Dennis Dai Storage Technical Consultant


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Presentation transcript:

Dennis Dai Storage Technical Consultant IBM Storwize Family Dennis Dai Storage Technical Consultant

The NEW Economics of Storage Designed for Data Software Defined Environments Open & Collaborative Opex Data dollars Capex Required Expected Capex Budget

Smarter Computing helps clients focus on “Data Economics” Business Critical… “Keep me running! Secure my data.” Economics = Business Impact “Can you get me up and running fast?” “Can I add functions and scale?” Economics = Speed, Flexibility & Labor Costs Start Quickly… Add Value… “How can I leverage all this data for my business and keep what I truly need?” LOB specific (Risk, Expertise, etc.) Data Intensive Business Solutions We’ve created a framework to discuss the economics of managing data. First, let’s talk about data for Business Critical needs… the economics is all about continuous operations. For a bank it may mean continuous operations of branches or ATMs. Our enterprise data and storage products deliver the world’s best resiliency… the best multi-copy data management for compliance… and can reduce your batch processing time in half. A complete architecture is needed to deliver this type of continual operation. For an airline, continuous operations may mean ongoing competitive pricing on specific routes at specific times. And for a cable company, continuous operations may mean continuous delivery of programming on demand. Data Intensive Business Solutions: Many clients are looking for end to end solutions to their data intensive business problems. Whether it’s for media, surveillance, healthcare, high-performance computing or risk analytics. They’re asking what data do I truly need? Start Quickly… Add Value: the best solutions are scalable, allowing you to address your most critical needs quickly and add additional functions as workloads demand and budgets allow. Open: no single company can do all the innovation themselves. In fact, many new innovators are joining hands to create new value. IBM is actively participating in open communities to shape industry standards. We will discuss this in more detail later in the presentation.

The Value of Software Defined Storage The New Economics of Storage Changing the Storage cost curve SOFTWARE DEFINED STORAGE Store more with what’s on the floor Virtualisation Automated Tiering Thin Provisioning Data In The Right Place Reporting Capacity Forecasting Alerts Stop storing so much Data Reduction Technologies Deduplication Compression Software DEFINED STORAGE 30% loss RAID Spares 30% loss LUN Sizes Performance 15% loss Unused LUN’s Zero access 40% loss Utilisation Raw Usable Allocated Active Data Size

Software Defined Storage To help maximize the benefits of the flood of new data, businesses are turning to software-defined environments, which can provide flexibility and responsiveness to business demands—along with higher scalability and greater efficiency. As part of a software defined environment, software defined storage integrates with a wide variety of server software including OpenStack and VMware, while also operating with a wide range of storage assets to offer maximum flexibility. Most importantly, the storage system presents a platform for virtualizing storage to complement virtualized servers, for providing services that add value and capability, and for integrating third-party enhancements, thus leveraging a wider community and delivering even more value. Designed for software-defined storage environments, the IBM Storwize® family has been delivering availability, reliability, flexibility and efficiency for more than ten years. The family began with the introduction of IBM System Storage® SAN Volume Controller, an industry-leading solution for storage virtualization. Storwize family systems have evolved to include the latest technologies that both complement and enhance virtual servers, as well as built-in storage functions—such as Real-time Compression and IBM Easy Tier® technology—that enable extraordinary levels of efficiency. In addition, as the pace of innovation continues to accelerate, the Storwize platform enables rapid integration of new technologies from both IBM and third-party vendors. For example, Storwize family systems now include Bridgeworks SANSlide technology to help optimize the use of network bandwidth. 5

Evolving Software Defined Storage Platform Here today, ready for tomorrow Open, Analytic and Application Driven Open, Extensible and Industry-led Virtualize and Optimize Storwize platform is a mature, software defined storage solution that has been delivering flexibility and innovative storage function for more than ten years starting with IBM SAN Volume Controller, the industry's leading storage virtualization system. Storwize platform is the primary IBM storage for software defined environments. Building on SVC, IBM has enhanced the platform with home-grown functions like RAID and Easy Tier and today it enhances virtual infrastructures with built-in Real-time Compression (from our acquisition of the Storwize company) to enable extraordinary levels of efficiency and optimum performance. Now, the pace of change is accelerating as we integrate third-party software into the platform: Bridgeworks SANSlide network optimization. And the future holds even more promise as we look forward to integrating more technologies both from within IBM and from additional third parties. IBM Storwize Platform 6

