Consumer Memory 指導老師 莊勝雄 MA4D0102郭虹汝MA4D0201吳宜臻.


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Presentation transcript:

Consumer Memory 指導老師 莊勝雄 MA4D0102郭虹汝MA4D0201吳宜臻

記憶回顧 LTM STM 回憶

7-11 便宜,便利 顧客多元需求 推出新鮮主餐,刷新記憶

前言 隨機存取 短期記憶 長期記憶 硬碟存取

記憶特性 資訊遺失 容量 期限 編碼 7±2項 18秒 排序 錯誤 聽覺 短期 ∞ 恆久 修補 錯誤 語意 長期



 長期記憶 原則 編碼特性 組織 聯想

長期記憶-組織原則 關聯記憶 學習效益 商品陳列 不隨意更換架位 / 同類商品放置同處 原料 金屬 石頭 稀有性 相近 合金 珍貴 石工 金 鋁 鋼 大理石 鑽石 銀 銅 錫 板岩 寶石 關聯記憶 學習效益 商品陳列 不隨意更換架位 / 同類商品放置同處

長期記憶-編碼特異性原則 相同情境 易喚起記憶

長期記憶-編碼特異性原則 易 索取記憶 認知正解 BUT 了解來龍去脈 問答題並非難於選擇題

長期記憶-聯想原則 聯想遊戲 即將開始 聯想記憶 加速聯結 延伸他處

啟動效應 相關聯詞彙 幫助記憶及向下延伸

啟動效應 多重含意詞彙 不易明確表達 判決結果

啟動效應 認知相似 (同化效應) 模糊目標 判斷

啟動效應 認知差異 (對比效應) 明確目標 判斷

啟動效應 目標模糊 目標明確

聯想干擾 第一聯想點 第二聯想點 第三聯想點

聯想干擾&打擊市場傳聞 假設為蠕蟲 打擊市場傳聞 聯想干擾 聯想

聯想干擾&打擊媒體雜波 聯想干擾 疲勞、厭倦 注意力下降 大量廣告(曝光)

聯想干擾&打擊媒體雜波 打擊媒體雜波 1.重複廣告 2.廣告差異 競爭低落時

內隱記憶 以前經驗(知識) 回想(憶) 遇到困難

內隱記憶 來源失憶 1.來源混亂 2.不確定的推論或結論 來源失憶

 結論 Human memory is best conceptualized as a multiple memory system. A large amount of inactive information is stored in long-term memory. Using information involves activating it by retrieving information from inactive long-term memory and bringing it into active short-term memory. Consumers are consciously aware of the contents of short-term memory, and they can perform a large number of cognitive operations on these contents(e.g., thinking, reasoning, judging, and deciding). However, consumers have a limited capacity to process information and can hold only 7 (plus or minus 2) chunks of information in short-term memory at a time.

 結論 The 3 key principles of long-term memory are the organization principle, the encoding-specificity principle, and the association principle. According to the organization principle, comprehending and grouping related information together enhances memory performance. According to the encoding-specificity principle, memory is context dependent. Memory performance is best when the encoding (learning) context and the retrieval (test) context are similar. The association principle emphasizes that concepts or ideas are represented in memory as nodes are linked together in an associative network. This principle explains several important memory phenomena, including spreading activation, priming, proactive associative interference, and retroactive associative interference.

 結論 Consumers are aware that they are using memory when they focus on memory as an object to perform explicit memory tasks, such as recognition (e.g., a multiple-choice test ), cued recall (e.g., a fill-in-the-blank test), and free recall (e.g., an essay test). Consumers are unaware of memory when they use it as a tool for performing an implicit memory task. Prior experiences influence feelings of familiarity, which then influence a wide variety of judgments, including judgments of fame, validity, and controllability. Memory is involved in virtually all cognitive tasks, and memory enables us to perform these tasks more efficiently. LTM STM 回憶