P4P工作组 (P4P Working Group)


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Presentation transcript:

P4P工作组 (P4P Working Group) 谢海永 博士,首席研究员 美国分布式计算工业联盟(DCIA) P4P工作组 (P4P Working Group) haiyong.xie@openp4p.net

Outline Problem Statement Requirements and Challenges The P4P Framework Objective Architecture Performance P4P Working Group History, Structure Next Steps ISPs do not disclose their network information for various concerns P2P does not have sufficient information to determine network-aware peering relationships P2P can infer some network information; however, a lot of important information cannot be inferred 2 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 2

Internet Protocol Breakdown 1993 - 2006 P2P Bandwidth Usage CacheLogic Research Internet Protocol Breakdown 1993 - 2006 Traffic Up to 60-70% of Internet traffic is contributed by P2P applications [CacheLogic] Random peering causes traffic spread across PoPs and domains Problems Increased network resource usage (e.g., using bandwidth of more links) Increased network operational costs Degraded performance of other applications P2P: (1) bandwidth-demanding video streaming P2P applications, (2) P2P-based content distribution is also becoming more and more popular, e.g., BitTorrent is used to distribute software updates, download movies 3 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 3

The battle results in a lose-lose situation Bandwidth Battle ISPs Approaches Upgrade network infrastructure Deploy P2P caching devices Terminate user connectivity Rate-limit P2P traffic …… P2P Countermeasures Use random ports Hide by using well-known ports Encrypt traffic …… ISP: (1) upgrade network infrastructure – this can dramatically increase ISP’s financial operational cost (2) P2P caching devices - many ISPs are reluctant to get involved in the distribution of contents of some P2P applications (3) rate limit P2P traffic - not effective in the long run “Battle” between ISPs and P2P ISPs: rate limit P2P traffic P2P: evade from being captured by ISPs ISPs: increased financial and operational costs, increased network utilization, degraded performance P2P: increased complexity of P2P applications, reduced interoperability, and impeded development of P2P applications Government Network Neutrality The battle results in a lose-lose situation 4 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 4

The Fundamental Problem Traditional ISP feedback/controls to application traffic: Routing Rate control through congestion feedback (e.g., packet loss) These are ineffective for P2P P2P traffic is highly dynamic and scattered, due to dynamic, unguided (network-oblivious) peer selection Need a mechanism for ISPs to communicate with P2P about network structure and policies ISPs do not disclose their network information for various concerns P2P does not have sufficient information to determine network-aware peering relationships P2P can infer some network information; however, a lot of important information cannot be inferred 5 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 5

Solution: 堙堵 or 疏导 ? 问题:当尧之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂,禽兽繁殖。禽兽逼人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国 方法一:堙堵。鲧堙洪水,汨陈其五行。帝乃震怒,不畀其洪范九畴,彝伦攸。鲧则殛死,禹乃嗣兴 方法二:疏导。禹疏九河,沦济漯而注诸海,决汝汉排淮泗而注之江,然后中国可得而食也。当是时也,禹八年于外,三过家门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Solution Requirements & Challenges Efficiency ISPs: better network utilization P2Ps: higher performance End-users: better experiences Nation: less expenses in upgrading infrastructure 7 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Solution Requirements & Challenges Extensibility Universally applicable to most P2P architectures Tracker-based and trackerless P2P systems Easily extensible to handle application-specific requirements File sharing vs. streaming, Commercial vs. non-commercial Allow easy entry of new applications 8 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Solution Requirements & Challenges Scalability Support a large number of P2P users and networks in dynamic settings Support fine-grained feedbacks among ISPs and P2Ps 9 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Solution Requirements & Challenges Economics Allow profit for both ISPs and P2Ps sustainable economical growth Allow equal power in the eco-system sustainable technological innovation Allow competitions, prevent monopoly 10 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Solution Requirements & Challenges Privacy Preserve ISPs’ sensitive information Preserve P2Ps’ private information Session, content user IDs, user behaviors 11 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

Standardization Standardization should take into account Sufficient space for economical growth ISPs can recover from financial loss P2P can fairly and efficiently utilize the network while being independent Sufficient space for evolution of Internet technologies Both ISPs and P2Ps can form and pursue their own technology paths Encouraging fast adoption Allowing and encouraging competition 12 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P “Proactive Provider Participation in P2P” “Pay for Performance” Partnership among ISPs and P2P networks Framework for explicit communications among ISPs and P2P networks “Pay for Performance” Providers expose capabilities to serve demands of P2P networks P2P vendors maintain competitive advantages The slides are based on our technical report Yale DCS/TR1377. This is a joint work with Arvind Krishnamurthy and Yang Richard Yang. 13 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 13