IBM Storwize Family Everything you need from your storage… and less Buy Less Storage Award winning simplicity Deploy Quickly & Flexibly Embedded Analytics Making better use of your resources and improving the efficiency of your infrastructure means doing more but spending less to do so. Introducing IBM Storwize family, designed to deliver everything you need from your storage systems but more efficiently than ever before, meaning you can dedicate less of your scare resources to IT infrastructure and more to implementing new applications to support your business. How is this possible? Through innovative built-in capabilities in Storwize family that are ready to help you from day 1. Store more data on less disk space through innovative Real-time Compression Exploit virtual storage to enable fast and flexible deployment to keep pace with virtual servers Virtualize the storage you already have so it can benefit from the breakthrough technologies built into Storwize family Buy only as much storage today as you need, knowing that systems can scale in performance and capacity as your business grows. Deploy flash storage cost effectively in systems that optimize data placement to help maximize performance benefit while limiting cost Use embedded analytic capabilities to understand patterns of use and store data on the most cost effecfive media Experience all this capability in storage systems designed to be easy to use with minimal downtime learning Improve What You Have IBM & non-IBM Flash Optimized Start Small & Scale-up

5x more data in the same space 3x performance with only 5% flash IBM Storwize Family Field proven, highly efficient and super reliable Over 36,000 systems purchased Over 80,000 total enclosures deployed Over 1.1 exabytes of capacity Extraordinary reliability – Delivering 99.999% availability Packages IBM SAN Volume Controller IBM Storwize V3700 IBM Storwize V5000 IBM Storwize V7000 Enabling clients to do more with less 5x more data in the same space 3x performance with only 5% flash 47% less management effort 30% lower storage growth All of this capability is delivered in software that has been proven in customer deployments over almost a decade. To date, over 28,000 systems have been purchased comprised of over 46,000 physical enclosures supporting over 625PB of storage capacity. The proven record of Storwize family means you can trust it with your most valuable applications: systems have consistently been delivering over five 9s availability. On average, that’s about five minutes downtime a year! We’ve talked in general terms about how Storwize family can help improve efficiency in the data center. Now let’s get more specific. Just how much more efficient can you be with IBM Storwize family systems? With IBM Real-time Compression, you can store up to 5 times as much information in the same physical disk space. As a result, you can buy less storage (and so use less power, cooling, and rack space) but store the same dfata. Applied to your existing disk, Real-time Compression can freeze your need to buy additional storage as you take advantage of compression. IBM Easy Tier automatically analyzes patters of data usage, deploying SSDs where they can deliver greatest advantage. As a result, Easy Tier can enhance application throughput by as much as three times while limiting your investment to only 5% of SSD. Compared to EMC VNX systems, Storwize family systems require about half the administrative effort, freeing up staff for more productive tasks in the data center, or enabling them to manage more storage. Finally, customers implementing Storwize family storage virtualization report that its greater efficiency in using storage resuluts in a 30% reduction in growth of disk storage, reducing future investments. All these benefits of Storwize family software are available in hard packages optimized for different client needs: Enterprise-class storage virtualization to simplify existing storage environments Entry and midrange storage systems Storwize family includes many functions that help improve efficiency: Thin provisioning so you only buy storage when you actually need it to store data, not to plan for future requirements Real-time Compression so you can store up to 5x more data on the disk space you do have Unified storage systems that improve storage and managemebt efficiency by consolidating more different workloads into one storage system SmartCloud Storage Access, which helps simplify cloud stirage provisioning and provides an easy-to-use portal for end users to allocate their own storage Remote replication, enabling you to efficiently protect data by copying it in real time to a reote location Storage virtualization,, which enables you to make your existing storage (IBM and non-IBM) part of a Storwize family system, where it inherits the advantages of Storwize family Storwize family capability is also available physically and logically integrated with IBM PureSystems, providing integration between storage and server management for even greater levels of efficiency System Functions Thin provisioning IBM Real-time Compression IBM Storwize V7000 Unified (File) IBM SmartCloud Storage Access (Cloud) Remote replication Storage Virtualization Integrated Options IBM Flex System V7000

產品定位 適用: 不適用: 功能齊全的百寶箱 V7000是存儲虛擬化平臺 定位中端 簡單易用 對性能敏感的客戶 需要手動管理或更強大功能的客戶

存儲需要升級,但期望整合不同廠商的存儲,簡化管理, 一個典型的中小企存儲基礎架構… SAN存儲網路 IBM DS3500 EMC CX4-480 IBM DS3000 EMC CX3-20 HDS AMS200 存儲需要升級,但期望整合不同廠商的存儲,簡化管理, 怎麼辦? IBM Storwize V7000

