基于ISI Web of KnowledgeSM平台的INSPEC™ 物理、 电子与电气、计算机与控制工程、信息技术等研究领域的重要数据库


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基于ISI Web of KnowledgeSM平台的INSPEC™ 物理、 电子与电气、计算机与控制工程、信息技术等研究领域的重要数据库 Information Service in Physics, Electro-Technology and Computer & Control A well known and highly respected source of agricultural and applied life science literature ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC概况 INSPEC的英文全称为Information Service in Physics、Electro-Technology、Computer and Control,即英国IEE的物理、电子电气、计算机与控制及信息科学文摘。该数据库每年收录的文摘量超过25万条。其前身为英国《科学文摘》. 包括四大学科: 物理、电子电气、计算机与控制、信息科学。 2003, ISI与IEE合作将INSPEC建立在ISI Web of Knowledge平台上. 收录范围: 1969 至今, 780万条文献记录 3,400 多种系列出版物; 2,000 个会议录以及许多书籍、报告和学位论文等。 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license


A E B C Inspec 数据库内容范畴 Electrical & Electronic Engineering(32%) 电子电机工程学 B Physics 物理(58%) A E Production & Manufacturing Engineering (??) 生产和制造工程学 Computing & Control 计算机和控制工程学 (28%) C Information Technology(8%) 信息技术 D Draw Venn diagram showing 60% of database represented as A section papers, 30% B, 30% C all overlapping and 2% D.

有关物理方面的内容 报道了有关物理学科的各方面内容。它的一级类目内容包括:总论;基本粒子物理学与场论;核物理学;原子与分子物理;基础物理(电磁学、声学、光学、热学、力学、流体动力学等);流体、等离子体和放电;固态物理:非电子(结构、热性质与机械性质);固态物理:电子(电子结构、电、磁和光学性质);交叉学科与相关的领域(材料科学、物理化学、能源和环境科学、生物物理、医学物理);地球物理学;气象学、天文学与天体物理学。   可以说,PA是目前世界上检索有关物理学领域文献的最有用的检索工具之一。

INSPEC 完备的索引体系和检索字段 高质量的专业主题索引:由相关领域的专业人员标引 不仅提供:叙词表( thesaurus )和分类代码(classification code)索引 还提供:非控制词索引,处理编码( treatment codes), 化学物质编码索引(chemical indexing),数值数据索引( numerical data indexing),天文学对象索引(astronomical object indexing) ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

特点: 多种检索途径:普通检索、高级检索、组合检索 互动的检索辅助:直接检索INSPEC叙词表、分类表、来源刊列表,并添加检索词 精确、巧妙地运用:化学物质索引、数值索引、天文学对象索引 连接到全文(适用于全文数据库的同时订户)和图书馆OPAC系统(定制) 连接到ISI Web of Science,ISI Proceedings, Current Contents Connect(适用于同时订户) ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

特点(续) 对于同时在INSPEC和ISI Web of Science中收录的文献,直接从INSPEC的文献记录连接到Cited References, Times Cited和 Related Records (由ISI Web of Science 提供,适用于共同订户) 对于仅在INSPEC中收录的文献,直接连接到Citing Articles 全面支持双向的OPENURL连接 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

优势 通过整合将: INSPEC高质量的分类与主题索引体系、独特的专业索引 ISI引文思想与索引方法 有机结合,形成优势的互补,带来更加强大的信息检索功能 借助Web of Knowledge功能强大的知识服务平台,为INSPEC用户提供易学易用的检索界面; INSPEC独特的而优势的索引功能可以借助Web of Knowledge平台的强大技术得到最充分的应用。

检INSPEC数据库页面及检索方法索方法 使用教程 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment 使用教程 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索方法 普通检索 高级检索 打开检索历史 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC提供的十一个检索字段和三种检索限定 十一个检索字段: Topic Author Source Title Address Controled Index Classification Numerical Data Chemical Astronomical Object Meeting Information Identifying Codes 三种检索限定 Languages Documents types Treatment types

ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC专业的主题检索途径: 控制词表----叙词表 INSPEC专业的分类检索途径: 分类代码 独特的数值索引: 用以限定检索常用物理量数值的大小 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

ISI Web of Knowledgesm 化学物质索引: 为无机化合物和材料物质所建立的控制索引 天文学对象索引: 用户可以检索研究对象的位置、天文对象 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

ISI Web of Knowledgesm “TOPIC”检索是展开检索的最佳起点 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

