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Presentation transcript:


耶穌解釋宣教的需要 馬太福音 9:35 耶穌走遍各城各鄉、在會堂裡教訓人、宣講天國的福音、又醫治各樣的病症。36 他看見許多的人、就憐憫他們.因為他們困苦流離、如同羊沒有牧人一般。37 於是對門徒說、要收的莊稼多、作工的人少.38 所以你們當求莊稼的主、打發工人出去、收他的莊稼。

I. 耶穌基督的服侍 耶穌走遍各城各鄉。爲什麽? 羅馬書 3:25  神設立耶穌作挽回祭、是憑著耶穌的血、藉著人的信、要顯明 神的義.因為他用忍耐的心、寬容人先時所犯的罪.26 好在今時顯明他的義、使人知道他自己為義、也稱信耶穌的人為義。 馬太福音 5:17 莫想我來要廢掉律法和先知.我來不是要廢掉、乃是要成全。 約翰福音 17:4 我在地上已經榮耀你、你所託付我的事、我已成全了。 約翰一書 3:8  神的兒子顯現出來、為要除滅魔鬼的作為。 Romans 3:25-26 God put [Christ] forward . . . to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness . . . so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

路加福音 19:10 人子來、為要尋找拯救失喪的人。 提摩太前書 1:15 基督耶穌降世、為要拯救罪人.這話是可信的、是十分可佩服的.在罪人中我是個罪魁。 馬可福音 10:45 因為人子來、並不是要受人的服事、乃是要服事人、並且要捨命、作多人的贖價。 約翰 10:10 盜賊來、無非要偷竊、殺害、毀壞.我來了、是要叫羊〔或作人〕得生命、並且得的更豐盛。 John 9:39 And Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind" Luke 19:10 Jesus said, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." 1 Timothy 1:15 "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." Mark 10:45 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." John 10:10 Jesus said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

The Laboring Crew Paul W. Powell, in The Complete Disciple, described this condition: "Many churches today remind me of a laboring crew trying to gather in a harvest while they sit in the tool shed. They go to the tool shed every Sunday and they study bigger and better methods of agriculture, sharpen their hoes, grease their tractors, and then get up and go home. Then they come back that night, study bigger and better methods of agriculture, sharpen their hoes, grease their tractors, and go home again. They comeback Wednesday night, and again study bigger and better methods of agriculture, sharpen their hoes, grease their tractors, and get up and go home. They do this week in and week out, year in and year out, and nobody ever goes out into the fields to gather in the harvest. Paul W. Powell, in The Complete Disciple

走遍各城各鄉 耶穌也去小地方。 馬太福音 4:23 耶穌走遍加利利、在各會堂裡教訓人、傳天國的福音、醫治百姓各樣的病症。 埃提阿伯 太監 (徒8:27)

在會堂裡教訓人 路加福音 4:14 耶穌滿有聖靈的能力回到加利利、他的名聲就傳遍了四方。15 他在各會堂裡教訓人、眾人都稱讚他。

宣講天國的福音 耶穌服侍的模範 馬太4:23 耶穌走遍加利利、在各會堂裡教訓人、傳天國的福音、醫治百姓各樣的病症。 太 5-7 章 教順 太 5-7 章 教順 傳天國的福音 太 8-9 章 醫治 醫治百姓各樣的病症。

神國的記號 趕鬼 神蹟 不是人道主義的憐憫別人的行爲 會模範救贖的活動 會宣佈一個新的釋放 Not humanitarian acts of compassion Models with a view to redemptive activity Announcing a new exodus

1. 趕鬼 耶穌趕鬼是爲了宣告神國的來臨 太 12:28 我若靠著 神的靈趕鬼、這就是 神的國臨到你們了。 耶穌趕鬼是爲了宣告神國的來臨 太 12:28 我若靠著 神的靈趕鬼、這就是 神的國臨到你們了。 耶穌趕鬼也是爲了彰顯神的國度的大能 路 11:20 我若靠著 神的能力趕鬼、這就是 神的國臨到你們了。 c) 趕鬼是耶穌基督很重要的服侍部分,祂最後的目標是他最後去耶路撒冷的路程 路 13:32 耶穌說、你們去告訴那個狐狸說、今天明天我趕鬼治病、第三天我的事就成全了。 Announcing the Kingdom Arthur F. Glasser Baker Book House 2003 Grand Rapids, p. 188. This phase “the finger of God” was what the Egyptian magicians said when they could not account for the disasters that fell on Egypt through Moses’ confrontation of Pharaoh (Exodus 8:19). Those signs achieved then “by the finger of God” were preliminary demonstrations of the power of God that eventuated in the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Here Jesus saw his works of exorcism as the Kingdom’s preliminary assault on the power of evil in the land. At the cross he would fight these powers to the finish and thereby pasve the way for the final exodus: eschatological redemption. Announcing the Kingdom Arthur F. Glasser Baker Book House 2003 Grand Rapids, p. 188. a) Exorcisms performed to announce the coming of God’s kingdom. Matthew 12:28 But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. b) Exorcisms performed to demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of God. Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. Exodus 8:19 The magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the LORD had said. c) Exorcisms were an integral part of Christ’s ministry, the goal of which was His last fateful trip to Jerusalem. Lk. 13:32 He replied, “Go tell that fox, `I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ Lk. 13:10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, Lk. 13:11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. Lk. 13:12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Lk. 13:13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. Lk. 13:14 Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue ruler said to the people, “There are six days for work. So come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath.” Lk. 13:15 The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? Lk. 13:16 Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?” Lk. 13:17 When he said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing. Lk. 13:18 Then Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to?

