水力發電站。 Loch Lomond ( /ˈloʊmənd/; Scottish Gaelic Loch Laomainn) is a freshwater Scottish loch, lying on the Highland Boundary Fault. It is the largest loch/lake in Great Britain, by surface area, and contains many islands, including Inchmurrin, the largest fresh water island in the British Isles. It is a popular leisure destination and is featured in song.

6.安納西湖  法國 Lake Annecy 安納西湖(Lake Annecy)位於法國上薩瓦省,阿爾卑斯山腳下,是法國僅次於Lac du Bourget第二大湖(如果算上法國與瑞士共有的日內瓦湖則為法國第三大湖)。被譽為歐洲最純凈的湖。 安納西湖蜿蜿蜒蜒穿過自然保護區、海濱小城,最後在法國的阿爾卑斯山達到頂峰。 Lake Annecy (French Lac d'Annecy) is a lake in Haute-Savoie in France. It is the second largest lake in France, after the Lac du Bourget, if the French part of Lake Geneva (which is also partly in Switzerland) is excluded. It is known as "Europe's cleanest lake" because of strict environmental regulations introduced in the 1960s. It is a popular tourist destination known for its swimming and water sports. The lake was formed about 18,000 years ago, at the time the large alpine glaciers melted. It is fed by many small rivers from the surrounding mountains (Ire, Eau morte, Laudon, Bornette and Biolon), and from a powerful underwater source, the Boubioz, which enters at 82 m depth.

7.Matheson湖 紐西蘭 紐西蘭的Matheson湖也稱鏡湖,顧名思義。紐西蘭最具代表性的風景離福克斯冰河(Fox Glacier)只有6公里,在晴朗無雲的日子,湖面上會映出紐西蘭的最高峰奧拉基山(Aoraki,即庫克山)和塔斯曼山(Mount Tasman)的倒影,湖面如銀鏡般的美麗,美景令人難忘。步行四十分鐘就可以到達第一座觀景臺,環繞湖畔只要一個半小時。 Lake Matheson, near the Fox Glacier in South Westland, New Zealand, is famous for its reflected views of Aoraki/Mount Cook and Mount Tasman. A traditional mahinga kai (food gathering place) for Māori people, the lake contains long finned eel as well as being home to many water birds. Lake Matheson was formed by glaciation ca. 14,000 years ago. It is situated on the valley floor about 12 km from the current Fox Glacier and Aoraki/Mount Cook, the highest peak in New Zealand, and Mount Tasman.

8.特蘭湖 瓜地馬拉 Lago de Atitlán 阿蒂特蘭湖(Lago de Atitlán)是瓜地馬拉高地上的一個大內流湖。其優美的景色使之被譽為世界上最美的湖泊之一。阿蒂特蘭湖周圍的瑪雅村鎮也是其一大特色,村鎮中的居民至今延續著傳統的瑪雅穿著和習俗。赫胥黎為阿蒂特蘭湖寫下了著名的一段讚美:“科莫湖(Lake Como),在觸到了畫境般美景的極限,但阿蒂特蘭湖猶如科莫湖附加了數座巨大的火山。它實在是美得過分。” Lake Atitlán (Lago de Atitlán) is a large endorheic lake (one that does not flow to the sea) in the Guatemalan Highlands. While Atitlan is recognized to be the deepest lake in Central America, its bottom has not been completely sounded. Estimates of its maximum depth range up to 340 meters. The lake is shaped by deep escarpments which surround it and by three volcanos on its southern flank. Lake Atitlan is further characterized by towns and villages of the Maya people. Lake Atitlán is about 50 kilometres (31 mi) west-northwest of Antigua. Lake Atitlán should not be confused with Lake Amatitlán. Lake Amatitlán is located about 65 kilometres (40 mi) southeast of Lake Atitlán and 16 kilometres (10 mi) southeast of Antigua. Lake Atitlán is much larger than Lake Amatitlán.

9.貝托湖  阿爾伯塔 Peyto Lake Peyto Lake (pea-toe) is a glacier-fed lake located in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. The lake itself is easily accessed from the Icefields Parkway. It was named for Bill Peyto, an early trail guide and trapper in the Banff area.[1] The lake is formed in a valley of the Waputik Range, between Caldron Peak, Peyto Peak and Mount Jimmy Simpson, at an elevation of 1,860 m (6,100 ft).[citation needed] During the summer, significant amounts of glacial rock flour flow into the lake, and these suspended rock particles give the lake a bright, turquoise color. Because of its bright color, photos of the lake often appear in illustrated books, and area around the lake is a popular sightseeing spot for tourists in the park. The lake is best seen from Bow Summit, the highest point on the Icefield Parkway.[2] The lake is fed by the Peyto Creek, which drains water from the Caldron Lake and Peyto Glacier (part of the Wapta Icefield), and flows into the Mistaya River.[ 在加拿大的阿爾伯塔省,貝托湖位於落基山脈之間。貝托湖(Peyto Lake)位於班芙國家公園北面,是洛磯山脈眾多湖泊中最特殊的一個冰河湖。

10.火山湖  美國 Crater Lake 坐落在1950米高的卡斯特山上的火山湖是美國第5個國家公園也是美國第一深湖。形成在7700多年前火山瑪扎瑪山有次猛厲的爆發後,火山最頂端口5000英尺崩塌,形成了火山口,接著岩漿的流出封住了火山口底部,使得火山口逐漸聚積不斷匯入的雨雪,最終形成了1932米英尺深,擁有4,6億加侖水的火山湖。88~89年間,地質家們通過潛水艇進行了深測,發現湖底有熱液冒出,更加證實了科學家對火山湖成因的推測。因此,湖水呈現令人難忘的碧藍和純凈。 Crater Lake National Park is a United States National Park located in southern Oregon, whose primary feature is Crater Lake. This National Park was established on May 22, 1902, and it is the sixth oldest National Park in the U.S.[4] This park encompasses the Crater Lake caldera, which rests in the remains of a destroyed volcano (eventually named Mount Mazama) and the surrounding forestland and hills. This is the only National Park in Oregon.

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