外墙外保温和饰面系统EIFS Presentation


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Presentation transcript:

外墙外保温和饰面系统EIFS Presentation by Dr. Timothy Wood

内容 AGENDA 外保温体系的发展和市场情况 History, Components, and Market 北美主要供应商 Major Manufacturers in North America 产品和使用 Products and Uses 性能测试 Performance Testing 行业协会 Industry Associations

AGENDA 市场和发展 History, Components, and Market Major Manufacturers in North America Products and Uses Performance Testing Industry Associations

外墙外保温和饰面系统的使用历史 EIFS HISTORY 二十世纪四十年代 - 矿棉覆以水泥抹灰作为保温系统在瑞典得到应用 1940’s - Wall cladding used in Sweden - mineral wool coated with cement/lime plaster 二十世纪六十年代 - 发泡聚氨酯覆以下埋增强纤维网的面涂作为保温系统在西德得到应用 1960’s - West Germany - rigid polystyrene foam, mesh, and reinforced coatings 1969 - Frank Morselli 创建了专威特外保温和饰面系统 Frank Morselli founded Dryvit Systems, Inc. - with design of systems as we know them today.

外墙外保温和饰面系统图示 EIFS ASSEMBLY GRAPHIC (No Drainage) Graphic representation of a typcial EIF System Assembly.

EIFS WALL ASSEMBLY 底材 SUBSTRATE: 夹板,外墙装饰板,耐水石膏及水泥砂浆墙面。Plywood, Oriented Strand Board, Water Resistant Gypsum Sheathing, and Masonry. 胶粘剂 ADHESIVE: 水泥或非水泥基;把保温材料粘结在底材上。Cementitious or Non-cementitious; used for adhering insulation board to the substrate. 抹面胶浆BASE COAT: 水泥或非水泥基;增强耐水性和面涂与保温材料的粘结力;中间埋入玻璃纤维网布以提供强度和抗冲击。Cementitious or Non-cementitious; provides water resistance and adhesion; fiberglass mesh is embedded for strength/impact resistance. 饰面 FINISH COAT: 装饰涂料;色彩丰富,立体饰面效果,抗开裂,不褪色不黄变 Decorative coating; tintable, comes in various textures, resists cracking, fading and yellowing. Most common substrates in North America are DensGlas Gold, made by Georgia Pacific or OSB Plywood.

外墙外保温结构类型 EIFS ASSEMBLY TYPES 无排水 EIFS without Drainage 标准常用系统,保温材料直接粘在底材上 Standard system, insulation board flush to substrate 用于实心砖墙,水泥砂浆墙面较多 Common on Solid Block, Masonry wall 有排水 EIFS with Drainage 保温材料背后有沟槽,便于湿气排出 Grooves on back of insulation board to allow drainage of incidental moisture. 注意并非水流Not a waterfall! 通常用于木结构或者空心墙体建筑 Common on wood frame construction or any wall assembly where there is a wall cavity space. EIFS with Drainage is a system designed to allow incidental moisture that does get behind the insulation board to drain out the bottom of the EIFS assembly and away from the total wall assembly. The problem with a standard non-drainage system is not the system itself, but instead poor construction practices in other areas of the wall assembly. For example, a standard non-drainage EIFS assembly could be installed flawlessly, however, if flashing, especially around windows and dormers, is not done properly, water could get behind the EIFS assembly. Without a drainage plane, it is very difficult for that moisture to get out. In wall assemblies that have cavities – stick built frame construction, for example – poor construction practices could allow water into that cavity. So, though the culprit was never the EIFS itself, trial attorneys were effective is swaying court decisions to take a stance saying basically that even though EIFS didn’t cause the initial water intrusion, the EIFS industry should have a system that allows that moisture a way to get out.

外墙外保温图示 (有排水) EIFS ASSEMBLY GRAPHIC (with Drainage) Channels Graphic representation of a typcial EIF System Assembly.

外墙外保温与其他墙体系统比较 EIFS Insulation Potential versus other Wall Systems 提供优异的节能效果Provides Excellent Insulation Potential 聚苯板每英寸大约有3-4 “R” Approximately 3-4 “R” per one inch of EPS

北美使用情况 North American EIFS USAGE Graph 平方英尺/年 Annual Square Feet Applied EIFS usage in North America, graph form. 包括公用建筑和民用Includes both Commercial and Residential.