ISI Web of Knowledgesm ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

ISI Web of Knowledgesm INSPEC 专家所建立的专业标引 利用这些标引进一步深入扩展检索 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

利用INSPEC专业标引所建立的索引,发现相关主题的文献 ISI Web of Knowledgesm 利用INSPEC专业标引所建立的索引,发现相关主题的文献 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

作者检索 西方作者 姓 名首字母 可以利用通配符 * 亚洲人姓名与在源文献中给出的一致 zhao zhong xian 西方作者  姓  名首字母 可以利用通配符 * 亚洲人姓名与在源文献中给出的一致   zhao zhong xian Zhao zhong xian; Zhao zhongxian; zhong xian zhao; zhongxian zhao; zhao z.x.; zhao z.-x.; zhao zx ; zhao z x ; zhongxian z

检索INSPEC 来源表(Source List) 来源检索 检索INSPEC来源 支持所有来源的简单布尔检索 可以检索:词、词组、代码、ISSN/ISBN 了解期刊的相关细节 将所得结果添加到主题检索中,作为检索词 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

(一)检索INSPEC 来源表(Source List) Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索INSPEC 来源表(Source List) 点击“ADD”将感兴趣的来源刊添加到下面的列表中 期刊细节 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment IEEE/ACM Transactions of Networking 点击“OK”将列表中的来源刊添加到检索项中去 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

地址信息检索 采用缩写格式,可以利用缩写词列表 Institute of physics CAS Inst. of Mech., CAS, China ; Inst. of Mech., Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing, China

INSPEC Thesaurus 检索 INSPEC 叙词表(Thesaurus) 控制词表的主题检索 超过16,000多个综合全面的控制词汇 由专业的索引人员标引,并添加到每一篇文献记录 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC 叙词表(Thesaurus) 检索辅助工具的功能 检索叙词表 按照叙词树状层次表浏览INSPEC叙词表 阅读叙词内容 将所得叙词加入检索项中检索 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC 叙词表(Thesaurus) 输入检索词以确定相关叙词的位置 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC叙词表( Thesaurus) 按照树状层次表 浏览叙词表,掌握 相关主题 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索INSPEC叙词表( Thesaurus) Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment 点击 + 展开树状层次 点击 – 合并树状层次 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC叙词表( Thesaurus) 叙词之间的关系及 相关叙词 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC叙词表( Thesaurus) ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

