Counseling & Chat Counseling relation Confidentiality Professional skill 缺乏支持系统常会导致各种问题无法得到及时的舒解,甚至支持系统的缺乏本身就是一个问题。
We only see what we want to see we do not see the world as it is, but how we think it is. when you talk to a friend. they are your friends because you share the same views!
Counseling & Chat Counseling relation Confidentiality Professional skill only two exception: you are planning to do illegal things; or harm yourself.
Counseling & Chat Counseling relation Confidentiality Professional skill Empathy 你有没有觉得身边缺少能够真正理解你的人,又或者没有能够敞开心扉倾诉的人?