外墙外保温北美市场 工业与民用比较 EIFS- North America Commercial vs. Residential

应用市场 Where is EIFS used? 零售店/饭店Retail/Restaurant (27%) 办公室/银行Office/Bank (21%) 酒店/汽车酒店Hotel/Motel (13%) 教育机构/Education (8%) 医院 Hospital/Health (7%) 公共设施Public (6%) 宗教机构Religion (5%) 娱乐/运动Amusement/Sport (5%)

发展趋势 Latest Trends in the Industry 直接施工 Direct Applied Systems 涂料单独出售Sell individual coatings without entire system 混凝土保温体系Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) 发泡材料中浇入混凝土Concrete poured between two foam sheathes 消除墙体空洞,保持隔温Eliminates wall cavity, maintains insulation 保温Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) 预制保温板包括面涂Insulation Board sandwich with coatings 模拟特殊(如砖墙)效果Simulation of Other Claddings Ex: EIFS that looks like Brick 耐侯涂料体系 Weather Resistive (Liquid) Coatings 代替毛毡纸 Replaces other weather barriers (ex: felt paper)

Latest Trends (cont’d) ICF’s SIP’s WRC’s Simulations

AGENDA History, Components, and Market 北美主要供应商Major Manufacturers in North America Products and Uses Performance Testing Industry Associations

北美主要供应商 EIFS – Major North American Manufacturers 专威特 Dryvit Systems, Inc. USA, China, Canada, Poland 申得欧 Sto Corporation (USA Division of Sto Ag) Headquarters in Germany Parex, Inc. (part of LaFarge Mortars) 麦斯特Degussa Construction Chemicals Omega Products International DuROCK TEIFS Wall Systems 大多数公司业务覆盖全球 Many of these companies have a significant Global Presence

AGENDA History, Components, and Market Major Manufacturers in North America 产品使用 Products and Uses Performance Testing Industry Associations

抹面砂浆和胶粘剂 Basecoats and Adhesives 通常胶粘剂和抹面砂浆是相同配方 Basecoat & Adhesive are often the same 主要以水泥基为主Usually cementitious 可以粘结在不同底材上 Adhesion to variety of substrates 木材,复合材料,石膏,水泥砂浆 Wood, Composites, Gypsum, Masonry 抹面砂浆中埋入玻璃纤维网布 Mesh embedded into basecoat 为聚苯板提供抗冲击 Provides impact resistance to EPS 耐水Water Resistance 使用100%纯丙烯酸原料获得最佳性能 Use 100% Acrylic Polymer for Optimum Performance

乳液聚合物体系与干粉体系比较 Liquid Polymer vs. Powder Polymer in Basecoats LIQUID ADVANTAGES 可获得最高的性能Highest Quality 强度 Toughness 户外耐候 Exterior Durability 耐水 Water Resistance 附着力(干和湿) Adhesion (wet & dry) 干粉体系 POWDER ADVANTAGES 产品控制 Product Control 操作方便只需加水“Just Add Water”

EIFS andAggregate Finishes Binders for Basecoats and Adhesives 用于水泥抹面砂浆和胶粘剂的乳液 EIFS andAggregate Finishes Binders for Basecoats and Adhesives SF-016 EI-2000 多用途,耐沾污 Cement compatible, multi-purpose, Dirt Pick-up resistant (DPR) MFFT =8oC Tg = 13oC % Solids = 46-47 高性能多用途 High Performance Basecoat and Adhesives MFFT =1oC Tg = 0oC % Solids = 50 MC-76 was developed for better high temperature pot life. MC-1834 is the low odor version of MC-76. These three are standards in the cement modifier area. They are sometimes used in EIFS basecoats. EI-2000 is the largest volume North America product for EIFS at ~ 60MM lbs per year. EI-2000 is essentially AC-235 type without the adhesion promoter, and has 0.3% benzophenone post-added for DPUR. EI-3317 is Quick-Set technology. It is used in Europe but never caught on in North America. The North America customers felt that it gave surface dry but they did not like that the bulk of the coating was still “wet.” This technology is much more popular in German market. EI-8764 (AC-264 renamed for EIFS market) is sometimes used when customer perceives they need some extra adhesion vs. EI-2000. For example, some Canadian customers switch from EI-2000 to EI-8764 in the “shoulder season” when it is cool and damp to get better wet adhesion to basecoat. APR-968LO RHOPLEX MC-76 性价比高 Economy Basecoat/Adhesive MFFT=11oC Tg= 5oC % Solids = 47.5% 适合喷涂施工 Sprayable cement applications MFFT=10-12oC Tg= 5oC % Solids = 47-48