V7000具有獨特的虛擬化功能。可以輕鬆整合存儲資源,統一管理各廠商的磁片。 存儲需要升級,但期望整合不同廠商的存儲,簡化管理, 一個 優化中 的中小企存儲基礎架構… SAN存儲網路 IBM DS3500 EMC CX4-480 V7000具有獨特的虛擬化功能。可以輕鬆整合存儲資源,統一管理各廠商的磁片。 IBM DS3000 EMC CX3-20 HDS AMS200 存儲需要升級,但期望整合不同廠商的存儲,簡化管理, 怎麼辦? IBM Storwize V7000 虛擬存儲池

一個 優化中 的中小企存儲基礎架構… SAN存儲網路 IBM DS3500 V7000具有簡易的跨外部存儲快照功能。較舊的磁片存儲,可用作為目標卷,增強關鍵資料可用性,同時保護投資。 要提高投資回報, 原有磁片想重用, 怎麼辦? IBM DS3000 IBM Storwize V7000 利舊+快照保護 虛擬存儲池

一個 的中小企存儲基礎架構… 優化中 交易量增加, 資料庫需更高性能 , 怎麼辦? 利舊+快照保護 虛擬存儲池 SAN存儲網路 交易量增加, 資料庫需更高性能 , 怎麼辦? 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 利舊+快照保護 虛擬存儲池

V7000加配固態硬碟啟用EasyTier實現性能自動優化,消除熱點,可提升資料庫性能達3.4倍 一個 優化中 的中小企存儲基礎架構… SAN存儲網路 交易量增加, 資料庫需更高性能 , 怎麼辦? V7000加配固態硬碟啟用EasyTier實現性能自動優化,消除熱點,可提升資料庫性能達3.4倍 Easy Tier 自動分層管理 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 SSD固態盤 利舊+快照保護 虛擬存儲池

應用備份要求提升,需更多、更快.恢復又需更精細, V7000+ FCM提供不佔用主機資源的暫態快照,分鐘級的恢復,及時間最小化資料庫宕機時間 一個 優化中 的中小企存儲基礎架構… FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 SAN存儲網路 應用備份要求提升,需更多、更快.恢復又需更精細, 怎麼辦? V7000+ FCM提供不佔用主機資源的暫態快照,分鐘級的恢復,及時間最小化資料庫宕機時間 Easy Tier 自動分層管理 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 應用 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 6:00 SSD固態盤 12:00 15:00 利舊+快照保護 18:00 24:00 虛擬存儲池

V7000 + V7000實現中端異構存儲容災,靈活的同步或非同步複製方案,一致性組確保資料可用 一個 的中小企存儲基礎架構… 優化中 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 SAN存儲網路 天災難防,資料庫必須提升可用性, 怎麼辦? V7000 + V7000實現中端異構存儲容災,靈活的同步或非同步複製方案,一致性組確保資料可用 Easy Tier 自動分層管理 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 應用 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 6:00 SSD固態盤 12:00 15:00 利舊+快照保護 18:00 24:00 IBM Storwize V7000 #2 虛擬存儲池 異構存儲資料高可用、容災 同步、非同步複製

一個 優化後 的中小企存儲基礎架構 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 Easy Tier 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 SAN存儲網路 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 Easy Tier 自動分層管理 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 應用 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 6:00 SSD固態盤 SSD固態盤 12:00 15:00 利舊+快照保護 18:00 24:00 IBM Storwize V7000 #2 虛擬存儲池 異構存儲資料高可用、容災 同步、非同步複製

一個 優化後 的中小企存儲基礎架構 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 Easy Tier 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 FCM 快照管理軟體 SAN存儲網路 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 Easy Tier 自動分層管理 應用層快照及更精細即時恢復 應用 熱點數據 IBM Storwize V7000 6:00 SSD固態盤 SSD固態盤 12:00 15:00 利舊+快照保護 18:00 24:00 IBM Storwize V7000 #2 虛擬存儲池 異構存儲資料高可用、容災 同步、非同步複製