检索 INSPEC叙词表( Thesaurus) ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

(三)检索INSPEC 主题分类表 (Classification) INSPEC 分类编码(Classification codes) 分类编码指出文献所属的学科主题 每一个记录至少有一个分类编码 检索高层级编码并不自动提供其下属的下层级编码 在分类编码中加入 * 将检索所有下层级编码 例如: A28* 将提供所有以 A28开头的编码 The INSPEC Classification - searching cascaded codes by David Rossall, Online Marketing Officer (from INSPEC Matters issue no.75 - September 1993) The upgraded INSPEC 2 version of the Database is available on Data-Star, DIALOG, ESA-IRS and STN. All of these systems have a feature which makes it easy for you to use the INSPEC Classification to search for a broad or narrow subject area within the Database. This is particularly useful if your search includes free language keywords which are also likely to occur in other areas of science and technology, and will therefore lead to the retrieval of irrelevant records. For example, consider a search (on DIALOG) for articles discussing the use of iteration as a software technique. Simply using the single keyword "iteration" retrieves many irrelevant records, and yet the possible additional keyword "program..." is to be avoided because it has alternative meanings such as in the context of television. ?S ITERATION/TI S1 1027 ITERATION/TI ?T Sl/TI,CC/1-3 1/TI,CC/1 Title: Acceleration and filtering in the generalized Landweber iteration using a variable shaping matrix Class Codes: A8760J (Corpuscular radiation and radioisotopes); A8770E (Diagnostic methods and instrumentation) 1/TI,CC/2 Title: Kinetics of two-component condensation during formation of the bulk of the liquid phase. The Kuni-Grinin iteration method Class Codes: A6470F (Liquid-vapour transitions) 1/TI,CC/3 Title: Graph algorithms=iteration+data structures? The structure of graph algorithms and a corresponding style of programming Class Codes: C7310 (mathematics); C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C6120 (File organisation); C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6140D (High level languages) The INSPEC Classification system provides a hierarchical breakdown of the subject coverage of the Database. The full scheme is published in the INSPEC Classification 1992, or you can view it online on DIALOG, ESA-IRS and STN. For example, on DIALOG, having noted that the code C6110 in record 3 above seems relevant, you could look at the Classification in this area with the following command. By including the general code C6000 in the EXPAND command in place of the specific code C6110, you ensure that you will see the whole section: ?E CC=C6000 Ref Items RT Index-term El 193389 CC=C6 E2 420 CC=C60 E3 420 1 *CC=C6000 Computer software E4 192991 CC=C61 E5 2616 7 CC=C6100 Software techniques & systems E6 27775 19 CC=C6110 Systems analysis & programming E7 12320 13 CC=C6110B Software engineering techniques E8 2129 6 CC=C6110J Object-oriented programming E9 1451 3 CC=C6110L Logic programming E10 2294 1 CC=C6110P Parallel programming Ell 14315 13 CC=C6115 Programming support E12 17730 11 CC=C6120 File organisation Enter P or PAGE for more The same command works on ESA-IRS; use E C6000/CC on STN. Thus you could search for articles classified as relevant to logic programming with the command: S CC=C6110L (on DIALOG or ESA-IRS) S C611OL/CC (on STN) C6110L.CC. (on Data-Star) Quite often, on the other hand, you may wish to use a more general code, for example to retrieve all papers discussing software techniques in the above search on iteration. INSPEC classifies papers with the most specific code which describes their subject, so you need to retrieve all papers classified with any code commencing C61... However, because of the cascaded code feature, you do not need to use truncation (which, owing to the large number of index entries and records involved, would mean a lengthy wait for a system response, or an overflow, in many cases). On DIALOG or ESA-IRS, search: ?S Sl AND CC=C61 1027 Si 192991 CC=C61 S2 70 Sl AND CC=C61 ?T S2/6/1-4 2/6/1 04400066 INSPEC Abstract Number: C9306-7310-017 Title: Graph algorithms=iteration+data structures? The structure of graph algorithms and a corresponding style of programming 2/6/2 04342491 INSPEC Abstract Number: C9303-4240-052 Title: Improving the results of static analyses of programs by local decreasing iteration 2/6/3 04340143 INSPEC Abstract Number: C9303-4240-045 Title: Bounded fixed-point iteration 2/6/4 04318678 INSPEC Abstract Number: C9302-615OC-032 Title: Recursion vs. iteration in Prolog The same principle operates at other levels of the Classification, with truncation only being required at the lowest level. Thus, you can use the following commands: Classification sectionDIALOG/ESA-IRSData-StarSTNC (all Computers & Control)S CC=CC#S C/FSC6 (Computer software)S CC=C6C6#S C6/CCC61 (Software techniques...)S CC=C61C61#S C61/CCC6110 without subsectionsS CC=C6110C6110.CC.S C6110/CCC6110 plus subsectionsS CC=C6110?C6110$1.CC.S C6110#/CCC6110L (single subsection)S CC=C6110LC6110L.CC.S C6110L/CC ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 主题分类表 (Classification) 分类系统 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 主题分类表 (Classification) 检索辅助工具的功能 检索INSPEC分类编码系统 浏览INSPEC分类编码系统 阅读分类编码内容 将所得结果加入检索项中,检索INSPEC ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 主题分类表 (Classification) 检索 分类编码内容 按树状结构 阅读分类编码 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment 加入检索项 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 数值数据(Numerical Data) 数值数据索引 为文献中的数值数据所建立的标准化索引 检索某一物理性质的特定数值或数值范围 数值按科学记数法表示:1.8E+04 for 18000, 9.5E-01 for 0.95 物理性质,如频率(frequency), 温度(temperature) 单位应用SI标准单位,如:hertz, Kelvin ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 数值数据(Numerical Data) 数值数据索引 在ISI 平台上,允许用户以整数型、小数型或INSPEC所用的符号来输入数值 检索示例:topic 输入 modem* Numerical Data选择bit rate(bit per second) 在其后的方框中输入:9.6E+04 to 1.0E+05 在ISI平台上: 不需要用户学习复杂的缩写和检索指令,以科学家习惯的方式充分利用INSPEC的数值数据索引 不需要研究首选的物理性质或单位 直接展开数值检索,不需要先检索索引 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 数值数据(Numerical Data) 下拉菜单选择 物理性质 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

