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Presentation transcript:

線上英檢測驗系統 Copyright © 2012 Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.,

Key Features / 平台及內容特色: IELTS, TOEFL , TOEIC and GEPT(TW) Test preparation Placement test for General English Course / 英語分級能力測驗 Banner Customized / 客製化網頁標題設計 Answers Explanation / 考題詳解 (Students can read and learn from their errors of test results) Language Options (English and Chinese) / 雙語平台 Admin Function for the teachers / 教師教務管理系統 Intranet Base / 安裝於校園伺服器 The IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC test contents are from Heinle and Marshall Cavendish, there will be more than 5,000 questions includes GEPT (TW) Placement test is for General English Course students, to know the English ability for different level class, especially for Freshman English and Chinese are the 2 Language Options for so far, can be enhanced to include other languages for other territories Admin Function includes setting the class, test, to read the grades…etc, will introduced in later slides. Intranet Base - installed and hosted in schools, no bandwidth problems

Registration / 登入帳號 The system can easily to know the different Authorities Functions by reading the ID. Student (himself) – Teacher ( owned class) – Admin ( Whole class)

Types of Exam TEST Pro e-learning platform includes TOEFL , TOEIC, IELTS and GEPT(TW) test The Placement test includes Pre-test & Post-Test

All tests will be designed to be closed to simulation tests, and the procedure of the test will also follow the original test.

There is no Pause function in the real test, also not show the # of the paragraphs in the test

TOEFL - Listening Test

TOEFL - Listening Test

GEPT GEPT - Listening Test & Reading Test

GEPT You can check the answer explantion

Report Card / 成績單及考題詳解 This is the report card, once the student completes the test, they can know their scores and learn their errors from the answers explaination.

Platform Management for teachers / 教師教務管理登入 The platform can sense the authorities from ID& Password. For example the teacher can see the results and the records but not the student. The student only see theirs.

It includes 2main functions for the teacher to manage their class and the test. Data Management helps teacher or school easily to create new access for the students and teachers themselves. It can be done single data at once or a batch of data at once; import from excel. Score Management allows the teachers to see their students’ personal information (like email, cell numbers and the photo) in achievement, view the score, and also see the test record with analysis chat.

At last, to show what the analysis look like At last, to show what the analysis look like. Can be analysis by different major, class and whole classes.

Benefit for teachers / 教務人員的好幫手 【成績管理】功能 -- Automatic grading 提供老師查詢班級應試狀況及成績考試成績、答案統計及成績分佈 【考試管理】功能 -- Assign Test for the specific group or the class 提供老師針對不同群組的學生開設不同考場的功能 【學習記錄】功能 -- Test Records with analysis chart by different category 管理者及教師可透過成績功能追蹤學生的學習成績; 學生亦可透過學習記錄瞭解學習狀況。 【e訊息管理】功能 -- Messages to the students 可訊息提醒學生或意見交流訊息 【e公告】功能 -- Announcement Function 老師可透過公佈欄發佈考試訊息

規格建議 Server recommend 1 HP ProLiant DL180-G6 < 507168-B21 > SATA/SAS (2WAY) 【Intel Xeon Processor E5620 (2.4G) / 2GB Memoryx2】 2 Memory:HP 2GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600R-9 Kit x2 3 HardDrive:1TB(7,200rpm),3.5"SATA,HS,3G x2 PC requirements to run this applications Windows Server 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Adobe Flash Media Server STREAM EDTN( to save speaking audio at school ) If any uncontrolled issues, the computer shout down, the test record will be saved. You just go back to “Continue” and finish the rest of the test.