小結 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 V7000具有獨特的虛擬化功能。可以輕鬆整合存儲資源,統一管理各廠商的磁片。 存儲需要升級,但期望整合不同廠商的存儲,簡化管理, 怎麼辦? V7000具有獨特的虛擬化功能。可以輕鬆整合存儲資源,統一管理各廠商的磁片。 IBM Storwize V7000 中小企業存儲寶箱 V7000具有簡易的跨外部存儲快照功能。較舊的磁片存儲,可用作為目標卷,增強關鍵資料可用性,同時保護投資。 要提高投資回報,原有磁片想重用, 怎麼辦? V7000加配固態硬碟啟用EasyTier實現性能自動優化,消除熱點,可提升資料庫性能達3.4倍 交易量增加,資料庫需更高性能, 怎麼辦? 應用備份要求提升,需更多、更快.恢復又需更精細,怎麼辦? V7000 + FCM實現不佔用主機資源的即時快照,郵件,資料庫表的恢復時間縮短到分鐘級,最小化應用停機時間 V7000 + V7000實現中端異構存儲容災,靈活的同步或非同步複製方案,一致性組確保資料可用 天災難防,資料庫必須提升可用性, 怎麼辦?

Flex System V7000存儲節點外部擴展 Flex System V7000可以連接外部擴展櫃; 外部擴展通過Mini SAS線連接(ADA6); 外部連接單控制櫃最大擴展磁片數量與傳統V7000一致,240塊磁片;集群最大可到960塊盤。 可連接2.5英寸或3.5寸擴展磁片櫃; 標準2U主機殼,最多可支援24個2.5英寸驅動器或12個3.5英寸驅動器。 冗餘雙活控制器和磁碟機 擴展櫃可增至9個 支援同規格磁片(HDD/SSD)混插 主機介面:8*8Gb FC和 4*1Gb iSCSI,2個或4個萬兆CNA 16GB 緩存 ok

V7K在Pure下的優勢 整合 一體化管理/管理工具豐富 優化 加速雲部署 高可用 客戶不需要二次購買存儲 透明資料移轉完成對舊存儲的整合,減少停機時間及額外的遷移工具的花費 一體化管理/管理工具豐富 在FSM裡統一管理存儲,完成日常運維80%的工作 使用V7K自己的管理工具,介面友好,簡單易用 STAT工具提供extent級別的細緻資訊採集 TPC提供SAN層次的管理 優化 Easy Tier實現兩級存儲分層,不需額外花費 精簡配置,提高資源利用率,不需額外花費 加速雲部署 2003年到今天的成熟的主流的存儲虛擬化技術,大量成功案例 高可用 Volume mirror,鏡像磁碟區中每個拷貝分佈隸屬於不同的存儲池,可以實現跨兩個存儲系統部署 透明資料移轉 快照及FCM,可用於資料的快速備份和恢復 遠端資料容災:FastBack和Mirroring,支持FC和IP

Flash+SVC+Pure 成功帮助碧桂园的Oracle关键应用性能提升12倍


V7000 集中了DS8000、XIV和SVC的優勢技術 IBM Storwize V7000 SAN存儲 虛擬化 突破性 使用簡易 突破性的交互介面 虛擬化快照及複製 RAID技術 SAN 精簡配置 自動分層 SVC XIV DS8k SAN存儲 虛擬化 突破性 使用簡易 自動分層及高性能 EMC,HP,HDS 中端存儲系統不具備該功能

存儲虛擬化 虛擬化的IBM Storwize V7000 Storwize V7000 還支援異構存儲虛擬化 能夠快速,靈活配置和簡化配置變更 不同存儲間透明資料移轉,包括Easy Tier 優化資料分佈,提高性能 Storwize V7000 還支援異構存儲虛擬化 像管理內部存儲一樣管理外部虛擬化的存儲 通過單一使用者介面管理所有虛擬化存儲(外部與內部),效率成倍提高 Storwize V7000繼承IBM虛擬化技術的所有功能,包括加強型快照,自動分層技術和自動精簡配置 提高現有存儲的利用率 消除存儲相關的應用停機時間 外部數據可遷移至V7000或納入V7000管理使用 通過分層利舊提高現有存儲價值 支持存儲系統,包括IBM, EMC, HP, Sun/Oracle, Hitachi, NetApp, Fujitsu, Bull, Compellent, NEC, Pillar, and more All IBM Storwize V7000 storage is virtualized. IBM Storwize V7000 enables rapid, flexible provisioning and simple configuration changes, enables non disruptive movement of data among tiers of storage, including Easy Tier, enables data placement optimization to improve performance. IBM Storwize V7000 also virtualizes external Fibre Channel storage. Capacity from existing storage systems becomes part of IBM Storwize V7000 system. Supports a single user interface to manage all storage, regardless of vendor, improves productivity by up to double. Virtualized storage inherits all Storwize V7000 rich function including FlashCopy, Easy Tier, and thin provisioning. Designed to help improve existing storage utilization up to 30%. Improves availability by practically eliminating storage-related causes of application downtime. Migrate data from external storage to IBM Storwize V7000 storage, or keep external storage as part of IBM Storwize V7000 storage system long-term. Extends life and enhances value of existing storage assets. Supports storage systems from IBM, EMC, HP, Sun/Oracle, Hitachi, NetApp, Fujitsu, Bull, Compellent, NEC, Pillar, and more Now, let's turn to chart 10…

