考研英语中的生词 张Andy 英语 万学教育南京分校.


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Presentation transcript:

考研英语中的生词 张Andy 英语 万学教育南京分校

OUTLINE What are new? What to memorize? How to remember? Implications & Conclusions 扩充词汇量 增加单词量 提纲 Andy原创!

1. What are new? aggravate, hooray, hitherto, philharmonic, etc. Completely new word forms invite conflicts, succession plan, sitting CEOs New meanings of familiar word forms traffic: 运输量→ (网页)流量;recall: 记起,记得→召回(产品大使) Technical use of familiar word forms 例子来自 考研英语真题 研究生入学考试英语真题 什么是生词 单词的专业用法 不熟悉用法 比喻用法 习惯用法 专业词汇 修辞词汇 习语 谚语 俚语 成语 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn cloak his exit, cloud reputations Figurative use of familiar word forms the other way round, a piece of cake, drop out Idiomatic use of familiar word forms

1. What are new? Paraphrase the meaning of the italicized expressions. novelty, a host of phenomena, be subject to newness, multitude, prone/exposed extension of the plant’s license, most important variable extending → extra time, changeable →a quantity 例子来自 考研英语真题 研究生入学考试英语真题 什么是生词 单词的专业用法 不熟悉用法 比喻用法 习惯用法 专业词汇 修辞词汇 习语 谚语 俚语 成语 take a page from, emotions flow from responses lesson, result/come keep an eye on, in the light of take care of/watch closely, according to

2. What to memorize? A word has 3 components: sound, form, meaning. In listening, we need to recognize the sound and meaning. In reading, we need to recognize the form and meaning. Sound: television, chaos, debut, said, minute, business Form: 方便的c, 当今n, 业余的a, 有良心的c, 保证g, 珠宝j Meaning: lover, busboy, restroom, busybody, etc 记忆单词 单词分类 积极词汇 认知词汇 生僻词汇 掌握词汇 了解词汇 单词是音形义的结合体 Convenient nowadays amateur conscientious guarantee jewelry 情人 爱人 餐馆勤杂工 公共汽车售票员 休息室 洗手间 大忙人 爱管闲事的人 dry goods 干活 纺织品

2. What to memorize? Not all words are equally important. What we should commit to memory are words that are frequently used and that are keys to comprehension. The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk…… Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving …… Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers…… 记忆单词 单词分类 积极词汇 认知词汇 生僻词汇 掌握词汇 了解词汇 单词是音形义的结合体

3. How to remember? Association sound: a) principle, pray, compliment, sight, flower b) pregnant, pest, ambulance, ambition Form: a) angle, confirm, precede, champion, custom b) export, suppose, succeed, reject, include Meaning: a) bare/bald, admit/?, anger/?, error/? b) reject/accept, promote/?, persuade/? c) marketing/ad/?, pregnant/?, concert/? Contextualization: listen, read, view, write, speak, etc homophones spelling formation synonymy antonymy 单词词汇联想记忆法 发音 构词法 分类法 同义词 反义词 词语搭配 上下文 Mistake, fault, defect, blunder Sob, cry, wail, groan, mourn Indignation, wrath, fury, rage Marketing, ad, product, customer, company, Pregnant, women, kids, parents, raising, couple Concert, music, musician, CD, tune, opera, audience concurrence

4. Implications & Conclusions The meaning of a word is in its use in a context. A word is known by the company it keeps. Knowledge is not power yet. Ends justify means. 单词意义与使用语境 单词的搭配 单词量 力量 能量 能力 黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫! 结果正确,手段合理!