James R. Evans. William M. Lindsay 張倫編譯


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Presentation transcript:

James R. Evans. William M. Lindsay 張倫編譯 品質管理與管制 James R. Evans. William M. Lindsay 張倫編譯 品質管理與管制

第 2 章 組織中的全面品質 品質管理與管制

現代品質管理之成長 製造品質 改良的產品設計 服務品質 性能卓越

品質與系統的觀念 生產系統是由許多較小、互動的子系統所組成。 每個組織由許多個別功能所組成,其在組織圖上常視為獨立的單位 。 全面品質系統中的細部結構要素:顧客關係管理、領導統御與策略性規劃、人力資源管理、流程管理,和資訊與知識管理。 品質管理與管制

系統之思維 所謂系統,是組織內的一群功能或活動,為了組織之目的而工作在一起. 這些子系統被聯結在一起,而成為內部顧客或供應商. 系統構面應認知各子系統間之互動的重要,而不是他們個別的行動. 品質管理與管制

Manufacturing Systems (1 of 2) Marketing and sales Product design and engineering Purchasing and receiving Production planning and scheduling Manufacturing and assembly Tool engineering

Manufacturing Systems (2 of 2) Industrial engineering and process design Finished goods inspection and test Packaging, shipping, and warehousing Installation and service


系統各部分關心的品質 行銷與銷售 產品設計與工程 採購與接收 生產規劃與排程 工具工程 工業工程與製程設計 完成品檢驗與測試 包裝、出貨和倉儲 安裝與服務 品質管理與管制

Quality in Business Support Functions for Manufacturing General management Finance and accounting Human resource management Quality assurance Legal services

Quality in Services Service is defined as “any primary or complementary activity that does not directly produce a physical product – that is, the non-goods part of the transaction between buyer (customer) and seller (provider).”

服務業的品質 北美產業分類系統(NAICS)描述服務性組織為: ...主要是提供各式各樣的服務給個人、企業,和政府機構,以及其他組織。比如飯店和其他租賃場所之類的機構,提供私人、商務、聚會,和娛樂服務;也包含了健康、法律、工程,和其他專業服務;教育機構、會員組織,和其他五花八門的服務業。 品質管理與管制

Critical Differences between Service and Manufacturing (1 of 2) Customer needs and performance standards are more difficult to identify and measure Services requires a higher degree of customization Output is intangible

Critical Differences between Service and Manufacturing (2 of 2) Services are produced and consumed simultaneously Customers are often involved in actual process Services are more labor-intensive than manufacturing Services handle large numbers of transactions 品質管理與管制

服務業與製造業品質上的差異 1. 顧客的需要和績效標準難以確認與衡量,因為因人而異。 2. 服務業的生產一般比製造業需要有更高程度的客製化。 1. 顧客的需要和績效標準難以確認與衡量,因為因人而異。 2. 服務業的生產一般比製造業需要有更高程度的客製化。 3. 很多服務系統的產出是無形的,而製造業生產出來的是可見的實體產品。 4. 服務的生產和耗用同時發生,而製造品則是先生產後消耗;故服務無法 如製造品般儲存或在遞交前先檢驗。 5. 服務業屬於勞力密集,而製造業卻比較資本密集。 6. 很多服務組織必須處理繁冗的顧客業務;由於數量如此龐大,自然增加了錯誤的機會。 品質管理與管制

服務系統的品質要件 員工 —顧客主要是藉由與人員的接觸品質,來評估一項服務。 資訊技術—資訊技術包含了計算、通訊、資料處理等把資料轉換成有用資訊的各種方式。 品質管理與管制

Components of Service System Quality Employees Information technology

教育的品質 教育,代表品質改善最有趣和挑戰性的領域之一。 在2002年,美國布希總統簽署了一項「無落後兒童」法案,其中要求為成果負起責任、追蹤每個學生的成績。 有些證據顯示,在K-12階層的教育者,正開始體認到努力改善品質的需要。 品質管理與管制

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co. 品質管理與管制

Quality in Health Care Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) 1999 expansion of the Baldrige Award to nonprofit health care organizations 品質管理與管制

Quality Issues in Health Care Avoidable errors Underutilization of services Overuse of services Variation in services 品質管理與管制

Quality in Education Koalaty Kid program 1999 expansion of the Baldrige Award to nonprofit education organizations Success stories Mt. Edgecumbe High School Brazosport ISD Hunderton Central Regional HS Pinellas County Schools

Higher Education as a Production System Design and Redesign Consumer research Suppliers: families, high schools, colleges, business Customers: business, families, society, students Inputs: students faculty Processes Teaching, counseling, scientific research Outputs: able students new knowledge

