President, Civil Aviation University of China


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Presentation transcript:

President, Civil Aviation University of China Roadmap of the Development of China’s General Aviation WU Tongshui President, Civil Aviation University of China Director, China Aviation Transportation Association General Aviation Committee November 2008 2018/11/12

Content Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Part 5 Conclusions 2018/11/12

Content Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Part 5 Conclusions 2018/11/12

Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Promote Economics Development Direct and Indirect Promote Contribution to GDP Solve the Employment Problem Enforce GA Industry Develop Enforce GA Related Industry Develop Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Sideline Production, Fishery Serve the Industries Agricultural Seeding, Insects Offshore Exploration Aerial Photograph Emergency Repair of High-risk Equipment Sports Entertainment Emergency Service and Disaster Relief National Emergency Rescue Forest Fire Fighting Search and Rescue People Transport the Injuries Transport the Rescue Materials Provide Talents Strategic Reserve GA Service National Defense&Social Harmony Pilot Maintenance, and others Transportation Transportation Service in underdeveloped Area 2018/11/12

Play its Part in Different Industries Offshore Exploration Aerial Photograph Aerial Spray Scientific Research Repair the Broken High Voltage Wire 2018/11/12

Emergency Rescue Rescue the Siege People Transport the Rescue Equipment Fire Fighting Transport the Injuries 2018/11/12

Content Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Part 5 Conclusions 2018/11/12

Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Numbers of A/C Increase Trend Comparison between GA and Civil Aviation 2018/11/12

Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Comparison between China’s GA and other of Developed GA Countries CHN USA CAN AUS BRA Area(km2) 960 963 1000 770 851 Population(thousands of million 1.3 2.99 0.326 0.2 1.89 GNP(billion $) 2600 13200 1300 780 1100 Increasing Range of GDP 10.7% 2.9% 2.8% 4.6% 3.7% Quantity of GA A/C 707 224000 31018 11117 10310 GA Annual Flight Hour 91901 27000000 4500000 1695000 1500000 Proportion of Commercial A/c and GA A/C 1:0.67 1:32 1:61 1:34 1:24 Quantity of GA Airport 217 19983 1700 461 2498 2018/11/12

Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA 2018/11/12

Content Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Part 5 Conclusions 2018/11/12

Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA GA Airport Net GA Operation Service System Civil Aviation Manufacture Development GA Talents Service of Financing Channels Comprehensive Development Planning of China’s GA Policy and Regulation Low Airspace and Supporting Facilities 2018/11/12

Key Issue 1 The Development of China’s GA Is Lack of Comprehensive Planning No plan or program concerning the GA development GA Manufacture GA Operation Service Enterprise GA User Detailed development plan about A/C manufacture, such as 10th and 11th “Five-year Plan” Upstream of Industry Chain Nothing about GA in 10th “Five-year Plan”, only generally mention that GA needs develop in 11th “Five-year Plan” Middle of the Industry Chain Downstream of Industry Chain China’s Aviation Industry Planning CAAC Planning Other Industries’ Planning National Planning Lack of the comprehensive planning of the GA development on the national level Lack of comprehensive and systematical planning intra-industry or inter-industry GA enterprises do not have a detailed development plan 2018/11/12

Key Issue 2 Imperfect Regulation System and Policy to Promote and Support GA Industry 2018/11/12

Key Issue 3 Low Altitude Aerospace Opening and Supporting Facilities Control Area Surveillance Area Report Area Dense Flight Area PSR and SSR coverage of the control area, proper round communication with ground, navigation facilities should comply with the related regulations Busy Flight Area Necessary communication and navigation facilities or other surveillance ability for ATC system to realize PSR and SSR coverage Away from prohibited area, dangerous area, restricted area, frontier area, important ground landmark and dense flight area, airport control area. Only Aeronautical Information Service, if any 低空空域通常是指在一定范围内划设的标准气压高度1000米以下的空间范围,对于高原、山区以及其他特殊地区,在保证飞行安全的条件下,可根据实际情况确定一定的高度范围 2018/11/12

Key Issue 4 Lack of reasonable GA Airport Network Layout Until the end of 2007, totally there are only 398 GA airport and temporary t-o and landing sites in China. GA airport is not evenly laid out. The density in the eastern area is 5.3 times of the national average level, central area 1.5 of the national level, northeastern area almost equal to the national level; while western area only approximately 2/3 of the national level. 2018/11/12

Services Needed for GA Operation Key Issue 5 Service System Not Matching Enough to Support the GA Operation Services Needed for GA Operation Fuel Communication Meteorology Spare Management Maintenance Storage 2018/11/12

Key Issue 6 Backward Development of Civil Aviation Manufacture A/C Types Manufactured by China Manufacturer Type Description XAC Y7 Turboprop Short-Middle Range Cargo A/C HAIG Z9 Light Multipurpose Helicopter Y12 Light Twin Engine Multipurpose Transporter CHANGHE Z8 Large Transport Helicopter Z11 HONGDU K8 Middle Trainer L-15 ⅢAdvanced Trainer SAC Y8 Middle Four Engine Turboprop Transporter Y9 New Four Engine Turboprop Transporter Sources from:Beijing HL Consulting Co., Ltd 2018/11/12