抹面砂浆和胶粘剂起始配方Basecoat/Adhesive: Suggested Starting Point Formulation A组份 Admixture These admixtures are formulated to be mixed 1:1 for convenience. At job site, it is easy to mix 1:1 and not have to do fancy calculations on the job. Total = 1657.3 100.0 使用时A组份与硅酸盐水泥1:1混合 Mix 1 part admixture to 1 part Portland (Type I) cement. 沙和水泥比:0.6 : 1 Sand to cement ratio : 0.6 to 1. 干聚合物与水泥比 :10% Polymer (solid) on weight of cement, % = 10

饰面Finishes (Topcoats) 100%纯丙烯酸100% Acrylic required 非水泥基为主 Not cementitious 提供立体质感装饰效果及保护 Provide Texture, Final Appearance of Wall 重要的性能 Key Properties 长期持久耐候Long Term Durability 颜色保持Color Retention 不黄变Non-Yellowing 耐沾污 Dirt Pickup Resistance Up Sell: Means that EIFS Textured Finishes are perceived as a higher quality finish. Especially in NAR, EIFS finishes and stucco are considered upgrades versus paint, for example.

EIFS and Aggregate Finishes Binders for Topcoats 饰面涂层用乳液产品 EIFS and Aggregate Finishes Binders for Topcoats ICC-1 纯丙烯酸,优异耐沾污性 All Acrylic Dirt Pick-up resistant (DPR) Tg = 53oC % Solids = 50 SF-016 纯丙烯酸,低气味,不需成膜助剂 All Acrylic Low Odor, Solvent-Free Tg = 0oC % Solids = 50 - 51 AS-398 苯丙乳液,经济 Acrylic Styrene MFFT= 19oC Tg= 25oC % Solids = 48% AC-261 纯丙烯酸,耐候性好 All Acrylic Topcoat MFFT=17oC % Solids = 50

外墙外保温饰面起始配方 Standard EIFS Finish 70 PVC Materials Pounds Gallons Acrylic Polymer 405.0 46.16 Ethylene Glycol 5.0 0.54 Defoamer 2.0 0.26 TiO2 Slurry 65.0 3.35 Sand #15 Mesh 150.0 6.74 Sand #90 Mesh 850.0 38.17 Mildewcide 3.0 0.33 Coalescent 5.6 0.71 Acrysol ASE-60 7.5 0.85 Water 14.6 1.75 Ammonia 2.5 0.33 ______ _____ 1520.18 100.00 70 PVC is our starting point formula. The industry formulates in the upper 70’s to low 80’s for PVC.

弹性立体饰面Flexible EIFS Finishes 使用较软的弹性丙烯酸聚合物 Use softer, elastomeric acrylic polymers 颜填料较多 Formulated at very high pigment content 既可以用在外保温饰面也可用于其他水泥基材Can be used for EIFS or for direct application over stucco and other cementitious substrates. Provides some crack-bridging over these substrates

EIFS and Aggregate Finishes Modifiers and Binders for Elastomeric(Flexible) EIFS Finishes Primal 2438M RHOPLEX EC-3814 100%纯丙烯酸乳液,耐候好 100% Acrylic Emulsion , durable exterior finishes. Excellent elongation and recovery, dirt pick up, and efflorescence resistance. Tg= -35oC % Solids = 60-61 100%纯丙烯酸,耐候性好。 优异的延伸性和拉伸恢复性,耐沾污 100% Acrylic Emulsion , durable exterior finishes. Excellent elongation and recovery. Excellent dirt pick up Tg= -22oC % Solids = 50-51 EC-3814 is the newest EWC in North America with excellent alkali resistance. Primal 2848NG 100%纯丙烯酸,耐候性好,高固含,耐沾污 100% Acrylic Polymer, good exterior durability. Good dirt pick up resistance. Tg= -35oC % Solids = 61-62

饰面真石漆 Clear Aggregate Finishes 100% 纯丙烯酸100% Acrylic Polymer-based 直接使用在墙面上或用于外保温 Direct-Applied or EIFS 重要性能KEY PROPERTIES 透明度 Clarity 耐水白 Water Whitening Resistance 耐磨 Abrasion Resistance 抗紫外UV Durability 耐沾污 Dirt pickup resistance (DPUR)