2.神蹟 跟大自然有關 肉體方面 趕鬼方面 水變成酒 約 2:1-11 醫治好大臣之子 約 4:46-54 醫治了加大拉被鬼附的人 水變成酒 約 2:1-11 醫治好大臣之子 約 4:46-54 醫治了加大拉被鬼附的人 可 5:1-20太8:28-34 給5000人吃飽飯 太 14:15-21 醫治伯塞大的瞎子 可8:22-26 醫治被鬼附的孩子 太 17:14-20 使暴風雨安靜 太8:23-27 醫治生來瞎眼的人 約 9:1-41 醫治又瞎又啞的人 太 12:22 在水面上走路 太 14:22-33 叫拉撒路復活 約 11:1-45 醫治一位被啞巴鬼所附的人 太 9:32-34 魚口中有稅 太 17:24-27 睚魯 得女兒 太 9:18-26 醫治駝背18年的女人 路 13:10-17 給4000 人吃飽飯 太 15:32-39 醫治畢士大的癱患者 約 5:1-18 醫治在會堂裏被汚鬼所附的人 可1:23-27 耶穌使無花果樹枯乾 太21:17-22 醫治患12年的血漏病的婦人 太 9:20-22

神蹟 (繼續) 跟大自然有關 肉體方面 魚裝滿兩個船 路5:1-11 耶穌醫治攤子 太 9:1-8 醫治百夫長的僕人 太 8:5-13 約二 21:1-14 耶穌醫治長麻風病的人 太 8:1-4 叫拿因的寡婦的兒子復活 路 7:11-16 耶穌醫治彼得的岳母 太 8:14-17 醫治大祭司的僕人的耳朵 路 22:49-51 耶穌復原枯乾的手 太 12:9-14 醫治十位麻風病的人 路17:11-19 耶穌醫治了兩個瞎子 太 20:29-34 耶穌醫治啞巴 可 7:31-37 耶穌醫治bartemiau

耶穌對他說、女兒、你的信救了你、平平安安的回去罷 耶穌發命醫治病 經文 得醫治的人 耶穌説的話 可 1:21-25 被污鬼附著 的人 不要作聲、從這人身上出來罷。 可 1:40-45 長麻風病的人 “你潔淨了罷 ! 可 2:1-12 癱子 小子、你的罪赦了 可 5:1-12 我名叫群、因為我們多的緣故 耶穌准了他們.污鬼就出來 可 5:21-43 有一個女人、患了十二年的血漏 耶穌對他說、女兒、你的信救了你、平平安安的回去罷

耶穌發命醫治病 經文 得醫治的人 耶穌説的話 大利大吉米.繙出來、就是說、閏女、我吩咐你起來。 可 5:21-43 耶穌教死掉的姑娘復活 可 7:31-37 醫治又耳聾又啞巴的人 以法大、就是說、開了罷。 可 9:14-32 醫治有邪靈的男孩 你這聾啞的鬼、我吩咐你從他裡頭出來、再不要進去 可 10:46-52 醫治巴底買 耶穌說、你去罷.你的信救了你了 Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road, Dudley Woodberry ed. Pasadena, CA 1989 Zwemer Institute of Muslim Studies, p. 136-137.