(五)INSPEC 化学物质(Chemical) 化学物质索引 为无机化合物和材料物质所建立的控制索引 可以检索有关某一化学元素的所有文献 可以检索某一化学元素作为简单物质、掺杂物(添加物)、某一化合物或合金的组成成分、界面物质的所有文献 Eg: H2SO4, CuSO4, Na2SO4 对容易混淆的化学物质加以区分   Eg: Co/el CO/bin Chemical Indexing by Ray Lewis, Marketing Officer - Electronic Products (from INSPEC Matters issue no.85 - March 1996) It is now almost ten years since the introduction of the Chemical and Numerical indexing fields onto the INSPEC Database. These fields, formulated in cooperation with experts from around the world, have been very well received and an update of some chemical index searching is provided here for anyone not familiar with this powerful search technique. Standard chemical symbols are used for the material as a whole, for its principal components and for their components in turn down to the level of individual elements. Associated with each of these is an indicator describing the role played by the substance or component. The roles are: el - element dop - dopant bin - binary ss - system with three or more elemental components int - interface system sur - surface or substrate ads - adsorbate This breakdown allows searching for exact matches of a substance by using for instance ci=co2 bin or ci=cdhgte ss and also allows searching for groups within a substance (e.g. the sulphates H2SO4, CuSO4 and Na2SO4 can be retrieved along with all other substances containing the sulphate group using the DIALOG search ci=so4 ss). This can be particularly useful when investigating particular properties of specific groups(e.g. luminescence of niobates). The breakdown also allows a compound to be searched for when the order is not always consistent (e.g. GaAlAs or AlGaAs are both retrieved if ci=(Ga ss(s) Al ss (s) As ss) is used). The (s) operator is needed because a single paper may discuss more than one chemical system; in these cases it is necessary to ensure that all the components are part of the same system. In the shown example a search that looked for the components individually or collectively but not including the (s) operator could include indium and aluminium in one compound say, and arsenide in another. My example search was carried out on DIALOG, but the principle would transfer to any system on which INSPEC is available. It considers the use of indium aluminium arsenide semiconductor quantum wells in laser applications. ?s semiconductor quantum wells/de and laser? 11787 SEMICONDUCTOR QUANTUM WELLS/DE (January 1989) 219860 LASER? S1 1532 SEMICONDUCTOR QUANTUM WELLS/DE AND LASER? ?s ci=(in ss(s)al ss(s)as ss) 22681 CI=IN SS 56411 CI=AL SS 36257 CI=AS SS S2 3648 CI=(IN SS(S)AL SS(S)AS SS) ?s s1 and s2 S3 110 S1 AND S2 ?t3/ti,ci/1-2 3/TI,CI/1 DIALOG(R)File 2:(c) 1996 Institution of Electrical Engineers. All rts. reserv. Title: A resonant Raman study on phonons in GaInAs/AlInAs multiple quantum wells Chemical Indexing: GaInAs-AlInAs int - AlInAs int - GaInAs int - Al int - As int - Ga int - In int - AlInAs ss - GaInAs ss - Al ss - As ss - Ga ss - In ss (Elements - 3,3,4) 3/TI,CI/2 DIALOG(R)File 2:(c) 1996 Institution of Electrical Engineers. All rts. reserv. Title: Ultrafast 1.55 mu m photoresponses in low-temperature-grown InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells Chemical Indexing: InGaAs-InAlAs:Be int - InAlAs:Be int - InAlAs int - InGaAs int - Al int - As int - Be int - Ga int - In int - InAlAs:Be ss - InAlAs ss - InGaAs ss - Al ss - As ss - Be ss - Ga ss - In ss - Be el - Be dop (Elements - 3,3,1,4,5) ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 化学物质(Chemical) 输入化学物质名称 下拉菜单选择 该化学物质的 角色 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

(六)其它 INSPEC 专业索引 充分利用其它的INSPEC专业索引 天文学对象索引 用户可以指定研究对象的地理位置、天文对象等 基于文献实验方法而建立的处理编码索引 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