Clear Aggregate Finishes ICC-1 纯丙烯酸优异的耐沾污性和耐候性 All Acrylic Binder Excellent DPUR Excellent Durability MFFT = 46 o C Tg = 53 o C % Solids = 50 EI-6000 has excellent water whitening resistance. Choice of coalescent is crucial for best WW resistance. EI-6000 疏水丙烯酸聚合物 优异耐候性,耐水白 Hydrophobic Acrylic Binder Excellent exterior durability Excellent water whitening resistance. MFFT = 14 o C Tg = 25 o C % Solids = 45.5

耐候涂料体系 Weather Resistive Coatings 配合有排水的外墙外保温体系使用 Used with EIFS Drainage Systems 水蒸气可透过,阻隔液态水 Vapor Permeable, Bulk Water Resistant 对多种底材有良好附着 Adhesion to multiple substrates 石膏,木材和水泥砂浆 Gypsum, Wood, Masonry 高弹性,可覆盖裂纹 High Elongation & Crack Bridging 早期附着力好 “Early Grab” adhesion of EPS 提高施工速度 Improves speed of installation 降低人力成本 Reduced labor cost

Weather Resistive Coatings 耐候涂料体系产品 Weather Resistive Coatings Products EI-5000 Adhesive & weather resistance Early Grab Properties % Solids = 51-52 MFFT= <0 Tg = - 35 o C EI-5000 is our flagship product for Weather Resistive Coatings(WRC’s). EI-5100 has better roller feel than EI-5000. Weather Resistance Only. Tg = -35 o C % Solids = 63 MFFT= <0 o C EI-5100

AGENDA History, Components, and Market Major Manufacturers in North America Products and Uses 性能测试 Performance Testing Industry Associations

外墙外保温的测试 Performance Testing of EIFS 水泥抹面砂浆和胶粘剂的测试 Testing of cementitious basecoat and adhesive. 立体质感饰面的测试 Testing of textured finishes. 整体测试 Testing of the composite or complete system.

抹面砂浆和胶粘剂的性能测试 TESTING OF BASECOAT AND ADHESIVE 施工性 APPLICATION PROPERTIES 方便混合Ease of mixing 可批刮性Trowelability 可操作使用时间 Pot Life - simulates warm weather conditions 抗流挂 Slump and sag resistance 干燥时间Drying time 抗开裂Resistance to cracking upon drying 性能要求 PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES 薄层强度Thin Section Toughness 耐水 Water Resistance

饰面涂层的性能测试 Testing of Acrylic Latex Finish Coatings 施工性 Application Properties 可批刮性Trowelability 抗流挂 Slump and sag resistance - ability to hold the texture over a variety of temperature and humidity conditions (40o F/90% RH to 100oF/15% RH) 干燥时间 Drying time (dry to touch, dry to rub, dry hard)effect of temperature and humidity

饰面涂层的性能测试 Testing of Acrylic Latex Finish Coatings 表面耐腐蚀 Surface Erosion - measure wash-out resistance over a range of temperature and humidity 抗开裂Resistance to cracking - effect of coating thickness 耐洗刷 Wet Abrasion Scrub Resistance - check coating for tendency of surface to erode when exposed to friction and water softening 柔韧性 Flexibility - resistance to cracking when bent over a series of mandrels at various temperatures 附着力 Adhesion - force to peel from the cementitious base coat; run dry and wet

早期耐水 Early Water Sensitivity (Washout Resistance Test) 耐水洗测试 Washout Test Apparatus 注意第二块板 What can happen (see 2nd from left) An example of an elastomeric textured finish not formulated properly, leading to early water sensitivity issues.

整体性能测试 TESTING OF COMPOSITE 冲击强度 Impact Strength - Gardner impact tester; examine the contribution of each component in the system 耐温变性 Thermal Shock - dry and wet freeze/thaw cycling (0oF to 140oF) for 60 cycles 水蒸气透过Moisture Vapor Transmission 加速老化Accelerated Weathering Xenon-arc Weather-O-Meter Exposure QUV-A Exposure 户外曝晒实验 Outdoor Static Exposure

AGENDA History, Components, and Market Major Manufacturers in North America Products and Uses Performance Testing 行业协会 Industry Associations

行业协会 Industry Associations EIFS Industry Members Association (EIMA) ICC * Provide Evaluation Reports Consensus Standards * ASTM * ANSI