Key Issue 7 Lack of GA Specialists Education Background of GA Specialists GA Specialists Distribution 2018/11/12

Enlarge GA Financing Channel Issue 8 Financing Service Channel Not Smooth Enough Enlarge GA Financing Channel National Funding Commercial Bank Stoke Market Property Right Foreign Capital Risk Capital Private Equity GA M Op M.B GA Airport GA Maintenance ATC Eqt S Org Others 2018/11/12 GA Industry

Content Part 1 Key Role and Importance of China’s GA Part 2 Present Situation and Gap in China’s GA Part 3 Key Issues Needs to Solve for the Development of China’s GA Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Part 5 Conclusions 2018/11/12

Part 4 Roadmap for the Development of China’s GA Roadmap Blueprint 12th Five-year 2009 2012 2020 2030 2050 Short-term Plan and Objectives Mid-Long Term Development Plan Policy Regulation Comprehensive Industry Chain Op Environment National Plan Industry Regulation GA Culture Talent Cultivation Mgt Sys Op System Aerospace Other Plans 2018/11/12

Development Route of China’s GA Short Term Plan and Objectives Fully preparation to support 12th “Five Year Plan” 1 Perfect Management System 2 Straighten out the development policy 3 Promote the testing area for the low altitude aerospace opening, provide substantial suggestions 6 Perfect operation and service environment 4 Encourage the social force and form a system of personnel cultivating 5 1、将中国通用航空发展路线图加入到国家和交通运输业的“十二·五”规划中。 联合通用航空产业链的上游、中游和下游各部门,构建一个符合中国通用航空特点的管理体制、发展政策和科学监管体系。 2、我国通用航空发展缓慢,其主要原因之一是没有建立健全符合通用航空特点的管理体制。它体现在管理主体不明确、管理职责不清晰、管理制度不健全、管理机制不畅通。我们要呼吁针对这几个方面分层次进行研究,从国家层面建立起相互协调的行之有效的管理体制。恢复民航局通用航空专业司的职能,对通航企业的监管和监督必须有相应完善的机构职能。 3、协调国家相关单位和部门,针对通用航空产业链的各个环节,联合制定通用航空产业发展政策;完善法律、法规体系,修改通用航空的实际运行情况和特殊性不相吻合的部分,改变对通用航空管理沿用航空运输标准等问题。 4、建立良好的市场秩序;制定各项合理的税收政策和收费标准;有效实施安全管理,减少行业安全事故;支持通用航空包机及短途运输业务;促进固定运营基地模式(FBO),打造机场网络。 5、加强通用航空和公共运输航空需求的飞行员、机务人员等专业人员培养体系建设,提倡依靠社会力量办学,对飞行员、维修人员等从业人员进行专业、系统、持续的培训;拓展商业运输飞行员培训渠道,加快发展飞行驾驶执照培训。 6、积极协调国家空管委等有关部门,加快低空空域改革试点工作,改善空域使用环境,配合改善空管设备水平;构建机场网络规划;推进申请国家对通用航空用油实施补贴政策。 2018/11/12

Development Route of China’s GA Set up comprehensive GA operation management and monitor system Cultivate and deepen GA industry chain Perfect GA infrastructure A mature GA culture in the whole society Include GA development into national long term developing plan 1 2 3 4 5 Mid and Long Term Development Plan 1、争取将中国通用航空发展路线图加入到国家和交通运输部的“十二·五”规划中。中期规划时政府部门要把通用航空作为国民经济的一个产业发展,只有在国家经济和科技发展中找准通用航空产业的坐标,形成国家意志来强有力地推进通用航空产业的发展,中国的通用航空才能强势崛起。 2、航空运输产业可以促进乃至带动国民经济众多行业和部门的发展。健康的通用航空业需要构建完整的产业链,从航空器设计、制造到终端的客户。规划通用航空就必须联合多家关联企业,从产业协调发展的角度提高整体链条的竞争能力。 3、针对通用航空安全监管队伍的建设这一个空白,大力提高监管人员的专业素质水平,建设成熟的航空安全文化和与之相适应的法规体系。 4、针对通用航空发展,加大基础设施建设力度。在需要国家整体规划、宏观指导下,在资金、设备及项目有保障的同时,有计划、有步骤地加快开发和建设,如:机场布局和建设、飞行服务站、低空航图测绘、ADS-B系统、机场固定服务商等。 5、加大对通用航空的宣传力度,培养通用航空文化。调动社会一切力量,借助各种宣传媒介来宣传,引导发展航空俱乐部及个人飞行活动,普及航空知识,为通用航空发展奠定社会基础。将通用航空广泛应用于社会,使其服务惠及普通百姓,全面建设小康社会、促进社会和谐。 2018/11/12

Part 5 Conclusion The strong take-off of GA will help China’s aviation industry to realize a comprehensive development in this area. We need spare all of our efforts to find a both good and fast way to make it come true! 2018/11/12

Thank you for your attention! 2018/11/12