Messages to the rest of the three churches 给其余三个教会的信息


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Presentation transcript:

Messages to the rest of the three churches 给其余三个教会的信息 It plays safe to be an open door church (soul winning church) 传福音的教会是安全的

Open Share my experience in seeing Korea’s mega churches. 分享我在韩国参观教会的经历。

Dig Key verses: Rev 3:6, 13 and 22. 关键章节:启示录 3:6, 13 和22. Read chapter 3读第三章 What’s the name of this church? Sardis. 这个教会叫什么? 撒狄。 Where is it? What’s significant about this place? 它在哪里? 这个地方有何重要意义? What is Christ described as? holding God’s 7 spirits and the 7 stars. 此处怎样描述基督?有神的七星和七灵。 What are the 7 Spirits ?The 7 Spirits, as we see in Rev5:6, are sent to all the earth and calling the saints. 什么是七灵?七灵, 如我们在启示录5:6看到的, 是奉差遣往普天下去招圣人的。 What’s wrong with this church? Alive but dead. 这个教会有什么做得不对? 按名是活的, 其实是死的。

Dig continued.. What do they suppose to do? Wake up, strengthen what remains. 他们本应该怎么做? 儆醒, 坚固那剩下的。 Why? Their deeds are not complete. 为什么? 他们的行为不完全。 What else do they need to do? Remember what heard, obey and repent. 他们还需做什么?回想他们听见的, 要遵守, 悔改。 If not, what will happen? As thief he will come. 如果他们不做会怎样? 他必临到,如同贼一样. In spite of this, what’s described to some in this church? Not soiled their clothes, walk, dressed in white. 尽管如此, 书中是怎样描述教会中的(另)一些人的? 未曾污秽自己衣服, 穿白衣(与我)同行。

Dig continued.. What’s the promise to those who overcome? Dressed in white and names in the book of life. (read Rev 20:11-15) 凡得胜的, 基督对他们的承诺是什么?穿白衣, 名字写入生命册。(读启示录 20:11-25) What else other than that? acknowledging. 还有什么? 承认。 So, what’s Sardis church? Living dead church 怎样形容撒狄教会?按名是活的, 其实是死的教会。

Dig continued.. What’s meant by Philadelphia? 非拉铁非的意思是什么? Where and what’s it today? 它在今天的什么地方? How is Christ described as? Holy, true and David’s key. 此处是怎样描述基督的?圣洁、真实, 拿着大卫的钥匙. What’s significant about him holding the key? Isa 22:22 and Matthew 16:19. 拿着的钥匙的意义是什么? 以赛亚书22:22 ,马太福音16:19。 What’s Christ authority? Open door 基督的职权是什么? 开门。 What’s the open door? Open to Jerusalem Rev 3:12, a guarantee of salvation 开什么门? 通往耶路撒冷。启示录Rev 3:12, 救赎的保证。

Dig continued.. What does the Lord say about their strength? Little but keep his word 主怎样形容非拉铁非教会的力量? 不多,但遵守他的道。 So, even they have a little strength (little power), they keep the Lord’s promise (word). 因此, 即使他们只有一点力量, 他们还是遵守主的道. What’s the Lord going to do with the bogus Jews? Liars, fall at your feet and acknowledge. The Lord will make them worship the Lord eventually. 主要怎样对待假的犹太人?说谎话的,在你脚前下拜,而且会明白。主会使他们最终敬拜他。

Dig continued.. What’s the Lord promise to them when they face trials like the rest of us? Keep them from the hour of trial. 当他们面对试炼时,主对他们,和对我们一样, 有什么应许? 保守他们免去试炼。 What’s the promise to them when he comes? An incorruptible crown. 当主回来时, 对他们有什么应许?永不衰残的冠冕。 What else will he do to the church? Pillar in God’s temple (monument) 他还对教会应许什么? 神殿中的柱子.(纪念碑)。 What other things are promised to them? God’s name, the God’s city name in new Jerusalem and his new name. Read Rev 21:10 –27 其他还有什么应许? 神的名, 神城新耶路撒冷的名, 和他的新名. 读启示录21:10-27. So, what’s the church of Philadelphia called? A church of the open door. 怎样形容非拉铁非教会? 有敞开的门(传福音)的教会.