P4P Objectives A framework to enable better ISP and P2P coordination Guided network utilization benefits both sides Improve throughput / performance to P2P users Allow ISPs to better manage networks Reduce number of links transited by content Push traffic from undesirable (expensive) links to more desirable (inexpensive) links Reduce the need for upgrading infrastructure, control financial costs The motivation for involving ISPs in this process : ISPs are best positioned with respect to gathering information regarding the state of the network and the needs of P2P systems. By letting ISPs make recommendations and letting the peer-to- peer systems use these as hints in their peering process, we hope to design a system that is efficient and incurs low operational costs 14 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 14

P4P Enables Efficient Delivery Traditional CDN P2P P4P Internet Transit Regional Routers Edge Network More Viewers = Worse performance Higher cost More Viewers = Better performance Lower cost NETWORK AWARE P2P will reduce costs, improve performance 15 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Architecture Providers Applications ISP A Providers Publish information via P4P Service Access Point (SAP) Applications Query information via P4P SAPs Adapt themselves accordingly P4P SAP P2P P4P SAP ISP B 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P: ISP Benefits Industry Solution Carrier-Grade P2P Create cooperative win-win solutions to an industry issue Solve the problem before we have to cope with the problem Carrier-Grade P2P Opportunity for new services What if fastest path from A to B is P2P? 17 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Benefits: Reduce Transit Cost Ingress Egress Native 13,001,419,651 22,743,712,795 P4P 3,489,097,997 10,416,737,537 Improvement % 73% 54% 无P4P优化 P4P优化 从外部流入网络的流量降低73% 从外部流出网络的流量降低54% 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P: P2P Benefits P2P Applications with P4P benefits Improve P2P application performance Video continuity of streaming Faster downloads for users …… Decrease incentives for ISPs to “manage” P2P traffic 19 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Benefits: Improve Download Rates 149% 90% P4P提高下载速度百分比 用户累计百分比 26% 70% 13% 30% 21% 50% 8% 10% 所有用户:P4P提高P2P文件下载速度达40%。 宽带用户:P4P提高P2P文件下载速度达300-500%。 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Benefits: Summary 未使用P4P优化 使用P4P技术优化 P4P极大改善网络效率 21 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 21

P4P Working Group: History 06/2006 – 12/2006 Dr. Xie initiated and proposed P4P, laid the theoretical foundations, and evaluated its effectiveness 05/2007 Dr. Xie presented P4P results in a P2P conference in New York City 07/2007 Dr. Xie initiated the P4P Working Group (P4PWG) with Laird Popkin and Doug Pasko 1st P4PWG meeting was held in New York City 08/2007 – 12/2007 Expanding P4PWG coverage to telcos, P2Ps, content providers, router vendors, etc 01/2008 – 04/2008 Dr. Xie initiated and led 1st large-scale field test, w/ Pando, Telefonica & Verizon. Verizon/Telefonica/Pando press-released results and announced support for P4P P4P and the results were being reported in world-wide press 06/2007 – 08/2008 Dr. Xie et al. initiated and led 2nd large-scale field tests 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Working Group: Structure DCIA 联席主席 首席研究员 Telco sub-group Wireless sub-group Hardware sub-group Live P2P sub-group …… Spec sub-group 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

P4P Working Group: Members AT&T Bezeq Intl BitTorrent Cisco Systems Comcast Grid Networks Joost LimeWire Manatt Oversi Pando Networks PeerApp Solid State Telefonica Group Velocix VeriSign Verizon Vuze University of Toronto Univ of Washington Yale University Abacast AHT Intl AjauntySlant Akamai Alcatel Lucent CableLabs Cablevision Comcast Cox Comm Exa Networks Cisco Juniper Networks Huawei Microsoft Level 3 Communications Limelight Networks NBC Universal Nokia Orange 21ViaNet RawFlow RSUC/GweepNet SaskTel Solana Networks Speakeasy Network Stanford University Thomson Time Warner Cable Turner Broadcasting UCLA 24 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 24

Next Steps Production deployment of P4P OptiNetworks On-going trials File sharing: Pando and Solid State Networks Streaming: Abacast and Livestation IETF standardization 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会

互联网P2P优化管理 标准体系 侯自强


P2P优化管理标准结构 两个层面、三个阶段 全面覆盖P2P管理需求 统一编目 发布审查 实时监看 缓存监看 行为审计 分域管理 流量疏导 事前 事中 事后 内 容 流 量 统一编目 发布审查 实时监看 缓存监看 行为审计 分域管理 流量疏导 缓存优化 流量分析 用户分析

标准意义 通过标准和自律的形式,调和产业链中现有矛盾,变恶性循环为良性循环,创造多赢的产业环境,推动中国互联网应用技术快速发展。 为将来国家更好的实现对互联网的管理和利用,提供基础技术保障和标准支撑。 利用标准力量,化解矛盾,构建和谐!

