中国的环境空气质量监测Ambient air quality monitoring in P.R.China


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Presentation transcript:

中国的环境空气质量监测Ambient air quality monitoring in P.R.China 王瑞斌 Wang Ruibin 中国环境监测总站 China Environmental Monitoring Center

国家环境监测网络 National Environmental Monitoring Network 环境空气质量监测 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 酸雨监测 Acid Rain Monitoring 沙尘暴监测 Sandstorm Monitoring

国家环境监测网络 National Environmental Monitoring Network 总共2229个检测站,43600多工作者致力于监测工作 Total 2229 Monitoring Center, more than 43600 persons engaged in the monitoring work. 国家级:1个监测中心 National Level: 1 Monitoring Center 省级:38个监测中心 Provincial Level: 38 Monitoring Center 市级:391个监测站 City Level: 391 Monitoring Center 县级:1799个监测站 County level: 1799 Monitoring Center

SEPA CNEMC Air quality Offshore area Ecological Acid rain Drainage area Typical survey site Remote sensing Auxiliary station Backbone station Background station Backbone station Backbone station Auxiliary station EANET Automatic station Mobile station Mobile station Automatic station

2. 环境空气质量监测 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 2004年6月前,688个自动空气质量监测系统在234个城市设立 By June 2004, 688 sets of automatic air quality monitoring system have been installed in 234 cities. 118个城市向公众进行空气质量指数日报 118 cities report the daily air quality index to the public. 47个城市向公众进行24小时空气质量预报 47 cities report the 24-hour air quality forecast to the public

Cities report API in CCTV 47 Cities will report API in 2003, 66 截止到2002年6月具有自动空气质量监测系统的城市 Cities with automatic air quality monitoring system By June 2002 Legend Cities report API in CCTV 47 Cities will report API in 2003, 66 Other cities, 66

Status of urban air quality in 2001 2001年城市空气质量状况 Status of urban air quality in 2001 340个城市报告了数据:340 cities report data: Meet 2nd grade standards(满足二级标准): 117 cities,34.4% Meet 3rd grade standards (满足三级标准) : 114 cities,33.5%; Over 3rd grade standards (超过三级标准) : 109 cities,32.1% 满足一级标准的十个城市10 cities meet 1st grade standard:Haikou,Sanya,Wenchang、Anding,Baisha,Wuzhishan,Zhaoqing,Heyuan,Lijiang,Chuxiong 34.4%

Status of urban air quality in 2001 2001年城市空气质量状况 Status of urban air quality in 2001 2001年全国城市空气质量状况 颗粒物是城市地区的首要污染物,64.1%的城市颗粒物浓度超过二级空气质量标准 Particulate matter is the main pollutant in urban area, PM concentration in 64.1% cities is higher than the 2nd grade air quality standard。 19.4%的城市SO2浓度超过空气质量二级标准 SO2 concentration in 19.4% cities is higher than the 2nd grade air quality standard。

SO2 concentration in 1995 SO2 concentration in 2001

NO2 concentration in 2001

TSP concentration in 1995 TSP concentration in 2001

3. 酸雨监测 Acid Rain Monitoring 常规监测 Routing monitoring 113个城市参与国家监测网络 113 cities participate national monitoring network 2001年274个城市进行了pH值监测 274 cities conducted the pH monitoring in 2001 2002年酸雨调查 Acid rain survey in 2002 超过690个城市进行了酸雨监测 more than 690 cities conducted the acid rain monitoring 未来国家酸雨监测网络 National acid rain monitoring network in future 260个城市将进行常规酸雨监测 260 cities will conduct routing acid monitoring 4个城市将参与EANET活动 4 cities participate the EANET activities

未来国家酸雨监测网络(180个城市监测站作为中坚站,80个县监测站作为辅助站) National acid rain monitoring network in future (180 cities monitoring stations as backbone stations 80 county monitoring stations as auxiliary stations)

2001年年平均pH值 Annual average pH IN 2001 No data

Sandstorm Monitoring Sites 沙尘暴监测点 Sandstorm Monitoring Sites Legend Monitoring sites Provincial capital

TSP concentration during March 19—21,2002 在2002年3月19—21日, 中国北方地区受到沙尘暴的袭击。 在那段期间, 三个地区的TSP浓度很高。 During March 19—21, 2002, north of China was affected by a sandstorm . During that time, there were 3 regions with high TSP concentration 2002年3月19-21日TSP浓度 TSP concentration during March 19—21,2002

通过自动TSP监测,沙尘暴移动路线可以确定 By the mean of automatic TSP monitoring, the path of sandstorm moving can be determined.