Dig continued.. Where’s the Laodicea? 老底嘉在那里? What’s significant about it? 它有什么特点? What’s Christ described as? The Amen, fruitful, true witness and God’s creation ruler. 此处怎样描述基督的? 阿们的, 多结果子的, 为诚信真实见证的,及在神创造万物之上为元首的。 What’s wrong with this church? Lukewarm. 这个教会有什么不对的地方? 不冷不热的. What’s the Lord trying to do to it? Spit 主要怎样对它? 吐出去.

Dig continued.. What other things are this church having trouble with? Denial. 这个教会还有什么其他问题? 拒绝。 What’s the Lord suggestion for this church? Counsel, buy and salve. 主有什么建议给这个教会? 劝告,买和涂药。 What does the Lord remind them? love and discipline. 主还提醒他们什么? 爱和管教。 What should their response be? Earnest, repent. 他们应怎样回应? 热心, 悔改。

Dig continued.. How’s the Lord doing to them now? Stand, knock. 主怎样对他们? 站在门外, 敲门。 What should they do right the way? Open, let him in and he’ll sup. 他们的正确做法应是什么? 开门,让他进来,与他一同坐席。 What’s the promise that the Lord will give to them if they overcome? Right to the Lord and the Almighty. 如果他们得胜, 主对他们的赏赐是什么? 与主同坐。 So, what’s the other name of this church? A lukewarm church 这个教会另一个名字是什么? 不冷不热的教会。




Church’s name Christ described as Do good at Do wrong at Action Items Reward Ephesus Holding x7 stars and walking in x7 lampstands Hardwork, perseverance, can’t tolerate wicked man and false apostle. Endure hardship during persecution for Christ. Hate Nicolaitans’ teaching. Forsaking first love Remember where they fall, repent and doing the first things, so that lampstand won’t be removed Right to the tree of life Smyrna First and last, resurrected Afflicted, poor, being persecuted by bogus Jews and some in Jail for ten days n/a Be faithful to death Crown of life Pergamum Mouth with x2 edged sword Living in Satan’s dent, yet remain faithful and even faithful Antipas was put to death, they won’t change. Accept Balaam and Nicolatians teachings Be alert of Christ’s coming and use his x2 edged sword to fight against the unrepented Hidden manna and white stones

Thyatira With blazing fire eyes and burnish bronze feet Love and faithfulness, service and perseverance, doing more than at first Tolerate Jezebel’s teaching Know God will repay to those who practice it, together with the unrepented hearts, He will strike dead to them and so stay away from the teaching and hold on to Christ until He comes. Rule nations with Christ, plus getting morning stars. Sardis X7 God’s Spirits and x7 Stars n/a Living dead Wake up, strengthen what’s left, remember what we heard, obey and repent, watch for the Lord’s coming as a thief, keep a holy living via white clothes Rewarded with white robes, name in the book of life, Christ will acknowledge their names before the Father Philadelphia Holy, true and holding David’s key Little strength, yet keep God’s word, undenying him, going through bogus Jewish sufferings and common trials, yet remain faithful Hold on to whatever they’ve in Christ. Incorruptible crown, pillar in God’s temple, rights to enter new Jerusalem, plus God’s name and new names for them Laodicea The fruitful, true witness, ruler of God’s creation Lukewarm Counsel to buy gold refined, salve to “see” shamefulness, knowing God’s discipline, Earnest to repent and respond to Christ’s calling Will sit to the right of Christ and the Almighty.

We want to adapt Smyrna and Philadelphia churches Both churches seem not to have any issues in the wrong doing. They are Smyrna’s suffering church and Philadelphia’s open door church. 两个教会似乎都没做错什么。 他们是士每拿患难的教会和非拉铁非传福音的教会。 Suffering is good: James 1:2 – 4. 患难是福。 雅各书1:2-4。 Soul winning is important: Isa 52:7 传福音很重要。 以赛亚书 52:7