小型和非營利企業的品質 小型企業有很多會負面影響TQ原理實施的特徵: 缺乏市場影響力,可能會影響供應商一起參與品質的意願。 沒能體會人力資源管理策略在品質方面的重要,因而員工授權、參與,和品質相關訓練的層次較低。 缺乏專業的管理人才與長期焦點,故常導致分配資源給TQ 工作不當。 技術知識與專業較少,使得小公司很難有效運用品質工具與改善方法。 非正式溝通與缺乏結構性的資訊系統,使實施窒礙難行。 品質管理與管制

公家單位的品質 聯邦政府的品質: NASA 在1980 年代早期開始內部和與供應商的品質改善工作。 雷根總統在1988 年簽署「針對聯邦政府而改善生產力」命令 。 「聯邦品質協會(FQI)」成立於1980 年間來推廣品質。 柯林頓主政期間的「金鎚獎」。 布希在2000 年成為總統後,修訂了總統品質獎(PQA)標準。 品質管理與管制

本章結束 THANKS! 品質管理與管制

Quality in the Public Sector Quality in the Federal Government State and Local Quality Efforts

Quality in Manufacturing and Service Systems Chapter 2 Quality in Manufacturing and Service Systems 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.1 1

Growth of Modern Quality Management Manufacturing quality Improved product designs Service Performance excellence 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.2 2

Key Idea As consumer expectations have risen, a focus on quality has permeated other key sectors of the economy, most notably health care, education, not-for-profits, and government. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.3

Quality in Manufacturing System Functions (1 of 2) Marketing and sales Responsible for determining customer needs and expectations Product design and engineering Responsible for developing technical specifications for products and processes determined by the marketing function Purchasing and receiving Responsible for procurement Production planning and scheduling Responsible for specifying long-term and short-term production requirements for filling customer orders and meeting anticipated demands Manufacturing and assembly Responsible that the product is made correctly Tool engineering Responsible for designing and maintaining tools used in manufacturing inspection 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.4 3

Quality in Manufacturing System Functions (2 of 2) Industrial engineering and process design Responsible for working with product design engineers to develop realistic specifications, appropriate technologies, equipment, work methods, and a smooth production flow Finished goods inspection and test Judge the quality of manufacturing Packaging, shipping, and warehousing Protect the quality of goods after manufacturing Installation and service 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.5 4

Relationships in a Typical Manufacturing System (Fig.2.1) 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.6

Quality in Marketing Marketing and sales personnel are responsible for determining the needs and expectations of consumers. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.7

Quality in Product Design Product design and engineering functions develop technical specifications for products and production processes to meet the requirements determined by the marketing function. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.8

Quality in Purchasing A purchasing agent should not simply be responsible for low-cost procurement, but should maintain a clear focus on the quality of purchased goods and materials. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.9

Quality in Production Planning & Scheduling Poor quality often results from time pressures caused by insufficient planning and scheduling. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.10

Quality in Manufacturing and Assembly Both technology and people are essential to high-quality manufacturing. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.11

Quality in Production Planning & Scheduling Poor quality often results from time pressures caused by insufficient planning and scheduling. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.12

Quality in Process Design Manufacturing processes must be capable of producing output that meets specifications consistently. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.13

Quality in Finished Goods Inspection and Testing The purposes of final product inspection are to judge the quality of manufacturing, to discover and help to resolve production problems that may arise, and to ensure that no defective items reach the customer. If quality is built into the product, final inspection should be used for auditing and testing 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.14

Quality in Installation and Service Service after the sale is one of the most important factors in establishing customer perception of quality and customer loyalty. 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.15

Quality in Business Support Functions for Manufacturing General management Finance and accounting Human resource management Quality assurance Legal services 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.16 5

Quality in Services Service is defined as “a social act which takes place in direct contact between the customer and representatives of the service company.” Examples: Hospitals Law firms 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.17 6

Types of Services Core services - primary means of creating customer satisfaction Facilitating services - enhance the value of core services American Management Association estimates that poor customer service accounts for 2/3 of the portion a company’s customers are lost annually 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.18 7

Critical Differences Between Service and Manufacturing Customer needs more difficult to identify and measure Output is intangible Services are produced and consumed simultaneously Customers are often involved in actual process Services are more labor-intensive Manufacturing is more equipment intensive Services handle large numbers of transactions 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.19 8

Higher Education as a Production System Design and Redesign Consumer research Suppliers: families, high schools, colleges, business Customers: business, families, society, students Inputs: students faculty Processes Teaching, counseling, scientific research Outputs: able students new knowledge 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.20 9

Key Dimensions of Service Quality Time Timeliness Completeness Courtesy Consistency Accessibility and convenience Accuracy Responsiveness 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.21 10

Key Service Attributes Intangible output Simultaneous production and consumption Customer involvement Labor intensity High volumes of transactions 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.22 11

Service System Quality: Two Important Components Employees Information technology 品質管理與管制 Slide 2.23 12