馬太福音 8:11 我又告訴你們、從東從西、將有許多人來、在天國裡與亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、一同坐席. 神國的分子 神的國度超越萬國也邀請萬國進到它的裏面。 馬太福音 8:11 我又告訴你們、從東從西、將有許多人來、在天國裡與亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、一同坐席. John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith and Justice Anderson Missiology. Nashville TN 1998 Broadman and Holman, p. 68. The “kingdom” stands above all other kingdoms and invites the nations to join under its banner:

神的國度需要萬國和萬民加入它才能完成它的目標 馬太福音 24:14 這天國的福音、要傳遍天下、對萬民作見證、然後末期纔來到。 但以理書 2:34-35 你觀看、見有一塊非人手鑿出來的石頭、打在這像半鐵半泥的腳上、把腳砸碎、於是金、銀、銅、鐵、泥、都一同砸得粉碎、成如夏天禾場上的糠秕、被風吹散、無處可尋.打碎這像的石頭、變成一座大山、充滿天下。 The kingdom will never accomplish its goal without including all “nations,” or “peoples,” Dan 2:44 當那列王在位的時候、天上的 神必另立一國、永不敗壞、也不歸別國的人、卻要打碎滅絕那一切國、這國必存到永遠。 Dan 2:45 你既看見非人手鑿出來的一塊石頭、從山而出、打碎金、銀、銅、鐵、泥、那就是至大的 神把後來必有的事給王指明.這夢準是這樣、這講解也是確實的。

II. 基督的心態 What We See Makes a Difference It makes a difference what we see when we are confronted by people. Matthew relates how Jesus had been “going about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness” (9:35 NASV). And then Matthew makes this significant observation: “Seeing the multitudes, (Jesus) felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (9:36-38). Jesus saw people. The disciples saw people. Jesus saw shepherdless sheep. The disciples saw only people. Jesus saw a harvest. The disciples saw merely people. There are more Christians today than ever before in history. There are more people who have never heard of Christ in culturally perceptible terms than ever before in history. There are more people in the world than ever before in history. World population stands at an estimated 4.5 billion people. To grasp something of the immensity of that number, Ronald Blue, writing in Bibliotheca Sacra, suggests that we think of 1 billion in terms of time: “One billion days ago the earth may not yet have been created. One billion hours ago Genesis had not yet been written. One billion minutes ago Christ was still on earth.” Of those 4.5 billion people inhabiting earth today, Walbert Buhlmann, in The Coming of the Third Church, estimates that one-third call themselves Christian, one-third are unresponsive to the Gospel and the remaining one-third have never heard the name of Christ. There are millions of people who could hear if the church around the world would reach out in it geographic, linguistic, cultural community. But over one-half the world’s population will hear of Christ only as the church crosses linguistic and cultural boundaries to present Him. Source unknown

耶穌看人跟門徒不一樣 耶穌 門徒 人們 沒有牧者的小羊 可以收成的莊田

宣教工作情況 Joshua Project and Operation World. The second image also shows the disproportionate amount of missionary activity to Christians versus the unevangelized. Joshua Project and Operation World.

Joshua Project and Operation World. The first image shows the lack of missionaries in the world where they are most unreached and unevangelized. Joshua Project and Operation World.

世界人口 根據美國人口普查機構的調查顯示,全世界的人口數在2009年3月31日時,已近67.7亿 07/01/10 6,845,146,634 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base. http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/popclockworld.html http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop

III. 基督的做法 耶穌基督告訴他的門徒這個需要是很大的。 因為他們困苦流離 如同羊沒有牧人一般 就憐憫他們

所以你們當求莊稼的主 Ask the Lord of the Harvest 這是爲什麽祂是莊稼的主 因爲: 彼得後書 3:9 主所應許的尚未成就、有人以為他是耽延.其實不是耽延、乃是寬容你們、不願有一人沉淪、乃願人人都悔改。 提摩太前書 2:4 他願意萬人得救、明白真道.

使徒行傳宣教歷史簡介 教會的大事 經文 聖靈的工作 1。教會的開始 使徒行傳2:1-4 聖靈充滿教會 2。教會發展的方向 使徒行傳13:1-4 宣教士們被差遣出去 3。福音到地極 使徒行傳16: 馬其頓的呼召

IV 耶穌基督的信息 要收的莊稼多;很多人在等候救恩。 作工的人少;宣教士們太少。

耶穌的門徒要知道如何投資他們的生命 門徒 本行 彼得 漁夫 約翰 雅各 拿但業 義人 利未 稅利 西面 奮銳黨 Peter John and James fishing Nathaniel a righteous man Levi tax collector Simon and judas zealot. 馬可福音10:29 耶穌說、我實在告訴你們、人為我和福音、撇下房屋、或是弟兄、姐妹、父母、兒女、田地。30 沒有不在今世得百倍的、就是房屋、弟兄、姐妹、母親、兒女、田地、並且要受逼迫.在來世必得永生。