針對需要效能的客戶 自動精簡配置 性能優化 IBM 固態盤自動分層管理 高效 更高效地利用現有的存儲 支援所有的的主機平臺 提高存儲利用率 Dynamic growth 如果沒有自動精簡配置,不論應用程式是否使用,總是保留著分配的空間 有了自動精簡配置,應用程式可以不斷的增長,但只消耗它們實際使用的空間 性能優化 分析系統的性能和輸送量 透明地重新排列資料以消除熱點,平衡各部件的利用率 Transparent reorganization Greater efficiency can make a difference to the IT department. For example, without thin provisioning, pre-allocated space is reserved whether the application uses it or not. With the use of Thin Provisioning, applications can grow dynamically, but only consume space they are actually using. Without performance optimization, hot spots may appear due to poor data layout, Performance Optimization can be used to transparently rearrange the data to eliminate hot-spots and balance utilization of all components, and to analyze system performance and throughput. IBM System Storage Easy Tier software provides automated storage tiering for SSD optimization. SSDs increase throughput for critical activities, such as random reads of large analytics databases, compared to traditional hard disks. According to IBM estimates, automatic SSD optimization with the System Storage Easy Tier software provides up to a 200 percent performance increase for I/O bound applications by migrating the most active data to SSDs. The System Storage Easy Tier technology moves small data extents rather than entire volumes, so it makes more efficient use of expensive SSDs. Now, let's turn to chart 12… 不合理資料分佈導致熱點 優化性能和輸送量 . IBM 固態盤自動分層管理 自動識別熱點的資料並搬遷到最高性能的固態硬碟上 其餘的資料可以性價比更高的磁片去存放 SSDs HDDs SSDs HDDs Automatic Relocation 熱點由於資料較差的排列 優化性能和輸送量.

V7000自動分層--EasyTier 智慧化的自動性能加速器,而且免費 Competition Implementation Guides Application Transactions Easy Tier Learning Movement 240% from Original brokerage transaction 如果使用友商產品,使用手冊的厚度 使用IBM基本無需人員管理 對資料庫可應用完全透明,不需修改軟體配置和參數 不需要人為辨識熱點資料如索引 不需要人為遷移檔和卷 只要打開該功能即可自動執行了!

針對需要高可用和資料移轉的客戶 透明的資料移動 本地鏡像 遷移 透明的資料移動 Application server 將原有資料通過從舊的磁片透明的遷移到V7000,有效管理技術升級和租期停用 降低遷移週期,從數月數周降到幾天 Network Legacy 本地鏡像 Efficiently manage technology upgrades and lease terminations by transparently moving application data from legacy disk arrays to the new system, and reduce migration elapsed time from weeks or months to days. Use local mirror for ultra-high availability applications, synchronously mirror application data between two separate disk enclosures attached to the same system. Now, let's turn to chart 13 針對高可用類應用,可以實現跨磁片的同步鏡像 實現正常卷--精簡卷的轉換

針對需要可用性的客戶 可用性 快照 快速創建應用副本用於備份或應用測試 通過增量快照和精簡快照提高空間利用率 減少副本空間達75%以上 Up to 256 快照管理器 集中管理核心應用程式快照副本 消除備份窗口 快速創建應用程式測試副本 查看應用副本清單,實現快速恢復 For high availability use FlashCopy to create instant application copies for backup or application testing. Make better use of space with incremental (only changed blocks) or space-efficient (thin provisioned) snapshots. Reduce space required for copies by 75% or more. Use FlashCopy Manager for Integrated, instant copy for critical applications. Virtually eliminate backup windows, rapidly create clones for application testing. View inventory of application copies, and instantly restore. Now, let's turn to chart 14… Up to 256

