Talking about Qualitative Research


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Presentation transcript:

Talking about Qualitative Research Wen-chi Wu

Reference--Books Doing qualitative research 質性研究:理論方法及本土女性研究實例 Crabtree BF, Miller WL. (eds). Sage 1999. 質性研究:理論方法及本土女性研究實例 胡幼慧 主編,巨流,1996。 社會科學質的研究 陳向明 著,五南,1999。

Reference--Journals Qualitative Health Research Medical Anthropology Quarterly Sociology of Health and Illness Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Social Science and Medicine International Journal of Health Services Journal of Health and Social Behavior Health Education and Behavior BMJ

What’s Qualitative Research? (1) “Qualitative research begins by accepting that there is a range of different ways of making sense of the world and is concerned with discovering the meaning seen by those who are begin researched and with understanding their view of the world rather than that of the researchers.” (by Roger Jones BMJ 311(6996):2, 11995) 1.從接受看世界的方法有很多種這種觀念開始。 2.發現被研究的事物的本質。 3.瞭解被研究者看世界的觀點,而非研究者的觀點。

What’s Qualitative Research? (2) “Behind every quantity there must lie a quality.” (by Gertude Jaeger Selznick, PH. D.) The purpose: Develop concepts which help us to understand social phenomena in natural settings (rather than experimental settings) Emphasis to the meanings, experiences, and view of all the participants.

Example 為什麼青少年已經知道吸菸的知識,但卻仍然吸菸? 產婆在家接生,和去醫院給醫生接生,有什麼不一樣? 使用保險套有哪些障礙? 為什麼有的人生氣的時候會罵髒話,有的人不會?

Why? 很簡單嗎? 對複雜現象提供豐富描述 追蹤獨特或非期待事件 透過不同的角色表現對事物的解釋及經驗 聽到少數者的聲音 初步探索,發展理論,產生假設。 對問題提出解釋。

How to do it? Aims Questions Gathering Process Sampling/ collecting Describing Representing the account Organizing Analysis Process Corroborating Legitimating:證實合法化,和理論結合。 Corroborating Legitimating Connecting Interpretive Process

Sampling (1) Characteristics Purposive sampling Small Not assumes knowledge sufficient to define the larger population Not assumes the event is normally distributed in the population Some data source are richer than others Purposive sampling

Sampling (2) What to sample? How to sample? A template organizing style from literature or experience Events, places, persons, artifacts, activity, time… How to sample? Fit with question or phenomenon Snow ball sampling or announce Stop when data become “saturated”.

Sampling (3) Maximum variation sampling 需要對該議題最廣的資訊和觀點時 你認識任何對這主題有不同意見的人嗎? Typical or deviant case sampling 關注典型(通常一般)或極端怪異的例子 Critical case sampling 資料來源所在,有啟發性或豐富內涵的例子

Sampling (4) Theoretical sampling Confirming and disconfirming cases 有焦點的抽樣,以先驗理論為基礎,不斷反覆循環。 Confirming and disconfirming cases 支持論點和不支持論點的人 Mixed sampling

Data gathering How: Participant observation, key informant interviews, depth interviewing, focus groups, field research, life history, ethnography, literature review, etc. Data: video tapes, radio tapes, notes, scene, picture… First hand: records Second hand: archives, documents

Analysis Organizing style: Template:有既定樣版 Editing:發展樣版 Immersion / crystallization:沒有樣版

The dance of interpretation Dancer: interpreters and texts How to dance? Describing Organizing/classify Connecting with case Corroborating/make more certain representing the account (audience and skills) 抽象、概念

Technical Fixes Purposive sampling Grounded theory Multiple coding Bias→Enhancing sample coverage Grounded theory Original theory →Developing theory Multiple coding Inter-rater reliability, refine interpretation Triangulation Confirmation of internal validity, refine findings Respondent validation Confirmation of interpretations

Quali. Different with Quanti. Qualitative Quantitative Social theory Action Structure Methods Observation, interview Experiment, survey Question What is X? (classification) How many Xs? (enumeration) Reasoning Inductive Deductive Sampling method Theoretical Statistical Strength Validity Reliability Inductive歸納法:從觀察到假設 Deductive演繹法:假設檢定,結果是否符合假設。

Criteria of Traditional Science Internal validity The degree to which findings correctly map the phenomenon in question External validity Generalize Reliability Replicated or reproduced Objectivity Free from bias Randomization Large sample size Standardized measurement Statistical method Quantity

Criticize 作假。(信度) 樣本不夠,無法代表該族群。(外推性) 自說自話,別人跟你看也會有一樣的想法嗎?(研究者偏差)

Good Qualitative Research 值得否:是否提供新知識? 問題:是否釐清? 方法:合適嗎?別的方法呢? 相關背景(脈絡):有詳細描述嗎? 抽樣:幅度夠嗎?會不會超過? 資料蒐集和分析:全面、系統、可重複性、組織力、分析出的概念恰當地回答問題、結果和資料重複驗證、注意反例 自我反省:自己認為此研究的效果如何?研究者自己對分析和結果的意見和評價。

Thank you very much!!