英美法導論 楊智傑老師.


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Presentation transcript:

英美法導論 楊智傑老師

上課方式 挑選中文教材,以利學生閱讀複習 老師上課講解重要概念 搭配講解重要法律英文名詞 挑選英文佳句進行講解 鼓勵學生分組報告單元,報告者期末分數加十分

成績評定 不定時小考或點名,佔40% 期中考,佔30% 期末考,佔30% 考試內容為上課所講解之專有名詞翻譯,或句子翻譯 期末將總計所有小考或點名次數,例如若小考加點名共10次,則一次10分(小考則以實際取得分數為準),計算平時成績 期中考,佔30% 考試內容同小考內容,小考考過題目將重複於期中考、期末考出現 期末考,佔30% 同上

國家 英美法國家 Australia, UK, Ireland, Hong Kong, USA (except Louisiana), Canada (except Québec), Pakistan, India, Malaysia 大陸法國家 All European Union states except UK (excluding Scotland) and Ireland, Brazil, Canada (Québec only), China, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA (Louisiana only)

法系Legal system 大陸法系 Continental, Romano-Germanic 大陸法系 Civil law市民法系 Statutes/legislation制定法/法律 Written laws or acts成文法或法案 Civil law (or civilian law) is a legal system inspired by Roman law, the primary feature of which is that laws are written into a collection, codified, and not (as in common law) determined by judges

英美法系 Anglo-American law 英美法 Common law普通法 Case law案例法 Judge-made law法官造法 Precedents判決先例

英美法的定義 Common law, also known as case law or precedent, is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action. 普通法,又稱為案例法或判決先例,是由法官透過法院或類似審判之判決所發展出來的法,而非透過國會之制定法或行政部門之行為(所發展的法)

英美法的特色 Lawyers:Control courtroom當事人進行主義 Judges‘ qualifications:Experienced lawyers法官由資深律師選任 Juries(陪審團):Provided at trial level

法院如何遵守判例或創造新判例 If a similar dispute has been resolved in the past, the court is bound to follow the reasoning used in the prior decision (this principle is known as stare decisis). 如果同樣的爭議在過去已經被解決過,有院有義務遵守過去判決所使用的論理(此原則稱為判決先例拘束原則)

可否創造新判例 If, however, the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from all previous cases (called a "matter of first impression"), judges have the authority and duty to make law by creating precedent. 然而,如果法院發現現在的爭議根本上不同於過去的案例(稱文第一次印象之議題),法官有權且有義務創造判例而造法

死刑 death penalty Capital punishment Jury 陪審團 Supreme Court最高法院 Unconstitutional 違憲 cruel and unusual punishments殘忍及不正常之處罰

最高法院認為死刑違憲 Capital punishment was suspended(暫停) in the United States from 1972 through 1976 primarily as a result of the Supreme Court's decision in Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).

Furman v. Georgia案 the court found the imposition of the death penalty in a consolidated group of cases to be unconstitutional(違憲), on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the eighth amendment to the United States Constitution.

又承認死刑合憲 In 1976, the Court decided Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976) and upheld a procedure in which the trial of capital crimes was bifurcated(分階段) into guilt-innocence(有罪/無罪)and sentencing phases(量刑階段).

禁止死刑的類型 Mentally retarded精神障礙或弱智者 Juveniles未成年 不斷變動的文明標準 Evolving standards of decency

16歲以下不得處死刑 A 1988 Supreme Court decision Thompson v. Oklahoma barred execution (處死刑) of offenders(犯罪者) under the age of 16. In 1989, another case, Stanford v. Kentucky upheld the possibility of capital punishment for offenders who were 16 or 17 years old when they committed(犯下) the capital offense(死刑之犯罪).

2005年提高為18歲 The Supreme Court, considering the case Roper v. Simmons, in March 2005, found execution(處死刑) of juvenile offenders unconstitutional by a 5–4 margin, effectively raising the minimum permissible age to 18.

精神障礙mentally retarded the Supreme Court case of Atkins v. Virginia, decided June 20, 2002,held that executions of mentally retarded criminals(犯罪者) are "cruel and unusual punishments" prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.

一級謀殺與二級謀殺 First degree murder Second degree murder 「非預謀殺人罪」 (manslaughter)

一級謀殺 依據美國刑法典之規範,出於故意不法殺害人命即是謀殺,毒殺、惡意遺棄、或其他任何故意、預謀殺人行為,及其他犯重罪時之殺人行為被歸類為「一級謀殺罪」 (murder in the first degree),除一級謀殺罪所列重罪以外之故意殺人行為則被評價為「二級謀殺罪」(murder in the second degree)。

梅根法 Megan‘s Law is an informal name for laws in the United States requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders(性犯罪者).

美國憲法第一條第九項 禁止事後處罰ex post facto clause 溯及既往retroactive No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed(不得通過任何剝奪公權及溯及既往之法律)

阿拉斯加州案例 In the Alaska case of Smith vs. Doe, the court ruled 6-3 in favor of upholding(支持) a retroactive law requiring that convicted sex offenders be registered. The two men who challenged that law--who had served time and had been released(釋放) for sex offenses--said the retroactive application of the law was illegal(違法的). But Justices(大法官) rejected that argument and ruled that the law was nor excessive.

康乃狄克州案例 Connecticut‘s Web site included information about offenders convicted of murder(謀殺), rape(強暴), indecent exposure(暴露), and consensual sex with underage partners(與未成年人合意性交).

康乃狄克州案例 In the case of Connecticut of Public Safety vs. Doe, the court ruled unanimously(全體一致) in favor of Connecticut‘s right to publish names, photographs, and other details about convicted(定罪的) sex offenders online without giving offenders the opportunity to argue whether or not they are still dangerous.