(六) 文献处理代码 处理代码可以帮助读者识别文献内容所涉及的类别和目的. Applications (a) Bibliographic(b) Economic (e) Experimental (x) General or Review (g) New Developments (n) Practical (p) Product Review (r) Theoretical /Mathematical(t): Treatment codes are considered by some to be "the best kept secret" of the INSPEC database. This means that many searchers are not familiar with the codes, but once they are, they realise their great value. A treatment code helps to define what the author s approach was to writing the article. There are choices of nine treatment codes that can be assigned to records by the INSPEC indexer. The nine codes and their common abbreviations are as follows: Applications (a): This code is assigned when a document describes the use or implementation of an instrument, device, etc. Bibliographic/Literature Survey (b): This code is assigned when there are many references that would be useful as a bibliography. Over 50 references is a useful rule of thumb. Economic Aspects/Market Survey (e): This code is assigned to any document that deals with economic or commercial aspects. These include market forecasts, pricing, market trends etc. Experimental (x): This code is assigned to any document which describes an experimental method, observation or result. General or Review (g): This code is assigned to any document that deals with the overall view of a subject, general approaches to a topic, state-of-the-art review, etc. It is particularly useful to researchers who want an overview of a field, when the field is not their own. It is often written in layman s language or in a non-technical way. New Developments (n): This code is assigned to any document covering something new or novel in the patentable sense. It is usually used in conjunction with at least one other code, usually p, x or a. Practical (p): This code is assigned to any document that is of direct practical use. It is likely to be of interest in particular to engineering and design staff. Product Review (r): This code was first introduced in 1985. It is used for product comparisons and includes product comparison tables or buyers guides. It is used in conjunction with the practical treatment code. Theoretical (t): This code is assigned to theoretical or mathematical papers. Treatment codes are subjective and it is recommended that they be incorporated at the end of your search when results need to be limited to a specific aspect. It is possible for records to be assigned to more than one treatment code, although in practice the number of codes assigned is unlikely to be more than three. Some records are not assigned treatment codes, most notably conference proceedings, as they cover a number of different aspects. However, if a conference paper from a particular proceedings is covered, it is assigned treatment codes. Example Searches My example searches (see below) have been carried out on the Dialog interface, although the same principle would apply to any system on which INSPEC is available. The first example shows a search for any new developments in semiconductor lasers (contains three treatment codes). The second example shows a general or review paper on automotive electronics. Also take note that both searches have retrieved results from conference papers that do include treatment codes. Further information regarding Treatment Codes is available.Alternatively, if you need direct assistance with searching using Treatment codes, please contact:For those outside the Americas Eva Dimmock E-mail: edimmock@iee.org.uk Tel: + 44 (0) 1438 767296For those in the Americas Dana Picazio E-mail: dpicazio@inspecinc.com Tel: + 1 (732) 321-5579 ext. 204 Example #1 (abridged record) 1.) s semiconductor lasers/de S1 16015 SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS/DE s s1 and tc=n 16015 S1 110301 TC=N S2 633 S1 AND TC=N Title: Diode-pumped broadband vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting semiconductor lasers. Design and applications Document Type: Conference Paper (PA) Treatment: Applications (A); New Developments (N); Experimental (X) Abstract: Summary form only given. We report the demonstration of high output power (>1 W), single frequency and ultra-short pulse operation (<5ps) of a newly developed Diode-Pumped broadband Multiple-Quantum-Well Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting semiconductor Laser (DP-VECSEL). ....We also demonstrate, ..., high sensitivity Intra-Cavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (ICLAS) with a DP-VECSEL. ....For this application, the spectro-temporal dynamics of the DP-VECSEL has been studied in the time range from a few microseconds to about one second. (2 Refs) Example #2 (abridged record) 2.). s automotive electronics/de SI 3574 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS/DE s s1 and tc=g 3574 SI 448743 TC=G S2 344 S1 AND TC=G Title: Current trends in the design of automotive electronic systems Document Type: Conference Paper (PA) Treatment: General, Review (G), Practical (P) Abstract: Today s situation in this field is characterized by three distinct development phases: First, the analysis and design of functionality....Second, the implementation of a prototype system....The third...step comprises the calibration and fine-tuning of algorithms and their parameters,.... There is no support for multiple interconnected electronic control units.... there is a large gap between the properties of a virtual car and the behavior of the real vehicle....In the future, the picture outlined above will change remarkably....the entire development process will be shifted to the desk with no need for costly,risky, and error-prone experiments with prototype engines or vehicles. (0 Refs) Links Helpdesk ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license


Web of Knowledge 平台为INSPEC提供更多的附加价值 连接到参考文献(cited refs)、施引文献(citing article)、相关文献(related records); 通过Web of Knowledge平台强大的连接功能,将INSPEC的检索结果连接到全文(full text)、馆藏OPAC系统以及OPENURL; 对于同时使用Web of Knowledge其他数据库的用户,可以进行相关产品的连接如web of science、current contents connect、proceedings 跨库检索和联合检索功能:可以检索ISI自身数据库和外部数据库; 面向个人用户的定题服务和个性化定制。

