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Presentation transcript:

齊頌聖誕歌/Carols of Gathering 神與我們同在 今當齊來敬拜 心存敬畏謙恭虛懷 上帝在祂聖殿眾人肅敬默念 God Himself is with us Let us now adore Him and with awe appear before Him God is in His temple All within keep silence

俯伏主前意誠心虔 獨一神美與真 是我救主真神 讚美主名永遠 讚美主名永遠 齊來信主聖徒 大家快樂歡欣 and before Him bow with rev’rence Him alone, God we own To our Lord and Savior Praises sing forever (2x) O come, all ye faithful joyful and triumphant

齊來 哦 一齊來到伯利恆 聖嬰臥槽中 生乃天使君王 齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督 O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him born the King of angels O come, let us adore Him (3X) Christ the Lord!

齊來普世萬民齊來同前往 來到伯利恆城齊聚馬槽旁 帶著喜悅心懷看榮耀景象 天父在今夜賜聖子予萬邦 O come, all ye people, O come, one and all to Bethlehem’s stable, in Bethlehem’s stall and see, with rejoicing, this glorious sight our Father in heaven has sent us this night

齊來普世萬民 來普世萬民 來齊向主歌唱 齊來普世萬民 來普世萬民 來齊向主歌唱 充滿奇妙喜樂歌唱 O come, all ye people, come, all ye people. Come sing unto the Lord O come all ye people, come, all ye people Come, sing unto the Lord Come, sing with wonder and with joy

主生於今晨 我眾同來歡迎 天地諸榮耀全歸主一身 大哉父真道藉肉身來顯明 齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜 Yea, Lord we greet Thee born this happy morning Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him

齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督 齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 主降生 O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord! O come, Let us adore Him Christ the Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is born!

奇妙的聖誕/The Wonder of Christmas 忠信聖徒著來跪佇馬槽前 來尋一個較贏金之寶貝 來 聽出自讖語之美妙音樂 來 認識聖誕的奧妙 Come, all ye faithful and kneel at the manger Come, find a treasure more costly than gold Come, hear the music that calls from the shadows Come, know the wonder of Christmas

來 享受冬天玫瑰花之香味 來 接受響亮通瞑之應允 著來吟迎接清早之聖誕歌 來 認識聖誕之奧妙 Come, smell the roses that bloom in the winter Come, claim the promise that rings through the night Come, sing the carol that wakens the morning Come, know the wonder of Christmas

凡若憂悶者 凡若尋求者 來 就近賞賜一切之救主 凡若孤單者 凡若失迷 來 尋恁之神蹟 尋恁之至寶 All who are weary, all who are searching come to the Savior who meets ev’ry need All who are lonely, all who are lost Come, find your miracle Come, find your treasure

著來到聖嬰所欲成之奧妙 所欲成之奧妙 來 學天使所吟尊貴之聖歌 來 報傳改變世界之信息 Come to the wonder a little child will lead a little child will lead Come, learn the song that is worthy of angels Come, share message that changes the world

來 感受聖神打開天庭之能力 來進入奧妙之聖誕 奧妙聖誕 請來大家敬拜祂 請來大家敬拜祂 請來大家敬拜祂 我主基督 主基督 主基督 Come, feel the spirit that opens the heavens Come, to the wonder of Christmas Christmas Christmas O come, let us adore Him (x3) Christ the Lord (x3)