Words and Music by Stream of Praise


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Copyright 1995 Stream of Praise Music. CCLI License No
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Shout to the Lord (1-1) 向主歡呼
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讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
讚美的季節/Season Of Praise 來慶祝讚美季節 來慶祝讚美季節 This is the season of praise This is the season of praise 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Alleluia! Alleluia! 來慶祝讚美季節 來慶祝歡樂季節 This is.
主耶穌, 我救主 無一人能像你 我願一生全心讚美 你奇妙全能的大愛 你是我安慰師 我避難所和力量 我的一切, 每個氣息 永遠不住敬拜你
生命在於祢 My life is in You Lord ©1986 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
(1) Praise You, I Will Praise You 讚美,我要讚美祢
我的神 我要敬拜你 O My Lord, I Will Worship You
你榮耀國度降臨 宣揚至高聖名 我全心呼應讚美聲音 我看見聖靈運行 火燄燃燒我心 你榮耀降下充滿全地
Heavenly Father our God 願人都尊祢的名為聖 May Your Name be honored and adored
基督已經從死裡復活! Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!
击鼓跳舞赞美他 Praise Him with Tambourine and Dancing
全能的創造主 Wonderful Creator
彼此相愛 Words & Music:盧弘傑 Paul Lu 讓我們彼此相愛 因為愛是從神來 讓我們彼此相愛 因為愛是從神來 耶穌為我們的罪作了挽回祭 這就是最偉大的愛 Let us love one another Because love come from the Lord Let us Love.
Presentation transcript:

Words and Music by Stream of Praise 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! Words and Music by Stream of Praise

For the wonderful things 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 我要彈琴歌唱稱頌祢名 I will praise You with harp and with singing 因為祢大作為真奇妙 For the wonderful things You have done

testifies of Your glorious might All praise belongs to You 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 全地啊 當楊聲述說祢的榮耀 All the earth testifies of Your glorious might 全心來讚美祢 All praise belongs to You

and shake the tambourine 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 擊鼓跳舞 彈各樣樂器 Clap your hands now and let the sky sing 來拍掌 穹蒼起唱和 Dance with joy and shake the tambourine

proclaim the coming King 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 見證榮耀 大君王已降臨 Give Him glory proclaim the coming King 宣告主已得勝 He has the victory

喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主Oh Hallelujah, hallelu 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主Oh Hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Hallelujah, hallelu, praise the Lord

Hallelujah, I will worship You We will proclaim Your victory 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 哈利路亞 主我稱頌祢 Hallelujah, I will worship You 哈利路亞 祢已得勝 We will proclaim Your victory

For the wonderful things 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 我要彈琴歌唱稱頌祢名 I will praise You with harp and with singing 因為祢大作為真奇妙 For the wonderful things You have done

testifies of Your glorious might All praise belongs to You 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 全地啊 當楊聲述說祢的榮耀 All the earth testifies of Your glorious might 全心來讚美祢 All praise belongs to You

and shake the tambourine 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 擊鼓跳舞 彈各樣樂器 Clap your hands now and let the sky sing 來拍掌 穹蒼起唱和 Dance with joy and shake the tambourine

proclaim the coming King 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 見證榮耀 大君王已降臨 Give Him glory proclaim the coming King 宣告主已得勝 He has the victory

喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Hallelujah, hallelu, praise the Lord

Hallelujah, I will worship You We will proclaim Your victory 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 哈利路亞 主我稱頌祢 Hallelujah, I will worship You 哈利路亞 祢已得勝 We will proclaim Your victory

For the wonderful things 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 我要彈琴歌唱稱頌祢名 I will praise You with harp and with singing 因為祢大作為真奇妙 For the wonderful things You have done

testifies of Your glorious might All praise belongs to You 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 全地啊 當楊聲述說祢的榮耀 All the earth testifies of Your glorious might 全心來讚美祢 All praise belongs to You

and shake the tambourine 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 擊鼓跳舞 彈各樣樂器 Clap your hands now and let the sky sing 來拍掌 穹蒼起唱和 Dance with joy and shake the tambourine

proclaim the coming King 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 見證榮耀 大君王已降臨 Give Him glory proclaim the coming King 宣告主已得勝 He has the victory

喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Hallelujah, hallelu, praise the Lord

Hallelujah, I will worship You We will proclaim Your victory 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 哈利路亞 主我稱頌祢 Hallelujah, I will worship You 哈利路亞 祢已得勝 We will proclaim Your victory

喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 喔 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Oh hallelujah, hallelu praise the Lord 哈利路亞 哈利路 讚美主 Hallelujah, hallelu, praise the Lord

Hallelujah, I will worship You We will proclaim Your victory 彈琴歌唱讚美祢 Praise Him! 哈利路亞 主我稱頌祢 Hallelujah, I will worship You 哈利路亞 祢已得勝 We will proclaim Your victory