Web of Knowledge 平台数据库相应记录的浏览 (Share Record) 标记 在INSPEC中直接浏览引文索引记录 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

连接到: 电子版全文 Web of Science® CC Connect® ISI ProceedingsSM SFX(OPENURL) 馆藏OPAC系统 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC via ISI 连接到: Cited Refs 参考文献 Citing Articles 施引文献 Related Records® 相关文献 Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

对于仅被INSPEC收录的文献,直接检索其被引用的次数及其施引文献(被引文献检索)! 进一步的发展 -- 对于仅被INSPEC收录的文献,直接检索其被引用的次数及其施引文献(被引文献检索)! Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

Control bar indicates this is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge environment ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

INSPEC 全记录 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

同时订户还可跨库检索ISI的其它资源 跨库检索: 17,290 期刊 12,000多种会议录 2,000多万个专利 … A content source, no matter how targeted and relevant in scope and content, is useless if it does not provide the means by which to quickly and efficiently use, analyze, and manage the information it provides. Over the past 40 years many of the tools available within individual ISI resources have been widely used by researchers as a natural part of the research process. These tools include cited reference searching (through the ISI Web of Science), alerting (through ISI Current Contents Connect® [CCConnect®]), citation-based performance measures (through the ISI Journal Citation Reports® and ISI® Essential Science Indicators), and personal bibliographic management (through EndNote®, ProCite®, and Reference Manager®). The ISI Web of Knowledge platform now takes these tools to the next level, offering them within an integrated environment. In addition, the modular infrastructure developed by ISI over the past three years allows the integration of new technologies directly into the platform as soon as they become available. The first of these new technologies to be embraced by ISI is MuscatDiscovery™ from Smartlogik™, offering a probabilistic model for searching both structured and unstructured information within the ISI Web of Knowledge platform. The result is the availability of cross-content "concept" searching through a new interface called ISI CrossSearch, and a "behind-the-scenes" search mechanism for Web documents through ISI eSearch.

机构的 “external collections” 选项 联合检索外部资源 机构的 “external collections” 选项 在此 免费的学术信息资源 可选的、为机构所定制的其它信息资源 “WebFeat Prism”

全文连接的合作伙伴 Kluwer Academic Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins -coming Nature Publishing Group Royal Society of Chemistry SciElo - In testing SIAM Society for Endocrinology Springer-Verlag Wiley FORTHCOMING PARTNERS Cambridge University Press OCLC Academic Press American Institute of Physics American Physical Society Blackwell Science CatchWord, Ltd. EBSCO Elsevier /Science Direct - only in WoS Science/Highwire Press Karger IEEE We are partnering with all major publishers of scholarly journals. This list will continue to grow, links to the full-text are an important feature of the ISI Web of Knowledge.

Web of Knowledge 2.0: 个性化和定题快讯 可选的个人登录 sign-in 允许用户自定义

Web of Knowledge 2.0: 个性化与定题快讯 选择你的起始主页 在一个统一的地方管理你所有的检索策略和定题服务 CC Connect 的用户还可以定义和直接浏览 “my journal list”

小结: 友好的用户界面 强大有效的检索方式 每周更新,CERNET专线服务 平台提供所有INSPEC专业索引及其检索辅助 INSPEC叙词表、INSPEC主题分类索引 INSPEC化学物质索引、天文学对象索引、处理编码等 通过Web of Knowledge平台强大的连接功能,将INSPEC的检索结果连接到全文(full text)、馆藏OPAC系统以及OPENURL,最大限度地 帮助读者获取原始文献; ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

小结: Web of Knowledge平台为用户提供易用而完善的服务,跨库检索和联合检索功能可以一次完成对多个数据库的同时检索,定题服务和个性化定制面向个人用户,加速了检索与获取个人需求信息的速度。 对于同时使用Web of Knowledge其他数据库的用户,可以进行相关产品的连接如web of science、current contents connect、proceedings等,从而由一条记录获得更多的相关信息。 对于同时订购了Web of Science的用户,更可以连接到参考文献(cited refs)、施引文献(citing article)、相关文献(related records),将由主题或分类方式得到的点状检索结果通过引文方式扩展为相关的结果链,获取全面的检索结果。 ISI products are registered trademarks and service marks used under license

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