坚固磐石 My hope is built on Nothing less


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Presentation transcript:

坚固磐石 My hope is built on Nothing less

我心所望别无依靠,只有基督公义宝血 My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness 我无好处堪足自夸,惟全然靠救主圣名 I dare not trust the sweetest frame but Wholly lean on Jesus’s name

立在基督坚固磐石 On Christ the solid rock I stand 其余根基全是沙土 All other ground is sinking sand 耶稣基督就是磐石

有时黑云遮蔽主面,主恩不变是我依靠 When darkness veils His lovely face, I Rest on His unchanging grace 在风浪中不会漂流,我锚抛牢在主恩中 In every high and stormy gale my anchor Holds within the veil

立在基督坚固磐石 On Christ the solid rock I stand 其余根基全是沙土 All other ground is sinking sand 耶稣基督就是磐石

基督宝血奠立圣约,救我不受洪流吞灭 His oath his covenant his blood support Me in the whelming flood 其他依靠都要失败,救主是我居所盼望 When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay

立在基督坚固磐石 On Christ the solid rock I stand 其余根基全是沙土 All other ground is sinking sand 耶稣基督就是磐石

末日听见号角响起,那时我必在基督里 When He shall come with trumpet sound O may I then in Him be found 穿戴救主雪白义袍,圣洁无瑕立宝座前 Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne!

立在基督坚固磐石 On Christ the solid rock I stand 其余根基全是沙土 All other ground is sinking sand 耶稣基督就是磐石