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Presentation transcript:

Amazing Grace奇異恩典  Chris Tomlin | John Newton | Louie Giglio Amazing grace how sweet the sound 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 That saved a wretch like me 我罪巳得赦免 I once was lost but now I'm found 前我失喪 今被尋回 Was blind but now I see 瞎眼今得看見

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear 如 此恩典 使我敬畏 And grace my fears relieved 使我心得安慰 How precious did that grace appear 初信之時 即蒙恩惠 The hour I first believed 真是何等寶貴 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 Chorus My chains are gone I've been set free 不再有綑綁 我已得釋放 My God my Savior has ransomed me 我救主耶 穌 已付代價 And like a flood His mercy reigns 豐富恩典 今充滿我 Unending love amazing grace 永恆的愛 奇異恩典 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 The Lord has promised good to me 我主應許 美好無比 His word my hope secures 盼望永不失去 He will my shield and portion be 有主做為盾牌 福份  As long as life endures 我心不再畏懼 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow 天地都會 漸漸廢去 The sun forbear to shine 但我主永常存 But God who called me here below 我的生命 有主看顧 Will be forever mine 我永遠屬於你 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

Holy is the Lord 聖潔歸我主 Holy is the Lord 聖潔歸我主 Holy is the Lord 聖潔歸我主 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Chris Tomlin | Isaac Watts | J. D. Walt | Jesse Reeves | Lowell Mason When I survey the wondrous cross 當我思量奇妙十架 On which the Prince of Glory died 榮耀之主在上懸掛 My richest gain I count but loss 平生所珍頓看有損 And pour contempt on all my pride 昔日所誇今覺鄙下 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 See from his head, his hands, his feet 試看主頭、主足、主手 Sorrow and love flow mingled down 慈愛憂愁和血而流 Did ever such love and sorrow meet 如此愛、憂自古焉有 Or thorns compose so rich a crown 荊棘反成榮耀冕旒 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 O the wonderful cross, 哦主奇妙十架 O the wonderful cross 哦主奇妙十架 Bids me come and die 甘願同受死 and find that I may truly live 去得著真正生命 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

All Right Reserved CCLI 246760 O the wonderful cross, 哦主奇妙十架 O the wonderful cross 哦主奇妙十架 All who gather here 聖徒蒙救恩 by grace draw near and bless Your name 聚此來頌揚主聖名 All Right Reserved CCLI 246760

Were the whole realm of nature mine 若得萬物獻主為報 That were an offering far too small 難償深恩仍嫌微少 Love so amazing, so divine 主愛如此聖善奇妙 Demands my soul, my life, my all 當獻身心全力圖效