求祢指示祢的道路 (hymn347) Teach me your way o lord.


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Presentation transcript:

求祢指示祢的道路 (hymn347) Teach me your way o lord

Your guiding grace afford 主啊,求祢指示祢的道路 指示我,帶領我走祢道路 Teach me your way o lord Teach me your way Your guiding grace afford

使我行在正路憑信仰望我主 恩光引導指示祢的道路 Help me to walk a right More by faith less by sight Lead me with heavenly light Teach me your way

When earthly joys depart 當我憂愁滿懷喜樂毫無 求主指示我走祢的道路 When I am sad at heart Teach me your way When earthly joys depart

In times of dire distress 當我寂寞困苦不知未來前途 求主向我指示祢的道路 In hours of loneliness In times of dire distress In failure or success Teach me your way

黑雲滿佈天空心裡驚恐 恩主,求祢指示祢的道路 When doubts and fears arise Teach me your way When storm clouds feel the skies

不論風雨陰晴前路是突或平 求主指示我走祢的道路 Shrine thru the winds and rain Thru sorrow grief and pain Make now my pathway plain Teach me your way

在世生命結束天家見主 求主一路指引祢的道路 Long as my life shall last Teach me your way Where ever my lot be cast

Until the journey’s done 跑完世上路程冠冕為我永存 仍求主指示我祢的道路 Until the race is run Until the journey’s done Until the crown is won Teach me your way