标准推进方式 自下而上,抓住产业链核心矛盾,提炼共性需求,优化产业环境的同时满足政府管理需求 P2P优化管理标准前期将依托互联网协会,联合网络运营商、P2P应用服务商、内容提供商,以行业自律的方式推进,优化产业环境,推动产业健康发展。 未来计划与国家相关部门合作,利用行业自律形成的基础,为政府治理互联网提供有力的技术支撑手段。

设计原则 轻量化 应保持原有P2P协议不变 支持管理和不支持管理的客户端之间互通不受影响 灵活性 应支持运营商根据需求和成本,灵活调整部署方案 应支持peer引导、流量代理、流量缓存等多种流量优化功能 应支持自治域的分级管理,协助P2P厂商分级别、分层次管理peer的互联行为 私密性 P2P厂商不需要开放其私有协议细节给运营商 运营商不需要直接开放其拓扑信息给P2P厂商 开放性 应支持普适性系统框架,可支持各种不同类型的P2P协议 应支持标准化设备在网络中的即插即用和自动发现,避免复杂配置 全面性 应支持形成覆盖全互联网的整体管理方案 低成本 应支持较低的系统部署成本和渐进式的实施方案

Domain Detecting Protocol (DDP) 支持自治域发现与优化的P2P管理协议—DDP 一套轻量级的协议流程 附加于现有P2P协议,不改变原有协议 一套开放式的系统框架 自动发现、即插即用,以P2P厂商与运营商协同的方式运行 一套标准化的管理接口 支持基于内容、用户、区域的流量及内容管理 一套全局化的互联标准 支持跨域组网和互联,提供全网优化管理支撑

DDP系统组成 PPR(P2P流量重定向实体,P2P Redirector) PPC(P2P缓存代理实体,P2P Cache) 部署在运营商自治域内部 维护所在域的拓扑信息,并通过标准化的接口及协议,引导域内P2P客户端优化互联 通过标准化的接口及协议,管理所在域内存在的P2P代理缓存设备 PPC(P2P缓存代理实体,P2P Cache) 在PPR的管理下,实现P2P协议的代理或者缓存功能

利用DDP实现单域P2P流量管理 Internet PPR PPC 城域网 P2P用户 DDP控制信令 P2P协议 www.ddp.org DNS

利用DDP实现全局分级P2P流量管理 PPR 国内骨干网 PPR 省级骨干网 PPR 城域网 www.ddp.org www.ddp.org DNS

利用DDP实现单域P2P内容监控 Internet 控制 查询/审计 审查/监看 www.ddp.org PPR PPC 城域网

利用DDP实现全局P2P内容监管 内容版权部门 安全监管部门 Internet

PPR实现 PPR功能 维护由运营商提供的本域拓扑信息 收集所有上级PPR地址信息,形成层次结构并向用户返回 对外提供统一的服务端口和协议,接受不同P2P协议客户端发来的标准peer请求,根据掌握的本域拓扑信息,引导peer互联 管理对应的PPC代理缓存模块,并引导peer连接PPC 接受peer提交的信息,向运营商或监管部门提交统计信息 接受管理控制命令,提交指定的统计信息,并控制本域内容及用户行为 参与域间动态组网 Interface to Peer Domain Info PPC control DHT networking Policy Peer Exchange Optimizer Interface to PPC Interface to DHT Interface to Controller

PPC模块结构 P2P协议代理缓存模块 服务管理模块 由P2P厂商按照标准自行开发 在服务管理模块的管理下,完成代理或缓存功能 单台设备可以同时运行多个协议模块 支持一个协议由多台设备集群式提供服务 服务管理模块 接受PPR管理,启动相应的服务模块 接收PPR发来的控制命令,控制对应模块运行 收集必要的信息,供统计使用 Interface to Peer 其他 私有协议 BT eMule … Service Management Module Interface to PPR

DDP渐进式部署 Internet PPR www.ddp.org PPC 注册&控制 DNS


DDP实施部署可行性 整体方案支持渐进式灵活部署 解决产业矛盾的同时满足国家需求 PPR PPC 部署位置灵活 可以支持各种不同结构的P2P协议 PPC 可以由运营商、P2P厂商、第三方服务商部署 渐进式部署,即插即用、自动发现 解决产业矛盾的同时满足国家需求 单域DDP系统的部署可以有效解决运营商网络优化管理问题 分级化管理域支持,自然实现全域P2P流量优化 DHT自动组网,借助已部署的DDP系统满足国家监管需求

DDP方案优点 优点 协议轻量化 易于实现 系统部署成本可控渐进式实施 部署方案灵活 分级管理 协作方式运行 消除应用与网络之间的隔阂 全局化管理方案具备标准监控管理接口 开放式框架 即插即用 自动发现 自由增减 配置简单

DDP系统开发及标准化进展 目前,DDP原型技术由中科院声学所及东方网信公司共同开发完成,已在全国多家运营商部署 信标委P2P标准化工作组已经成立,秘书处设在信息产业部电子标准化所 在信产部电子标准化所组织下,DDP相关标准草案正在联合研究制定中

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