針對需要業務連續性的客戶 跨網站鏡像數據 恢復過程演練 網站自動切換 同城同步鏡像. 遠端非同步鏡像. 支持應用級的一致性組. Network 恢復過程演練 對於核心應用的一致性組,凍結鏡像,生成一致性組快照. 利用快照演練應用程式恢復過程. Recovery practice volume You can mirror data off site synchronously over Metro distances or asynchronously over Global distances. Practice recovery procedures can be used for critical application consistency groups, freeze the mirror and take a consistent FlashCopy, and, practice application recovery procedures from the FlashCopy. Site switching automation can be used to detect mirroring failure and automate failover to recovery volume, or execute practiced application recovery procedures, and you can automate fail-back after any repair. Now, let's turn to chart 15… Network 網站自動切換 發現鏡像故障,自動切換到備份網站的恢復卷. 執行演練過的應用程式恢復過程. 主網站修復後,系統自動回切. Recovery volume Network

針對需要易管理性功能的客戶 使用者介面 企業管理 伺服器和存儲集中管理 採取 XIV 使用者管理介面 針對Storwize V7000作為基礎架構的客戶環境 Easy-to-use management GUI 實現整個SAN視角的集成化管理 針對Storwize V7000接入SAN網路,與其它異構存儲共存的客戶環境 (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) Integrated SAN-wide management Manageability features include the user interface that has been adopted from the easy-to-use XIV GUI, and is for clients where Storwize V7000 “is” the infrastructure. Enterprise Management provides Integrated management with a SAN-wide perspective and is for clients where Storwize V7000 is connected to a SAN with other, perhaps heterogeneous storage. Server and storage Management is Integrated management with a systems and storage perspective for clients with IBM servers and storage. Now, let's turn to chart 16… 集成化管理系統和存儲 針對部署了IBM伺服器和存儲的客戶環境 (Systems Director Storage Control) Integrated IBM server and storage mgmt

IBM Storage Tivoli Productivity Center 存儲管理軟體 --Storwize Rapid Application Storage 特點 好處 廣泛的操作控制,資產和容量管理,最新的IBM存放裝置性能報告 旨在通過減少所需的工具數量來提高存儲管理員工作效率 簡化複雜存儲環境的容量、利用率、資產和可用性等分析 無需駐留代理即可從伺服器收集資產資料和容量資料,改善性能和支援端到端的部署,從而極大提升時間價值 通過單一介面查看和瞭解整個存儲架構的性能、容量和利用率、可用性指標,參數範圍可設定和接收告警閾值 中央控制台和拓撲流覽 單一套件管理IBM存儲和 其他存儲系統 綜合所有存儲架構關鍵參數的 企業級報告 自動SAN設備發現 性能管理 存儲資源代理 易於分析、報告和性能趨勢的設計

TPC存儲分析和報告軟體 For Storwize Rapid Application Storage 資料路徑展示 趨勢和規劃 磁片利用率 瓶頸分析 能耗監控工具 性能 / 健康檢查

IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager -存儲快照管理軟體 For Storwize Rapid Application Storage 線上的、即時快照備份和即時恢復 簡化部署和管理IBM存儲系統先進、 應用感知的資料保護 備份和恢復時間從小時級縮短到分 鐘級 簡化管理和自動化日常管理作業來 提高生產效率 充分利用IBM存儲系統的現有投資 與IBM存儲硬體集成 應用系統 應用資料 本地快照版本 快照備份 IBM Storwize V7000 與可選的 TSM 備份軟體集成 FlashCopy Manager 快照恢復

IBM Storwize V7000 Value 非常緊湊的包裝:在2U的空間裡包含了控制器和磁片 占 EMC CLARiiON CX4-240 1/2或1/3的空間 全新的圖形化使用者介面 基於廣受歡迎的 XIV的介面 分配一個卷只需6次敲擊;系統設置只需10次敲擊; 被證實即便是初學者也非常容易掌握 企業級容量 久經考驗的本地以及遠端鏡像 集成的伺服器和存儲的管理 高性能 的中端磁片系統 接近 1M IOPS 高達 82,000 IOPS for “database-like” 70/30 R/W workload 集成透明的資料移轉功能 加速價值創造時間,從幾周,幾個月到僅僅幾天 遷移中最大限度地減少停機時間 消除遷移工具的附加成本 集成免費的自動分層技術 應用輸送量提高至200%,提高30%的回應時間 集成免費的自動精簡配置功能 降低磁片容量需求達20%以上; 減少磁片中副本的容量達75%以上 在對外部存放裝置虛擬化時擁有和SVC相同的優勢