名字 :子龙 手机号 : 15970657924 QQ号 : 2590982668 Email :ynurwidi@gmail.com Indonesia 印度尼西亚 名字 :子龙 手机号 : 15970657924 QQ号 : 2590982668 Email :ynurwidi@gmail.com.


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Presentation transcript:

名字 :子龙 手机号 : 15970657924 QQ号 : 2590982668 Email :ynurwidi@gmail.com Indonesia 印度尼西亚 名字 :子龙 手机号 : 15970657924 QQ号 : 2590982668 Email :ynurwidi@gmail.com

Country name: in chinese Full name : 印度尼西亚 short name : 印尼 in indonesian Full Name: Republik Indonesia Short Name: Indonesia

The Presidents of Indonesia 苏加诺 苏哈托 优素福·哈比比 瓦希德 梅加瓦蒂 苏西洛

Government Government type: a republic with a presidential system; power is concentrated in the national government. Capital: Jakarta---the nation’s largest city, the fourth in the world Administrative divisions: 32 provinces and 1 special capital city district

Relationships with neighbors Indonesia is a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit. The relations with the People’s Republic of China starting 1950.

National Flag Red – bravery, justice, expressing the prosperous future after its independence White – freedom, fairness and chastity, expressing the wishes of opposing aggression and loving peace


国徽 National Emblem The Coat of Arms---Garuda Pancasila(潘查希拉 ) 鹰(Garuda)---creativeness 17 feathers in each wing and 8 in tail Shield (five emblems)---Pancasila (five principles of Indonesia’s national philosophy)

建国五基(又称“潘查希拉/Pancasila”) 信仰最高真主(believe in the one God) 正义和文明的人道主义(Just and Civilized Humanity) 印度尼西亚的团结统一(The unity Of Indonesia) 在代议制和协商的明智思想指导下的民主(Democracy) 为全体印度尼西亚人民实现社会正义(Sosial Justice)

Independence: 17 August 1945 (declared) note: recognized by the Netherlands on 27 December 1949; in August 2005, the Netherlands announced it recognized Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945 National holiday: Independence Day, 17 August (1945)

Currency Currency (code): Indonesian rupiah (卢比,IDR) Exchange rates: Indonesian rupiah per Yuan China – 1 元 = 1567 卢比

Map of Indonesia

Geography Location: Southeastern Asia, archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean Area: total: 1,904,443 sq km---the world’s 16th largest country in terms of land area

Geography - note archipelago of 17,508 islands (6,000 inhabited); straddles equator; strategic location astride or along major sea lanes from Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean This country has two seasons a wet season and a dry season. tropical monsoon climate; hot, humid; more moderate in highlands

People Population: 237,512,355 (July 2008) Ethnic groups: Javanese---largest(42%), largest non-javanese groups---Sundanese(巽他人) , Madurese(马都拉人) ethnic Malays, chinese (印尼华人), around 300 distinct native ethnicities

Religions and Languages Religions: Islam (伊斯兰教) 86.1%, Protestantism (基督教) , Roman Catholicism (天主教), Hinduism (印度教), Buddhism (佛教), Confucianism (儒教) Languages: Indonesian (national and official language), local dialects (the most widely spoken of which is Javanese),742 different languages and dialects.

宗教 伊斯兰教自13世纪传入印尼,开始广泛传播。 穆斯林每天5次跪拜祈祷,跪拜前要拖鞋,然后沐浴净身。 每周五为聚礼日(Jumat),成年男性穆斯林要到清真寺做礼拜


   “开斋节” 这是印尼最重要的节日。

古尔邦节 又称“宰牲节”, 按伊斯兰教规定,伊斯兰教历12月10为古尔邦节。每逢此日,穆斯林沐浴盛装,举行庆祝,并宰杀大量牛羊作为祭献。

独立日 独立日 8月17日是印度尼西亚独立日。爬槟榔树是传统庆祝独立日的方式 圣诞节 印尼第二个长假,法定假日为两天。 中国春节、佛诞、印度教新年等节日也休假一天